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synced 2024-12-23 12:52:31 +03:00
[tests] Some instance magic for nicer selectors
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
@ -65,7 +68,8 @@ mainPageTests = session "main page" $ using Firefox $ do
-- and now it shall be overflowing
setWindowSize (700, 500)
(_, height2) <- elemSize e
height2 `shouldSatisfy` ("be >70", (>70))
waitUntil 2 $
height2 `shouldSatisfy` ("be >70", (>70))
categoryTests :: Spec
categoryTests = session "categories" $ using Firefox $ do
@ -96,17 +100,15 @@ markdownTests = session "markdown" $ using Firefox $ do
describe "Markdown isn't allowed in category names" $ do
wd "when creating a category" $ do
createCategory "*foo*"
e <- select ".category-title"
e <- select categoryTitle
e `shouldHaveText` "*foo*"
wd "when changing existing category's name" $ do
header <- select ".category h2"
editButton <- findElemFrom header (ByLinkText "edit")
click editButton
do inp <- select ".category form input[name=title]"
form <- openCategoryEditForm
do inp <- select (form, "input[name=title]" :: String)
clearInput inp
sendKeys ("foo `bar`" <> _enter) inp
waitWhile 2 (expectNotStale inp)
e <- select ".category-title"
e <- select categoryTitle
e `shouldHaveText` "foo `bar`"
@ -122,10 +124,52 @@ createCategory :: Text -> WD ()
createCategory t =
changesURL $ sendKeys (t <> _enter) =<< select ".add-category"
categoryTitle :: Selector
categoryTitle = ByCSS ".category-title"
openCategoryEditForm :: WD Element
openCategoryEditForm = do
click =<< select (".category h2", ByLinkText "edit")
select ".category form"
categoryEditForm :: Selector
categoryEditForm = ByCSS ".category form"
-- Utilities for webdriver
class Show a => IsSelector a where
selectAll :: a -> WD [Element]
instance IsSelector Element where
selectAll e = return [e]
instance IsSelector Selector where
selectAll s = findElems s
instance (IsSelector a) => IsSelector (a, Selector) where
selectAll (a, b) = do
es <- selectAll a
nub . concat <$> for es (\e -> findElemsFrom e b)
instance (IsSelector a) => IsSelector (a, String) where
selectAll (a, b) = do
es <- selectAll a
nub . concat <$> for es (\e -> findElemsFrom e (ByCSS (fromString b)))
instance (a ~ String) => IsSelector a where
selectAll t = findElems (ByCSS (fromString t))
select :: IsSelector a => a -> WD Element
select x = do
es <- selectAll x
when (null es) $ expectationFailure $
printf "%s wasn't found on the page" (show x)
return (head es)
selectWait :: IsSelector a => a -> WD Element
selectWait s = waitUntil 2 (select s)
`catch` \e@(FailedCommand ty _) ->
if ty == Timeout
then error (printf "Waiting for %s timed out" (show s))
else throwM e
changesURL :: WD a -> WD a
changesURL x = do
url <- getCurrentURL
@ -153,31 +197,18 @@ _pause = do
when (x == "q") $
expectationFailure "quit"
checkPresent :: Text -> WD ()
checkPresent :: IsSelector a => a -> WD ()
checkPresent x = do
es <- selectAll x
when (null es) $ expectationFailure $
printf "expected %s to be present on the page" (show x)
checkNotPresent :: Text -> WD ()
checkNotPresent :: IsSelector a => a -> WD ()
checkNotPresent x = do
es <- selectAll x
when (not (null es)) $ expectationFailure $
printf "expected %s not to be present on the page" (show x)
select :: Text -> WD Element
select = findElem . ByCSS
selectAll :: Text -> WD [Element]
selectAll = findElems . ByCSS
selectWait :: Text -> WD Element
selectWait css = waitUntil 2 (select css)
`catch` \e@(FailedCommand ty _) ->
if ty == Timeout
then error (printf "Waiting for “%s” timed out" css)
else throwM e
getCurrentRelativeURL :: WD URI
getCurrentRelativeURL = do
url <- getCurrentURL
Reference in New Issue
Block a user