mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 23:39:18 +03:00
Sort all fields and add a versioning helper
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ library
build-depends: Spock
build-depends: Spock
, Spock-lucid == 0.3.*
, Spock-lucid == 0.3.*
, acid-state == 0.14.*
, acid-state == 0.14.*
@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ library
, base >=4.8 && <4.9
, base >=4.8 && <4.9
, base-prelude
, base-prelude
, bytestring
, bytestring
, cereal
, cmark == 0.5.*
, cmark == 0.5.*
, cmark-highlight == 0.2.*
, cmark-highlight == 0.2.*
, cmark-sections == 0.1.*
, cmark-sections == 0.1.*
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ library
, ekg
, ekg
, ekg-core
, ekg-core
, exceptions
, exceptions
, extra
, feed >= 0.3.11 && < 0.4
, feed >= 0.3.11 && < 0.4
, filemanip == 0.3.6.*
, filemanip == 0.3.6.*
, filepath
, filepath
@ -78,6 +81,7 @@ library
, friendly-time == 0.4.*
, friendly-time == 0.4.*
, fsnotify == 0.2.*
, fsnotify == 0.2.*
, hashable
, hashable
, haskell-src-meta
, http-types
, http-types
, ilist
, ilist
, iproute == 1.7.*
, iproute == 1.7.*
@ -102,6 +106,7 @@ library
, text-all == 0.3.*
, text-all == 0.3.*
, time >= 1.5
, time >= 1.5
, transformers
, transformers
, uniplate
, vector
, vector
, wai
, wai
, wai-middleware-metrics
, wai-middleware-metrics
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
-- Hack for bug in older Cabal versions
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_template_haskell
#define MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(x,y,z) 1
module SafeCopy
import BasePrelude hiding (Version)
import Data.Serialize (getWord8, putWord8, label)
import Data.SafeCopy
import Data.SafeCopy.Internal
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Kind)
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Kind(..))
-- | Sorts fields (but not constructors), uses 'Simple' encoding, only works
-- on records.
deriveSafeCopySorted :: Version a -> Name -> Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveSafeCopySorted = internalDeriveSafeCopySorted
internalDeriveSafeCopySorted :: Version a -> Name -> Name -> Q [Dec]
internalDeriveSafeCopySorted versionId kindName tyName = do
info <- reify tyName
internalDeriveSafeCopySorted' versionId kindName tyName info
internalDeriveSafeCopySorted' :: Version a -> Name -> Name -> Info -> Q [Dec]
internalDeriveSafeCopySorted' versionId kindName tyName info = do
case info of
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
TyConI (DataD context _name tyvars _kind cons _derivs)
TyConI (DataD context _name tyvars cons _derivs)
| length cons > 255 -> fail $ "Can't derive SafeCopy instance for: " ++ show tyName ++
". The datatype must have less than 256 constructors."
| otherwise -> worker context tyvars (zip [0..] cons)
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
TyConI (NewtypeD context _name tyvars _kind con _derivs) ->
TyConI (NewtypeD context _name tyvars con _derivs) ->
worker context tyvars [(0, con)]
FamilyI _ insts -> do
decs <- forM insts $ \inst ->
case inst of
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
DataInstD context _name ty _kind cons _derivs ->
DataInstD context _name ty cons _derivs ->
worker' (foldl appT (conT tyName) (map return ty)) context [] (zip [0..] cons)
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
NewtypeInstD context _name ty _kind con _derivs ->
NewtypeInstD context _name ty con _derivs ->
worker' (foldl appT (conT tyName) (map return ty)) context [] [(0, con)]
_ -> fail $ "Can't derive SafeCopy instance for: " ++ show (tyName, inst)
return $ concat decs
