need to improve where binds

This commit is contained in:
Aaron Allen 2021-10-25 22:33:02 -05:00
parent 290f8678c8
commit 81fead0bb1
2 changed files with 109 additions and 127 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Debug -fplugin-opt Debug:debug-all #-}
--{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Debug -fplugin-opt Debug:debug-all #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Debug #-}
--{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-rn-ast #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
@ -7,18 +8,19 @@
import Debug
import Class
main :: IO ()
main :: Debug => IO ()
main = do
test :: IO ()
test :: Debug => IO ()
test = do
trace "test" pure ()
putStrLn $ deff (I 3)
putStrLn $ classy (I 4)
x <- readLn
putStrLn $ classy (I x)
putStrLn $ classier (I 5)
let inLet :: Debug => IO ()
@ -46,10 +48,11 @@ andAnother = trace "hello!" pure ()
newtype I = I Int deriving Show
instance Classy I where
classy :: Debug => I -> String
classy = boo
boo :: Debug => I -> String
boo = trace "boohoo" show
boo i = trace (show i) "..."
instance Classier I where
classier = show

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@ -117,6 +117,14 @@ entry x =
-- need to collect all the signatures anyways. So then the only change would be
-- to add a pass that adds the constraint to all signatures. That is simple
-- enough but performance may start becoming rather poor.
-- Since the map should only be needed for a specific set of bindings, it
-- doesn't need to be passed down recursively.
-- TODO If more than one application is running at once, will need to use
-- different names for log files. There may be a way to query what the name of
-- the running application is, otherwise it could be a plugin argument. Looks
-- like you can get the package name from the CallStack, so maybe that will
-- work? Probably not since the MVar is defined in the plugin package.
plugin :: Ghc.Plugin
plugin =
@ -149,36 +157,103 @@ renamedResultAction cmdLineOptions tcGblEnv
-- If the "debug-all" option is passed, add the Debug predicate to all
-- function signatures.
let hsGroup'@Ghc.HsGroup
{ Ghc.hs_valds = Ghc.XValBindsLR (Ghc.NValBinds binds sigs)
{ Ghc.hs_valds = valBinds --Ghc.XValBindsLR (Ghc.NValBinds binds sigs)
, Ghc.hs_tyclds = tyClGroups
} = if "debug-all" `elem` cmdLineOptions
then Syb.mkT (addConstraintToSig debugPredName debugKeyPredName)
`Syb.everywhere` hsGroup
else hsGroup
-- find all uses of debug predicates in type signatures
let nameMap =
Syb.everything M.union
(Syb.mkQ mempty $ sigUsesDebugPred debugPredName debugKeyPredName)
-- Find the functions corresponding to those signatures and modify their definition.
binds' <-
Syb.mkM (modifyBinding nameMap entryName)
`Syb.everywhereM` binds
-- process value bindings
valBinds' <-
Syb.mkM (modifyValBinds debugPredName debugKeyPredName entryName)
-- process type class decls and instances
tyClGroups' <-
(modifyTyClGroup debugPredName debugKeyPredName entryName)
Syb.mkM (modifyClsInstDecl debugPredName debugKeyPredName entryName)
modifyTyClDecl debugPredName debugKeyPredName entryName
modifyValBinds debugPredName debugKeyPredName entryName
pure ( tcGblEnv
, hsGroup' { Ghc.hs_valds = Ghc.XValBindsLR $ Ghc.NValBinds binds' sigs
, hsGroup' { Ghc.hs_valds = valBinds'
, Ghc.hs_tyclds = tyClGroups'
renamedResultAction _ tcGblEnv group = pure (tcGblEnv, group)
-- | Find all function names that have a type signature containing a debug pred.
-- If the DebugKey pred is found, record its assigned string.
:: Ghc.Name
-> Ghc.Name
-> [Ghc.LSig Ghc.GhcRn]
-> M.Map Ghc.Name (Maybe Ghc.FastString)
collectNames debugPred debugKeyPred =
(foldMap . foldMap)
(sigUsesDebugPred debugPred debugKeyPred)
-- | Instrument a set of bindings given a Map containing the names of functions
-- that should be modified.
:: M.Map Ghc.Name (Maybe Ghc.FastString)
-> Ghc.Name
-> Ghc.LHsBinds Ghc.GhcRn
-> Ghc.TcM (Ghc.LHsBinds Ghc.GhcRn)
modifyBinds nameMap entryName =
(traverse . traverse)
(modifyBinding nameMap entryName)
-- | Instrument value bindings that have a signature with a debug pred.
