fix view pat bug

This commit is contained in:
Aaron Allen 2021-12-22 17:36:01 -06:00
parent 25756cd135
commit 378a6b7279
5 changed files with 242 additions and 179 deletions

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ __Contents:__
Consider this simplistic program that greets the user by name:
import Graph.Trace (TraceDeep, traceM)
import Graph.Trace (TraceDeep, trace, traceM)
import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower)
main :: TraceDeep => IO ()
@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ prompt str = do
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize [] = []
capitalize (x:xs) = toUpper x : map toLower xs
capitalize (x:xs) =
let result = toUpper x : map toLower xs
in trace ("result: " <> result) result
greet :: String -> String -> IO ()
greet firstName lastName =
@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ run this program to generate the following trace of the call graph:
3. Build your project (`cabal build all` or `stack build`).
4. Running your program should now generate a file called `<executable-name>.trace`.
5. Install [Graphviz]( and the `graph-trace-viz` program.
5. Install [Graphviz]( and the `graph-trace-viz` utility.
Invoke `graph-trace-viz` within the same directory as the trace file.
6. There should now be a file such as `<executable-name>.html` which can be
viewed in your browser.
@ -180,4 +182,9 @@ There are several known caveats you should be aware of:
If you have a function binding that takes a rank-n quantified type as a
parameter, this can cause compilation with the plugin to fail. With GHC 9.2
and above, giving a type signature to the binding will resolve the issue.
- The plugin does not support GHC versions less than 8.10
- __View patterns__
Traces for function calls in view patterns get associated to the node one
level up from the function using the view pattern.
- __Pattern synonyms__
Function calls in pattern synonym matches do not get traced.
- The plugin does not support GHC versions less than 8.10.x

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module DebugPlugin.Test where
import Data.Kind
import GHC.TypeLits
type Debug (str :: Symbol) = (?x :: String)
test :: Debug "yo" => String
test = let ?x = newIP in
do ?x
newIP = ?x <> "test"

