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This commit is contained in:
Aaron Allen 2021-10-14 20:35:12 -05:00
parent ecc805cd9e
commit f3b405b62d
2 changed files with 62 additions and 140 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Debug #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
import GHC.Stack
@ -9,7 +10,6 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
--let ?_debug_ip = Just (Nothing, "insert")
-- test :: (?_debug_ip :: (Maybe String, String)) => IO ()
@ -18,9 +18,17 @@ main = do
test :: DebugKey "blah" => IO ()
test = do
let inLet :: Debug => IO ()
inLet = do
inWhere :: Debug => IO ()
inWhere = do
another :: Debug => IO ()
another = trace

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@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Generics (everything, everywhereM, mkM, mkQ)
import Data.Traversable
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
@ -92,16 +94,25 @@ renamedResultAction tcGblEnv
debugPredName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugModule (Ghc.mkClsOcc "Debug")
debugKeyPredName <- Ghc.lookupOrig debugModule (Ghc.mkClsOcc "DebugKey")
let nameMap = M.fromList
$ concatMap (sigUsesDebugPred debugPredName debugKeyPredName)
(Ghc.unLoc <$> sigs)
-- find all uses of debug predicates in type signatures
let nameMap =
everything M.union
(mkQ mempty $ sigUsesDebugPred debugPredName debugKeyPredName)
-- Find the functions corresponding to those signatures and modify their definition.
binds' <-
(traverse . traverse . traverse . traverse)
(modifyBinding nameMap)
mkM (modifyBinding nameMap)
`everywhereM` binds
pure (tcGblEnv, hsGroup { Ghc.hs_valds = Ghc.XValBindsLR $ Ghc.NValBinds binds' sigs })
renamedResultAction tcGblEnv group = pure (tcGblEnv, group)
-- There's an issue with where bound functions. Unless they have a signature,
-- the outer context is not inheritted, so if they call trace then the IP is
-- set to Nothing. Maybe the type checker plugin can look at if the use demanding
-- the IP constraint is from the trace function and do something different if so.
-- | If a sig contains the Debug constraint, get the name of the corresponding
-- binding.
@ -111,19 +122,17 @@ sigUsesDebugPred
:: Ghc.Name
-> Ghc.Name
-> Ghc.Sig Ghc.GhcRn
-> [(Ghc.Name, Maybe Ghc.FastString)]
-> M.Map Ghc.Name (Maybe Ghc.FastString)
sigUsesDebugPred debugPredName debugKeyPredName
(Ghc.TypeSig _ lNames (Ghc.HsWC _ (Ghc.HsIB _
(Ghc.L _ (Ghc.HsQualTy _ (Ghc.L _ ctx) _))))) = concat $ do
-- let tys = Ghc.unLoc <$> ctx
-- guard $ any (hasDebugPred debugPredName) tys
-- Ghc.unLoc <$> lNames
key <- listToMaybe
sig@(Ghc.TypeSig _ lNames (Ghc.HsWC _ (Ghc.HsIB _
(Ghc.L _ (Ghc.HsQualTy _ (Ghc.L _ ctx) _))))) =
let mKey = listToMaybe
$ mapMaybe (checkForDebugPred debugPredName debugKeyPredName)
(Ghc.unLoc <$> ctx)
Just $ zip (Ghc.unLoc <$> lNames) (repeat key)
sigUsesDebugPred _ _ _ = []
in case mKey of
Nothing -> mempty
Just key -> M.fromList $ zip (Ghc.unLoc <$> lNames) (repeat key)
sigUsesDebugPred _ _ sig = mempty
-- TODO need to recurse through HsValBinds. Use syb for this?
@ -151,120 +160,46 @@ modifyBinding nameMap
| Just mUserKey <- M.lookup name nameMap
= do
let key = maybe (Ghc.getOccString name) Ghc.unpackFS mUserKey
newAlts <- (traverse . traverse . traverse)
(modifyMatch key)
ipNewExpr <- mkNewIpExpr key
let newAlts =
(fmap . fmap . fmap)
(modifyMatch ipNewExpr)
pure bnd{Ghc.fun_matches = mg{ Ghc.mg_alts = newAlts }}
modifyBinding _ bnd = pure bnd
-- Oops, IP don't play well with where clauses... will not be able to debug from
-- inside a where bound function.
-- Solution: can iterate through the where bound functions and recursively
-- insert the alteration. Doesn't work because we are going to be doing
-- unsafe IO and the random identifier that gets produced must be the same
-- across all things within that scope.
-- Solution: We insert two pieces of code: 1) a where clause where the new
-- identifier is bound and 2) the let statements to bind the IP to that new val,
-- this way the val is shared across all scopes.
-- The new plan:
-- For each FunBind that has a Debug constraint, add a where clause that binds
-- a 'newIP' variable which makes the new debug key from the old one.
-- In all function bodies, add a let binding that binds the IP to this new
-- value. This will probably entail tracking the name of the where bound var.
-- | Add a where bind for the new value of the IP, then add let bindings to the
-- front of each GRHS to set the new value of the IP in that scope.