:: Ghc.Name
-> Ghc.Name
-> Ghc.Name
-> Ghc.NHsValBindsLR Ghc.GhcRn
-> Ghc.TcM (Ghc.NHsValBindsLR Ghc.GhcRn)
modifyValBinds debugPred debugKeyPred entryName (Ghc.NValBinds binds sigs) = do
let nameMap = collectNames debugPred debugKeyPred sigs
binds' <- (traverse . traverse) (modifyBinds nameMap entryName) binds
pure $ Ghc.NValBinds binds' sigs
-- | Instrument default method implementations in a type class declaration if
-- they contain a Debug pred.
:: Ghc.Name
-> Ghc.Name
-> Ghc.Name
-> Ghc.TyClDecl Ghc.GhcRn
-> Ghc.TcM (Ghc.TyClDecl Ghc.GhcRn)
modifyTyClDecl debugPred debugKeyPred entryName
cd@Ghc.ClassDecl { Ghc.tcdMeths = meths
, Ghc.tcdSigs = sigs
} = do
let nameMap = collectNames debugPred debugKeyPred sigs
newMeths <- modifyBinds nameMap entryName meths
pure cd { Ghc.tcdMeths = newMeths }
modifyTyClDecl _ _ _ x = pure x
-- | Instrument the method implementations in an type class instance if it has
-- a signature containing a debug pred.
:: Ghc.Name -- ^ Debug name
-> Ghc.Name -- ^ DebugKey name
-> Ghc.Name -- ^ entry name
-> Ghc.ClsInstDecl Ghc.GhcRn
-> Ghc.TcM (Ghc.ClsInstDecl Ghc.GhcRn)
modifyClsInstDecl debugName debugKeyName entryName
inst@Ghc.ClsInstDecl{ Ghc.cid_binds = binds, Ghc.cid_sigs = sigs }
= do
let nameMap = collectNames debugName debugKeyName sigs
newBinds <- modifyBinds nameMap entryName binds
pure inst { Ghc.cid_binds = newBinds }
-- | Matches on type signatures in order to add the constraint to them.
:: Ghc.Name
@ -263,6 +338,7 @@ checkForDebugPred n nk (Ghc.HsParTy _ (Ghc.L _ ty)) = checkForDebugPred n nk ty
checkForDebugPred _ _ _ = Nothing
-- need a case for nested QualTy?
-- | Instrument a binding if its name is in the Map.
:: M.Map Ghc.Name (Maybe Ghc.FastString)
-> Ghc.Name
@ -326,15 +402,6 @@ mkWhereBinding whereBindName whereBindExpr =
, Ghc.fun_tick = []
-- TODO as an optimization, it doesn't seem necessary to gather all the Names
-- from the sigs all at once, can probably look at them when examining the
-- where bound matches.
-- The problem is that syb doesn't offer a way to include context when doing
-- a modification and rolling it into a monadic context won't work because it
-- is a bottom up transform. Would it be possible to use the 'somewhere' scheme
-- and have it make recursive calls that include the extra context? What exactly
-- does somewhere do? Doesn't seem like it'd work.
-- | Add a let binding setting the new value of the IP to each where bound
-- function that does not exist in the map.
@ -368,7 +435,14 @@ modifyMatch
-> Ghc.Name
-> Ghc.Match Ghc.GhcRn (Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn)
-> Ghc.TcM (Ghc.Match Ghc.GhcRn (Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn))
modifyMatch nameMap whereBindExpr emitEntryName match = do
modifyMatch nameMap whereBindExpr emitEntryName
{ Ghc.m_grhss =
{ Ghc.grhssLocalBinds = whereBinds
, Ghc.grhssGRHSs = grhsList
} = do
whereBindName <- mkWhereBindName
-- only update the where bindings that don't have Debug
@ -376,8 +450,9 @@ modifyMatch nameMap whereBindExpr emitEntryName match = do
-- It is also necesarry to descend into potential recursive wheres
-- but the recursion needs to stop if a known name is found.
let stopCondition :: Ghc.HsBind Ghc.GhcRn -> Bool
--stopCondition (NValBinds _ sigs)
stopCondition b@Ghc.FunBind{ Ghc.fun_id = Ghc.L _ funName }
= M.member funName nameMap
= D.trace (ppr funName) M.member funName nameMap
-- recurse entire the entire match to add let bindings to all where
-- clauses, including those belonging to let-bound terms at any
@ -388,7 +463,7 @@ modifyMatch nameMap whereBindExpr emitEntryName match = do
{ Ghc.grhssLocalBinds = Ghc.L whereLoc whereBinds
, Ghc.grhssGRHSs = grhsList
} = Syb.everywhereBut
} = Syb.everywhereBut -- TODO fix this
(Syb.mkQ False stopCondition)
(Syb.mkT $ addLetToWhereBinds nameMap whereBindName)
@ -448,104 +523,8 @@ updateDebugIPInBinds nameMap whereVarName binds
g{Ghc.grhssGRHSs = fmap (updateDebugIPInGRHS whereVarName) <$> grhss }
-- | For a group containing class instances and declarations, find method
-- signatures that contain debug constraints, then modify the instance definitions
-- of those functions to add instrumentation.
