mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 20:31:31 +03:00
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ library
, stm-containers >= 0.2.14 && < 0.3
, template-haskell
, text
, text-all == 0.3.*
, text-all >= && < 0.5
, time >= 1.5
, transformers
, unix
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ test-suite tests
, quickcheck-text < 0.2
, slave-thread
, tagsoup < 1
, text-all < 0.4
, text-all
, transformers
, webdriver >= 0.8.4 && < 0.9
hs-source-dirs: tests
@ -232,20 +232,20 @@ guideApp waiMetrics = do
guidejs.csrfProtection.enable("$csrfTokenName", "$csrfTokenValue");
js <- getJS
Spock.bytes $ T.encodeUtf8 (fromJS allJSFunctions <> js <> jqueryCsrfProtection)
Spock.bytes $ T.toByteString (fromJS allJSFunctions <> js <> jqueryCsrfProtection)
-- CSS
Spock.get "/highlight.css" $ do
setHeader "Content-Type" "text/css; charset=utf-8"
Spock.bytes $ T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack (styleToCss pygments))
Spock.bytes $ T.toByteString (styleToCss pygments)
Spock.get "/css.css" $ do
setHeader "Content-Type" "text/css; charset=utf-8"
css <- getCSS
Spock.bytes $ T.encodeUtf8 css
Spock.bytes $ T.toByteString css
Spock.get "/admin.css" $ do
setHeader "Content-Type" "text/css; charset=utf-8"
css <- getCSS
admincss <- liftIO $ T.readFile "static/admin.css"
Spock.bytes $ T.encodeUtf8 (css <> admincss)
Spock.bytes $ T.toByteString (css <> admincss)
-- Main page
Spock.get root $
@ -331,7 +331,8 @@ loginAction = do
formHtml <- protectForm loginFormView v
lucidWithConfig $ renderRegister formHtml
(v, Just Login {..}) -> do
loginAttempt <- dbQuery $ LoginUser loginEmail (T.encodeUtf8 loginUserPassword)
loginAttempt <- dbQuery $
LoginUser loginEmail (T.toByteString loginUserPassword)
case loginAttempt of
Just user -> do
modifySession (sessionUserID .~ Just (user ^. userID))
@ -354,7 +355,8 @@ signupAction = do
formHtml <- protectForm registerFormView v
lucidWithConfig $ renderRegister formHtml
(v, Just UserRegistration {..}) -> do
user <- makeUser registerUserName registerUserEmail (T.encodeUtf8 registerUserPassword)
user <- makeUser registerUserName registerUserEmail
(T.toByteString registerUserPassword)
success <- dbUpdate $ CreateUser user
if success
then do
@ -442,6 +444,6 @@ installTerminationCatcher thread = void $ do
-- The user won't be added if it exists already.
createAdminUser :: GuideApp ()
createAdminUser = do
pass <- T.encodeUtf8 . _adminPassword <$> getConfig
pass <- T.toByteString . _adminPassword <$> getConfig
user <- makeUser "admin" "admin@guide.aelve.com" pass
void $ dbUpdate $ CreateUser (user & userIsAdmin .~ True)
@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ renderMD :: [MD.Node] -> ByteString
renderMD ns
-- See https://github.com/jgm/cmark/issues/147
| any isInlineNode ns =
T.encodeUtf8 . sanitize . T.concat . map (nodeToHtml []) $ ns
T.toByteString . sanitize . T.concat . map (nodeToHtml []) $ ns
| otherwise =
T.encodeUtf8 . sanitize . nodeToHtml [] $ MD.Node Nothing DOCUMENT ns
T.toByteString . sanitize . nodeToHtml [] $ MD.Node Nothing DOCUMENT ns
isInlineNode :: MD.Node -> Bool
isInlineNode (MD.Node _ tp _) = case tp of
@ -301,11 +301,11 @@ instance Show MarkdownTree where
instance A.ToJSON MarkdownInline where
toJSON md = A.object [
"text" A..= (md^.mdText),
"html" A..= T.decodeUtf8 (md^.mdHtml) ]
"html" A..= T.toStrict (md^.mdHtml) ]
instance A.ToJSON MarkdownBlock where
toJSON md = A.object [
"text" A..= (md^.mdText),
"html" A..= T.decodeUtf8 (md^.mdHtml) ]
"html" A..= T.toStrict (md^.mdHtml) ]
instance A.ToJSON MarkdownTree where
toJSON md = A.object [
"text" A..= (md^.mdText) ]
@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ module Guide.Utils
-- * Referrers
ReferrerView (..),
-- * IP
@ -93,7 +97,8 @@ import Language.Haskell.TH
-- needed for 'sanitiseUrl'
import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8
import qualified Network.URI as URI
-- needed for parsing urls
import Network.HTTP.Types (Query, parseQuery)
-- Lists
@ -195,6 +200,83 @@ appends backslashes (@\@) and not slashes (@/@).
(//) x y = fromMaybe x (T.stripSuffix "/" x) <> "/" <>
fromMaybe y (T.stripPrefix "/" y)
-- ReferrerView
data SearchEngine
= Google
| Yandex
| Yahoo
| Bing
| Ecosia
| DuckDuckGo
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | Check whether a domain is one of known search engines.
-- TODO: this gives some false positives, e.g. @google.wordpress.com@ or
-- @blog.google@ will be erroneously detected as search engines.
