nexus wip

This commit is contained in:
Aaron Allen 2022-01-16 15:40:25 -06:00
parent 308ad2895d
commit 61a2a35e75
5 changed files with 165 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -6,13 +6,17 @@ import qualified System.Directory as Dir
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import Graph.Trace.Dot (buildGraph, graphToDot, parseLogEntries)
import Graph.Trace.Dot (buildTree, buildNexus, graphToDot, parseLogEntries)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
traceFiles <- case args of
let isFlag arg = "--" `List.isPrefixOf` arg
(flags, fileArgs) = span isFlag args
nexusFlag = "--nexus" `List.elem` flags
traceFiles <- case fileArgs of
[] -> do
contents <- Dir.listDirectory =<< Dir.getCurrentDirectory
let isTraceFile = (".trace" `List.isSuffixOf`)
@ -25,7 +29,10 @@ main = do
. parseLogEntries
<$> BSL.readFile traceFile
let dotFileContent = graphToDot $ buildGraph logContents
let tree = buildTree logContents
| nexusFlag = graphToDot $ buildNexus tree
| otherwise = graphToDot tree
fileName = (<> ".dot")
$ if ".trace" `List.isSuffixOf` traceFile
then reverse . drop 6 $ reverse traceFile

View File

@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ library
, containers
, directory
, attoparsec
, cryptohash-sha256
, base16-bytestring
hs-source-dirs: src
ghc-options: -Wall

