Trace the call graph of a Haskell program
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Graph Trace

A GHC plugin that causes your Haskell program to create a log file which can be compiled to a graph for display with Graphviz or some other means. Contrary to traditional debug tracing where all output is interleaved into a flat sequence of lines, the graph structure produced by this plugin takes into account the actual call graph of the program with individual function calls represented as edges in the graph.



Consider this simplistic program that greets the user by name:

import Graph.Trace (TraceDeep, traceM)
import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower)

main :: TraceDeep => IO ()
main = do
  firstName <- prompt "Enter your first name"
  lastName <- prompt "Enter your last name"
  greet firstName lastName

prompt :: String -> IO String
prompt str = do
  putStrLn str
  input <- getLine
  traceM $ "input: " <> input
  pure $ capitalize input

capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize [] = []
capitalize (x:xs) = toUpper x : map toLower xs

greet :: String -> String -> IO ()
greet firstName lastName =
  putStrLn $ "Hello, " <> firstName <> " " <> lastName <> "!"

Using the Graph.Trace plugin along with the graph-trace-viz utility, we can run this program to generate the following trace of the call graph:

demo image


  1. Add the graph-trace package as a dependency to your project.

  2. Enable the plugin by adding the following GHC options: -fplugin=Graph.Trace -fplugin-opt Graph.Trace:debug-all -fno-full-laziness -fno-cse. This can be placed in the ghc-options field of the cabal or package.yaml file (depending on whether you use cabal or stack to build). For example:

    in package.yaml:

          -fplugin-opt Graph.Trace:debug-all

    or in foo.cabal:

    executable my-exe
        -fplugin-opt Graph.Trace:debug-all
  3. Build your project (cabal build all or stack build).

  4. Running your program should now generate a file called <executable-name>.trace.

  5. Install Graphviz and the graph-trace-viz program. Invoke graph-trace-viz within the same directory as the trace file.

  6. There should now be a file such as <executable-name>.html which can be viewed in your browser.

User's Guide

Graph.Trace plugin

To use this plugin simply add graph-trace as a package dependency and pass the -fplugin=Graph.Trace option to GHC. The main functionality of the Graph.Trace plugin is to automatically instrument your code so that it will emit trace logging to a *.trace file when run. There are two types of traces:

  • Function call
    This trace is emitted when the term returned by a function is evaluated to WHNF. Each emission of an entry trace generates a unique ID for that particular function invocation. The trace also includes the ID of the code from which the function was called (if applicable) so that a graph edge can be constructed between the two. Entry traces are only emitted for functions that have signatures. If the function does not have a signature then it will simply inherit the ID of the calling context and will therefore not generate a new node in the call graph.

  • Debug trace
    Debug traces are textual messages that the user can emit from the body of a function. When rendered, they appear as plain text in the body of a call graph node. The API for debug traces matches that of the familiar Debug.Trace module and is available through the Graph.Trace module. A debug trace will only be emitted when the thing it is applied to is evaluated to WHNF.

The plugin gives you some control over how and when traces are emitted. There are a variety of constraints you can put on function signatures to control tracing, all of which are exported by Graph.Trace:

  • Trace
    On its own, this constraint says that traces should be emitted for a given function using the name of that function as the identifier. Notably, function calls made from within the body of the function do not inherit this behavior and so will not emit traces unless otherwise instructed to do so.

  • TraceDeep
    This is similar to Trace except that function calls made within the function body will also emit traces even if they don't have a trace constraint (unless they are being muted). For example, putting TraceDeep on the main function will result in the full execution the program being traced.

  • TraceMute
    If a function has this constraint then any invocation of it as well as the function calls it makes will not emit any traces. This constraint overrides all the others and is inherited by function calls made from within its body.

  • TraceKey
    This constraint is the same as Trace but it takes a type level string argument which will be used as the function identifier instead of the function's actual name. Notably, if the identifier of a called function is overridden to be the same as that of the function calling it then its output will be placed in the graph node of the calling function rather than generating its own node. There is also a TraceDeepKey constraint that does the same thing but for TraceDeep.

If you want every function in your program to emit traces, you can use the debug-all plugin option which effectively adds the Trace constraint to all function definitons. To use this option, pass the -fplugin-opt Graph.Trace:debug-all option to GHC in addition to -fplugin=Graph.Trace.

If a trace file already exists for your executable being then new entries will be appended to that file. To start a new trace you'll need to rename or delete the old file.

graph-trace-viz utility

Once you've generated a *.trace file by compiling your program with the Graph.Trace plugin and running it, the graph-trace-viz utility can render the graph as an html document. It is dependent on Graphviz, so you must install that on your system (there should be an executable called dot on your PATH). Simply invoke graph-trace-viz in the same directory as the *.trace file and it will write an *.html document. By default it will read all trace files in the current directory but you can specify the files by giving them as command line arguments instead.


There are several known caveats you should be aware of:

  • Undesirable optimisations
    If you compile with the common sub-expression or full laziness optimisations, which are on by default for O1 and O2 settings, graph nodes that should be distinct can sometimes get merged into a single node. To prevent this, it is recommended that you turn these optimisations off using the -fno-cse and -fno-full-laziness flags when compiling with the graph-trace plugin.
  • Type class methods
    For type class instance methods to be traced correctly, the class method definitions must be in a package compiled with the plugin and you'll also need to put a type signature on the instance method declarations, which requires the InstanceSigs GHC extension.
  • Impredicative types
    If you have a function binding that takes a rank-n quantified type as a parameter, this can cause compilation with the plugin to fail. With GHC 9.2 and above, giving a type signature to the binding will resolve the issue.
  • The plugin does not support GHC versions less than 8.10