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sirkubax 2017-09-28 00:05:12 +02:00
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commit c2bcf94c80

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@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ some_other_group
* [Additional Reading.](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/intro_inventory.html)
#### ansible-roles (a 'template-playbooks' with right structure)
### ansible-roles (a 'template-playbooks' with right structure)
You already know the tasks (modules) that can be run via CLI. You also know the playbooks - the execution plans of multiple tasks (with variables and logic).
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ For now you might like to know, that CLI variables has the top priority.
You should also know, that a nice way to pool some data is a **lookup**
##### Lookups
### Lookups
* pipe
* file
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ ansible -m shell -a 'echo {{ my_variable }}` -e '{{ lookup('pipe'; 'date' }}" lo
#### Templates
### Templates
Template is a powerfull way to deliver some (partially) dynamic content. Ansible uses **Jinja2** langueage to describe the template.
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ Some static content
Jinja may have some limitations, but it is a powerfull tool that you might like.
#### Jinja2 CLI
### Jinja2 CLI
You can use the jinja in the CLI too
ansible -m shell -a 'echo {{ my_variable }}` -e 'my_variable=something, playbook_parameter=twentytwo" localhost
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Junja is powerfull. It has built-in many usefull functions.
{{ some_variable | default('default_value') }}
#### ansible-vault
### ansible-vault
To maintain **ifrastructure as a code** you need to store secrets.
Ansible provides a way to encrypt the poufne files so you can store it in the repository, yet the files are decrypted in-fly during ansible execution.
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ $ cat path/somefile
$ ansible-vault decrypt path/somefile
#### dynamic inventory
### dynamic inventory
You might like to know, that you can build your inventory dynamically.
(For Ansible) inventory is just a JSON with proper structure - if you can deliver that to ansible - anything is possible.
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ $ etc/inv/ec2.py --refresh
$ ansible -m ping all -i etc/inv/ec2.py
#### ansible profiling - callback
### ansible profiling - callback
It is ok that your playbook executes some time. Sometimes you may like to speed things up
Since ansible 2.x there is bouilt-in callback for task execution profiling
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ vi ansible.cfg
callback_whitelist = profile_tasks
#### facts-cache and ansible-cmdb
### facts-cache and ansible-cmdb
You can pool some infrmations of you environment from another hosts.
If the informations does not change - you may consider using a facts_cache to speed things up.
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ fact_caching_timeout = 86400
I like to use `jsonfile` as my backend. It allows to use another project
`ansible-cmdb` [github] that generates a HTML page of your inventory resources. A nice 'free' addition!
#### debugging ansible
### debugging ansible
When your job fails - it is good to be effective with debugging.
1. Increase verbosiy by using multiple -v **[ -vvvvv]**
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ When your job fails - it is good to be effective with debugging.
3. If variable (dictionary or a list) is undefined
4. Jinja template debug
#### Infrastructure as a code - what about Ansible
### Infrastructure as a code - what about Ansible
You already know, that ansible-vault allow you to store your poufne data along with your code (in repository). You can go further - and define your ansible installation and configuration as-a-code.
See `environment.sh` to learn how to install the ansible itself inside a `virtualenv` that is not attached to your operating system (can be changed by non-privilages user), and as additiinal benefit - upgrading version of ansible is as easy as installing new version in new virtualenv. You can have multiple versions of Ansible present in the same time. This is very helpfull!
@ -379,46 +379,46 @@ For my 'business cases' I use Jenkins - it has a 'cron', jobs can be binded into
### create instance in AWS
### create env in AWS
### Tips and tricks
## Tips and tricks
##### --check -C
#### --check -C
Always make sure that your playbook can executes in 'dry run' mode (--check), and it's execution is not declaring 'Changed' objects.
##### --diff -D
#### --diff -D
Diff is usefull to see nice detail of the files changed
It compare 'in memory' the files like `diff -BbruN fileA fileB`
##### Execute hosts with 'regex'
#### Execute hosts with 'regex'
ansible -m ping web*
Host groups can be joined, negated, etc
ansible -m ping web*:!backend:monitoring:&allow_change
##### Tagging
#### Tagging
You should tag some (not all) objects - a task in a playbook, all tasks included form a role, etc.
It allwos you to execute the choosen parts of the playbook.
##### no_logs: True
#### no_logs: True
You may see, that some roles print a lot of output in verbose mode. There is also a debug module.
This is the place where credentials may leak. Use `no_log` to hide the output.
##### Debug module
#### Debug module
allows to print a value to the screen
##### Register the output of a task
#### Register the output of a task
You can register the output (stdout), rc (return code), stderr of a task with the `register` command.
##### Conditionals: when:
#### Conditionals: when:
##### Loop: with, with_items, with_dict, with_together
#### Loop: with, with_items, with_dict, with_together
## Introduction