rename predicates

This commit is contained in:
Aaron Allen 2021-12-18 02:25:02 -06:00
parent d29a307d88
commit d9e28977bf
8 changed files with 35 additions and 148 deletions

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ module Class where
import Graph.Trace
class Show a => Classy a where
classy :: Debug => a -> String
classy :: Trace => a -> String
deff :: Debug => a -> String
deff :: Trace => a -> String
deff = show
class Show a => Classier a where

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Class
import qualified System.Random as Rand
import System.IO.Unsafe
main :: DebugDeep => IO ()
main :: TraceDeep => IO ()
main = trace bah print unassuming >> buzzard
unassuming :: Either Bool Int

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@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse -fno-full-laziness #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
import Control.Applicative (empty)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as MV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UMV
import Graph.Trace
type ItemName = BS8.ByteString
type Pair = (ItemName, ItemName)
type SetIndex = Int
-- A "Set" consists of two groups of items which cannot be bought together.
type ItemToSet = HM.HashMap ItemName (SetIndex, Bool)
-- The Bool indicates which "side" of the Set an item belongs to
type Resolver s = UMV.MVector s (SetIndex, Bool)
-- Sets can combined by mapping the SetIndex of the merged Set to the index of
-- another Set using a mutable vector.
-- The Bool is True if the groups in the Set being merged should be flipped.
main :: DebugDeep => IO ()
main = do
n <- readLn
items <- replicateM n BS8.getLine
m <- readLn
pairs <- map ((\[x, y] -> (x, y)) . BS8.words) <$> replicateM m BS8.getLine
case runST $ solve items pairs of
Nothing -> putStrLn "impossible"
Just (jesse, walt) -> do
BS8.putStrLn $ BS8.unwords jesse
BS8.putStrLn $ BS8.unwords walt
solve :: [ItemName] -> [Pair] -> ST s (Maybe ([ItemName], [ItemName]))
solve items pairs = do
-- kattis uses an old version of vector w/o generate
--resolver <- MV.generate 50000 (,False)
resolver <- 50000
for_ [0..49999] $ \i -> MV.write resolver i (i, False)
mItemToSet <- (`evalStateT` 0) . runMaybeT
$ foldM (step resolver) HM.empty pairs
forM mItemToSet $ \itemToSet ->
foldM (assign resolver itemToSet) ([], []) items
step :: Resolver s -> ItemToSet -> Pair -> MaybeT (StateT SetIndex (ST s)) ItemToSet
step resolver itemToSet (a, b) =
case (HM.lookup a itemToSet, HM.lookup b itemToSet) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> do
ix <- lift get
lift $ modify' succ
pure . HM.insert a (ix, True) $ HM.insert b (ix, False) itemToSet
(Just (ix, o), Nothing) ->
pure $ HM.insert b (ix, not o) itemToSet
(Nothing, Just (ix, o)) ->
pure $ HM.insert a (ix, not o) itemToSet
(Just (aix, ao), Just (bix, bo)) -> do
(aix', ao') <- lift . lift $ resolve resolver aix ao
(bix', bo') <- lift . lift $ resolve resolver bix bo
-- compress paths
let itemToSet' | aix /= aix' || bix /= bix'
= HM.insert a (aix', ao')
$ HM.insert b (bix', bo') itemToSet
| otherwise = itemToSet
if | aix' == bix', ao' == bo' -> empty -- fail
| aix' == bix' -> pure itemToSet'
| otherwise -> do
lift . lift $ UMV.write resolver bix' (aix', ao' == bo')
pure itemToSet'
assign :: Resolver s
-> ItemToSet
-> ([ItemName], [ItemName])
-> ItemName
-> ST s ([ItemName], [ItemName])
assign resolver itemToSet (jesse, walt) item =
case HM.lookup item itemToSet of
Nothing -> pure (jesse, item : walt)
Just (ix, b) -> do
(_, b') <- resolve resolver ix b
pure $ if b' then (item : jesse, walt) else (jesse, item : walt)
resolve :: Resolver s -> SetIndex -> Bool -> ST s (SetIndex, Bool)
resolve resolver ix b = do
(ix', b') <- resolver ix
let b'' = xor b b'
if ix' == ix
then pure (ix, b'')
else resolve resolver ix' b''

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
cold_medicine battery_acid
antifreeze lantern_fuel

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@ -34,11 +34,3 @@ executable test-exe
-- hs-source-dirs:
default-language: Haskell2010
-- ghc-options: -fplugin=Graph.Trace
executable breaking
main-is: Main.hs
hs-source-dirs: breaking
build-depends: base, graph-trace, vector, unordered-containers, bytestring,
mtl, transformers
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -fplugin=Graph.Trace

