mirror of https://github.com/aelve/guide.git synced 2024-12-28 08:03:07 +03:00

Add category descriptions

This commit is contained in:
Artyom 2016-02-20 13:29:56 +03:00
parent 329150449e
commit 6e6ff6d9cf

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@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ proConById uid' = singular $
data Category = Category {
_categoryUid :: Uid,
_categoryTitle :: Text,
_categoryDescription :: Text,
_categoryItems :: [Item] }
makeFields ''Category
@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ sampleState = do
let lensesCategory = Category {
_categoryUid = 1,
_categoryTitle = "lenses",
_categoryDescription = "Lenses are first-class composable accessors.",
_categoryItems = [lensItem, microlensItem] }
S {_categories = [lensesCategory]}
@ -142,11 +144,12 @@ main = runSpock 8080 $ spockT id $ do
-- Create a new category, with its title submitted via a POST request.
Spock.post "/category/add" $ do
title' <- param' "title"
title' <- param' "content"
uid' <- randomUid
let newCategory = Category {
_categoryUid = uid',
_categoryTitle = title',
_categoryDescription = "<write a description here>",
_categoryItems = [] }
withS $
categories %= (++ [newCategory])
@ -188,19 +191,33 @@ main = runSpock 8080 $ spockT id $ do
itemById itemId . cons %= (++ [newThing])
lucid $ renderProCon Editable itemId newThing
-- Set the title of a category (returns rendered new title).
-- Set the title of a category (returns rendered title).
Spock.post ("/category" <//> var <//> "title/set") $ \catId -> do
title' <- param' "title"
content' <- param' "content"
changedCategory <- withS $ do
categoryById catId . title .= title'
categoryById catId . title .= content'
use (categoryById catId)
lucid $ renderCategoryHeading Editable changedCategory
lucid $ renderCategoryTitle Editable changedCategory
-- Rendered the title of a category.
-- Render the title of a category.
Spock.get ("/category" <//> var <//> "title/render") $ \catId -> do
category <- withS $ use (categoryById catId)
renderMode <- param' "mode"
lucid $ renderCategoryHeading renderMode category
lucid $ renderCategoryTitle renderMode category
-- Set the description of a category (returns rendered description).
Spock.post ("/category" <//> var <//> "description/set") $ \catId -> do
content' <- param' "content"
changedCategory <- withS $ do
categoryById catId . description .= content'
use (categoryById catId)
lucid $ renderCategoryDescription Editable changedCategory
-- Render the description of a category.
Spock.get ("/category" <//> var <//> "description/render") $ \catId -> do
category <- withS $ use (categoryById catId)
renderMode <- param' "mode"
lucid $ renderCategoryDescription renderMode category
-- Render an item.
Spock.get ("/item" <//> var <//> "render") $ \itemId -> do
@ -208,7 +225,7 @@ main = runSpock 8080 $ spockT id $ do
renderMode <- param' "mode"
lucid $ renderItem renderMode item
-- Return rendered pro/con the way it should normally look.
-- Render a pro/con.
Spock.get ("/item" <//> var <//> "pro-con" <//> var <//> "render") $
\itemId thingId -> do
thing <- withS $ use (itemById itemId . proConById thingId)
@ -237,27 +254,44 @@ renderRoot s = do
input_ [type_ "text", placeholder_ "new category",
submitFunc (js_addCategory (categoriesNode, js_this_value))]
renderCategoryHeading :: Editable -> Category -> HtmlT IO ()
renderCategoryHeading editable category =
renderCategoryTitle :: Editable -> Category -> HtmlT IO ()
renderCategoryTitle editable category =
h2_ $ do
headerNode <- thisNode
titleNode <- thisNode
case editable of
Editable -> do
-- TODO: make category headings anchor links
toHtml (category^.title)
textButton "edit" $
js_startCategoryHeadingEdit (headerNode, category^.uid)
js_startCategoryTitleEdit (titleNode, category^.uid)
InEdit -> do
let handler = js_submitCategoryHeadingEdit
(headerNode, category^.uid, js_this_value)
let handler = js_submitCategoryTitleEdit
(titleNode, category^.uid, js_this_value)
input_ [type_ "text", value_ (category^.title), submitFunc handler]
textButton "cancel" $
js_cancelCategoryHeadingEdit (headerNode, category^.uid)
js_cancelCategoryTitleEdit (titleNode, category^.uid)
renderCategoryDescription :: Editable -> Category -> HtmlT IO ()
renderCategoryDescription editable category =
p_ $ do
descrNode <- thisNode
case editable of
Editable -> do
toHtml (category^.description)
textButton "edit" $
js_startCategoryDescriptionEdit (descrNode, category^.uid)
InEdit -> do
