mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 21:13:07 +03:00
Use makeFields instead of makeLenses
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ RankNTypes,
@ -39,53 +41,53 @@ import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static
-- | Unique id, used for many things – categories, items, and anchor ids.
-- Note that in HTML 5 using numeric ids for divs, spans, etc is okay.
type UID = Int
type Uid = Int
randomUID :: MonadIO m => m UID
randomUID = liftIO $ randomRIO (0, 10^(9::Int))
randomUid :: MonadIO m => m Uid
randomUid = liftIO $ randomRIO (0, 10^(9::Int))
data ProCon = ProCon {
_proConId :: UID,
_proConText :: Text }
_proConUid :: Uid,
_proConContent :: Text }
makeLenses ''ProCon
makeFields ''ProCon
data ItemKind = HackageLibrary | Library | Unknown
data Item = Item {
_itemId :: UID,
_name :: Text,
_pros :: [ProCon],
_cons :: [ProCon],
_link :: Maybe Text,
_kind :: ItemKind }
_itemUid :: Uid,
_itemName :: Text,
_itemPros :: [ProCon],
_itemCons :: [ProCon],
_itemLink :: Maybe Text,
_itemKind :: ItemKind }
makeLenses ''Item
makeFields ''Item
proConById :: UID -> Lens' Item ProCon
proConById uid = singular $
(pros.each . filtered ((== uid) . view proConId)) `failing`
(cons.each . filtered ((== uid) . view proConId))
proConById :: Uid -> Lens' Item ProCon
proConById uid' = singular $
(pros.each . filtered ((== uid') . view uid)) `failing`
(cons.each . filtered ((== uid') . view uid))
data Category = Category {
_catId :: UID,
_title :: Text,
_items :: [Item] }
_categoryUid :: Uid,
_categoryTitle :: Text,
_categoryItems :: [Item] }
makeLenses ''Category
makeFields ''Category
data S = S {
_categories :: [Category] }
makeLenses ''S
categoryById :: UID -> Lens' S Category
categoryById uid = singular $
categories.each . filtered ((== uid) . view catId)
categoryById :: Uid -> Lens' S Category
categoryById uid' = singular $
categories.each . filtered ((== uid') . view uid)
itemById :: UID -> Lens' S Item
itemById uid = singular $
categories.each . items.each . filtered ((== uid) . view itemId)
itemById :: Uid -> Lens' S Item
itemById uid' = singular $
categories.each . items.each . filtered ((== uid') . view uid)
emptyState :: S
emptyState = S {
@ -95,25 +97,25 @@ sampleState :: S
sampleState = S {
_categories = [
Category {
_catId = 1,
_title = "lenses",
_items = [
_categoryUid = 1,
_categoryTitle = "lenses",
_categoryItems = [
Item {
_itemId = 2,
_name = "lens",
_pros = [ProCon 3 "the standard lenses library",
_itemUid = 2,
_itemName = "lens",
_itemPros = [ProCon 3 "the standard lenses library",
ProCon 4 "batteries included"],
_cons = [ProCon 5 "huge"],
_link = Nothing,
_kind = HackageLibrary },
_itemCons = [ProCon 5 "huge"],
_itemLink = Nothing,
_itemKind = HackageLibrary },
Item {
_itemId = 6,
_name = "microlens",
_pros = [ProCon 7 "very small",
_itemUid = 6,
_itemName = "microlens",
_itemPros = [ProCon 7 "very small",
ProCon 8 "good for libraries"],
_cons = [ProCon 9 "doesn't have advanced features"],
_link = Nothing,
_kind = HackageLibrary }
_itemCons = [ProCon 9 "doesn't have advanced features"],
_itemLink = Nothing,
_itemKind = HackageLibrary }
] }
] }
@ -141,100 +143,100 @@ main = runSpock 8080 $ spockT id $ do
-- Create a new category, with its title submitted via a POST request.
Spock.post "/category/add" $ do
title' <- param' "title"
uid <- randomUID
uid' <- randomUid
let newCategory = Category {
_catId = uid,
_title = title',
_items = [] }
_categoryUid = uid',
_categoryTitle = title',
_categoryItems = [] }
withS $
categories %= (++ [newCategory])
lucid $ renderCategory newCategory
-- Create a new library in the specified category, with the library name
-- and category id submitted via a POST request.
Spock.post ("/category" <//> var <//> "library/add") $ \catId' -> do
Spock.post ("/category" <//> var <//> "library/add") $ \catId -> do
name' <- param' "name"
uid <- randomUID
uid' <- randomUid
let newItem = Item {
_itemId = uid,
_name = name',
_pros = [],
_cons = [],
_link = Nothing,
_kind = HackageLibrary }
_itemUid = uid',
_itemName = name',
_itemPros = [],
_itemCons = [],
_itemLink = Nothing,
_itemKind = HackageLibrary }
-- TODO: maybe do something if the category doesn't exist (e.g. has been
-- already deleted)
withS $
categoryById catId' . items %= (++ [newItem])
categoryById catId . items %= (++ [newItem])
lucid $ renderItem Normal newItem
-- Add a pro (argument in favor of a library).
