2022-01-17 21:15:53 -06:00

204 lines
4.9 KiB

--{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Debug -fplugin-opt Debug:trace-all #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Graph.Trace #-}
-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-full-laziness -fno-cse #-}
--{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-rn-ast #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
--{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Graph.Trace
import qualified Debug.Trace as DT
import Class
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.List as L
import GHC.Exts
import qualified System.Random as Rand
import System.IO.Unsafe
pattern Sorted :: (Trace, Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
pattern Sorted xs <- (DT.trace "sort2" mySort -> xs) where
Sorted xs = DT.trace "sort" mySort xs
mySort :: (Trace, Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
mySort = L.sort
main :: TraceDeep => IO ()
main = do
firstName <- prompt "Enter your first name"
lastName <- prompt "Enter your last name"
let !x = unboxed "test"
greet firstName lastName
prompt :: String -> IO String
prompt str = do
traceM str
putStrLn str
input <- getLine
traceM $ "input: " <> input
pure $ capitalize input
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize [] = []
capitalize (x:xs) =
let result = toUpper x : map toLower xs
in trace ("result: " <> result) result
greet :: String -> String -> IO ()
greet first last =
putStrLn $ "Hello, " <> first <> " " <> last <> "!"
unboxed :: String -> (# Int#, String #)
unboxed _ = (# 3#, "test" #)
{-# NOINLINE main #-}
-- main :: TraceDeep => IO ()
-- main = trace bah print unassuming >> buzzard
-- where
-- unassuming :: Either Bool Int
-- --thisIsABoolean :: Bool
-- unassuming@(Left thisIsABoolean@True) =
-- trace bah $! (Left True :: Either Bool Int)
-- buzzard = do
-- putStrLn $ "hello" <&> "boo"
-- traceM bah
-- bah :: String
-- bah = unsafePerformIO $ do
-- getLine
-- (<&>) :: String -> String -> String
-- a <&> b = a
-- main :: Trace => IO ()
-- main = test'
-- test' :: Trace => IO ()
-- test' = do
-- andAnother
-- trace "test\ntest" pure ()
-- traceM "yo"
-- putStrLn $ deff (I 3)
-- x <- readLn
-- case x of
-- 3 -> putStrLn $ classy (I x)
-- _ -> pure ()
-- putStrLn $ classier (I 5)
-- inWhere
-- let inLet :: Trace => IO ()
-- inLet = do
-- letWhere
-- another
-- where letWhere = trace ("hello" \/& "two") pure ()
-- inLet
-- !_ <- another
-- let letBound = letBoundThing
-- trace letBound pure ()
-- trace "leaving" pure ()
-- where
-- inWhere :: Trace => IO ()
-- inWhere = do
-- innerWhere
-- where
-- innerWhere :: Trace => IO ()
-- innerWhere = trace "innerWhere" pure ()
-- another :: Trace => IO ()
-- another
-- | trace "another" True = do
-- pure ()
-- | otherwise = pure ()
-- andAnother :: (Trace, Monad m) => m ()
-- andAnother = trace "hello!" pure ()
-- letBoundThing :: Trace => String
-- letBoundThing = "bound by let"
-- (\/&) :: String -> String -> String
-- a \/& b = the a <> ('\\' : b)
-- the :: a -> a
-- the = id
-- newtype I = I Int deriving Show
-- instance Classy I where
-- classy :: Trace => I -> String
-- classy = boo
-- where
-- boo :: Trace => I -> String
-- boo i = trace (show i) "..."
-- instance Classier I where
-- classier = show
-- --
-- -- -- test :: (?x :: String) => IO ()
-- -- -- test = print ?x
-- --
data FieldUpdate a
= FieldValue a
| FieldOmitted
| FieldNull
mkUpdater :: f FieldUpdate
-> f Maybe
-> (forall a. f a -> a x)
-> Maybe x
mkUpdater update original getField =
case getField update of
FieldValue a -> Just a
FieldOmitted -> getField original
FieldNull -> Nothing
data T f =
{ t1 :: f Bool
, t2 :: f String
type TY = forall x. (forall a. T a -> a x) -> Maybe x
-- -- zz :: Int
-- -- zz =
-- -- let x :: [forall x. x -> x]
-- -- x = [id, id]
-- -- in id head x 4
-- zzz :: Int
-- zzz = id head [1,2,3]
zzzz :: T FieldUpdate -> T Maybe -> T Maybe
zzzz update orig =
let updater :: TY --(forall a. T a -> a x) -> Maybe x
updater | let ?x = 1
= mkUpdater update orig
in MkT
{ t1 = updater t1
, t2 = updater t2
fzzz :: Trace => T FieldUpdate -> T Maybe -> T Maybe
fzzz update orig = entry $
let updater :: -- (?_debug_ip :: Maybe DebugContext)
(forall a. T a -> a x) -> Maybe x
updater -- | let ?_debug_ip = newIP'
= --entry $
mkUpdater update orig
addOne = (+1)
in MkT
{ t1 = updater t1
, t2 = updater t2