back link

This commit is contained in:
Aaron Allen 2021-12-05 00:50:19 -06:00
parent 16f3ab339c
commit 4043080852

View File

@ -157,7 +157,8 @@ graphToDot graph = header <> graphContent <> "}"
let (cells, edges, colors', colorMapAcc')
= foldl' doEntry ([], [], colors, colorMapAcc) (zip entries [1..])
acc' =
if null entries && isJust mEdgeColor
-- don't render nodes that have in inbound edge but no content
if null entries && isJust mEdgeData
then acc
else tableStart
<> labelCell
@ -168,19 +169,28 @@ graphToDot graph = header <> graphContent <> "}"
in (acc', colors', colorMapAcc')
keyStr (Key i k) = BSB.byteString k <> BSB.wordDec i
keyStrEsc k = keyStr k { keyName = htmlEscape $ keyName k }
quoted bs = "\"" <> bs <> "\""
mEdgeColor = M.lookup key finalColorMap
nodeColor = case mEdgeColor of
-- Building a node
mEdgeData = M.lookup key finalColorMap
nodeColor = case mEdgeData of
Nothing -> ""
Just c -> "BGCOLOR=\"" <> c <> "\" "
Just (_, c) -> "BGCOLOR=" <> quoted c <> " "
nodeToolTip = foldMap (("defined at " <>) . pprSrcCodeLoc) mSrcLoc
labelCell = "<TR><TD HREF=\"\" TOOLTIP=\"" <> nodeToolTip
<> "\" " <> nodeColor <> "><B>"
<> BSB.byteString (htmlEscape $ keyName key) <> "</B></TD></TR>\n"
backHref = case mEdgeData of
Nothing -> "HREF=\"\""
Just (k, _) -> "HREF=\"#" <> keyStrEsc k <> "\""
labelCell = "<TR>" <> "<TD " <> backHref <> " TOOLTIP=\"" <> nodeToolTip
<> "\" " <> nodeColor <> ">"
<> foldMap (const "<FONT POINT-SIZE=\"7\">&larr;</FONT> ") mEdgeData
<> "<B>"
<> BSB.byteString (htmlEscape $ keyName key)
<> "</B></TD></TR>\n"
tableStart = quoted (keyStr key) <> " [label=<\n<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"4\">"
tableEnd :: BSB.Builder
tableEnd = "</TABLE>>];"
-- Building an entry in a node
doEntry (cs, es, colors'@(color:nextColors), colorMap) ev = case ev of
(Message str mCallSite, idx) ->
let msgToolTip =
@ -194,7 +204,7 @@ graphToDot graph = header <> graphContent <> "}"
let href =
case mEdge of
Nothing -> " HREF=\"\""
Just _ -> " HREF=\"#" <> keyStr edgeKey { keyName = htmlEscape $ keyName edgeKey } <> "\""
Just _ -> " HREF=\"#" <> keyStrEsc edgeKey <> "\""
edgeToolTip =
foldMap (("called at " <>) . pprSrcCodeLoc) mCallSite
el = "<TR><TD TOOLTIP=\"" <> edgeToolTip
@ -215,7 +225,7 @@ graphToDot graph = header <> graphContent <> "}"
in ( el : cs
, maybe id (:) mEdge es
, nextColors
, M.insert edgeKey color colorMap
, M.insert edgeKey (key, color) colorMap
doEntry ac _ = ac