_ -> fail $ "Can't derive SafeCopy instance for: " ++ show (tyName, info)
worker = worker' (conT tyName)
worker' tyBase context tyvars cons =
let ty = foldl appT tyBase [ varT $ tyVarName var | var <- tyvars ]
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
safeCopyClass args = foldl appT (conT ''SafeCopy) args
safeCopyClass args = classP ''SafeCopy args
in (:[]) <$> instanceD (cxt $ [safeCopyClass [varT $ tyVarName var] | var <- tyvars] ++ map return context)
(conT ''SafeCopy `appT` ty)
[ mkPutCopySorted cons
, mkGetCopySorted (show tyName) cons
, valD (varP 'version) (normalB $ litE $ integerL $ fromIntegral $ unVersion versionId) []
, valD (varP 'kind) (normalB (varE kindName)) []
, funD 'errorTypeName [clause [wildP] (normalB $ litE $ StringL (show tyName)) []]
mkPutCopySorted :: [(Integer, Con)] -> DecQ
mkPutCopySorted cons =
funD 'putCopy (map mkPutClause cons)
manyConstructors = length cons > 1
mkPutClause (conNumber, RecC recName (sortFields -> fields)) = do
arg <- newName "arg"
let putConNumber = [|putWord8 $(lift conNumber)|]
putField (field, _, _) = [|safePut ($(varE field) $(varE arg))|]
putCopyBody = varE 'contain `appE` doE (
[ noBindS putConNumber | manyConstructors ] ++
[ noBindS (putField f) | f <- fields ] )
clause [asP arg (recP recName [])] (normalB putCopyBody) []
mkPutClause (_, con) =
fail ("Only record constructors are supported: " ++ show (conName con))
mkGetCopySorted :: String -> [(Integer, Con)] -> DecQ
mkGetCopySorted tyName cons =
valD (varP 'getCopy) (normalB [|contain $mkLabel|]) []
mkLabel = [|label $(lift labelString) $getCopyBody|]
labelString = tyName ++ ":"
getCopyBody = case cons of
[(_, con)] -> mkGetBody con
_ -> do
tagVar <- newName "tag"
let conMatch (i, con) =
match (litP $ IntegerL i) (normalB $ mkGetBody con) []
let noConMatch =
match wildP (normalB [|fail $(errorMsg tagVar)|]) []
doE [ bindS (varP tagVar) [|getWord8|]
, noBindS $ caseE (varE tagVar)
(map conMatch cons ++ [noConMatch]) ]
mkGetBody (RecC recName (sortFields -> fields)) = do
fieldVars <- mapM newName [nameBase f | (f, _, _) <- fields]
let getField fieldVar = bindS (varP fieldVar) [|safeGet|]
let makeRecord = recConE recName
[(f,) <$> varE v | ((f, _, _), v) <- zip fields fieldVars]
doE ([ getField v | v <- fieldVars ] ++
[ noBindS [|return $makeRecord|] ])
mkGetBody con =
fail ("Only record constructors are supported: " ++ show (conName con))
errorMsg tagVar = [|$(lift s1) ++ show $(varE tagVar) ++ $(lift s2)|]
s1, s2 :: String
s1 = "Could not identify tag \""
s2 = concat [ "\" for type "
, show tyName
, " that has only "
, show (length cons)
, " constructors. Maybe your data is corrupted?" ]
sortFields :: [VarStrictType] -> [VarStrictType]
-- We sort by length and then lexicographically, so that relative ordering
-- would be preserved when version suffix is added – otherwise these fields
-- would be sorted in different order after adding a suffix:
-- foo fooBar_v3
-- fooBar foo_v3
sortFields = sortOn (\(n, _, _) -> (length (nameBase n), nameBase n))
@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ import Data.Acid as Acid
-- Local
-- Local
import Utils
import Utils
import SafeCopy
import Markdown
import Markdown
@ -215,7 +216,7 @@ data Trait = Trait {
deriving (Show, Generic)
deriving (Show, Generic)
-- See Note [acid-state]
-- See Note [acid-state]
deriveSafeCopySimple 2 'extension ''Trait
deriveSafeCopySorted 3 'extension ''Trait
makeFields ''Trait
makeFields ''Trait
instance A.ToJSON Trait where
instance A.ToJSON Trait where
@ -227,18 +228,17 @@ instance A.ToJSON Trait where
-- template for future migrations.
-- template for future migrations.
-- Again, see Note [acid-state].
