avoid monomorphism issue

This commit is contained in:
Aaron Allen 2021-12-13 21:58:33 -06:00
parent 30e8a1481e
commit d58924d28d
5 changed files with 99 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Graph.Trace
--import Debug.Trace
import Class
import qualified System.Random as Rand
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe
main :: DebugDeep => IO ()
main = trace bah print unassuming >> buzzard
--unassuming :: Either Bool Int
unassuming :: Either Bool Int
--thisIsABoolean :: Bool
unassuming@(Left thisIsABoolean@True) =
trace bah $! (Left True :: Either Bool Int)
@ -34,9 +35,8 @@ main = trace bah print unassuming >> buzzard
bah :: String
bah = unsafePerformIO $ do
let thing = ?_debug_ip
l <- getLine
pure $ l <> show (propagation <$> thing)
-- where
-- inFlight = putStrLn "need help now"

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ library
build-depends: base
, ghc
, ghc-prim
, ghc-boot
, containers
, syb
, template-haskell

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
@ -16,9 +18,10 @@ module Graph.Trace
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS
import qualified Data.Generics as Syb
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as S
@ -56,6 +59,10 @@ warnAboutOptimizations = do
when (Ghc.enumSetMember Ghc.Opt_CSE generalFlags) .
liftIO $ putStrLn " * Common sub-expression elimination is enabled: it's recommended to disable this optimization when using graph-trace. Use the -fno-cse GHC option to disable it."
isMonomorphismRestrictionOn :: Ghc.TcM Bool
isMonomorphismRestrictionOn =
Ghc.xopt Ghc.MonomorphismRestriction <$> Ghc.getDynFlags
:: [Ghc.CommandLineOption]
-> Ghc.TcGblEnv
@ -91,14 +98,14 @@ renamedResultAction cmdLineOptions tcGblEnv
`Syb.everywhereM` hsGroup
-- process value bindings
valBinds' <- (`evalStateT` S.empty) $
(valBinds', patBindNames) <- (`evalStateT` S.empty) . runWriterT $
Syb.mkM (modifyValBinds debugNames nameMap)
-- process type class decls and instances
-- TODO Only need to traverse with modifyValBinds. Other are not applied deeply
tyClGroups' <- (`evalStateT` S.empty) $
-- TODO Only need to traverse with modifyValBinds. Others are not applied deeply
(tyClGroups', tyClPatBindNames) <- (`evalStateT` S.empty) . runWriterT $
Syb.mkM (modifyClsInstDecl debugNames nameMap)
modifyTyClDecl debugNames nameMap
@ -107,14 +114,51 @@ renamedResultAction cmdLineOptions tcGblEnv
mmrOn <- isMonomorphismRestrictionOn
-- remove predicates from signatures for pattern bound ids if monomorphism
-- restriction is on, otherwise compilation will fail.
let (valBinds'', tyClGroups'') =
if mmrOn
then ( removeConstraints debugNames patBindNames valBinds'
, removeConstraints debugNames tyClPatBindNames tyClGroups'
else (valBinds', tyClGroups')
pure ( tcGblEnv
, hsGroup' { Ghc.hs_valds = valBinds'
, Ghc.hs_tyclds = tyClGroups'
, hsGroup' { Ghc.hs_valds = valBinds''
, Ghc.hs_tyclds = tyClGroups''
renamedResultAction _ tcGblEnv group = pure (tcGblEnv, group)
-- | Removes debug predicates from the type signatures in an expression.
-- This is necessary if there are type signatures for pattern bound names and
-- the monomorphism restriction is on.
removeConstraints :: Syb.Data a => DebugNames -> S.Set Ghc.Name -> a -> a
removeConstraints debugNames targetNames thing
| S.null targetNames = thing
| otherwise = Syb.mkT processBind `Syb.everywhere` thing
processBind :: Ghc.HsValBinds Ghc.GhcRn -> Ghc.HsValBinds Ghc.GhcRn
processBind (Ghc.XValBindsLR (Ghc.NValBinds binds sigs)) =
Ghc.XValBindsLR (Ghc.NValBinds binds (concatMap removeConstraint sigs))
processBind binds = binds
removeConstraint (Ghc.L loc (Ghc.TypeSig x1 names sig)) =
let (targeted, inert) =
