mirror of
synced 2024-11-29 06:23:17 +03:00
Parsed the cabal.config finally. Issue to stackage on github was created, because some of the packages are marked as 'installed'
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ test-suite index-project-test
, tasty-hunit
, megaparsec
, text
, filepath
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Stackage(
parsePackageLine) where
StackageLTS) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.Megaparsec
@ -31,47 +33,33 @@ type StackageLTS = (LongSnapshotName, [PackageData])
parseStackageLTS :: Parser StackageLTS
parseStackageLTS = do
many (try (manyTill anyChar eol >> notFollowedBy parseLTSLine))
ltsName <- parseLTSLine
--packages =
pure (ltsName, [])
ltsName <- parseLTS
manyTill anyChar (string "constraints:")
packages <- many parsePackageLine
pure (ltsName, packages)
parseLTSLine :: Parser LongSnapshotName
parseLTSLine = do
-- destroy everything
parseLTS :: Parser LongSnapshotName
parseLTS = do
manyTill anyChar (string "http://www.stackage.org/snapshot/")
name <- some (letterChar <|> digitChar <|> char '.' <|> char '-')
void eol <|> eof
pure name
parsePackageLine :: Parser PackageData
parsePackageLine = do
packageData <- try parsePackageConst <|> parsePackageEmpty
manyTill anyChar (void eol <|> eof)
pure packageData
parsePackageConst :: Parser PackageData
parsePackageConst = do
manyTill anyChar (char ':') -- chop the 'constraints:' in the beginning
parsePackageEmpty :: Parser PackageData
parsePackageEmpty = do
parsePackageData :: Parser PackageData
parsePackageData = do
name <- some (letterChar <|> digitChar <|> char '-')
string "=="
version <- parseVersion
version <- parseVersionVer
many (char ',')
pure (name, version)
-- unfortunately the cabal.config does not provide versions for several packages
-- And writes tehn in form 'binary installed'
-- Don't know what to do with this situation now
parseVersionVer :: Parser DV.Version
parseVersionVer = (string "==" >> parseVersion) <|> (string "installed" >> return (DV.Version [6,6,6] []))
parseVersion :: Parser DV.Version
parseVersion = do
numbers <- sepBy1 L.integer (char '.')
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Text.Megaparsec.Text
import Data.Either (isRight, either)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import System.FilePath((</>))
import HackageArchive
import Stackage
@ -30,33 +31,47 @@ testPath text val match = testCase (T.unpack ("Parsing " <> expect match <> " \'
parseStackageTests = testGroup "Stackage parsing tests"
testParse parsePackageLine "constraints: abstract-deque ==0.3," True
, testParse parsePackageLine "constraints: abstract-deque ==0.3" True
, testParse parsePackageLine "constraints: abstract-deque ==0." False
, testParse parsePackageLine "constraints: abstract-deque ==" False
, testParse parsePackageLine "constraints: abst3453#$%#ract-deque ==0.3" False
, testParse parsePackageLine "constraints: abstract-deque ==0.3," True
, testParse parsePackageLine " ztail ==1.2" True
testParse parsePackageLine " ztail ==1.2" True
, testParse parsePackageLine " adjunctions ==4.3," True
, testParse parsePackageLine "ztail ==1.2" True
, testParse parsePackageLine "adjunctions ==4.3," True
, testParse parseLTSLine "-- Stackage snapshot from: http://www.stackage.org/snapshot/lts-2.10" True
, testParse parseLTSLine "-- Stackage snapshot from: http://www.stackage.org/snapshot/lts-2.$10" False
, testParse parseLTSLine "-- Please place this file next to your .cabal file as cabal.config" False
, testParse parseLTSLine "-- To only use tested packages, uncomment the following line:" False
, testParse parseLTSLine "-- remote-repo: stackage-lts-2.10:http://www.stackage.org/lts-2.10" False
, testParse parseLTSLine "constraints: abstract-deque ==0.3," False
, testParse parseLTSLine "abstract-par ==0.3.3," False
, testParse parseLTSLine "zlib-lens ==0.1.2" False
, testParse parseLTSLine "-- Stackage snapshot from: http://www.stackage.org/snapshot/nightly-2017-06-10" True
, testParse parseLTS "-- Stackage snapshot from: http://www.stackage.org/snapshot/lts-2.10" True
, testParse parseLTS "-- Stackage snapshot from: http://www.stackage.org/snapshot/lts-2.$10" True
, testParse parseLTS "-- Please place this file next to your .cabal file as cabal.config" False
, testParse parseLTS "-- To only use tested packages, uncomment the following line:" False
, testParse parseLTS "-- remote-repo: stackage-lts-2.10:http://www.stackage.org/lts-2.10" False
, testParse parseLTS "constraints: abstract-deque ==0.3," False
, testParse parseLTS "abstract-par ==0.3.3," False
, testParse parseLTS "zlib-lens ==0.1.2" False
, testParse parseLTS "-- Stackage snapshot from: http://www.stackage.org/snapshot/nightly-2017-06-10" True
parseCabalConfig = (testWorkDir </> "sometestfile.cnf") testGroup "Cabal config parser tests"
parseCabalConfig = testGroup "Cabal config parsing tests"
testFileParse parseStackageLTS
testStackagePackageLines "sometestfile.cnf"
testStackagePackageLines file = testFileParse (testWorkingDir </> file)
parseStackageLTS countPackageLines matchWithStackageLTS
-- refactor isComment
countPackageLines :: T.Text -> Int
countPackageLines text = length $ filter isComment lns
where lns = T.lines text
isComment ln = not ("--" `T.isInfixOf` ln)
matchWithStackageLTS :: Int -> StackageLTS -> Bool
matchWithStackageLTS count1 stackage = count1 == (length.snd) stackage
expect :: Bool -> T.Text
expect True = "expect success"
@ -75,6 +90,6 @@ testFileParse file p textFunc matchFunc =
assertBool "Failed" (either (const False) id eVal)
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "REPL tests" [parseStackageTests, parseTests]
tests = testGroup "REPL tests" [parseStackageTests, parseTests, parseCabalConfig]
main = defaultMain tests
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