-- Again, see Note [acid-state].
data Trait_v1 = Trait_v1 {
data Trait_v2 = Trait_v2 {
_traitUid_v1 :: Uid Trait,
_traitUid_v2 :: Uid Trait,
_traitContent_v1 :: MarkdownInline }
_traitContent_v2 :: MarkdownInline }
-- TODO: at the next migration change this to deriveSafeCopySimple!
deriveSafeCopySimple 2 'base ''Trait_v2
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Trait_v1
instance Migrate Trait where
instance Migrate Trait where
type MigrateFrom Trait = Trait_v1
type MigrateFrom Trait = Trait_v2
migrate Trait_v1{..} = Trait {
migrate Trait_v2{..} = Trait {
_traitUid = _traitUid_v1,
_traitUid = _traitUid_v2,
_traitContent = _traitContent_v1 }
_traitContent = _traitContent_v2 }
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ data Item = Item {
_itemKind :: ItemKind }
_itemKind :: ItemKind }
deriving (Show, Generic)
deriving (Show, Generic)
deriveSafeCopySimple 9 'extension ''Item
deriveSafeCopySorted 10 'extension ''Item
makeFields ''Item
makeFields ''Item
instance A.ToJSON Item where
instance A.ToJSON Item where
@ -303,41 +303,39 @@ instance A.ToJSON Item where
-- Old version, needed for safe migration. It can most likely be already
-- Old version, needed for safe migration. It can most likely be already
-- deleted (if a checkpoint has been created), but it's been left here as a
-- deleted (if a checkpoint has been created), but it's been left here as a
-- template for future migrations.
-- template for future migrations.
data Item_v8 = Item_v8 {
data Item_v9 = Item_v9 {
_itemUid_v8 :: Uid Item,
_itemUid_v9 :: Uid Item,
_itemName_v8 :: Text,
_itemName_v9 :: Text,
_itemCreated_v8 :: UTCTime,
_itemCreated_v9 :: UTCTime,
_itemGroup__v8 :: Maybe Text,
_itemGroup__v9 :: Maybe Text,
_itemDescription_v8 :: MarkdownBlock,
_itemDescription_v9 :: MarkdownBlock,
_itemPros_v8 :: [Trait],
_itemPros_v9 :: [Trait],
_itemProsDeleted_v8 :: [Trait],
_itemProsDeleted_v9 :: [Trait],
_itemCons_v8 :: [Trait],
_itemCons_v9 :: [Trait],
_itemConsDeleted_v8 :: [Trait],
_itemConsDeleted_v9 :: [Trait],
_itemEcosystem_v8 :: MarkdownBlock,
_itemEcosystem_v9 :: MarkdownBlock,
_itemNotes_v8 :: MarkdownBlock,
_itemNotes_v9 :: MarkdownBlockWithTOC,
_itemLink_v8 :: Maybe Url,
_itemLink_v9 :: Maybe Url,
_itemKind_v8 :: ItemKind }
_itemKind_v9 :: ItemKind }
deriveSafeCopySimple 8 'base ''Item_v8
deriveSafeCopySimple 9 'base ''Item_v9
instance Migrate Item where
instance Migrate Item where
type MigrateFrom Item = Item_v8
type MigrateFrom Item = Item_v9
migrate Item_v8{..} = Item {
migrate Item_v9{..} = Item {
_itemUid = _itemUid_v8,
_itemUid = _itemUid_v9,
_itemName = _itemName_v8,
_itemName = _itemName_v9,
_itemCreated = _itemCreated_v8,
_itemCreated = _itemCreated_v9,
_itemGroup_ = _itemGroup__v8,
_itemGroup_ = _itemGroup__v9,
_itemDescription = _itemDescription_v8,
_itemDescription = _itemDescription_v9,
_itemPros = _itemPros_v8,
_itemPros = _itemPros_v9,
_itemProsDeleted = _itemProsDeleted_v8,
_itemProsDeleted = _itemProsDeleted_v9,
_itemCons = _itemCons_v8,
_itemCons = _itemCons_v9,
_itemConsDeleted = _itemConsDeleted_v8,
_itemConsDeleted = _itemConsDeleted_v9,
_itemEcosystem = _itemEcosystem_v8,
_itemEcosystem = _itemEcosystem_v9,
_itemNotes = let pref = "item-notes-" <> uidToText _itemUid_v8 <> "-"
_itemNotes = _itemNotes_v9,
md = _itemNotes_v8 ^. mdText
_itemLink = _itemLink_v9,
in toMarkdownBlockWithTOC pref md,
_itemKind = _itemKind_v9 }
_itemLink = _itemLink_v8,
_itemKind = _itemKind_v8 }
@ -450,7 +448,7 @@ data Category = Category {
_categoryItemsDeleted :: [Item] }
_categoryItemsDeleted :: [Item] }
deriving (Show, Generic)
deriving (Show, Generic)
deriveSafeCopySimple 7 'extension ''Category
deriveSafeCopySorted 8 'extension ''Category
makeFields ''Category
makeFields ''Category
instance A.ToJSON Category where
instance A.ToJSON Category where
@ -464,35 +462,35 @@ categorySlug category =
-- Old version, needed for safe migration. It can most likely be already
-- Old version, needed for safe migration. It can most likely be already
-- deleted (if a checkpoint has been created), but it's been left here as a
-- deleted (if a checkpoint has been created), but it's been left here as a
-- template for future migrations.
