mirror of https://github.com/aelve/guide.git synced 2024-12-22 20:31:31 +03:00
This commit is contained in:
Artyom 2017-08-20 16:47:48 +03:00
parent 1e19a6a948
commit fe01b1be38
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B8E35A33FF522710
2 changed files with 113 additions and 110 deletions

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@ -810,11 +810,17 @@ on those <div>s.
data LinkStatus = OK | Unparseable | Broken String deriving Show
data LinkLocation m = LinkLocation { location :: HtmlT m ()
, linkUrl :: Url
data LinkInfo m = LinkInfo (LinkLocation m) LinkStatus (HtmlT m ()) (HtmlT m ())
data LinkInfo = LinkInfo {
-- | Link itself
linkUrl :: Url,
-- | A description of where the link is in Guide
linkLocation :: Text,
-- | Link status (ok, unparseable, etc)
linkStatus :: LinkStatus,
-- | Link status on archive.org (if archive.org is available)
linkArchivalStatus :: Either String ArchivalStatus
deriving (Show)
-- | Render links page with info about broken links
renderAdminLinks :: forall m . (MonadIO m) => GlobalState -> HtmlT m ()
@ -836,7 +842,7 @@ renderAdminLinks globalState = do
div_ [id_ "stats"] $ do
manager <- liftIO $ newManager tlsManagerSettings
fullList <- liftIO $ forM allLinks $ \(lnk, location) -> do
resp <- if isURI (T.unpack lnk) then (do
lnkStatus <- if isURI (T.unpack lnk) then (do
request <- parseRequest $ T.unpack lnk
status' <- responseStatus <$> httpNoBody request manager
print (lnk, status')
@ -846,87 +852,92 @@ renderAdminLinks globalState = do
) `catch` (return . handleHttpException)
pure Unparseable
(archDate, archUrl) <- liftIO $ getArchiveOrgData manager lnk
pure $
LinkInfo (LinkLocation (toHtml location) lnk)
let (ok, unparseable, broken) = sortLinks fullList
table_ [class_ "sortable"] $ do
thead_ $ tr_ $ do
th_ [class_ "sorttable_nosort"] "Category"
th_ [class_ "sorttable_nosort"] "Link"
th_ "Status"
th_ "Saved page"
tbody_ $
for_ broken $ \(LinkLocation{..}, reason, archUrl) ->
tr_ $ do
td_ location
td_ $ a_ [href_ linkUrl] (toHtml linkUrl)
td_ $ toHtml reason
td_ archUrl
h2_ "Unparseable Links"
table_ [class_ "sortable"] $ do
thead_ $ tr_ $ do
th_ [class_ "sorttable_nosort"] "Category"
th_ [class_ "sorttable_nosort"] "Link"
tbody_ $
for_ unparseable $ \LinkLocation{..} ->
tr_ $ do
td_ location
td_ $ a_ [href_ linkUrl] (toHtml linkUrl)
h2_ "OK Links"
table_ [class_ "sortable"] $ do
thead_ $ tr_ $ do
th_ [class_ "sorttable_nosort"] "Category"
th_ [class_ "sorttable_nosort"] "Link"
th_ [class_ "sorttable_nosort"] "Latest archiving date"
th_ "Save to Archive"
tbody_ $
for_ ok $ \(LinkLocation{..}, dt) ->
tr_ $ do
td_ location
td_ $ a_ [href_ linkUrl] (toHtml linkUrl)
td_ dt
td_ $ button "To Archive" [] (JS.saveToArchiveOrg [JS.toJS linkUrl])
archStatus <- liftIO (getArchivalStatus manager lnk)
pure $ LinkInfo {
linkUrl = lnk,
linkLocation = location,
linkStatus = lnkStatus,
linkArchivalStatus = archStatus }
renderUnparseableLinks fullList
renderBrokenLinks fullList
renderOKLinks fullList
handleHttpException :: HttpException -> LinkStatus
handleHttpException (HttpExceptionRequest _ x) = Broken $ show x
handleHttpException (InvalidUrlException _ x) = Broken x
handleHttpExceptionDecode :: HttpException -> IO (HtmlT m (), HtmlT m ())
handleHttpExceptionDecode _ =
pure ("can't get latest archiving date", "can't get saved page link")
sortLinks :: [LinkInfo m]
-> ( [(LinkLocation m, HtmlT m ())]
, [LinkLocation m]
, [(LinkLocation m, String, HtmlT m ())]
sortLinks = foldr sortLink ([], [], [])
sortLink (LinkInfo a OK b _) = \ (x, y, z) -> ((a, b) : x, y, z)
sortLink (LinkInfo a Unparseable _ _) = \ (x, y, z) -> (x, a : y, z)
sortLink (LinkInfo a (Broken text') _ b) = \ (x, y, z) -> (x, y, (a, text', b) : z)
-- Link + a text description of where that link was found in Guide
allLinks :: [(Url, Text)]
allLinks = ordNub (findLinks globalState)
getArchiveOrgData :: Manager -> Url -> IO (HtmlT m (), HtmlT m ())
getArchiveOrgData manager lnk = (do
requestArch <- parseRequest $ "http://archive.org/wayback/available?url="+|lnk|+""
respArch <- responseBody <$> httpLbs requestArch manager
let d = A.decode respArch :: Maybe ArchiveOrgResponse
let archRes =
case d of
Just arch -> do
let archUrl = url' $ closest $ archivedSnapshots arch
let archDate = show $ timestamp $ closest $ archivedSnapshots arch
let linkUrl = a_ [href_ (T.pack archUrl)] (toHtml $ show archUrl)
( toHtml archDate, linkUrl )
Nothing -> ("none", "none")
pure archRes) `catch` handleHttpExceptionDecode
renderOKLinks :: Monad m => [LinkInfo] -> HtmlT m ()
renderOKLinks links = do
h2_ "OK Links"
