mirror of https://github.com/aelve/guide.git synced 2024-12-29 00:24:01 +03:00

Finally fix the bug Firefox has with saving fields

It's not It's All Text!'s fault, it's Firefox's fault – it saves input
values, and in our case it does it wrong sometimes, so you could start
editing details of item A and the “name” field would be from item B.
This commit is contained in:
Artyom 2016-03-14 16:32:17 +03:00
parent 67fbb610c2
commit e9e2a6ed1f

View File

@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ renderRoot globalState mbSearchQuery = doctypehtml_ $ do
value_ (fromMaybe "" mbSearchQuery)]
textInput [
placeholder_ "add a category",
autocomplete_ "off",
onEnter $ JS.addCategory (selectId "categories", inputValue) <>
clearInput ]
-- TODO: sort categories by popularity, somehow? or provide a list of
@ -508,6 +509,7 @@ renderCategoryTitle category = do
sectionSpan "editing" [] $ do
textInput [
value_ (category^.title),
autocomplete_ "off",
onEnter $
JS.submitCategoryTitle (this, category^.uid, inputValue)]
emptySpan "1em"
@ -543,6 +545,7 @@ renderCategory category =
textInput [
placeholder_ "add an item",
autocomplete_ "off",
onEnter $ JS.addItem (itemsNode, category^.uid, inputValue) <>
clearInput ]
@ -640,9 +643,12 @@ renderItemInfo cat item = do
let formSubmitHandler formNode =
JS.submitItemInfo (this, otherNodes, item^.uid, formNode)
form_ [onFormSubmit formSubmitHandler] $ do
-- All inputs have "autocomplete = off" thanks to
-- <http://stackoverflow.com/q/8311455>
label_ $ do
"Package name" >> br_ []
"Name" >> br_ []
input_ [type_ "text", name_ "name",
autocomplete_ "off",
value_ (item^.name)]
br_ []
label_ $ do
@ -657,12 +663,13 @@ renderItemInfo cat item = do
br_ []
label_ $ do
"Link to Hackage: "
input_ $ [type_ "checkbox", name_ "on-hackage"] ++
input_ $ [type_ "checkbox", name_ "on-hackage",
autocomplete_ "off"] ++
[checked_ | item^?kind.onHackage == Just True]
br_ []
label_ $ do
"Site (optional)" >> br_ []
input_ [type_ "text", name_ "link",
input_ [type_ "text", name_ "link", autocomplete_ "off",
value_ (fromMaybe "" (item^.link))]
br_ []
newGroupInputId <- randomUid
@ -679,7 +686,8 @@ renderItemInfo cat item = do
$("#$idText").focus(); }
else $("#$idText").hide(); |]
where idText = uidToText newGroupInputId
select_ [name_ "group", onchange_ selectHandler] $ do
select_ [name_ "group", autocomplete_ "off",
onchange_ selectHandler] $ do
let gs = Nothing : map Just (M.keys (cat^.groups))
for_ gs $ \group' -> do
-- Text that will be shown in the list (“-” stands for “no
@ -693,7 +701,7 @@ renderItemInfo cat item = do
option_ [value_ txt] (toHtml txt)
& selectedIf (group' == item^.group_)
option_ [value_ newGroupValue] "New group..."
input_ [uid_ newGroupInputId, type_ "text",
input_ [uid_ newGroupInputId, type_ "text", autocomplete_ "off",
name_ "custom-group", hidden_ "hidden"]
br_ []
input_ [type_ "submit", value_ "Save"]
@ -938,17 +946,12 @@ markdownEditor
-> HtmlT IO ()
markdownEditor s submit cancel = do
textareaId <- randomUid
textarea_ [uid_ textareaId, rows_ "10", class_ "big fullwidth"] $
-- Autocomplete has to be turned off thanks to
-- <http://stackoverflow.com/q/8311455>.
textarea_ [uid_ textareaId, autocomplete_ "off",
rows_ "10", class_ "big fullwidth"] $
toHtml s
let val = JS $ format "document.getElementById(\"{}\").value" [textareaId]
-- If you use Firefox and you have It's All Text! installed, Firefox is
-- going to save the text if you refresh the page and try to edit
-- again. This is rather surprising and could lead to bad edits (when one
-- paragraph of long notes was edited by somebody else but your copy in
-- editbox doesn't reflect that thanks to It's All Text!), so we use JS to
-- set the value. It leads to duplication, sure, but since pages are
-- gzipped anyway it shouldn't matter.
script_ (fromJS (JS.assign val s))
button "Save" [] $
submit val
emptySpan "6px"
@ -967,10 +970,9 @@ smallMarkdownEditor
smallMarkdownEditor attributes s submit mbCancel = do
textareaId <- randomUid
let val = JS $ format "document.getElementById(\"{}\").value" [textareaId]
textarea_ ([class_ "fullwidth", uid_ textareaId,
textarea_ ([class_ "fullwidth", uid_ textareaId, autocomplete_ "off",
onEnter (submit val)] ++ attributes) $
toHtml s
script_ (fromJS (JS.assign val s))
case mbCancel of
Nothing -> return ()
Just cancel -> do