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Graph.Trace.Dot
( parseLogEntries
, parseLogEntry
, buildGraph
, buildTree
, buildNexus
, graphToDot
, Key(..)
, LogEntry(..)
@ -12,23 +14,28 @@ module Graph.Trace.Dot
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as Sha
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as Atto
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as AttoL
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bitraversable
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BSB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as ML
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Alt(..))
import Data.Ord (Down(..))
import Data.Semigroup (Min(..))
parseLogEntries :: BSL.ByteString -> Either String [LogEntry]
parseLogEntries = AttoL.parseOnly (Atto.many' parseLogEntry <* Atto.endOfInput)
-- Types
data Key = Key { keyId :: !Word
, keyName :: !BS.ByteString
@ -54,23 +61,57 @@ data SrcCodeLoc =
, srcCol :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Use this to escape special characters that appear in the HTML portion of
-- the dot code. Other strings such as node names should not be escaped.
htmlEscape :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
htmlEscape bs = foldl' doReplacement bs replacements
doReplacement acc (c, re) =
case BS8.break (== c) acc of
(before, after)
| BS.null after -> acc
| otherwise -> before <> re <> BS8.tail after
data NodeEntry key
= Message BS.ByteString -- ^ The trace message
(Maybe SrcCodeLoc) -- ^ call site
| Edge key -- ^ Id of the invocation to link to
(Maybe SrcCodeLoc) -- ^ call site
deriving Show
replacements =
[ ('&', "&amp;")
, ('<', "&lt;")
, ('>', "&gt;")
, ('\\', "\\\\") -- not really an HTML escape, but still needed
type Color = BSB.Builder
-- Remembers the order in which the elements were inserted. Is monoidal
type Node key =
( Min Int -- order
, ( [NodeEntry key] -- contents
, Alt Maybe SrcCodeLoc -- definition site
, Alt Maybe Color -- node color
, Alt Maybe key -- back link
type Graph key = M.Map key (Node key)
type Tree = Graph Key
data NexusKey =
NexusKey { nexKeyName :: !BS.ByteString, nexKeyHash :: !BS.ByteString }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Nexus = Graph NexusKey
class Ord key => IsKey key where
getKeyName :: key -> BS.ByteString
keyStr :: key -> BSB.Builder
keyStrEsc :: key -> BSB.Builder
instance IsKey NexusKey where
getKeyName = nexKeyName
keyStr (NexusKey name hash) = BSB.byteString name <> BSB.byteString hash
keyStrEsc k = keyStr k { nexKeyName = htmlEscape $ nexKeyName k }
instance IsKey Key where
getKeyName = keyName
keyStr (Key i k) = BSB.byteString k <> BSB.wordDec i
keyStrEsc k = keyStr k { keyName = htmlEscape $ keyName k }
-- Parsing
parseLogEntries :: BSL.ByteString -> Either String [LogEntry]
parseLogEntries = AttoL.parseOnly (Atto.many' parseLogEntry <* Atto.endOfInput)
parseKey :: Atto.Parser Key
parseKey = do
@ -111,31 +152,30 @@ parseSrcCodeLoc = do
pure SrcCodeLoc{..}
Just <$> parseLoc <|> Nothing <$ Atto.string "§§§"
data NodeEntry
= Message BS.ByteString -- ^ The trace message
(Maybe SrcCodeLoc) -- ^ call site
| Edge Key -- ^ Id of the invocation to link to
(Maybe SrcCodeLoc) -- ^ call site
deriving Show
-- | Use this to escape special characters that appear in the HTML portion of
-- the dot code. Other strings such as node names should not be escaped.
htmlEscape :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
htmlEscape bs = foldl' doReplacement bs replacements
doReplacement acc (c, re) =
case BS8.break (== c) acc of
(before, after)
| BS.null after -> acc
| otherwise -> before <> re <> BS8.tail after
type Color = BSB.Builder
replacements =
[ ('&', "&amp;")
, ('<', "&lt;")
, ('>', "&gt;")
, ('\\', "\\\\") -- not really an HTML escape, but still needed
-- Remembers the order in which the elements were inserted
type Graph =
M.Map Key ( Min Int -- order
, ( [NodeEntry] -- contents
, Alt Maybe SrcCodeLoc -- definition site
, Alt Maybe Color -- node color
, Alt Maybe Key -- back link
-- Graph construction
-- could have a mapping from Key to hash of that node's contents
-- the Graph would then be a mapping from Hash to content
buildGraph :: [LogEntry] -> Graph
buildGraph = fst . foldl' build (mempty, cycle edgeColors) where
buildTree :: [LogEntry] -> Tree
buildTree = fst . foldl' build (mempty, cycle edgeColors) where
build (graph, colors@(color:colorTail)) entry =
case entry of
Trace tag msg callSite -> (,colors) $
@ -160,7 +200,65 @@ buildGraph = fst . foldl' build (mempty, cycle edgeColors) where
graphSize = Min $ M.size graph
build acc _ = acc
graphToDot :: Graph -> BSB.Builder
-- | Constructs a nexus by merging tree nodes that have identical content based
-- on their hash.
buildNexus :: Tree -> Nexus
buildNexus tree =
let hashes = calcHashes tree
colorMap = M.fromList
. mapMaybe (bitraverse pure id)
$ M.elems hashes
toNexusKey key =
case M.lookup key hashes of
Nothing -> error "missing hash"
Just (hash, _) ->
NexusKey { nexKeyName = keyName key, nexKeyHash = hash }
mapNode ((order, (entries, loc, color, mKey)), multipleParents) =
(order, ( mapEntry <$> entries
, loc
, color
, guard (not multipleParents) >> toNexusKey <$> mKey
mapEntry = \case
Message msg loc -> Message msg loc
Edge key loc color ->
let nexKey = toNexusKey key
mColor = M.lookup (nexKeyHash nexKey) colorMap
in Edge nexKey
(fromMaybe color mColor)
a@((_, (_, _, _, ia)), _)
((_, (_, _, _, ib)), _) =
case (==) <$> (toNexusKey <$> ia) <*> (toNexusKey <$> ib) of
Alt (Just False) -> (fst a, True)
_ -> a
in mapNode <$>
((,False) <$> tree)
calcHashes :: Tree -> M.Map Key (BS.ByteString, Maybe Color)
calcHashes tree =
let hashes = ML.foldrWithKey go mempty tree
go key = ML.insert key . hashNode
hashNode (_, (entries, defSite, Alt mColor, _)) =
( Base16.encode . Sha.hash $
foldMap hashEntry entries <> BS8.pack (show defSite)
, mColor
hashEntry entry = case entry of
Message{} -> BS8.pack (show entry)
Edge key _ _ -> foldMap fst $ M.lookup key hashes
in hashes
-- Dot
graphToDot :: IsKey key => Graph key -> BSB.Builder
graphToDot graph = header <> graphContent <> "}"
orderedEntries = map (second snd)
@ -189,8 +287,6 @@ graphToDot graph = header <> graphContent <> "}"
<> acc
in acc'
keyStr (Key i k) = BSB.byteString k <> BSB.wordDec i
keyStrEsc k = keyStr k { keyName = htmlEscape $ keyName k }
quoted bs = "\"" <> bs <> "\""
-- Building a node
nodeToolTip = foldMap (("defined at " <>) . pprSrcCodeLoc) mSrcLoc
@ -204,7 +300,7 @@ graphToDot graph = header <> graphContent <> "}"
[ foldMap (const $ el "FONT" ["POINT-SIZE" .= "7"] ["&larr;"])
, " "
, el "B" [] [ BSB.byteString . htmlEscape $ keyName key ]
, el "B" [] [ BSB.byteString . htmlEscape $ getKeyName key ]
tableEl cells =
@ -249,7 +345,7 @@ graphToDot graph = header <> graphContent <> "}"
, "HREF" .= href
[ el "FONT" [ "POINT-SIZE" .= "8" ]
[ BSB.byteString . htmlEscape $ keyName edgeKey ]
[ BSB.byteString . htmlEscape $ getKeyName edgeKey ]

View File

@ -22,7 +22,11 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
traceFiles <- case args of
let isFlag arg = "--" `List.isPrefixOf` arg
(flags, fileArgs) = span isFlag args
nexusFlag = "--nexus" `List.elem` flags
traceFiles <- case fileArgs of
[] -> do
contents <- Dir.listDirectory =<< Dir.getCurrentDirectory
let isTraceFile = (".trace" `List.isSuffixOf`)
@ -35,7 +39,10 @@ main = do
. Dot.parseLogEntries
<$> BSL.readFile traceFile
let dotFileContent = Dot.graphToDot $ Dot.buildGraph logContents
let tree = Dot.buildTree logContents
| nexusFlag = Dot.graphToDot (Dot.buildNexus tree)
| otherwise = Dot.graphToDot tree
fileName = (<> ".html")
$ if ".trace" `List.isSuffixOf` traceFile
then reverse . drop 6 $ reverse traceFile

View File

@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ rm test-exe.trace
cabal v2-build all
# cat exe/breaking/input | cabal v2-exec breaking
cabal v2-exec test-exe
cabal v2-exec graph-trace-viz -- test-exe.trace
cabal v2-exec graph-trace-viz -- --nexus test-exe.trace
# dot -Tsvg > test.svg