
123 lines
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use crate::{IntersectionID, LaneID, Map, RoadID, TurnID, TurnPriority, TurnType};
use abstutil::{deserialize_btreemap, serialize_btreemap};
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
// TODO These are old notes, they don't reflect current reality. But some of the ideas here should
// be implemented, so keeping them...
// 1) Pedestrians always have right-of-way. (for now -- should be toggleable later)
// 2) Incoming roads without a stop sign have priority over roads with a sign.
// 3) Agents with a stop sign have to actually wait some amount of time before starting the turn.
// 4) Before starting any turn, an agent should make sure it can complete the turn without making a
// higher-priority agent have to wait.
// - "Complete" the turn just means the optimistic "length / max_speed" calculation -- if they
// queue behind slow cars upstream a bit, blocking the intersection a little bit is nice and
// realistic.
// - The higher priority agent might not even be at the intersection yet! This'll be a little
// harder to implement.
// - "Higher priority" has two cases -- stop sign road always yields to a non-stop sign road. But
// also a non-stop sign road yields to another non-stop sign road. In other words, left turns
// yield to straight and ideally, lane-changing yields to straight too.
// - So there still is a notion of turn priorities -- priority (can never conflict with another
// priority), yield (can't impede a priority turn), stop (has to pause and can't impede a
// priority or yield turn). But I don't think we want to really depict this...
// 5) Rule 4 gives us a notion of roads that conflict -- or actually, do we even need it? No! An
// intersection with no stop signs at all means everyone yields. An intersection with all stop
// signs means everyone pauses before proceeding.
// 6) Additionally, individual turns can be banned completely.
// - Even though letting players manipulate this could make parts of the map unreachable?
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ControlStopSign {
pub id: IntersectionID,
serialize_with = "serialize_btreemap",
deserialize_with = "deserialize_btreemap"
pub roads: BTreeMap<RoadID, RoadWithStopSign>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct RoadWithStopSign {
pub rightmost_lane: LaneID,
pub must_stop: bool,
impl ControlStopSign {
pub fn new(map: &Map, id: IntersectionID) -> ControlStopSign {
let mut ss = ControlStopSign {
roads: BTreeMap::new(),
for r in &map.get_i(id).roads {
let travel_lanes: Vec<LaneID> = map
.filter_map(|(id, lt)| {
if lt.is_for_moving_vehicles() {
} else {
if !travel_lanes.is_empty() {
RoadWithStopSign {
rightmost_lane: *travel_lanes.last().unwrap(),
must_stop: false,
if ss.roads.len() <= 2 {
// Degenerate roads and deadends don't need any stop signs.
return ss;
// What's the rank of each road?
let mut rank: HashMap<RoadID, usize> = HashMap::new();
for r in ss.roads.keys() {
rank.insert(*r, map.get_r(*r).get_rank());
let mut ranks: Vec<usize> = rank.values().cloned().collect();
// Highest rank is first
// If all roads have the same rank, all-way stop. Otherwise, everything stops except the
// highest-priority roads.
for (r, cfg) in ss.roads.iter_mut() {
if ranks.len() == 1 || rank[r] != ranks[0] {
cfg.must_stop = true;
// TODO Or cache
pub fn get_priority(&self, turn: TurnID, map: &Map) -> TurnPriority {
match map.get_t(turn).turn_type {
TurnType::SharedSidewalkCorner => TurnPriority::Protected,
// TODO This actually feels like a policy bit that should be flippable.
TurnType::Crosswalk => TurnPriority::Protected,
_ => {
if self.roads[&map.get_l(turn.src).parent].must_stop {
} else {
pub fn flip_sign(&mut self, r: RoadID) {
let ss = self.roads.get_mut(&r).unwrap();
ss.must_stop = !ss.must_stop;