View File

@ -11,19 +11,29 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
--{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Graph.Trace
--import Debug.Trace
import qualified Debug.Trace as DT
import Class
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified System.Random as Rand
import System.IO.Unsafe
pattern Sorted :: (Trace, Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
pattern Sorted xs <- (DT.trace "sort2" mySort -> xs) where
Sorted xs = DT.trace "sort" mySort xs
mySort :: (Trace, Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
mySort = L.sort
main :: TraceDeep => IO ()
main = do
firstName <- prompt "Enter your first name"
@ -39,7 +49,9 @@ prompt str = do
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize [] = []
capitalize (x:xs) = toUpper x : map toLower xs
capitalize (x:xs) =
let result = toUpper x : map toLower xs
in trace ("result: " <> result) result
greet :: String -> String -> IO ()
greet first last =
@ -67,100 +79,100 @@ greet first last =
-- main :: Trace => IO ()
-- main = test'
test' :: Trace => IO ()
test' = do
trace "test\ntest" pure ()
traceM "yo"
putStrLn $ deff (I 3)
x <- readLn
case x of
3 -> putStrLn $ classy (I x)
_ -> pure ()
putStrLn $ classier (I 5)
let inLet :: Trace => IO ()
inLet = do
where letWhere = trace ("hello" \/& "two") pure ()
!_ <- another
let letBound = letBoundThing
trace letBound pure ()
trace "leaving" pure ()
inWhere :: Trace => IO ()
inWhere = do
innerWhere :: Trace => IO ()
innerWhere = trace "innerWhere" pure ()
another :: Trace => IO ()
| trace "another" True = do
pure ()
| otherwise = pure ()
andAnother :: (Trace, Monad m) => m ()
andAnother = trace "hello!" pure ()
letBoundThing :: Trace => String
letBoundThing = "bound by let"
(\/&) :: String -> String -> String
a \/& b = the a <> ('\\' : b)
the :: a -> a
the = id
newtype I = I Int deriving Show
instance Classy I where
classy :: Trace => I -> String
classy = boo
boo :: Trace => I -> String
boo i = trace (show i) "..."
instance Classier I where
classier = show
-- test' :: Trace => IO ()
-- test' = do
-- andAnother
-- trace "test\ntest" pure ()
-- traceM "yo"
-- putStrLn $ deff (I 3)
-- x <- readLn
-- case x of
-- 3 -> putStrLn $ classy (I x)
-- _ -> pure ()
-- putStrLn $ classier (I 5)
-- inWhere
-- let inLet :: Trace => IO ()
-- inLet = do
-- letWhere
-- another
-- where letWhere = trace ("hello" \/& "two") pure ()
-- inLet
-- !_ <- another
-- let letBound = letBoundThing
-- trace letBound pure ()
-- trace "leaving" pure ()
-- where
-- inWhere :: Trace => IO ()
-- inWhere = do
-- innerWhere
-- where
-- innerWhere :: Trace => IO ()
-- innerWhere = trace "innerWhere" pure ()
-- -- test :: (?x :: String) => IO ()
-- -- test = print ?x
-- another :: Trace => IO ()
-- another
-- | trace "another" True = do
-- pure ()
-- | otherwise = pure ()
data FieldUpdate a
= FieldValue a
| FieldOmitted
| FieldNull
mkUpdater :: f FieldUpdate
-> f Maybe
-> (forall a. f a -> a x)
-> Maybe x
mkUpdater update original getField =
case getField update of
FieldValue a -> Just a
FieldOmitted -> getField original
FieldNull -> Nothing
data T f =
{ t1 :: f Bool
, t2 :: f String
type TY = forall x. (forall a. T a -> a x) -> Maybe x
-- zz :: Int
-- zz =
-- let x :: [forall x. x -> x]
-- x = [id, id]
-- in id head x 4
zzz :: Int
zzz = id head [1,2,3]
-- andAnother :: (Trace, Monad m) => m ()
-- andAnother = trace "hello!" pure ()
-- letBoundThing :: Trace => String
-- letBoundThing = "bound by let"
-- (\/&) :: String -> String -> String
-- a \/& b = the a <> ('\\' : b)
-- the :: a -> a
-- the = id
-- newtype I = I Int deriving Show
-- instance Classy I where
-- classy :: Trace => I -> String
-- classy = boo
-- where
-- boo :: Trace => I -> String
-- boo i = trace (show i) "..."
-- instance Classier I where
-- classier = show
-- --
-- -- -- test :: (?x :: String) => IO ()
-- -- -- test = print ?x
-- --
-- data FieldUpdate a
-- = FieldValue a
-- | FieldOmitted
-- | FieldNull
-- mkUpdater :: f FieldUpdate
-- -> f Maybe
-- -> (forall a. f a -> a x)
-- -> Maybe x
-- mkUpdater update original getField =
-- case getField update of
-- FieldValue a -> Just a
-- FieldOmitted -> getField original
-- FieldNull -> Nothing
-- data T f =
-- MkT
-- { t1 :: f Bool
-- , t2 :: f String
-- }
-- type TY = forall x. (forall a. T a -> a x) -> Maybe x
-- -- zz :: Int
-- -- zz =
-- -- let x :: [forall x. x -> x]
-- -- x = [id, id]
-- -- in id head x 4
-- zzz :: Int
-- zzz = id head [1,2,3]
-- zzzz :: T FieldUpdate -> T Maybe -> T Maybe
-- zzzz update orig =

View File

@ -198,10 +198,14 @@ modifyMatch prop whereBindExpr debugNames match = do
-- predicates, those that do will be addressed via recursion.
-- It is also necesarry to descend into potential recursive wheres
-- but the recursion needs to stop if a known name is found.
let stopCondition :: Ghc.HsBind Ghc.GhcRn -> Bool
stopCondition Ghc.FunBind{ Ghc.fun_id = Ghc.L _ funName }
let visitedBinding :: Ghc.HsBind Ghc.GhcRn -> Bool
visitedBinding Ghc.FunBind{ Ghc.fun_id = Ghc.L _ funName }
= S.member funName visitedNames
stopCondition _ = False
visitedBinding _ = False
-- Do not instrument let bindings in view patterns.
isViewPat :: Ghc.Pat Ghc.GhcRn -> Bool
isViewPat Ghc.ViewPat{} = True
isViewPat _ = False
-- recurse the entire match to add let bindings to all where clauses,
-- including those belonging to let-bound terms at any nesting depth.
@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ modifyMatch prop whereBindExpr debugNames match = do
, Ghc.grhssGRHSs = grhsList
} = Syb.everywhereBut
(Syb.mkQ False stopCondition)
(Syb.mkQ False visitedBinding `Syb.extQ` isViewPat) -- stop condition
(Syb.mkT $ updateDebugIpInFunBind whereBindName)