L.partition ((`S.member` targetNames) . Ghc.unLoc) names
in [ Ghc.noLocA' . Ghc.TypeSig x1 targeted
$ Syb.mkT removePred `Syb.everywhere` sig
, Ghc.L loc $ Ghc.TypeSig x1 inert sig
removeConstraint s = [s]
removePred (Ghc.HsQualTy' x ctx body) =
let newCtx = (fmap . fmap) (filter (notDebugPred . Ghc.unLoc)) ctx
in Ghc.HsQualTy' x newCtx body
removePred x = x
notDebugPred = isNothing . checkForDebugPred debugNames
data DebugNames =
{ debugMutePredName :: Ghc.Name
@ -133,7 +177,10 @@ modifyBinds
:: M.Map Ghc.Name (Maybe Ghc.FastString, Propagation)
-> DebugNames
-> Ghc.LHsBinds Ghc.GhcRn
-> StateT (S.Set Ghc.Name) Ghc.TcM (Ghc.LHsBinds Ghc.GhcRn)
-> WriterT
(S.Set Ghc.Name)
(StateT (S.Set Ghc.Name) Ghc.TcM)
(Ghc.LHsBinds Ghc.GhcRn)
modifyBinds nameMap debugNames =
(traverse . traverse)
(modifyBinding nameMap debugNames)
@ -145,13 +192,16 @@ modifyValBinds
:: DebugNames
-> M.Map Ghc.Name (Maybe Ghc.FastString, Propagation)
-> Ghc.NHsValBindsLR Ghc.GhcRn
-> StateT (S.Set Ghc.Name) Ghc.TcM (Ghc.NHsValBindsLR Ghc.GhcRn)
-> WriterT
(S.Set Ghc.Name)
(StateT (S.Set Ghc.Name) Ghc.TcM)
(Ghc.NHsValBindsLR Ghc.GhcRn)
modifyValBinds debugNames nameMap (Ghc.NValBinds binds sigs) = do
binds' <-
(traverse . traverse)
(modifyBinds nameMap debugNames)
modify' (S.union $ M.keysSet nameMap)
lift $ modify' (S.union $ M.keysSet nameMap)
pure $ Ghc.NValBinds binds' sigs
-- | Instrument default method implementations in a type class declaration if
@ -160,7 +210,10 @@ modifyTyClDecl
:: DebugNames
-> M.Map Ghc.Name (Maybe Ghc.FastString, Propagation)
-> Ghc.TyClDecl Ghc.GhcRn
-> StateT (S.Set Ghc.Name) Ghc.TcM (Ghc.TyClDecl Ghc.GhcRn)
-> WriterT
(S.Set Ghc.Name)
(StateT (S.Set Ghc.Name) Ghc.TcM)
(Ghc.TyClDecl Ghc.GhcRn)
modifyTyClDecl debugNames nameMap
cd@Ghc.ClassDecl { Ghc.tcdMeths = meths
} = do
@ -174,7 +227,10 @@ modifyClsInstDecl
:: DebugNames
-> M.Map Ghc.Name (Maybe Ghc.FastString, Propagation)
-> Ghc.ClsInstDecl Ghc.GhcRn
-> StateT (S.Set Ghc.Name) Ghc.TcM (Ghc.ClsInstDecl Ghc.GhcRn)
-> WriterT
(S.Set Ghc.Name)
(StateT (S.Set Ghc.Name) Ghc.TcM)
(Ghc.ClsInstDecl Ghc.GhcRn)
modifyClsInstDecl debugNames nameMap
inst@Ghc.ClsInstDecl{ Ghc.cid_binds = binds }
= do
@ -280,7 +336,10 @@ modifyBinding
:: M.Map Ghc.Name (Maybe Ghc.FastString, Propagation)
-> DebugNames
-> Ghc.HsBindLR Ghc.GhcRn Ghc.GhcRn
-> StateT (S.Set Ghc.Name) Ghc.TcM (Ghc.HsBindLR Ghc.GhcRn Ghc.GhcRn)
-> WriterT
(S.Set Ghc.Name)
(StateT (S.Set Ghc.Name) Ghc.TcM)
(Ghc.HsBindLR Ghc.GhcRn Ghc.GhcRn)
modifyBinding nameMap debugNames
bnd@Ghc.FunBind { Ghc.fun_id = Ghc.L' loc name
, Ghc.fun_matches = mg@(Ghc.MG _ alts _) }
@ -290,16 +349,29 @@ modifyBinding nameMap debugNames
Nothing -> Left $ Ghc.getOccString name
Just k -> Right $ Ghc.unpackFS k
whereBindExpr <- lift $ mkNewIpExpr loc key prop
whereBindExpr <- lift . lift $ mkNewIpExpr loc key prop
newAlts <-
newAlts <- lift $
(traverse . traverse . traverse)
(modifyMatch prop whereBindExpr debugNames)
pure bnd{Ghc.fun_matches = mg{ Ghc.mg_alts = newAlts }}
-- modifyBinding nameMap entryName
-- bnd@Ghc.PatBind{} = DT.trace "PAT BIND" pure bnd
modifyBinding nameMap _
bnd@Ghc.PatBind{ Ghc.pat_lhs = pat } = do
-- Collect the 'Name's appearing in pattern bindings so that if they have
-- type signatures, the predicate can be removed if monomorphism
-- restriction is on.
let collectName :: Ghc.Pat Ghc.GhcRn -> S.Set Ghc.Name
collectName = \case
Ghc.VarPat _ (Ghc.unLoc -> name)
| M.member name nameMap -> S.singleton name
Ghc.AsPat _ (Ghc.unLoc -> name) _
| M.member name nameMap -> S.singleton name
_ -> mempty
vars = Syb.everything (<>) (Syb.mkQ mempty collectName) pat
tell vars
pure bnd
modifyBinding _ _ bnd = pure bnd
mkWhereBindName :: Ghc.TcM Ghc.Name