:: String
:: Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn
-> Ghc.Match Ghc.GhcRn (Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn)
-> Ghc.TcM (Ghc.Match Ghc.GhcRn (Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn))
modifyMatch key
-> Ghc.Match Ghc.GhcRn (Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn)
modifyMatch ipNewExpr
{ Ghc.m_grhss =
{ Ghc.grhssGRHSs = grhss
, Ghc.grhssLocalBinds = Ghc.L whereLoc whereBinds
{ Ghc.grhssGRHSs = grhss }
} = do
uniq <- Ghc.getUniqueM
let whereBindName = Ghc.mkSystemVarName uniq "new_debug_ip"
let grhss' = fmap (updateDebugIPInGRHS ipNewExpr) <$> grhss
whereBindExpr <- mkWhereBind key
let bind = Ghc.FunBind
{ Ghc.fun_ext = mempty
, Ghc.fun_id = Ghc.noLoc whereBindName
, Ghc.fun_matches =
{ Ghc.mg_ext = Ghc.NoExtField
, Ghc.mg_alts = Ghc.noLoc
[Ghc.noLoc Ghc.Match
{ Ghc.m_ext = Ghc.NoExtField
, Ghc.m_ctxt = Ghc.FunRhs
{ Ghc.mc_fun = Ghc.noLoc whereBindName
, Ghc.mc_fixity = Ghc.Prefix
, Ghc.mc_strictness = Ghc.NoSrcStrict
, Ghc.m_pats = []
, Ghc.m_grhss = Ghc.GRHSs
{ Ghc.grhssExt = Ghc.NoExtField
, Ghc.grhssGRHSs =
[ Ghc.noLoc $ Ghc.GRHS
, Ghc.grhssLocalBinds = Ghc.noLoc $
Ghc.EmptyLocalBinds Ghc.NoExtField
, Ghc.mg_origin = Ghc.Generated
, Ghc.fun_tick = []
in m { Ghc.m_grhss = grhs
{ Ghc.grhssGRHSs = grhss' }
wrappedBind =
(Ghc.NonRecursive, Ghc.unitBag (Ghc.noLoc bind))
whereBinds' =
case whereBinds of
Ghc.EmptyLocalBinds x ->
Ghc.HsValBinds Ghc.NoExtField
(Ghc.XValBindsLR (Ghc.NValBinds [wrappedBind] []))
Ghc.HsValBinds x (Ghc.XValBindsLR (Ghc.NValBinds binds sigs)) ->
let otherBinds = updateDebugIPInBinds whereBindName <$> binds
in Ghc.HsValBinds x
(Ghc.NValBinds (wrappedBind : otherBinds) sigs
_ -> whereBinds
grhss' = fmap (updateDebugIPInGRHS whereBindName) <$> grhss
pure m { Ghc.m_grhss =
{ Ghc.grhssGRHSs = grhss'
, Ghc.grhssLocalBinds = Ghc.L whereLoc whereBinds'
} }
-- | Produce the contents of the where binding that contains the new debug IP
-- value, generated by creating a new ID and pairing it with the old one.
mkWhereBind :: String -> Ghc.TcM (Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn)
mkWhereBind key = do
-- TODO This is where the new ID will be generated and paired with the old ID
mkNewIpExpr :: String -> Ghc.TcM (Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn)
mkNewIpExpr key = do
Right exprPs
<- fmap (Ghc.convertToHsExpr Ghc.Generated Ghc.noSrcSpan)
. liftIO
-- Writing it this way prevents GHC from aggresively inlining with -O2.
-- The call to noinline doesn't seem to help, but who knows.
-- Writing it this way prevents GHC from floating this out with -O2.
-- The call to noinline doesn't seem to contribute, but who knows.
$ TH.runQ [| noinline $! unsafePerformIO $ do
newId <- fmap show (Rand.randomIO :: IO Word)
!newId <- fmap show (Rand.randomIO :: IO Word)
case ?_debug_ip of
Nothing ->
pure $ Just (Nothing, key <> newId)
@ -276,38 +211,20 @@ mkWhereBind key = do
pure exprRn
-- TODO can use syb for this?
:: Ghc.Name
-> (Ghc.RecFlag, Ghc.LHsBinds Ghc.GhcRn)
-> (Ghc.RecFlag, Ghc.LHsBinds Ghc.GhcRn)
updateDebugIPInBinds varName (rec, binds)
= (rec, fmap updateBind <$> binds)
updateBind b@Ghc.FunBind{ Ghc.fun_matches = m@Ghc.MG{ Ghc.mg_alts = alts } }
= b { Ghc.fun_matches =
m { Ghc.mg_alts = (fmap . fmap . fmap) updateMatch alts }
updateBind b = b
updateMatch m@Ghc.Match{Ghc.m_grhss = g@Ghc.GRHSs{Ghc.grhssGRHSs = grhss}}
= m{Ghc.m_grhss =
g{Ghc.grhssGRHSs = fmap (updateDebugIPInGRHS varName) <$> grhss }
:: Ghc.Name
:: Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn
-> Ghc.GRHS Ghc.GhcRn (Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn)
-> Ghc.GRHS Ghc.GhcRn (Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn)
updateDebugIPInGRHS varName (Ghc.GRHS x guards body)
= Ghc.GRHS x guards (updateDebugIPInExpr varName body)
updateDebugIPInGRHS ipNewExpr (Ghc.GRHS x guards body)
= Ghc.GRHS x guards (updateDebugIPInExpr ipNewExpr body)
-- | Given the name of the variable to assign to the debug IP, create a let
-- expression that updates the IP in that scope.
:: Ghc.Name
:: Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn
-> Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn
-> Ghc.LHsExpr Ghc.GhcRn
updateDebugIPInExpr varName
updateDebugIPInExpr ipNewExpr
= Ghc.noLoc
. Ghc.HsLet Ghc.NoExtField
( Ghc.noLoc $ Ghc.HsIPBinds
@ -316,10 +233,7 @@ updateDebugIPInExpr varName
[ Ghc.noLoc $ Ghc.IPBind
(Left . Ghc.noLoc $ Ghc.HsIPName "_debug_ip")
(Ghc.noLoc $ Ghc.HsVar
(Ghc.noLoc varName)