View File

@ -1,104 +1,162 @@
<svg width="198pt" height="187pt"
viewBox="0.00 0.00 197.50 187.00" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<g id="graph0" class="graph" transform="scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 183)">
<polygon fill="white" stroke="transparent" points="-4,4 -4,-183 193.5,-183 193.5,4 -4,4"/>
<!-- main138835950170271710 -->
<svg width="232pt" height="281pt"
viewBox="0.00 0.00 232.00 281.00" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<g id="graph0" class="graph" transform="scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 277)">
<polygon fill="white" stroke="transparent" points="-4,4 -4,-277 228,-277 228,4 -4,4"/>
<!-- main4942411025473464557 -->
<g id="node1" class="node">
<g id="a_node1"><a xlink:title=" ">
<g id="a_node1_0"><a xlink:title="defined at app/Main.hs:28:1">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="75,-150 75,-175 116,-175 116,-150 75,-150"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="80" y="-159.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-weight="bold" font-size="14.00">main</text>
<g id="a_node1_0"><a xlink:title="defined at app/Main.hs:38:1">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="93,-244 93,-269 134,-269 134,-244 93,-244"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="98" y="-253.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-weight="bold" font-size="14.00">main</text>
<g id="a_node1_1"><a xlink:href="#prompt924477568213965436" xlink:title="called at app/Main.hs:29:16">
<polygon fill="#a6d854" stroke="transparent" points="75,-137 75,-150 116,-150 116,-137 75,-137"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="75,-137 75,-150 116,-150 116,-137 75,-137"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="77" y="-141.6" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="8.00">prompt</text>
<g id="a_node1_1"><a xlink:href="#prompt15838094771100997091" xlink:title="called at app/Main.hs:39:16">
<polygon fill="#a6d854" stroke="transparent" points="93,-231 93,-244 134,-244 134,-231 93,-231"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="93,-231 93,-244 134,-244 134,-231 93,-231"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="95" y="-235.6" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="8.00">prompt</text>
<g id="a_node1_2"><a xlink:href="#prompt8331185687311588863" xlink:title="called at app/Main.hs:30:15">
<polygon fill="#e78ac3" stroke="transparent" points="75,-124 75,-137 116,-137 116,-124 75,-124"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="75,-124 75,-137 116,-137 116,-124 75,-124"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="77" y="-128.6" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="8.00">prompt</text>
<g id="a_node1_2"><a xlink:href="#prompt12701524641738160021" xlink:title="called at app/Main.hs:40:15">
<polygon fill="#e78ac3" stroke="transparent" points="93,-218 93,-231 134,-231 134,-218 93,-218"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="93,-218 93,-231 134,-231 134,-218 93,-218"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="95" y="-222.6" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="8.00">prompt</text>
<g id="a_node1_3"><a xlink:title="called at app/Main.hs:31:3">
<polygon fill="#8da0cb" stroke="transparent" points="75,-111 75,-124 116,-124 116,-111 75,-111"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="75,-111 75,-124 116,-124 116,-111 75,-111"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="77" y="-115.6" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="8.00">greet</text>
<g id="a_node1_3"><a xlink:title="called at app/Main.hs:41:3">
<polygon fill="#8da0cb" stroke="transparent" points="93,-205 93,-218 134,-218 134,-205 93,-205"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="93,-205 93,-218 134,-218 134,-205 93,-205"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="95" y="-209.6" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="8.00">greet</text>
<!-- prompt924477568213965436 -->
<!-- prompt15838094771100997091 -->
<g id="node2" class="node">
<g id="a_node2"><a xlink:title=" ">
<g id="a_node2_4"><a xlink:href="#main138835950170271710" xlink:title="defined at app/Main.hs:34:1">
<polygon fill="#a6d854" stroke="transparent" points="8,-41.5 8,-66.5 80,-66.5 80,-41.5 8,-41.5"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="8,-41.5 8,-66.5 80,-66.5 80,-41.5 8,-41.5"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="16" y="-51.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="7.00"></text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="23" y="-51.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00"> </text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="27" y="-51.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-weight="bold" font-size="14.00">prompt</text>