let handler = js_submitCategoryDescriptionEdit
(descrNode, category^.uid, js_this_value)
input_ [type_ "text", value_ (category^.description), submitFunc handler]
textButton "cancel" $
js_cancelCategoryDescriptionEdit (descrNode, category^.uid)
renderCategory :: Category -> HtmlT IO ()
renderCategory category =
div_ [id_ (tshow (category^.uid))] $ do
renderCategoryHeading Editable category
renderCategoryTitle Editable category
renderCategoryDescription Editable category
itemsNode <- div_ [class_ "items"] $ do
mapM_ (renderItem Normal) (category^.items)
@ -375,7 +409,8 @@ allJSFunctions :: JSFunction a => [a]
allJSFunctions = [
js_replaceWithData, js_appendData,
js_addLibrary, js_addCategory,
js_startCategoryHeadingEdit, js_submitCategoryHeadingEdit, js_cancelCategoryHeadingEdit,
js_startCategoryTitleEdit, js_submitCategoryTitleEdit, js_cancelCategoryTitleEdit,
js_startCategoryDescriptionEdit, js_submitCategoryDescriptionEdit, js_cancelCategoryDescriptionEdit,
js_addPro, js_addCon,
js_enableItemEdit, js_disableItemEdit,
js_startProConEdit, js_submitProConEdit, js_cancelProConEdit ]
@ -411,40 +446,79 @@ js_addLibrary = makeJSFunction "addLibrary" [text|
{- |
Start category heading editing (this happens when you click on [edit]).
Start category title editing (this happens when you click on [edit]).
This turns the heading into an editbox, and adds a [cancel] link.
This turns the title into an editbox, and adds a [cancel] link.
js_startCategoryHeadingEdit :: JSFunction a => a
js_startCategoryHeadingEdit = makeJSFunction "startCategoryHeadingEdit" [text|
function startCategoryHeadingEdit(node, catId) {
js_startCategoryTitleEdit :: JSFunction a => a
js_startCategoryTitleEdit = makeJSFunction "startCategoryTitleEdit" [text|
function startCategoryTitleEdit(node, catId) {
$.get("/category/"+catId+"/title/render", {mode: "in-edit"})
{- |
Cancel category heading editing.
Cancel category title editing.
This turns the heading with the editbox back into a simple text heading.
This turns the title with the editbox back into a simple text title.
js_cancelCategoryHeadingEdit :: JSFunction a => a
js_cancelCategoryHeadingEdit = makeJSFunction "cancelCategoryHeadingEdit" [text|
function cancelCategoryHeadingEdit(node, catId) {
js_cancelCategoryTitleEdit :: JSFunction a => a
js_cancelCategoryTitleEdit = makeJSFunction "cancelCategoryTitleEdit" [text|
function cancelCategoryTitleEdit(node, catId) {
$.get("/category/"+catId+"/title/render", {mode: "editable"})
{- |
Finish category heading editing (this happens when you submit the field).
Finish category title editing (this happens when you submit the field).
This turns the heading with the editbox back into a simple text heading.
This turns the title with the editbox back into a simple text title.
js_submitCategoryHeadingEdit :: JSFunction a => a
js_submitCategoryHeadingEdit = makeJSFunction "submitCategoryHeadingEdit" [text|
function submitCategoryHeadingEdit(node, catId, s) {
$.post("/category/"+catId+"/title/set", {title: s})
js_submitCategoryTitleEdit :: JSFunction a => a
js_submitCategoryTitleEdit = makeJSFunction "submitCategoryTitleEdit" [text|
function submitCategoryTitleEdit(node, catId, s) {
$.post("/category/"+catId+"/title/set", {content: s})
{- |
Start category description editing (this happens when you click on [edit]).
This turns the description into an editbox, and adds a [cancel] link.
js_startCategoryDescriptionEdit :: JSFunction a => a
js_startCategoryDescriptionEdit = makeJSFunction "startCategoryDescriptionEdit" [text|
function startCategoryDescriptionEdit(node, catId) {
$.get("/category/"+catId+"/description/render", {mode: "in-edit"})
{- |
Cancel category description editing.
This turns the description with the editbox back into a simple text description.
js_cancelCategoryDescriptionEdit :: JSFunction a => a
js_cancelCategoryDescriptionEdit = makeJSFunction "cancelCategoryDescriptionEdit" [text|
function cancelCategoryDescriptionEdit(node, catId) {
$.get("/category/"+catId+"/description/render", {mode: "editable"})
{- |
Finish category description editing (this happens when you submit the field).
This turns the description with the editbox back into a simple text description.
js_submitCategoryDescriptionEdit :: JSFunction a => a
js_submitCategoryDescriptionEdit = makeJSFunction "submitCategoryDescriptionEdit" [text|
function submitCategoryDescriptionEdit(node, catId, s) {
$.post("/category/"+catId+"/description/set", {content: s})