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synced 2024-12-01 02:33:54 +03:00
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303 lines
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use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use abstutil::MultiMap;
use geom::{Angle, Circle, Distance, PolyLine, Pt2D, Speed};
use map_gui::ID;
use map_model::{BuildingID, Direction, IntersectionID, LaneType, RoadID};
use widgetry::EventCtx;
use crate::controls::InstantController;
use crate::App;
const ZOOM: f64 = 10.0;
pub struct Player {
pos: Pt2D,
facing: Angle,
on: On,
bldgs_along_road: BuildingsAlongRoad,
controls: InstantController,
impl Player {
pub fn new(ctx: &mut EventCtx, app: &App, start: IntersectionID) -> Player {
ctx.canvas.cam_zoom = ZOOM;
let pos = app.map.get_i(start).polygon.center();
Player {
facing: Angle::ZERO,
on: On::Intersection(start),
bldgs_along_road: BuildingsAlongRoad::new(app),
controls: InstantController::new(),
/// Returns any buildings we passed
pub fn update_with_speed(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut EventCtx,
app: &App,
speed: Speed,
) -> Vec<BuildingID> {
if let Some((dx, dy)) = self.controls.displacement(ctx, speed) {
self.apply_displacement(ctx, app, dx, dy, true)
// TODO Do the center_on_map_pt here, actually
} else {
fn pos_to_on(&self, app: &App, pos: Pt2D) -> Option<On> {
// Make sure we only move between roads/intersections that're actually connected. Don't
// warp to bridges/tunnels.
let (valid_roads, valid_intersections) = self.on.get_connections(app);
// Make sure we're still on the road
for id in app
.get_matching_objects(Circle::new(pos, Distance::meters(3.0)).get_bounds())
if let ID::Intersection(i) = id {
if valid_intersections.contains(&i) && app.map.get_i(i).polygon.contains_pt(pos) {
return Some(On::Intersection(i));
} else if let ID::Road(r) = id {
let road = app.map.get_r(r);
if valid_roads.contains(&r)
&& !road.is_light_rail()
&& road.get_thick_polygon(&app.map).contains_pt(pos)
// Where along the road are we?
let pt_on_center_line = road.center_pts.project_pt(pos);
if let Some((dist, _)) = road.center_pts.dist_along_of_point(pt_on_center_line)
// We'll adjust the direction at the call-site if we're moving along the
// same road. This heuristic is reasonable for moving from intersections to
// roads.
let dir = if dist < road.center_pts.length() / 2.0 {
} else {
return Some(On::Road(r, dist, dir));
} else {
"{} snapped to {} on {}, but dist_along_of_point failed",
pos, pt_on_center_line, r
return None;
fn apply_displacement(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut EventCtx,
app: &App,
dx: f64,
dy: f64,
recurse: bool,
) -> Vec<BuildingID> {
let new_pos = self.pos.offset(dx, dy);
let mut buildings_passed = Vec::new();
if let Some(mut new_on) = self.pos_to_on(app, new_pos) {
self.pos = new_pos;
if let (On::Road(r1, dist1, _), On::Road(r2, dist2, _)) =
(self.on.clone(), new_on.clone())
if r1 == r2 {
// Find all buildings in this range of distance along
buildings_passed.extend(self.bldgs_along_road.query_range(r1, dist1, dist2));
if dist1 < dist2 {
new_on = On::Road(r2, dist2, Direction::Fwd);
} else {
new_on = On::Road(r2, dist2, Direction::Back);
self.on = new_on;
} else {
// We went out of bounds. Undo this movement.
// Apply horizontal and vertical movement independently, so we "slide" along boundaries
// if possible
if recurse {
let orig = self.pos;
if dx != 0.0 {
buildings_passed.extend(self.apply_displacement(ctx, app, dx, 0.0, false));
if dy != 0.0 {
buildings_passed.extend(self.apply_displacement(ctx, app, 0.0, dy, false));
// Are we stuck?
if self.pos == orig {
if true {
// Resolve by just bouncing in the opposite direction. Jittery, but we keep
// moving.
buildings_passed.extend(self.apply_displacement(ctx, app, -dx, -dy, false));
} else {
// Find the exact point on the boundary where we go out of bounds
let old_ring = match self.on {
On::Intersection(i) => app.map.get_i(i).polygon.clone().into_ring(),
On::Road(r, _, _) => {
let road = app.map.get_r(r);
// TODO Brittle order, but should be the first from the PolyLine's
// perspective
if let Some(pt) = old_ring
.all_intersections(&PolyLine::must_new(vec![self.pos, new_pos]))
pt.x() - self.pos.x(),
pt.y() - self.pos.y(),
// Snap to the center of the road
if let On::Road(r, dist, dir) = self.on {
let (pt, angle) = app.map.get_r(r).center_pts.must_dist_along(dist);
self.pos = pt;
self.facing = if dir == Direction::Fwd {
} else {
} else {
self.facing = self.controls.facing;
pub fn get_pos(&self) -> Pt2D {
pub fn get_angle(&self) -> Angle {
/// Is the player currently on a road with a bus or bike lane?
pub fn on_good_road(&self, app: &App) -> bool {
let roads = match self.on {
On::Road(r, _, _) => vec![r],
On::Intersection(i) => app.map.get_i(i).roads.iter().cloned().collect(),
for r in roads {
for (_, _, lt) in app.map.get_r(r).lanes_ltr() {
if lt == LaneType::Biking || lt == LaneType::Bus {
return true;
/// For the game over animation
pub fn override_pos(&mut self, pos: Pt2D) {
self.pos = pos;
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
enum On {
// Distance along the center line, are we facing the same direction as the road
Road(RoadID, Distance, Direction),
impl On {
fn get_connections(&self, app: &App) -> (HashSet<RoadID>, HashSet<IntersectionID>) {
let mut valid_roads = HashSet::new();
let mut valid_intersections = HashSet::new();
match self {
On::Road(r, _, _) => {
let r = app.map.get_r(*r);
// Intersections might be pretty small
On::Intersection(i) => {
let i = app.map.get_i(*i);
for r in &i.roads {
// Roads can be small
let r = app.map.get_r(*r);
(valid_roads, valid_intersections)
struct BuildingsAlongRoad {
// For each road, all of the buildings along it. Ascending distance, with the distance matching
// the road's center points.
per_road: HashMap<RoadID, Vec<(Distance, BuildingID)>>,
impl BuildingsAlongRoad {
fn new(app: &App) -> BuildingsAlongRoad {
let mut raw: MultiMap<RoadID, (Distance, BuildingID)> = MultiMap::new();
for b in app.map.all_buildings() {
// TODO Happily assuming road and lane length is roughly the same
let road = app.map.get_parent(b.sidewalk_pos.lane());
let dist = match app.map.get_l(b.sidewalk_pos.lane()).dir {
Direction::Fwd => b.sidewalk_pos.dist_along(),
Direction::Back => road.center_pts.length() - b.sidewalk_pos.dist_along(),
raw.insert(road.id, (dist, b.id));
let mut per_road = HashMap::new();
for (road, list) in raw.consume() {
// BTreeSet will sort by the distance
per_road.insert(road, list.into_iter().collect());
BuildingsAlongRoad { per_road }
fn query_range(&self, road: RoadID, dist1: Distance, dist2: Distance) -> Vec<BuildingID> {
if dist1 > dist2 {
return self.query_range(road, dist2, dist1);
let mut results = Vec::new();
if let Some(list) = self.per_road.get(&road) {
// TODO Binary search to find start?
for (dist, b) in list {
if *dist >= dist1 && *dist <= dist2 {