<g id="a_node2_4"><a xlink:href="#main4942411025473464557" xlink:title="defined at app/Main.hs:44:1">
<polygon fill="#a6d854" stroke="transparent" points="12,-135.5 12,-160.5 98,-160.5 98,-135.5 12,-135.5"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="12,-135.5 12,-160.5 98,-160.5 98,-135.5 12,-135.5"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="27" y="-145.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="7.00"></text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="34" y="-145.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00"> </text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="38" y="-145.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-weight="bold" font-size="14.00">prompt</text>
<g id="a_node2_5"><a xlink:title="printed at app/Main.hs:37:3">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="8,-16.5 8,-41.5 80,-41.5 80,-16.5 8,-16.5"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="13" y="-25.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00">input: haskell</text>
<g id="a_node2_5"><a xlink:title="printed at app/Main.hs:47:3">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="12,-110.5 12,-135.5 98,-135.5 98,-110.5 12,-110.5"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="17" y="-119.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00">input: haskell</text>
<g id="a_node2_6"><a xlink:title="called at app/Main.hs:38:10">
<polygon fill="#fc8d62" stroke="transparent" points="8,-3.5 8,-16.5 80,-16.5 80,-3.5 8,-3.5"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="8,-3.5 8,-16.5 80,-16.5 80,-3.5 8,-3.5"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="10" y="-8.1" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="8.00">capitalize</text>
<g id="a_node2_6"><a xlink:href="#capitalize11864835160508626578" xlink:title="called at app/Main.hs:48:10">
<polygon fill="#fc8d62" stroke="transparent" points="12,-97.5 12,-110.5 98,-110.5 98,-97.5 12,-97.5"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="12,-97.5 12,-110.5 98,-110.5 98,-97.5 12,-97.5"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="14" y="-102.1" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="8.00">capitalize</text>
<!-- main138835950170271710&#45;&gt;prompt924477568213965436 -->
<!-- main4942411025473464557&#45;&gt;prompt15838094771100997091 -->
<g id="edge1" class="edge">
<g id="a_edge1"><a xlink:title=" ">
<path fill="none" stroke="#a6d854" d="M74,-144C46.44,-144 40.24,-110.82 40.18,-81.32"/>
<polygon fill="#a6d854" stroke="#a6d854" points="43.68,-81.17 40.39,-71.11 36.69,-81.03 43.68,-81.17"/>
<path fill="none" stroke="#a6d854" d="M92,-238C63.93,-238 55.63,-204.82 53.79,-175.32"/>
<polygon fill="#a6d854" stroke="#a6d854" points="57.28,-174.96 53.39,-165.11 50.29,-175.23 57.28,-174.96"/>
<!-- prompt8331185687311588863 -->
<!-- prompt12701524641738160021 -->
<g id="node3" class="node">
<g id="a_node3"><a xlink:title=" ">
<g id="a_node3_7"><a xlink:href="#main138835950170271710" xlink:title="defined at app/Main.hs:34:1">
<polygon fill="#e78ac3" stroke="transparent" points="115,-41.5 115,-66.5 182,-66.5 182,-41.5 115,-41.5"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="115,-41.5 115,-66.5 182,-66.5 182,-41.5 115,-41.5"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="120.5" y="-51.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="7.00"></text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="127.5" y="-51.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00"> </text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="131.5" y="-51.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-weight="bold" font-size="14.00">prompt</text>
<g id="a_node3_7"><a xlink:href="#main4942411025473464557" xlink:title="defined at app/Main.hs:44:1">
<polygon fill="#e78ac3" stroke="transparent" points="135,-135.5 135,-160.5 211,-160.5 211,-135.5 135,-135.5"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="135,-135.5 135,-160.5 211,-160.5 211,-135.5 135,-135.5"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="145" y="-145.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="7.00"></text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="152" y="-145.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00"> </text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="156" y="-145.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-weight="bold" font-size="14.00">prompt</text>