-- TODO what about where bindings within method definitions (done)? Is this a more general
-- problem where only top level functions with Debug constraints are recursively checked
-- for where bindings that have debug constraints? Yes, where bound functions
-- inside of functions that are not marked for debug will not be treated. Is this
-- really a problem though?
:: Ghc.Name -- ^ Debug name
-> Ghc.Name -- ^ DebugKey name
-> Ghc.Name -- ^ entry name
-> Ghc.TyClGroup Ghc.GhcRn
-> Ghc.TcM (Ghc.TyClGroup Ghc.GhcRn)
modifyTyClGroup debugName debugKeyName entryName
tyClGroup@Ghc.TyClGroup{ Ghc.group_instds = instances
, Ghc.group_tyclds = tyCls } = do
let modifyInstance c@Ghc.ClsInstD{ Ghc.cid_inst = inst } = do
inst' <-
modifyClsInstDecl tyClNameMap debugName debugKeyName entryName inst
pure c { Ghc.cid_inst = inst' }
instances' <- (traverse . traverse) modifyInstance instances
tyCls' <-
(traverse . traverse)
(modifyDefaultTyClImpl tyClNameMap debugName debugKeyName entryName)
pure tyClGroup { Ghc.group_instds = instances', Ghc.group_tyclds = tyCls' }
maybeClassDecl c@Ghc.ClassDecl{} = Just c
maybeClassDecl _ = Nothing
tyClNameMap =
( foldMap (sigUsesDebugPred debugName debugKeyName . Ghc.unLoc)
. Ghc.tcdSigs
$ mapMaybe (maybeClassDecl . Ghc.unLoc) tyCls
-- TODO Use a context Reader to pass around names and map
-- | Instrument the default implementations in a class decl
:: M.Map Ghc.Name (Maybe Ghc.FastString)
-> Ghc.Name -- ^ Debug name
-> Ghc.Name -- ^ DebugKey name
-> Ghc.Name -- ^ entry name
-> Ghc.TyClDecl Ghc.GhcRn
-> Ghc.TcM (Ghc.TyClDecl Ghc.GhcRn)
modifyDefaultTyClImpl nameMap debugName debugKeyName entryName
cd@Ghc.ClassDecl { Ghc.tcdMeths = meths } = do
let innerBindNames =
Syb.everything M.union
(Syb.mkQ mempty $ sigUsesDebugPred debugName debugKeyName)
nameMap' = innerBindNames <> nameMap
newMeths <-
Syb.mkM (modifyBinding nameMap' entryName)
`Syb.everywhereM` meths
pure cd { Ghc.tcdMeths = newMeths }
modifyDefaultTyClImpl _ _ _ _ x = pure x
-- | Modify bindings for a type class instance declaration.
:: M.Map Ghc.Name (Maybe Ghc.FastString)
-> Ghc.Name -- ^ Debug name
-> Ghc.Name -- ^ DebugKey name
-> Ghc.Name -- ^ entry name
-> Ghc.ClsInstDecl Ghc.GhcRn
-> Ghc.TcM (Ghc.ClsInstDecl Ghc.GhcRn)
modifyClsInstDecl tyClNameMap debugName debugKeyName entryName
inst@Ghc.ClsInstDecl{ Ghc.cid_binds = binds, Ghc.cid_sigs = sigs }
= do
-- This is will collect names from inner where bound functions as well as
-- instance signatures which might want to override the signature from the
-- class method definition.
let getSigName (Ghc.L _ sig)
= sigUsesDebugPred debugName debugKeyName sig
allSigNames = foldMap getSigName sigs
innerBindNames =
Syb.everything M.union
(Syb.mkQ mempty $ sigUsesDebugPred debugName debugKeyName)
-- Instrumenting class methods only works if the method definition AND
-- the instance signature have the pred.
nameMap' = M.unions [innerBindNames, allSigNames, tyClNameMap]
newBinds <-
Syb.mkM (modifyBinding nameMap' entryName)
`Syb.everywhereM` binds
pure inst { Ghc.cid_binds = newBinds }
-- | Produce the contents of the where binding that contains the new debug IP
-- value, generated by creating a new ID and pairing it with the old one.
mkNewIpExpr :: Either FunName UserKey -> Ghc.TcM (Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn)