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2016-02-24 19:32:12 +03:00
-- TODO: try to make it more type-safe somehow?
module JS where
-- General
import BasePrelude
-- Text
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
-- Formatting and interpolation
import qualified Data.Text.Buildable as Format
import NeatInterpolation
-- Local
import Utils
-- | Javascript code.
newtype JS = JS {fromJS :: Text}
deriving (Show, Format.Buildable, Monoid)
2016-02-24 19:32:12 +03:00
-- | A concatenation of all Javascript functions defined in this module.
allJSFunctions :: JS
allJSFunctions = JS . T.unlines . map fromJS $ [
-- Utilities
replaceWithData, prependData, appendData,
2016-02-24 19:32:12 +03:00
moveNodeUp, moveNodeDown,
2016-02-26 15:59:27 +03:00
-- Help
showOrHideHelp, showHelp, hideHelp,
2016-02-25 15:25:00 +03:00
-- Search
2016-02-24 19:32:12 +03:00
-- Add methods
addLibrary, addCategory,
addPro, addCon,
-- Render-as-editable methods
setCategoryTitleMode, setCategoryNotesMode,
setItemInfoMode, setItemTraitsMode,
-- Set methods
submitCategoryTitle, submitCategoryNotes,
-- Other things
2016-02-26 20:45:28 +03:00
moveTraitUp, moveTraitDown, deleteTrait,
moveItemUp, moveItemDown, deleteItem ]
2016-02-24 19:32:12 +03:00
-- | A class for things that can be converted to Javascript syntax.
class ToJS a where toJS :: a -> JS
instance ToJS Bool where
toJS True = JS "true"
toJS False = JS "false"
instance ToJS JS where
toJS = id
instance ToJS Text where
toJS = JS . tshow
instance ToJS Integer where
toJS = JS . tshow
instance ToJS Int where
toJS = JS . tshow
-- | A helper class for calling Javascript functions.
class JSParams a where
jsParams :: a -> [JS]
instance JSParams () where
jsParams () = []
instance ToJS a => JSParams [a] where
jsParams = map toJS
instance (ToJS a, ToJS b) => JSParams (a,b) where
jsParams (a,b) = [toJS a, toJS b]
instance (ToJS a, ToJS b, ToJS c) => JSParams (a,b,c) where
jsParams (a,b,c) = [toJS a, toJS b, toJS c]
instance (ToJS a, ToJS b, ToJS c, ToJS d) => JSParams (a,b,c,d) where
jsParams (a,b,c,d) = [toJS a, toJS b, toJS c, toJS d]
{- | This hacky class lets you construct and use Javascript functions; you give 'makeJSFunction' function name, function parameters, and function body, and you get a polymorphic value of type @JSFunction a => a@, which you can use either as a complete function definition (if you set @a@ to be @JS@), or as a function that you can give some parameters and it would return a Javascript call:
> plus = makeJSFunction "plus" ["a", "b"] "return a+b;"
>>> plus :: JS
JS "function plus(a,b) {\nreturn a+b;}\n"
>>> plus (3, 5) :: JS
JS "plus(3,5);"
class JSFunction a where
:: Text -- ^ Name
-> [Text] -- ^ Parameter names
-> Text -- ^ Definition
-> a
-- This generates function definition
instance JSFunction JS where
makeJSFunction fName fParams fDef =
JS $ format "function {}({}) {\n{}}\n"
(fName, T.intercalate "," fParams, fDef)
-- This generates a function that takes arguments and produces a Javascript
-- function call
instance JSParams a => JSFunction (a -> JS) where
makeJSFunction fName _fParams _fDef = \args ->
JS $ format "{}({});"
(fName, T.intercalate "," (map fromJS (jsParams args)))
replaceWithData :: JSFunction a => a
replaceWithData =
makeJSFunction "replaceWithData" ["node"]
return function(data) {$(node).replaceWith(data);};
prependData :: JSFunction a => a
prependData =
makeJSFunction "prependData" ["node"]
return function(data) {$(node).prepend(data);};
2016-02-24 19:32:12 +03:00
appendData :: JSFunction a => a
appendData =
makeJSFunction "appendData" ["node"]
return function(data) {$(node).append(data);};
-- | Move node up (in a list of sibling nodes), ignoring anchor elements
-- inserted by 'thisNode'.
moveNodeUp :: JSFunction a => a
moveNodeUp =
makeJSFunction "moveNodeUp" ["node"]
var el = $(node);
while (el.prev().is(".dummy"))
if (el.not(':first-child'))
-- | Move node down (in a list of sibling nodes), ignoring anchor elements
-- inserted by 'thisNode'.