<g id="a_node3_8"><a xlink:title="printed at app/Main.hs:37:3">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="115,-16.5 115,-41.5 182,-41.5 182,-16.5 115,-16.5"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="120" y="-25.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00">input: curry</text>
<g id="a_node3_8"><a xlink:title="printed at app/Main.hs:47:3">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="135,-110.5 135,-135.5 211,-135.5 211,-110.5 135,-110.5"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="140" y="-119.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00">input: curry</text>
<g id="a_node3_9"><a xlink:title="called at app/Main.hs:38:10">
<polygon fill="#66c2a5" stroke="transparent" points="115,-3.5 115,-16.5 182,-16.5 182,-3.5 115,-3.5"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="115,-3.5 115,-16.5 182,-16.5 182,-3.5 115,-3.5"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="117" y="-8.1" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="8.00">capitalize</text>
<g id="a_node3_9"><a xlink:href="#capitalize2452944521898196652" xlink:title="called at app/Main.hs:48:10">
<polygon fill="#66c2a5" stroke="transparent" points="135,-97.5 135,-110.5 211,-110.5 211,-97.5 135,-97.5"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="135,-97.5 135,-110.5 211,-110.5 211,-97.5 135,-97.5"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="137" y="-102.1" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="8.00">capitalize</text>
<!-- main138835950170271710&#45;&gt;prompt8331185687311588863 -->
<!-- main4942411025473464557&#45;&gt;prompt12701524641738160021 -->
<g id="edge2" class="edge">
<g id="a_edge2"><a xlink:title=" ">
<path fill="none" stroke="#e78ac3" d="M117,-130C139.52,-130 147.07,-105.26 149.1,-81.23"/>
<polygon fill="#e78ac3" stroke="#e78ac3" points="152.61,-81.23 149.66,-71.05 145.62,-80.84 152.61,-81.23"/>
<path fill="none" stroke="#e78ac3" d="M135,-224C158.07,-224 167.46,-199.26 171.14,-175.23"/>
<polygon fill="#e78ac3" stroke="#e78ac3" points="174.65,-175.4 172.39,-165.05 167.7,-174.55 174.65,-175.4"/>
<!-- capitalize11864835160508626578 -->
<g id="node4" class="node">
<g id="a_node4"><a xlink:title=" ">
<g id="a_node4_10"><a xlink:href="#prompt15838094771100997091" xlink:title="defined at app/Main.hs:51:1">
<polygon fill="#fc8d62" stroke="transparent" points="8,-29 8,-54 100,-54 100,-29 8,-29"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="8,-29 8,-54 100,-54 100,-29 8,-29"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="20" y="-38.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="7.00"></text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="27" y="-38.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00"> </text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="31" y="-38.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-weight="bold" font-size="14.00">capitalize</text>
<g id="a_node4_11"><a xlink:title="printed at app/Main.hs:54:7">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="8,-4 8,-29 100,-29 100,-4 8,-4"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="13" y="-12.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00">result: Haskell</text>
<!-- prompt15838094771100997091&#45;&gt;capitalize11864835160508626578 -->
<g id="edge3" class="edge">
<g id="a_edge3"><a xlink:title=" ">
<path fill="none" stroke="#fc8d62" d="M55,-96.5C55,-87.36 54.9,-77.51 54.77,-68.26"/>
<polygon fill="#fc8d62" stroke="#fc8d62" points="58.27,-68.09 54.61,-58.15 51.27,-68.2 58.27,-68.09"/>
<!-- capitalize2452944521898196652 -->
<g id="node5" class="node">
<g id="a_node5"><a xlink:title=" ">
<g id="a_node5_12"><a xlink:href="#prompt12701524641738160021" xlink:title="defined at app/Main.hs:51:1">
<polygon fill="#66c2a5" stroke="transparent" points="134,-29 134,-54 216,-54 216,-29 134,-29"/>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="134,-29 134,-54 216,-54 216,-29 134,-29"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="141" y="-38.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="7.00"></text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="148" y="-38.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00"> </text>
<text text-anchor="start" x="152" y="-38.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-weight="bold" font-size="14.00">capitalize</text>
<g id="a_node5_13"><a xlink:title="printed at app/Main.hs:54:7">
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="134,-4 134,-29 216,-29 216,-4 134,-4"/>
<text text-anchor="start" x="139" y="-12.8" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00">result: Curry</text>
<!-- prompt12701524641738160021&#45;&gt;capitalize2452944521898196652 -->
<g id="edge4" class="edge">
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