:: Text -- ^ Domain
-> Maybe SearchEngine
toSearchEngine t
| "google" `elem` lst = Just Google
| "yandex" `elem` lst = Just Yandex
| "yahoo" `elem` lst = Just Yahoo
| "bing" `elem` lst = Just Bing
| "ecosia" `elem` lst = Just Ecosia
| "duckduckgo" `elem` lst = Just DuckDuckGo
| otherwise = Nothing
where lst = T.splitOn "." t
-- | A (lossy) representation of referrers that is better for analytics.
data ReferrerView
= RefSearchEngine { searchEngine :: SearchEngine
, keyword :: Text } -- No keyword = empty keyword
| RefUrl Url
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show ReferrerView where
show (RefSearchEngine searchEngine keyword)
= show searchEngine <> showKeyword keyword
show (RefUrl url) = T.toString url
showKeyword :: Text -> String
showKeyword "" = ""
showKeyword kw = " (\"" <> T.toString kw <> "\")"
extractQuery :: Url -> Maybe Query
extractQuery url = getQuery <$> parse url
getQuery = parseQuery . T.toByteString . URI.uriQuery
parse = URI.parseURI . T.toString
-- TODO: different search engines have different parameters, we should use
-- right ones instead of just trying “whatever fits”
extractKeyword :: Url -> Maybe Text
extractKeyword url
= case extractQuery url of
Just query -> T.toStrict <$> lookupQuery query
Nothing -> Nothing
lookupQuery :: [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)] -> Maybe ByteString
lookupQuery query = join $
lookup "q" query <|> -- Google, Bing, Ecosia, DDG
lookup "p" query <|> -- Yahoo
lookup "text" query -- Yandex
toReferrerView :: Url -> ReferrerView
toReferrerView url
= case toSearchEngine =<< domain of
Just se -> RefSearchEngine se (fromMaybe "" keyword)
Nothing -> RefUrl url
uri = URI.parseURI $ T.toString url
uriAuth = URI.uriAuthority =<< uri
domain = T.toStrict . URI.uriRegName <$> uriAuth
keyword = extractKeyword url
-- IP
@ -228,7 +310,7 @@ instance SafeCopy (Uid a) where
kind = base
instance IsString (Uid a) where
fromString = Uid . T.pack
fromString = Uid . T.toStrict
-- | Generate a random text of given length from characters @a-z@ and digits.
randomText :: MonadIO m => Int -> m Text
@ -242,7 +324,7 @@ randomText n = liftIO $ do
return $ if i < 10 then toEnum (fromEnum '0' + i)
else toEnum (fromEnum 'a' + i - 10)
xs <- replicateM (n-1) randomChar
return (T.pack (x:xs))
return (T.toStrict (x:xs))
-- For probability tables, see
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem#Probability_table
@ -297,7 +379,7 @@ includeCSS url = link_ [rel_ "stylesheet", type_ "text/css", href_ url]
atomFeed :: MonadIO m => Atom.Feed -> ActionCtxT ctx m ()
atomFeed feed = do
setHeader "Content-Type" "application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8"
bytes $ T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack (XML.ppElement (Atom.xmlFeed feed)))
bytes $ T.toByteString (XML.ppElement (Atom.xmlFeed feed))
-- | Get details of the request:
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ import qualified Guide.Diff as Diff
import Guide.Cache
import Guide.Views.Utils
{- Note [autosize]
@ -238,7 +237,8 @@ renderStats globalState acts = do
th_ "Visits"
th_ "Unique visitors"
tbody_ $ do
let rawVisits :: [(Uid Category, Maybe IP)]
let rawVisits :: [(Uid Category, Maybe IP
rawVisits = [(catId, actionIP d) |
(Action'CategoryVisit catId, d) <- acts']
let visits :: [(Uid Category, (Int, Int))]
@ -269,19 +269,21 @@ renderStats globalState acts = do
th_ "Unique visitors"
tbody_ $ do
let rawVisits :: [(Url, Maybe IP)]
rawVisits = [(r, actionIP d) |
(_, d) <- acts',
Just (ExternalReferrer r) <- [actionReferrer d]]
let visits :: [(Url, (Int, Int))]
visits = map (over _2 (length &&& length.ordNub)) .
map (fst.head &&& map snd) .
groupWith fst
$ rawVisits
rawVisits = [(r, actionIP d)
| d <- map snd acts'
, Just (ExternalReferrer r) <- [actionReferrer d]]
let sortRefs :: [(Url, Maybe IP)] -> [(ReferrerView, [Maybe IP])]
sortRefs = map (fst.head &&& map snd)
. groupWith fst
. map (over _1 toReferrerView)
let visits :: [(ReferrerView, (Int, Int))]
visits = map (over _2 (length &&& length.ordNub))
(sortRefs rawVisits)
for_ (reverse $ sortWith (fst.snd) visits) $ \(r, (n, u)) -> do
tr_ $ do
td_ (toHtml r)
td_ (toHtml (show n))
td_ (toHtml (show u))
td_ (toHtml (show r)) -- referrer
td_ (toHtml (show n)) -- visitors
td_ (toHtml (show u)) -- unique visitors
table_ $ do
thead_ $ tr_ $ do
th_ "Action"
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
-- import Data.Tree
-- Text
import qualified Data.Text.All as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.All as TL
-- digestive-functors
import Text.Digestive (View)
-- import NeatInterpolation
@ -87,6 +86,7 @@ import qualified System.FilePath.Find as F
-- Mustache (templates)
import Text.Mustache.Plus
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Aeson.Text as A
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ mustache f v = do
then return (A.String "selected")
else return A.Null),
("js", \[x] -> return $
A.String . T.toStrict . TL.decodeUtf8 . A.encode $ x),
A.String . T.toStrict . A.encodeToLazyText $ x),
("trace", \xs -> do
mapM_ (BS.putStrLn . A.encodePretty) xs
return A.Null) ]
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ packages:
extra-dep: true
- text-all-
- cmark-sections-
- patches-vector-
- fmt-
Reference in New Issue
Block a user