2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
language: Groovy
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
filename: learngroovy-cn.groovy
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
- ["Roberto Pérez Alcolea", "http://github.com/rpalcolea"]
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
- ["Todd Gao", "http://github.com/7c00"]
lang: zh-cn
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
Groovy - Java平台的动态语言。[了解更多。](http://www.groovy-lang.org/)
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
1) 安装 GVM - http://gvmtool.net/
2) 安装 Groovy: gvm install groovy
3) 启动 groovy 控制台,键入: groovyConsole
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
// 双斜线开始的是单行注释
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
// Hello World
println "Hello world!"
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def x = 1
println x
x = new java.util.Date()
println x
x = -3.1499392
println x
x = false
println x
x = "Groovy!"
println x
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def technologies = []
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
/*** 往列表中增加一个元素 ***/
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
// 和Java一样
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
// 左移添加,返回该列表
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
technologies << "Groovy"
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
// 增加多个元素
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
/*** 从列表中删除元素 ***/
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
// 和Java一样
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
// 减号也行
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
technologies = technologies - 'Grails'
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
/*** 遍历列表 ***/
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
// 遍历列表中的元素
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
technologies.each { println "Technology: $it"}
technologies.eachWithIndex { it, i -> println "$i: $it"}
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
/*** 检查列表内容 ***/
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
contained = technologies.contains( 'Groovy' )
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
// 或
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
contained = 'Groovy' in technologies
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
// 检查多个元素
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
/*** 列表排序 ***/
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
// 排序列表(修改原列表)
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
// 要想不修改原列表,可以这样:
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
sortedTechnologies = technologies.sort( false )
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
/*** 列表操作 ***/
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
Collections.replaceAll(technologies, 'Gradle', 'gradle')
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
Collections.shuffle(technologies, new Random())
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def devMap = [:]
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
devMap = ['name':'Roberto', 'framework':'Grails', 'language':'Groovy']
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
devMap.each { println "$it.key: $it.value" }
devMap.eachWithIndex { it, i -> println "$i: $it"}
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
assert devMap.containsKey('name')
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
assert devMap.containsValue('Roberto')
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
println devMap.keySet()
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
println devMap.values()
Groovy Beans
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
GroovyBeans 是 JavaBeans,但使用了更简单的语法
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
Groovy 被编译为字节码时,遵循下列规则。
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
* 如果一个名字声明时带有访问修饰符(public, private, 或者 protected),
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
* 名字声明时没有访问修饰符,则会生成一个带有public getter和setter的
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
* 如果一个属性声明为final,则会创建一个final的private字段,但不会生成setter。
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
* 可以声明一个属性的同时定义自己的getter和setter。
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
* 可以声明具有相同名字的属性和字段,该属性会使用该字段。
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
* 如果要定义private或protected属性,必须提供声明为private或protected的getter
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
* 如果使用显式或隐式的 this(例如 this.foo, 或者 foo)访问类的在编译时定义的属性,
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
* 如果使用显式或隐式的 foo 访问一个不存在的属性,Groovy会通过元类(meta class)
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
class Foo {
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
// 只读属性
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
final String name = "Roberto"
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
// 只读属性,有public getter和protected setter
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
String language
protected void setLanguage(String language) { this.language = language }
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
// 动态类型属性
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def lastName
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
//Groovy支持常见的if - else语法
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def x = 3
if(x==1) {
println "One"
} else if(x==2) {
println "Two"
} else {
println "X greater than Two"
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def y = 10
def x = (y > 1) ? "worked" : "failed"
assert x == "worked"
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def x = 0
for (i in 0 .. 30) {
x += i
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
x = 0
for( i in [5,3,2,1] ) {
x += i
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
array = (0..20).toArray()
x = 0
for (i in array) {
x += i
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def map = ['name':'Roberto', 'framework':'Grails', 'language':'Groovy']
2017-10-04 17:15:38 +03:00
x = ""
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
for ( e in map ) {
x += e.value
2017-10-04 17:15:38 +03:00
x += " "
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2017-10-04 17:15:38 +03:00
assert x.equals("Roberto Grails Groovy ")
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def technologies = ['Groovy','Grails','Gradle']
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
technologies*.toUpperCase() // 相当于 technologies.collect { it?.toUpperCase() }
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
//安全导航(safe navigation)运算符:用来避免NullPointerException
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def user = User.get(1)
def username = user?.username
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def clos = { println "Hello World!" }
println "Executing the Closure:"
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def sum = { a, b -> println a+b }
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def x = 5
def multiplyBy = { num -> num * x }
println multiplyBy(10)
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
// 只有一个参数的闭包可以省略参数的定义
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def clos = { print it }
clos( "hi" )
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
Groovy可以记忆闭包结果 [1][2][3]
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def cl = {a, b ->
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
sleep(3000) // 模拟费时操作
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
a + b
mem = cl.memoize()
def callClosure(a, b) {
def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
mem(a, b)
println "Inputs(a = $a, b = $b) - took ${System.currentTimeMillis() - start} msecs."
callClosure(1, 2)
callClosure(1, 2)
callClosure(2, 3)
callClosure(2, 3)
callClosure(3, 4)
callClosure(3, 4)
callClosure(1, 2)
callClosure(2, 3)
callClosure(3, 4)
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
def user = new Expando(name:"Roberto")
assert 'Roberto' == user.name
user.lastName = 'Pérez'
assert 'Pérez' == user.lastName
user.showInfo = { out ->
out << "Name: $name"
out << ", Last name: $lastName"
def sw = new StringWriter()
println user.showInfo(sw)
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
String.metaClass.testAdd = {
println "we added this"
String x = "test"
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
class Test implements GroovyInterceptable {
def sum(Integer x, Integer y) { x + y }
def invokeMethod(String name, args) {
System.out.println "Invoke method $name with args: $args"
def test = new Test()
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
class Foo {
def propertyMissing(String name) { name }
def f = new Foo()
assertEquals "boo", f.boo
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-19 07:16:41 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
更多: http://www.infoq.com/articles/new-groovy-20
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
void testMethod() {}
void test() {
def name = "Roberto"
println naameee
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
Integer test() {
Integer num = "1"
Integer[] numbers = [1,2,3,4]
Date date = numbers[1]
return "Test"
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
int sum(int x, int y) {
x + y
assert sum(2,5) == 7
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
## 进阶资源
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
[Groovy web console](http://groovyconsole.appspot.com/)
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
2015-06-19 05:58:39 +03:00
## 图书
2015-06-18 17:20:30 +03:00
* [Groovy Goodness] (https://leanpub.com/groovy-goodness-notebook)
* [Groovy in Action] (http://manning.com/koenig2/)
* [Programming Groovy 2: Dynamic Productivity for the Java Developer] (http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9781937785307.do)
[1] http://roshandawrani.wordpress.com/2010/10/18/groovy-new-feature-closures-can-now-memorize-their-results/
[2] http://www.solutionsiq.com/resources/agileiq-blog/bid/72880/Programming-with-Groovy-Trampoline-and-Memoize
[3] http://mrhaki.blogspot.mx/2011/05/groovy-goodness-cache-closure-results.html