-- template for future migrations.
data Category_v6 = Category_v6 {
data Category_v7 = Category_v7 {
_categoryUid_v6 :: Uid Category,
_categoryUid_v7 :: Uid Category,
_categoryTitle_v6 :: Text,
_categoryTitle_v7 :: Text,
_categoryGroup_v6 :: Text,
_categoryGroup__v7 :: Text,
_categoryCreated_v6 :: UTCTime,
_categoryProsConsEnabled_v7 :: Bool,
_categoryStatus_v6 :: CategoryStatus,
_categoryEcosystemEnabled_v7 :: Bool,
_categoryNotes_v6 :: MarkdownBlock,
_categoryCreated_v7 :: UTCTime,
_categoryGroups_v6 :: Map Text Hue,
_categoryStatus_v7 :: CategoryStatus,
_categoryItems_v6 :: [Item],
_categoryNotes_v7 :: MarkdownBlock,
_categoryItemsDeleted_v6 :: [Item] }
_categoryGroups_v7 :: Map Text Hue,
_categoryItems_v7 :: [Item],
_categoryItemsDeleted_v7 :: [Item] }
deriveSafeCopySimple 6 'base ''Category_v6
deriveSafeCopySimple 7 'base ''Category_v7
instance Migrate Category where
instance Migrate Category where
type MigrateFrom Category = Category_v6
type MigrateFrom Category = Category_v7
migrate Category_v6{..} = Category {
migrate Category_v7{..} = Category {
_categoryUid = _categoryUid_v6,
_categoryUid = _categoryUid_v7,
_categoryTitle = _categoryTitle_v6,
_categoryTitle = _categoryTitle_v7,
_categoryGroup_ = _categoryGroup_v6,
_categoryGroup_ = _categoryGroup__v7,
-- _categoryProsConsEnabled = _categoryProsConsEnabled_v6,
_categoryProsConsEnabled = _categoryProsConsEnabled_v7,
_categoryProsConsEnabled = True,
_categoryEcosystemEnabled = _categoryEcosystemEnabled_v7,
-- _categoryEcosystemEnabled = _categoryEcosystemEnabled_v6,
_categoryCreated = _categoryCreated_v7,
_categoryEcosystemEnabled = True,
_categoryStatus = _categoryStatus_v7,
_categoryCreated = _categoryCreated_v6,
_categoryNotes = _categoryNotes_v7,
_categoryStatus = _categoryStatus_v6,
_categoryGroups = _categoryGroups_v7,
_categoryNotes = _categoryNotes_v6,
_categoryItems = _categoryItems_v7,
_categoryGroups = _categoryGroups_v6,
_categoryItemsDeleted = _categoryItemsDeleted_v7 }
_categoryItems = _categoryItems_v6,
_categoryItemsDeleted = _categoryItemsDeleted_v6 }
-- Edits
-- Edits
@ -716,22 +714,21 @@ data EditDetails = EditDetails {
editId :: Int }
editId :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriveSafeCopySimple 2 'extension ''EditDetails
deriveSafeCopySorted 3 'extension ''EditDetails
data EditDetails_v1 = EditDetails_v1 {
data EditDetails_v2 = EditDetails_v2 {
editIP_v1 :: Maybe IP,
editIP_v2 :: Maybe IP,
editDate_v1 :: UTCTime,
editDate_v2 :: UTCTime,
editId_v1 :: Int }
editId_v2 :: Int }
-- TODO: at the next migration change this to deriveSafeCopySimple!