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@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import GHC.Driver.Plugins as Ghc hiding (TcPlugin)
import GHC.Driver.Session as Ghc
import GHC.Hs as Ghc hiding (FunDep)
import GHC.Iface.Env as Ghc
import GHC.LanguageExtensions as Ghc hiding (UnicodeSyntax)
import GHC.Rename.Expr as Ghc
import GHC.Tc.Types as Ghc
import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint as Ghc
@ -65,8 +66,10 @@ import GHC.Hs.Binds as Ghc
import GHC.Hs.Decls as Ghc
import GHC.Hs.Expr as Ghc
import GHC.Hs.Extension as Ghc
import GHC.Hs.Pat as Ghc
import GHC.Hs.Type as Ghc
import GHC.Iface.Env as Ghc
import GHC.LanguageExtensions as Ghc hiding (UnicodeSyntax)
import GHC.Rename.Expr as Ghc
import GHC.Tc.Types as Ghc
import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint as Ghc
@ -95,7 +98,9 @@ import GHC.Hs.Binds as Ghc
import GHC.Hs.Decls as Ghc
import GHC.Hs.Expr as Ghc
import GHC.Hs.Extension as Ghc
import GHC.Hs.Pat as Ghc
import GHC.Hs.Types as Ghc
import GHC.LanguageExtensions as Ghc hiding (UnicodeSyntax)
import GHC.ThToHs as Ghc
import IfaceEnv as Ghc
import MkCore as Ghc

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ mkTraceEvent !msg = do
writeEventToLog :: Event -> IO ()
-- forcing msg is required here since the file MVar could be entagled with it
writeEventToLog event =
writeEventToLog event = seq fileLock $
withMVar fileLock $ \h ->
BSL.hPut h . (<> "\n") $ eventToLogStr event