diff --git a/javascript.html.markdown b/javascript.html.markdown
index 4ed8f849..199c3c09 100644
--- a/javascript.html.markdown
+++ b/javascript.html.markdown
@@ -180,6 +180,24 @@ myArray.length; // = 4
// Add/Modify at specific index
myArray[3] = "Hello";
+// Add and remove element from front or back end of an array
+myArray.unshift(3); // Add as the first element
+someVar = myArray.shift(); // Remove first element and return it
+myArray.push(3); // Add as the last element
+someVar = myArray.pop(); // Remove last element and return it
+// Join all elements of an array with semicolon
+var myArray0 = [32,false,"js",12,56,90];
+myArray0.join(";") // = "32;false;js;12;56;90"
+// Get subarray of elements from index 1 (include) to 4 (exclude)
+myArray0.slice(1,4); // = [false,"js",12]
+// Remove 4 elements starting from index 2, and insert there strings
+// "hi","wr" and "ld"; return removed subarray
+myArray0.splice(2,4,"hi","wr","ld"); // = ["js",12,56,90]
+// myArray0 === [32,false,"hi","wr","ld"]
// JavaScript's objects are equivalent to "dictionaries" or "maps" in other
// languages: an unordered collection of key-value pairs.
var myObj = {key1: "Hello", key2: "World"};