deriveSafeCopySimple 2 'base ''EditDetails_v2
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''EditDetails_v1
instance Migrate EditDetails where
instance Migrate EditDetails where
type MigrateFrom EditDetails = EditDetails_v1
type MigrateFrom EditDetails = EditDetails_v2
migrate EditDetails_v1{..} = EditDetails {
migrate EditDetails_v2{..} = EditDetails {
editIP = editIP_v1,
editIP = editIP_v2,
editDate = editDate_v1,
editDate = editDate_v2,
editId = editId_v1 }
editId = editId_v2 }
data Action
data Action
= Action'MainPageVisit
= Action'MainPageVisit
@ -754,7 +751,24 @@ data ActionDetails = ActionDetails {
actionUserAgent :: Maybe Text }
actionUserAgent :: Maybe Text }
deriving (Show)
deriving (Show)
deriveSafeCopySimple 1 'base ''ActionDetails
deriveSafeCopySorted 2 'extension ''ActionDetails
data ActionDetails_v1 = ActionDetails_v1 {
actionIP_v1 :: Maybe IP,
actionDate_v1 :: UTCTime,
actionReferrer_v1 :: Maybe Referrer,
actionUserAgent_v1 :: Maybe Text }
deriving (Show)
deriveSafeCopySimple 1 'base ''ActionDetails_v1
instance Migrate ActionDetails where
type MigrateFrom ActionDetails = ActionDetails_v1
migrate ActionDetails_v1{..} = ActionDetails {
actionIP = actionIP_v1,
actionDate = actionDate_v1,
actionReferrer = actionReferrer_v1,
actionUserAgent = actionUserAgent_v1 }
-- See Note [acid-state]
-- See Note [acid-state]
@ -770,27 +784,28 @@ data GlobalState = GlobalState {
_dirty :: Bool }
_dirty :: Bool }
deriving (Show)
deriving (Show)
deriveSafeCopySimple 5 'extension ''GlobalState
deriveSafeCopySorted 6 'extension ''GlobalState
makeLenses ''GlobalState
makeLenses ''GlobalState
data GlobalState_v4 = GlobalState_v4 {
data GlobalState_v5 = GlobalState_v5 {
_categories_v4 :: [Category],
_categories_v5 :: [Category],
_categoriesDeleted_v4 :: [Category],
_categoriesDeleted_v5 :: [Category],
_actions_v4 :: [(Action, ActionDetails)],
_actions_v5 :: [(Action, ActionDetails)],
_pendingEdits_v4 :: [(Edit, EditDetails)],
_pendingEdits_v5 :: [(Edit, EditDetails)],
_editIdCounter_v4 :: Int }
_editIdCounter_v5 :: Int,
_dirty_v5 :: Bool }
deriveSafeCopySimple 4 'base ''GlobalState_v4
deriveSafeCopySimple 5 'base ''GlobalState_v5
instance Migrate GlobalState where
instance Migrate GlobalState where
type MigrateFrom GlobalState = GlobalState_v4
type MigrateFrom GlobalState = GlobalState_v5
migrate GlobalState_v4{..} = GlobalState {
migrate GlobalState_v5{..} = GlobalState {
_categories = _categories_v4,
_categories = _categories_v5,
_categoriesDeleted = _categoriesDeleted_v4,
_categoriesDeleted = _categoriesDeleted_v5,
_actions = _actions_v4,
_actions = _actions_v5,
_pendingEdits = _pendingEdits_v4,
_pendingEdits = _pendingEdits_v5,
_editIdCounter = _editIdCounter_v4,
_editIdCounter = _editIdCounter_v5,
_dirty = True }
_dirty = _dirty_v5 }
addGroupIfDoesNotExist :: Text -> Map Text Hue -> Map Text Hue
addGroupIfDoesNotExist :: Text -> Map Text Hue -> Map Text Hue
addGroupIfDoesNotExist g gs
addGroupIfDoesNotExist g gs
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
@ -45,7 +47,13 @@ module Utils
-- * Spock
-- * Spock
-- * Template Haskell
-- * Safecopy
-- * Safecopy
@ -58,6 +66,8 @@ where
import BasePrelude
import BasePrelude
-- Lists
import Data.List.Extra (stripSuffix)
-- Lenses
-- Lenses
import Lens.Micro.Platform hiding ((&))
import Lens.Micro.Platform hiding ((&))
-- Monads and monad transformers
-- Monads and monad transformers
@ -65,6 +75,8 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Catch
-- Containers
-- Containers
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
-- Hashable (needed for Uid)
-- Hashable (needed for Uid)
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Hashable
-- Randomness
-- Randomness
@ -78,7 +90,7 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Network.Socket as Network
import qualified Network.Socket as Network
import Data.IP
import Data.IP
-- Web
-- Web
import Lucid
import Lucid hiding (for_)
import Web.Spock
import Web.Spock
import Text.HTML.SanitizeXSS (sanitaryURI)
import Text.HTML.SanitizeXSS (sanitaryURI)
import Web.PathPieces
import Web.PathPieces
@ -90,6 +102,10 @@ import qualified Text.XML.Light.Output as XML
import Data.SafeCopy
import Data.SafeCopy
-- Template Haskell
-- Template Haskell
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH (lift)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter(..))