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@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ renamedResultAction cmdLineOptions tcGblEnv
debugTypesModule <- findImportedModule "Graph.Trace.Internal.Types"
debugTraceModule <- findImportedModule "Graph.Trace.Internal.Trace"
debugMutePredName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugTypesModule (Ghc.mkClsOcc "DebugMute")
debugDeepPredName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugTypesModule (Ghc.mkClsOcc "DebugDeep")
debugDeepKeyPredName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugTypesModule (Ghc.mkClsOcc "DebugDeepKey")
debugPredName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugTypesModule (Ghc.mkClsOcc "Debug")
debugKeyPredName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugTypesModule (Ghc.mkClsOcc "DebugKey")
debugInertPredName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugTypesModule (Ghc.mkClsOcc "DebugInert")
traceMutePredName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugTypesModule (Ghc.mkClsOcc "TraceMute")
traceDeepPredName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugTypesModule (Ghc.mkClsOcc "TraceDeep")
traceDeepKeyPredName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugTypesModule (Ghc.mkClsOcc "TraceDeepKey")
tracePredName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugTypesModule (Ghc.mkClsOcc "Trace")
traceKeyPredName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugTypesModule (Ghc.mkClsOcc "TraceKey")
traceInertPredName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugTypesModule (Ghc.mkClsOcc "TraceInert")
entryName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugTraceModule (Ghc.mkVarOcc "entry")
debugContextName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugTypesModule (Ghc.mkTcOcc "DebugContext")

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@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ addConstraintToSigType debugNames debugAllFlag names sig@(Ghc.HsSig' t) = do
prop = if debugAllFlag then Shallow else Inert
predName =
if debugAllFlag
then debugPredName debugNames
else debugInertPredName debugNames
then tracePredName debugNames
else traceInertPredName debugNames
predTy = Ghc.noLocA'
$ Ghc.HsTyVar Ghc.emptyEpAnn Ghc.NotPromoted
(Ghc.noLocA' predName)
@ -119,14 +119,14 @@ checkForDebugPred
-> Maybe (Maybe Ghc.FastString, Propagation)
checkForDebugPred debugNames
(Ghc.HsTyVar _ _ (Ghc.L _ name))
| name == debugPredName debugNames = Just (Nothing, Shallow)
| name == debugDeepPredName debugNames = Just (Nothing, Deep)
| name == debugMutePredName debugNames = Just (Nothing, Mute)
| name == debugInertPredName debugNames = Just (Nothing, Inert)
| name == tracePredName debugNames = Just (Nothing, Shallow)
| name == traceDeepPredName debugNames = Just (Nothing, Deep)
| name == traceMutePredName debugNames = Just (Nothing, Mute)
| name == traceInertPredName debugNames = Just (Nothing, Inert)
checkForDebugPred debugNames
(Ghc.HsAppTy _ (Ghc.L _ (Ghc.HsTyVar _ _ (Ghc.L _ name))) (Ghc.L _ (Ghc.HsTyLit _ (Ghc.HsStrTy _ key))))
| name == debugKeyPredName debugNames = Just (Just key, Shallow)
| name == debugDeepKeyPredName debugNames = Just (Just key, Deep)
| name == traceKeyPredName debugNames = Just (Just key, Shallow)
| name == traceDeepKeyPredName debugNames = Just (Just key, Deep)
checkForDebugPred debugNames Ghc.HsForAllTy { Ghc.hst_body = Ghc.L _ ty }
= checkForDebugPred debugNames ty
checkForDebugPred debugNames (Ghc.HsParTy _ (Ghc.L _ ty))

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@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ module Graph.Trace.Internal.Types
, DefinitionSite
, CallSite
, DebugIP
, DebugMute
, DebugDeep
, DebugDeepKey
, Debug
, DebugKey
, DebugInert
, TraceMute
, TraceDeep
, TraceDeepKey
, Trace
, TraceKey
, TraceInert
, Event(..)
, eventToLogStr
, FunName
@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ type DefinitionSite = SrcCodeLoc
type CallSite = SrcCodeLoc
type DebugIP = (?_debug_ip :: Maybe DebugContext, HasCallStack)
type DebugMute = DebugIP
type DebugDeep = DebugIP
type DebugDeepKey (key :: Symbol) = DebugIP
type Debug = DebugIP
type DebugKey (key :: Symbol) = DebugIP
type DebugInert = DebugIP
type TraceMute = DebugIP
type TraceDeep = DebugIP
type TraceDeepKey (key :: Symbol) = DebugIP
type Trace = DebugIP
type TraceKey (key :: Symbol) = DebugIP
type TraceInert = DebugIP
-- These are String because they need to be lifted into TH expressions
type FunName = String
type UserKey = String
@ -144,12 +144,12 @@ keyStr
data DebugNames =
{ debugMutePredName :: Ghc.Name
, debugDeepPredName :: Ghc.Name
, debugDeepKeyPredName :: Ghc.Name
, debugPredName :: Ghc.Name
, debugKeyPredName :: Ghc.Name
, debugInertPredName :: Ghc.Name
{ traceMutePredName :: Ghc.Name
, traceDeepPredName :: Ghc.Name
, traceDeepKeyPredName :: Ghc.Name
, tracePredName :: Ghc.Name
, traceKeyPredName :: Ghc.Name
, traceInertPredName :: Ghc.Name
, entryName :: Ghc.Name
, debugContextName :: Ghc.Name