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synced 2025-01-08 23:39:18 +03:00
[#150] [WIP] Add highlighting for chain changes in snippets
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ module Snippets.Parser
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.Map as M (fromList)
import Imports
@ -14,12 +16,17 @@ import Imports
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
-- MegaParsec
import Text.Megaparsec (alphaNumChar, anyChar, between, char, letterChar, many, manyTill, notFollowedBy, sepBy, space, string)
import Text.Megaparsec ( alphaNumChar, anyChar
, between, char
, letterChar, many
, manyTill, notFollowedBy
, sepBy, space, string
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as MP
import Text.Megaparsec.Text (Parser)
-- TODO: take out `Multiple` to separate type and parse once in the beggining of the snippet
data SnippetNode = Multiple [Text]
data SnippetNode = Multiple (IntMap Text)
| Choice (Map Text Text)
| CodeText Text
| Hackage Text
@ -75,7 +82,7 @@ parseMultiple :: Parser [SnippetNode]
parseMultiple = do
keyword "Multiple"
multNames <- betweenBrackets labels
pure [Multiple multNames]
pure [Multiple $ IM.fromList $ zip [1..] multNames]
parseChoice :: Parser SnippetNode
parseChoice = do
@ -6,16 +6,17 @@
module Snippets.Renderer
import Imports
import Imports
import qualified Data.Map as M (lookup)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.Map as M (lookup)
--import Text.Highlighting.Kate
-- Web
import Lucid hiding (for_)
import Lucid hiding (for_)
import Guide.Utils
import Snippets.Parser
import Guide.Utils
import Snippets.Parser
renderTestSnippets :: (MonadIO m) => IO (HtmlT m ())
renderTestSnippets = do
@ -24,8 +25,9 @@ renderTestSnippets = do
includeJS "/snippetTabs.js"
includeCSS "/snippets.css"
title_ "Snippets – Aelve Guide"
meta_ [name_ "viewport",
content_ "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"]
meta_ [ name_ "viewport"
, content_ "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"
body_ $ renderSnippet nodes
@ -34,48 +36,69 @@ renderSnippet [] = div_ "Empty Snippet"
renderSnippet x = do
let (snpt, rest) = createLabels x
unless (null snpt) $ createTabButtons snpt
for_ snpt $ \lbl -> renderTab lbl rest
for_ snpt $ \lbl -> renderTab snpt lbl rest
createLabels :: [[SnippetNode]] -> ([Text], [[SnippetNode]])
createLabels ([Multiple lbls]:xs) = (lbls, xs)
createLabels ([]:xs) = createLabels xs
createLabels x = ([], x)
createLabels :: [[SnippetNode]] -> ([(Int, Text)], [[SnippetNode]])
createLabels ([Multiple lbls]:xs) = (IM.assocs lbls, xs)
createLabels ([]:xs) = createLabels xs
createLabels x = ([], x)
createTabButtons :: (MonadIO m) => [Text] -> HtmlT m ()
createTabButtons :: (MonadIO m) => [(Int, Text)] -> HtmlT m ()
createTabButtons [] = div_ "error"
createTabButtons (lbl:lbls) =
div_ [class_ "tab"] $ do
createTabButtons lbls =
div_ [class_ "tab"] $
for_ lbls $ \l -> renderButton l
renderButton :: (MonadIO m) => (Int, Text) -> HtmlT m ()
renderButton (1, lbl) =
button_ [class_ "tablinks", onclick_ ("openCode(event , \"" <> lbl <> "\")"), id_ "defaultOpen"] $ toHtml lbl
for_ lbls $ \l ->
button_ [class_ "tablinks", onclick_ ("openCode(event , \"" <> l <> "\")")] $ toHtml l
renderButton (_, lbl) =
button_ [class_ "tablinks", onclick_ ("openCode(event , \"" <> lbl <> "\")")] $ toHtml lbl
renderTab :: (MonadIO m) => Text -> [[SnippetNode]] -> HtmlT m ()
renderTab lbl x = div_ [class_ "code tabcontent", id_ lbl] $
renderTab :: (MonadIO m) => [(Int, Text)] -> (Int, Text) -> [[SnippetNode]] -> HtmlT m ()
renderTab lbls intLbl@(_, lbl) x = div_ [class_ "code tabcontent", id_ lbl] $
pre_ $
for_ x (renderLine lbl)
for_ x (renderLine lbls intLbl)
renderLine :: (MonadIO m) => Text -> [SnippetNode] -> HtmlT m ()
renderLine lbl x =
renderLine :: (MonadIO m) => [(Int, Text)] -> (Int, Text) -> [SnippetNode] -> HtmlT m ()
renderLine lbls intLbl x =
unless (null x) $
case head x of
HltLine -> mark_ [class_ "lineMark"] $ renderNode lbl (tail x)
_ -> renderNode lbl x
HltLine -> mark_ [class_ "lineMark"] $ renderNode lbls intLbl (tail x)
_ -> renderNode lbls intLbl x
renderNode :: (MonadIO m) => Text -> [SnippetNode] -> HtmlT m ()
renderNode _ [] = "\n"
renderNode lbl (HltBegin:xs) = do
mark_ [class_ "inlineMark"] $ renderNode lbl (takeWhile (HltEnd /=) xs)
renderNode lbl(tail $ dropWhile (HltEnd /=) xs)
renderNode lbl (CodeText t : xs) = do
renderNode :: (MonadIO m) => [(Int, Text)] -> (Int, Text) -> [SnippetNode] -> HtmlT m ()
renderNode _ _ [] = "\n"
renderNode lbls intLbl (HltBegin:xs) = do
mark_ [class_ "inlineMark"] $ renderNode lbls intLbl (takeWhile (HltEnd /=) xs)
renderNode lbls intLbl (tail $ dropWhile (HltEnd /=) xs)
renderNode lbls intLbl (CodeText t : xs) = do
toHtml t
renderNode lbl xs
renderNode lbl (Choice x:xs) = do
case M.lookup lbl x of
Just txt -> toHtml txt
renderNode lbls intLbl xs
renderNode lbls intLbl@(curInt, curLbl) (Choice x:xs) = do
case M.lookup curLbl x of
Just curTxt ->
if curInt == 1
then toHtml curTxt
case findLblByInd (pred curInt) lbls of
Just prevLbl -> case M.lookup prevLbl x of
Just prevTxt ->
if prevTxt /= curTxt
then span_ [class_ "diff"] $ toHtml curTxt
else toHtml curTxt
Nothing -> span_ [class_ "diff"] $ toHtml curTxt
Nothing -> toHtml curTxt
Nothing -> ""
renderNode lbl xs
renderNode lbl (Hackage x:xs) = do
renderNode lbls intLbl xs
renderNode lbls lbl (Hackage x:xs) = do
a_ [href_ "#"] (toHtml x)
renderNode lbl xs
renderNode lbl (_:xs) = renderNode lbl xs
renderNode lbls lbl xs
renderNode lbls lbl (_:xs) = renderNode lbls lbl xs
findLblByInd :: Int -> [(Int, Text)] -> Maybe Text
findLblByInd _ [] = Nothing
findLblByInd n ((i, x):xs)
| i == n = Just x
| otherwise = findLblByInd n xs
@ -44,4 +44,8 @@ div.tab button.active {
padding: 6px 12px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-top: none;
.diff {
background-color: cadetblue;
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