import Language.Haskell.Meta (parseExp)
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data (transform)
-- | Move the -1st element that satisfies the predicate- up.
-- | Move the -1st element that satisfies the predicate- up.
@ -206,6 +222,168 @@ atomFeed feed = do
setHeader "Content-Type" "application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8"
setHeader "Content-Type" "application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8"
bytes $ T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack (XML.ppElement (Atom.xmlFeed feed)))
bytes $ T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack (XML.ppElement (Atom.xmlFeed feed)))
hs :: QuasiQuoter
hs = QuasiQuoter {
quoteExp = either fail TH.lift . parseExp,
quotePat = fail "hs: can't parse patterns",
quoteType = fail "hs: can't parse types",
quoteDec = fail "hs: can't parse declarations" }
dumpSplices :: DecsQ -> DecsQ
dumpSplices x = do
ds <- x
-- “reportWarning (pprint ds)” doesn't work in Emacs because of
-- haskell-mode's parsing of compiler messages
mapM_ (reportWarning . pprint) ds
return ds
{- |
A change from one version of a record (one constructor, several fields) to another version. We only record the latest version, so we have to be able to reconstruct the previous version knowing the current version and a list of 'Change's.
data Change
-- | A field with a particular name and type was removed
= Removed String (Q Type)
-- | A field with a particular name and default value was added. We don't
-- have to record the type since it's already known (remember, we know what
-- the final version of the record is)
| Added String Exp
{- |
Generate previous version of the type.
Assume that the new type and the changelog are, respectively:
-- version 4
data Foo = FooRec {
b :: Bool,
c :: Int }
changelog ''Foo 4 [
Removed "a" [t|String|],
Added "c" [|if null a then 0 else 1|] ]
Then we will generate a type called Foo_v3:
data Foo_v3 = FooRec_v3 {
a_v3 :: String,
b_v3 :: Bool }
We'll also generate a migration instance:
instance Migrate Foo where
type MigrateFrom Foo = Foo_v3
migrate old = FooRec {
b = b_v3 old,
c = if null (a_v3 old) then 0 else 1 }
Note that you must use 'deriveSafeCopySorted' for types that use 'changelog' because otherwise fields will be parsed in the wrong order. Specifically, imagine that you have created a type with fields “b” and “a” and then removed “b”. 'changelog' has no way of knowing from “the current version has field “a”” and “the previous version also had field “b”” that the previous version had fields “b, a” and not “a, b”. Usual 'deriveSafeCopy' or 'deriveSafeCopySimple' care about field order and thus will treat “b, a” and “a, b” as different types.