Spock.post ("/item" <//> var <//> "pro/add") $ \itemId' -> do
content <- param' "content"
uid <- randomUID
let newThing = ProCon uid content
Spock.post ("/item" <//> var <//> "pro/add") $ \itemId -> do
content' <- param' "content"
uid' <- randomUid
let newThing = ProCon uid' content'
withS $ do
itemById itemId' . pros %= (++ [newThing])
lucid $ renderProCon Editable itemId' newThing
itemById itemId . pros %= (++ [newThing])
lucid $ renderProCon Editable itemId newThing
-- Add a con (argument against a library).
Spock.post ("/item" <//> var <//> "con/add") $ \itemId' -> do
content <- param' "content"
uid <- randomUID
let newThing = ProCon uid content
Spock.post ("/item" <//> var <//> "con/add") $ \itemId -> do
content' <- param' "content"
uid' <- randomUid
let newThing = ProCon uid' content'
withS $ do
itemById itemId' . cons %= (++ [newThing])
lucid $ renderProCon Editable itemId' newThing
itemById itemId . cons %= (++ [newThing])
lucid $ renderProCon Editable itemId newThing
-- Set the title of a category (returns rendered new title).
Spock.post ("/category" <//> var <//> "title/set") $ \catId' -> do
Spock.post ("/category" <//> var <//> "title/set") $ \catId -> do
title' <- param' "title"
changedCategory <- withS $ do
categoryById catId' . title .= title'
use (categoryById catId')
categoryById catId . title .= title'
use (categoryById catId)
lucid $ renderCategoryHeading changedCategory
-- Return rendered title of a category.
Spock.get ("/category" <//> var <//> "title/render-normal") $ \catId' -> do
category <- withS $ use (categoryById catId')
Spock.get ("/category" <//> var <//> "title/render-normal") $ \catId -> do
category <- withS $ use (categoryById catId)
lucid $ renderCategoryHeading category
-- Return rendered title of a category the way it should look when the
-- category is being edited.
Spock.get ("/category" <//> var <//> "title/render-edit") $ \catId' -> do
category <- withS $ use (categoryById catId')
Spock.get ("/category" <//> var <//> "title/render-edit") $ \catId -> do
category <- withS $ use (categoryById catId)
lucid $ renderCategoryHeadingEdit category
-- Return rendered item the way it should normally look.
Spock.get ("/item" <//> var <//> "render-normal") $ \itemId' -> do
item <- withS $ use (itemById itemId')
Spock.get ("/item" <//> var <//> "render-normal") $ \itemId -> do
item <- withS $ use (itemById itemId)
lucid $ renderItem Normal item
-- Return rendered item the way it should look when it's editable.
Spock.get ("/item" <//> var <//> "render-edit") $ \itemId' -> do
item <- withS $ use (itemById itemId')
Spock.get ("/item" <//> var <//> "render-edit") $ \itemId -> do
item <- withS $ use (itemById itemId)
lucid $ renderItem Editable item
-- Return rendered pro/con the way it should normally look.
Spock.get ("/item" <//> var <//> "pro-con" <//> var <//> "render-normal") $
\itemId' proConId' -> do
thing <- withS $ use (itemById itemId' . proConById proConId')
lucid $ renderProCon Editable itemId' thing
\itemId thingId -> do
thing <- withS $ use (itemById itemId . proConById thingId)
lucid $ renderProCon Editable itemId thing
-- Return rendered pro/con the way it should look when it's being edited.
Spock.get ("/item" <//> var <//> "pro-con" <//> var <//> "render-edit") $
\itemId' proConId' -> do
thing <- withS $ use (itemById itemId' . proConById proConId')
lucid $ renderProCon InEdit itemId' thing
\itemId thingId -> do
thing <- withS $ use (itemById itemId . proConById thingId)
lucid $ renderProCon InEdit itemId thing
-- Change a pro/con.
