Before renaming, Python 3 filenames were 'learnpython3*.py'.
This commit removes the '3' part from the filename.
To verify that the filenames were named consistently across
translations prior to this commit, and to change this:
ack -H 'filename:' python.html.markdown
find . -name "python-*.markdown" -exec ack -H 'filename:' {} \;
sed -i 's/^filename: learnpython3/filename: learnpython/' \
find . -name "python-*.markdown" -exec \
sed -i 's/^filename: learnpython3/filename: learnpython/' {} \;
for f in $(find . -iname "*python*" | grep -vE 'python3|git|statcomp'); do
flegacy=$(echo "$f" | sed 's/python/pythonlegacy/')
git mv "$f" "$flegacy"