:: Name -- ^ Type (without version suffix)
-> Int -- ^ New version
-> [Change] -- ^ List of changes between this version and previous one
-> DecsQ
changelog tyName newVer changes = do
-- Get information about the new version of the datatype
TyConI (DataD _cxt _name _vars cons _deriving) <- reify tyName
-- Do some checks first – we only have to handle simple types for now, but
-- if/when we need to handle more complex ones, we want to be warned
unless (null _cxt) $
fail "changelog: can't yet work with types with context"
unless (null _vars) $
fail "changelog: can't yet work with types with variables"
con <- case cons of
[x] -> return x
[] -> fail "changelog: the type has to have at least one constructor"
_ -> fail "changelog: the type has to have only one constructor"
-- Check that the type is a record and that there are no strict fields
-- (which we cannot handle yet); when done, make a list of fields that is
-- easier to work with
(recName :: Name, fields :: [(Name, Type)]) <- case con of
RecC cn fs
| all (== NotStrict) (fs^..each._2) ->
return (cn, [(n, t) | (n,_,t) <- fs])
| otherwise -> fail "changelog: can't work with strict/unpacked fields"
_ -> fail "changelog: the type must be a record"
-- This will only be needed on newer GHC:
-- let normalBang = Bang NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness
-- Check that all 'Added' fields are actually present in the new type
for_ (M.keys added) $ \n -> do
unless (n `elem` map (nameBase . fst) fields) $ fail $
printf "changelog: field %s isn't present in %s" (show n) (show tyName)
-- Now we can generate the old type based on the new type and the
-- changelog. First we determine the list of fields (and types) we'll have
-- by taking 'fields' from the new type, adding 'Removed' fields and
-- removing 'Added' fields:
let oldFields :: Map Name (Q Type)
oldFields = let f (Added x _) = M.delete x
f (Removed n t) = M.insert n t
m = M.fromList [(nameBase n, return t)
| (n,t) <- fields]
in M.mapKeys (old . mkName) $ foldr f m changes
-- Then we construct the record constructor:
-- FooRec_v3 { a_v3 :: String, b_v3 :: Bool }
let oldRec = recC (old recName)
[varStrictType fName
(strictType notStrict fType)
| (fName, fType) <- M.toList oldFields]
-- And the data type:
-- data Foo_v3 = FooRec_v3 {...}
let oldTypeDecl = dataD (cxt []) -- no context
(old tyName) -- name of old type
[] -- no variables
[oldRec] -- one constructor
[] -- not deriving anything
-- Next we generate the migration instance. It has two inner declarations.
-- First declaration – “type MigrateFrom Foo = Foo_v3”:
let migrateFromDecl =
tySynInstD ''MigrateFrom
(tySynEqn [conT tyName] (conT (old tyName)))
-- Second declaration:
-- migrate old = FooRec {
-- b = b_v3 old,
-- c = if null (a_v3 old) then 0 else 1 }
migrateArg <- newName "old"
-- This function replaces accessors in an expression – “a” turns into
-- “(a_vN old)” if 'a' is one of the fields in the old type
let replaceAccessors = transform f
where f (VarE x) | old x `elem` M.keys oldFields =
AppE (VarE (old x)) (VarE migrateArg)
f x = x
let migrateDecl = funD 'migrate [
clause [varP migrateArg]
(normalB $ recConE recName $ do
(newField, _) <- fields
let content = case M.lookup (nameBase newField) added of
Nothing -> appE (varE (old newField)) (varE migrateArg)
Just e -> return (replaceAccessors e)
return $ (newField,) <$> content)
let migrateInstanceDecl =
(cxt []) -- no context
[t|Migrate $(conT tyName)|] -- Migrate Foo
[migrateFromDecl, migrateDecl] -- associated type & migration func
-- Return everything
sequence [oldTypeDecl, migrateInstanceDecl]
oldVer = newVer - 1
-- Convert a new name to an old name by adding “_vN” to it or replacing
-- it if the name already has a “_v” suffix
old :: Name -> Name
old (nameBase -> n) =
let suffixless = fromMaybe n $ stripSuffix ("_v" ++ show newVer) n
in mkName (suffixless ++ "_v" ++ show oldVer)
-- List of 'Added' fields
added :: Map String Exp
added = M.fromList [(n, e) | Added n e <- changes]
data GenConstructor = Copy Name | Custom String [(String, Name)]
data GenConstructor = Copy Name | Custom String [(String, Name)]
genVer :: Name -> Int -> [GenConstructor] -> Q [Dec]
genVer :: Name -> Int -> [GenConstructor] -> Q [Dec]
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