Spock.post ("/item" <//> var <//> "pro-con" <//> var <//> "set") $
\itemId' proConId' -> do
content <- param' "content"
\itemId thingId -> do
content' <- param' "content"
changedThing <- withS $ do
itemById itemId' . proConById proConId' . proConText .= content
use (itemById itemId' . proConById proConId')
lucid $ renderProCon Editable itemId' changedThing
itemById itemId . proConById thingId . content .= content'
use (itemById itemId . proConById thingId)
lucid $ renderProCon Editable itemId changedThing
renderRoot :: S -> HtmlT IO ()
renderRoot s = do
@ -256,26 +258,26 @@ renderCategoryHeading category =
-- TODO: make category headings anchor links
toHtml (category^.title)
textButton "edit" $
js_startCategoryHeadingEdit (headerNode, category^.catId)
js_startCategoryHeadingEdit (headerNode, category^.uid)
renderCategoryHeadingEdit :: Category -> HtmlT IO ()
renderCategoryHeadingEdit category =
h2_ $ do
headerNode <- thisNode
let handler = js_submitCategoryHeadingEdit
(headerNode, category^.catId, js_this_value)
(headerNode, category^.uid, js_this_value)
input_ [type_ "text", value_ (category^.title), submitFunc handler]
textButton "cancel" $
js_cancelCategoryHeadingEdit (headerNode, category^.catId)
js_cancelCategoryHeadingEdit (headerNode, category^.uid)
renderCategory :: Category -> HtmlT IO ()
renderCategory category =
div_ [id_ (tshow (category^.catId))] $ do
div_ [id_ (tshow (category^.uid))] $ do
renderCategoryHeading category
itemsNode <- div_ [class_ "items"] $ do
mapM_ (renderItem Normal) (category^.items)
let handler = js_addLibrary (itemsNode, category^.catId, js_this_value)
let handler = js_addLibrary (itemsNode, category^.uid, js_this_value)
input_ [type_ "text", placeholder_ "new item", submitFunc handler]
-- TODO: when the link for a HackageLibrary isn't empty, show it separately
@ -285,37 +287,37 @@ renderItem
-> Item
-> HtmlT IO ()
renderItem editable item =
div_ [class_ "item", id_ (tshow (item^.itemId))] $ do
div_ [class_ "item", id_ (tshow (item^.uid))] $ do
itemNode <- thisNode
h3_ $ do
case editable of
Normal -> textButton "edit" $
js_enableItemEdit (itemNode, item^.itemId)
js_enableItemEdit (itemNode, item^.uid)
Editable -> textButton "edit off" $
js_disableItemEdit (itemNode, item^.itemId)
js_disableItemEdit (itemNode, item^.uid)
div_ [class_ "pros-cons"] $ do
div_ [class_ "pros"] $ do
p_ "Pros:"
case editable of
Normal ->
ul_ $ mapM_ (renderProCon Normal (item^.itemId)) (item^.pros)
ul_ $ mapM_ (renderProCon Normal (item^.uid)) (item^.pros)
Editable -> do
listNode <- ul_ $ do
mapM_ (renderProCon Editable (item^.itemId)) (item^.pros)
mapM_ (renderProCon Editable (item^.uid)) (item^.pros)
let handler = js_addPro (listNode, item^.itemId, js_this_value)
let handler = js_addPro (listNode, item^.uid, js_this_value)
input_ [type_ "text", placeholder_ "add pro", submitFunc handler]
div_ [class_ "cons"] $ do
p_ "Cons:"
case editable of
Normal ->
ul_ $ mapM_ (renderProCon Normal (item^.itemId)) (item^.cons)
ul_ $ mapM_ (renderProCon Normal (item^.uid)) (item^.cons)
Editable -> do
listNode <- ul_ $ do
mapM_ (renderProCon Editable (item^.itemId)) (item^.cons)
mapM_ (renderProCon Editable (item^.uid)) (item^.cons)
let handler = js_addCon (listNode, item^.itemId, js_this_value)
let handler = js_addCon (listNode, item^.uid, js_this_value)
input_ [type_ "text", placeholder_ "add con", submitFunc handler]
hackageLink = format "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/{}"
@ -327,20 +329,20 @@ renderItem editable item =
a_ [href_ hackageLink] (toHtml (item^.name))
_otherwise -> toHtml (item^.name)
renderProCon :: Editable -> UID -> ProCon -> HtmlT IO ()
renderProCon Normal _ thing = li_ (toHtml (thing^.proConText))
renderProCon Editable itemId' thing = li_ $ do
renderProCon :: Editable -> Uid -> ProCon -> HtmlT IO ()
renderProCon Normal _ proCon = li_ (toHtml (proCon^.content))
renderProCon Editable itemId proCon = li_ $ do
this <- thisNode
toHtml (thing^.proConText)
toHtml (proCon^.content)
textButton "edit" $
js_startProConEdit (this, itemId', thing^.proConId)
renderProCon InEdit itemId' thing = li_ $ do
js_startProConEdit (this, itemId, proCon^.uid)
renderProCon InEdit itemId thing = li_ $ do
this <- thisNode
let handler = js_submitProConEdit
(this, itemId', thing^.proConId, js_this_value)
input_ [type_ "text", value_ (thing^.proConText), submitFunc handler]
(this, itemId, thing^.uid, js_this_value)
input_ [type_ "text", value_ (thing^.content), submitFunc handler]
textButton "cancel" $
js_cancelProConEdit (this, itemId', thing^.proConId)
js_cancelProConEdit (this, itemId, thing^.uid)
-- Utils
@ -540,9 +542,9 @@ type JQuerySelector = Text
thisNode :: HtmlT IO JQuerySelector
thisNode = do
uid <- randomUID
span_ [id_ (tshow uid)] mempty
return (T.pack (show (format ":has(> #{})" [uid])))
uid' <- randomUid
span_ [id_ (tshow uid')] mempty
return (T.pack (show (format ":has(> #{})" [uid'])))
lucid :: HtmlT IO a -> ActionT IO a
lucid h = do
Reference in New Issue
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