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synced 2024-11-23 12:15:06 +03:00
Add comments to Guide.Cache
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,31 +25,52 @@ import Guide.State
import Guide.Utils
-- Left = someone started rendering but haven't finished yet
-- Right = result of the render
{- | The cache is a (concurrent) map of rendered HTML for various pages and
pieces of pages.
* 'Left' means that someone has started rendering the piece but hasn't
finished yet; the 'Unique' specifies who started the rendering.
* 'Right' gives you the result of a complete render.
type Cache = STMMap.Map CacheKey (Either Unique LByteString)
-- | The actual global cache.
cache :: Cache
{-# NOINLINE cache #-}
cache = unsafePerformIO STMMap.newIO
-- | 'CacheKey' specifies what exactly we're caching. Currently we only cache
-- pieces of pages, never pages themselves.
data CacheKey
-- | List of categories on the main page
= CacheCategoryList
-- categories
-- | Whole category (but not the wrapper page)
| CacheCategory (Uid Category)
-- | The header with category name + the edit form + possibly status banner
| CacheCategoryInfo (Uid Category)
-- | Category description
| CacheCategoryNotes (Uid Category)
-- items
-- | Whole item (but not the wrapper page)
| CacheItem (Uid Item)
-- | Item header
| CacheItemInfo (Uid Item)
-- | Item summary
| CacheItemDescription (Uid Item)
-- | Item ecosystem
| CacheItemEcosystem (Uid Item)
-- | Item “traits” section
| CacheItemTraits (Uid Item)
-- | Item notes
| CacheItemNotes (Uid Item)
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable CacheKey
-- | Determine which parts should be re-rendered when a given part
-- updates. (Including the given part itself.)
cacheDepends :: GlobalState -> CacheKey -> [CacheKey]
cacheDepends gs key = case key of
CacheCategoryList -> [key]
@ -93,58 +114,61 @@ cacheDepends gs key = case key of
let cat = findCategoryByItem x gs
in [key, CacheItem x, CacheCategory (cat^.uid)]
-- Note that cache invalidation has to happen before the actual action is
-- performed, because otherwise bad things can happen (e.g. if we're deleting
-- an item we have to invalidate the cache for its category, but if we've
-- already deleted the item we can't look up its category).
{- | Remove a part from the cache, together with all parts that depend on it.
Note that cache invalidation has to happen before the actual action is
performed, because otherwise bad things can happen (e.g. if we're deleting an
item we have to invalidate the cache for its category, but if we've already
deleted the item we can't look up its category in the 'GlobalState').
invalidateCache :: MonadIO m => GlobalState -> CacheKey -> m ()
invalidateCache gs key = liftIO $ atomically $ do
for_ (cacheDepends gs key) $ \k ->
STMMap.delete k cache
-- | Empty the whole cache.
emptyCache :: MonadIO m => m ()
emptyCache = liftIO $ atomically $ STMMap.deleteAll cache
-- | Either take the rendered item from the cache, or render it and put it
-- into the cache if it's not there.
cached :: MonadIO m => CacheKey -> HtmlT IO () -> HtmlT m ()
cached key gen = do
-- If the item isn't in the cache, we'll have to render it, so we insert a
-- unique mark if the item wasn't found, and we do it in the same STM
-- transaction (so that nobody would be able to interfere)
uniq <- liftIO newUnique
mbRes <- liftSTM $ do
mbRes <- liftSTM $ do -- liftSTM uses 'atomically'
r <- STMMap.lookup key cache
when (isNothing r) $
STMMap.insert (Left uniq) key cache
return r
-- Okay, so. What's the result?
case mbRes of
-- The item was in the cache, so we just return it
-- If the item was in the cache already, we just return it
Just (Right res) -> toHtmlRaw res
-- Someone else is already rendering this; we'll use their result when
-- it's ready
-- If someone else is already rendering this, we'll use their result when
-- it's ready (so we wait a bit and then retry)
Just (Left _) -> do
liftIO (threadDelay 1000)
cached key gen
-- The item isn't in the cache, so we'll take on rendering it
-- If the item isn't in the cache, we'll take on rendering it
Nothing -> do
-- If rendering doesn't succeed, we delete the mark so that someone
-- else would be able to render it
-- On exception (i.e. when we have failed to do the render), we delete
-- our mark (but only if it's really our mark) so that someone else
-- would be able to try to render it
bs <- liftIO $ renderBST gen `onException`
liftSTM (deleteIfEq key (Left uniq) cache)
-- If rendering has succeeded, we write the rendered result
-- If rendering has succeeded, we write the rendered result, but only
-- if the rendering has been started by us
liftSTM (replaceIfEq key (Left uniq) (Right bs) cache)
toHtmlRaw bs
-- The *IfEq functions are used for extra safety (we'll never replace a newer
-- render with an older render accidentally)
-- | Delete the value, but only if it's equal to the one we expect.
deleteIfEq :: Eq v => STMMap.Key k => k -> v -> STMMap.Map k v -> STM ()
deleteIfEq k v m = STMMap.focus (Focus.updateM upd) k m
where upd a = return (if a == v then Nothing else Just a)
-- | Replace the value, but only if it's equal to the one we expect.
replaceIfEq :: Eq v => STMMap.Key k => k -> v -> v -> STMMap.Map k v -> STM ()
replaceIfEq k v v' m = STMMap.focus (Focus.adjustM upd) k m
where upd a = return (if a == v then v' else a)
liftSTM :: MonadIO m => STM a -> m a
liftSTM = liftIO . atomically
@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ module Guide.Utils
-- * STM
-- * Instances
-- ** 'MonadThrow' for 'HtmlT'
@ -629,6 +632,13 @@ migrateVer tyName ver constructors = do
lam1E (varP arg) (caseE (varE arg) (map return branches'))
-- STM
liftSTM :: MonadIO m => STM a -> m a
liftSTM = liftIO . atomically
-- Orphan instances
@ -657,7 +657,8 @@ renderSearch mbSearchQuery =
mustache "search" $ A.object [
"query" A..= mbSearchQuery ]
-- | Render list of categories on the main page.
-- | Render list of categories on the main page (the one with category groups
-- and categories in it).
-- If the presentation of the category list ever changes (e.g. to include
-- lists of items in categories, or their counts, or something), you might
Reference in New Issue
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