moveNodeDown :: JSFunction a => a
moveNodeDown =
makeJSFunction "moveNodeDown" ["node"]
var el = $(node);
while (el.next().is(".dummy"))
if (el.not(':last-child'))
2016-02-26 15:59:27 +03:00
showHelp :: JSFunction a => a
showHelp =
makeJSFunction "showHelp" ["node", "version"]
$.get("/render/help", {mode: "shown"})
hideHelp :: JSFunction a => a
hideHelp =
makeJSFunction "hideHelp" ["node", "version"]
localStorage.setItem("help-hidden-"+version, "");
$.get("/render/help", {mode: "hidden"})
showOrHideHelp :: JSFunction a => a
showOrHideHelp =
makeJSFunction "showOrHideHelp" ["node", "version"]
if (localStorage.getItem("help-hidden-"+version) === null)
$.get("/render/help", {mode: "shown"})
$.get("/render/help", {mode: "hidden"})
2016-02-25 15:25:00 +03:00
search :: JSFunction a => a
search =
makeJSFunction "search" ["node", "s"]
-- TODO: set address bar to “/?query=...” so that the user would be able to
-- see/share the search URL
$.post("/search", {query: s})
2016-02-24 19:32:12 +03:00
-- | Create a new category.
addCategory :: JSFunction a => a
addCategory =
makeJSFunction "addCategory" ["node", "s"]
$.post("/add/category", {content: s})
2016-02-24 19:32:12 +03:00
-- | Add a new library to some category.
addLibrary :: JSFunction a => a
addLibrary =
makeJSFunction "addLibrary" ["node", "catId", "s"]
$.post("/add/category/"+catId+"/library", {name: s})
setCategoryTitleMode :: JSFunction a => a
setCategoryTitleMode =
makeJSFunction "setCategoryTitleMode" ["node", "catId", "mode"]
$.get("/render/category/"+catId+"/title", {mode: mode})
{- |
Finish category title editing (this happens when you submit the field).
This turns the title with the editbox back into a simple text title.
submitCategoryTitle :: JSFunction a => a
submitCategoryTitle =
makeJSFunction "submitCategoryTitle" ["node", "catId", "s"]
$.post("/set/category/"+catId+"/title", {content: s})
setCategoryNotesMode :: JSFunction a => a
setCategoryNotesMode =
makeJSFunction "setCategoryNotesMode" ["node", "catId", "mode"]
$.get("/render/category/"+catId+"/notes", {mode: mode})
submitCategoryNotes :: JSFunction a => a
submitCategoryNotes =
makeJSFunction "submitCategoryNotes" ["node", "catId", "s"]
$.post("/set/category/"+catId+"/notes", {content: s})
-- | Add a pro to some item.
addPro :: JSFunction a => a
addPro =
makeJSFunction "addPro" ["node", "itemId", "s"]
$.post("/add/item/"+itemId+"/pro", {content: s})
-- | Add a con to some item.
addCon :: JSFunction a => a
addCon =
makeJSFunction "addCon" ["node", "itemId", "s"]
$.post("/add/item/"+itemId+"/con", {content: s})
setItemInfoMode :: JSFunction a => a
setItemInfoMode =
makeJSFunction "setItemInfoMode" ["node", "itemId", "mode"]
$.get("/render/item/"+itemId+"/info", {mode: mode})
setItemTraitsMode :: JSFunction a => a
setItemTraitsMode =
makeJSFunction "setItemTraitsMode" ["node", "itemId", "mode"]
$.get("/render/item/"+itemId+"/traits", {mode: mode})
setTraitMode :: JSFunction a => a
setTraitMode =
makeJSFunction "setTraitMode" ["node", "itemId", "traitId", "mode"]
$.get("/render/item/"+itemId+"/trait/"+traitId, {mode: mode})
submitTrait :: JSFunction a => a
submitTrait =
makeJSFunction "submitTrait" ["node", "itemId", "traitId", "s"]
$.post("/set/item/"+itemId+"/trait/"+traitId, {content: s})
submitItemInfo :: JSFunction a => a
submitItemInfo =
makeJSFunction "submitItemInfo" ["node", "itemId", "form"]
$.post("/set/item/"+itemId+"/info", $(form).serialize())
moveTraitUp :: JSFunction a => a
moveTraitUp =
makeJSFunction "moveTraitUp" ["itemId", "traitId", "traitNode"]
$.post("/move/item/"+itemId+"/trait/"+traitId, {direction: "up"});
moveTraitDown :: JSFunction a => a
moveTraitDown =
makeJSFunction "moveTraitDown" ["itemId", "traitId", "traitNode"]
$.post("/move/item/"+itemId+"/trait/"+traitId, {direction: "down"});
deleteTrait :: JSFunction a => a
deleteTrait =
2016-02-24 21:08:45 +03:00
makeJSFunction "deleteTrait" ["itemId", "traitId", "traitNode", "traitText"]
2016-02-24 19:32:12 +03:00
2016-02-24 21:08:45 +03:00
if (confirm("Confirm deletion: “"+traitText+"")) {
2016-02-24 19:32:12 +03:00
2016-02-26 20:45:28 +03:00
moveItemUp :: JSFunction a => a
moveItemUp =
makeJSFunction "moveItemUp" ["itemId", "itemNode"]
$.post("/move/item/"+itemId, {direction: "up"});
moveItemDown :: JSFunction a => a
moveItemDown =
makeJSFunction "moveItemDown" ["itemId", "itemNode"]
$.post("/move/item/"+itemId, {direction: "down"});
deleteItem :: JSFunction a => a
deleteItem =
makeJSFunction "deleteItem" ["itemId", "itemNode", "itemText"]
if (confirm("Confirm deletion: “"+itemText+"")) {
2016-02-24 19:32:12 +03:00
-- When adding a function, don't forget to add it to 'allJSFunctions'!