table_ [class_ "sortable"] $ do
thead_ $ tr_ $
mapM_ th_ ["Location", "Link", "Archival status", "Save to archive.org"]
tbody_ $
for_ (filterOK links) $ \LinkInfo{..} ->
tr_ $ do
td_ $ toHtml linkLocation
td_ $ a_ [href_ linkUrl] (toHtml linkUrl)
td_ $ renderArchivalStatus linkArchivalStatus
td_ $ button "archive" [] (JS.saveToArchiveOrg [JS.toJS linkUrl])
filterOK xs = [x | x <- xs, OK <- [linkStatus x]]
renderUnparseableLinks :: Monad m => [LinkInfo] -> HtmlT m ()
renderUnparseableLinks links = do
h2_ "Unparseable Links"
table_ [class_ "sortable"] $ do
thead_ $ tr_ $
mapM_ th_ ["Location", "Link"]
tbody_ $
for_ (filterUnparseable links) $ \LinkInfo{..} ->
tr_ $ do
td_ $ toHtml linkLocation
td_ $ a_ [href_ linkUrl] (toHtml linkUrl)
filterUnparseable xs = [x | x <- xs, Unparseable <- [linkStatus x]]
renderBrokenLinks :: Monad m => [LinkInfo] -> HtmlT m ()
renderBrokenLinks links = do
h2_ "Broken Links"
table_ [class_ "sortable"] $ do
thead_ $ tr_ $
mapM_ th_ ["Location", "Link", "Status", "Archival status"]
tbody_ $
for_ (filterBroken links) $ \(LinkInfo{..}, reason) ->
tr_ $ do
td_ $ toHtml linkLocation
td_ $ a_ [href_ linkUrl] (toHtml linkUrl)
td_ $ toHtml reason
td_ $ renderArchivalStatus linkArchivalStatus
filterBroken xs = [(x, reason) | x <- xs, Broken reason <- [linkStatus x]]
renderArchivalStatus :: Monad m => Either String ArchivalStatus -> HtmlT m ()
renderArchivalStatus = \case
Left err -> "couldn't get info from archive.org: " <> toHtml err
Right ArchivalStatus{..}
| asAvailable -> do
a_ [href_ asUrl] (toHtml (T.toStrict (dateDashF asTimestamp)))
unless (asStatus == "200") $
toHtml (format " (status: {})" asStatus :: Text)
| otherwise -> "unavailable"
-- | Get status of a link on archive.org. 'Left' means that an error
-- happened when talking to archive.org.
getArchivalStatus :: Manager -> Url -> IO (Either String ArchivalStatus)
getArchivalStatus manager lnk =
handle (pure . Left . show @HttpException) $ do
req <- setQueryString [("url", Just (T.toByteString lnk))] <$>
parseRequest waybackUrl
fromJsonWith responseParser . responseBody <$!> httpLbs req manager
waybackUrl = "http://archive.org/wayback/available"
responseParser = A.withObject "archive.org response" $
(A..: "archived_snapshots") >=> (A..: "closest")
-- | Find all links in content, along with a human-readable description of
-- where each link is located.
@ -954,34 +965,27 @@ findLinksItem item = findLinksMD item' ++ maybeToList (item^.link)
findLinksMD :: Data a => a -> [Url]
findLinksMD a = [url | MD.LINK url _ <- universeBi a]
-- TODO: get rid of complicated data structures
-- can be done when JSON parser is added
data ArchiveOrgResponse =
ArchiveOrgResponse { archivedSnapshots :: ArchivedSnapshot
} deriving (Show, Generic)
data ArchivalStatus = ArchivalStatus {
asAvailable :: Bool, -- ^ Whether the link is available
asUrl :: Url, -- ^ Link to archived page
asTimestamp :: UTCTime, -- ^ When the page was archived
asStatus :: Text } -- ^ HTTP status (200, 404, etc)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ArchivedSnapshot =
ArchivedSnapshot { closest :: Closest
} deriving (Show, Generic)
data Closest =
Closest { url' :: String
, timestamp :: UTCTime
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance A.FromJSON ArchiveOrgResponse where
parseJSON (A.Object v) =
ArchiveOrgResponse <$> v A..: "archived_snapshots"
parseJSON _ = mzero
instance A.FromJSON ArchivedSnapshot where
parseJSON (A.Object v) =
ArchivedSnapshot <$> v A..: "closest"
parseJSON _ = mzero
instance A.FromJSON Closest where
parseJSON = A.withObject "Closest" $ \o -> do
url' <- o A..: "url"
timestamp <- o A..: "timestamp" >>=
parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
pure Closest{..}
-- For an example, look at archived_snapshots.closest in
-- <http://archive.org/wayback/available?url=example.com>.
-- Here is sample JSON:
-- { "status": "200"
-- , "available": true
-- , "url": "http://web.archive.org/web/20170819042701/http://example.com"
-- , "timestamp": "20170819042701" }
instance A.FromJSON ArchivalStatus where
parseJSON = A.withObject "ArchivalStatus" $ \o -> do
asAvailable <- o A..: "available"
asUrl <- o A..: "url"
asStatus <- o A..: "status"
asTimestamp <- o A..: "timestamp" >>=
parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
pure ArchivalStatus{..}

View File

@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ import qualified System.FilePath.Find as F
-- Mustache (templates)
import Text.Mustache.Plus
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Aeson.Text as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty