mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 20:31:31 +03:00
[#124] Add button 'Save to Archive.org'
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ allJSFunctions = JS . T.unlines . map fromJS $ [
-- Admin things
acceptEdit, undoEdit,
acceptBlock, undoBlock,
createCheckpoint ]
-- | A class for things that can be converted to Javascript syntax.
class ToJS a where toJS :: a -> JS
@ -677,6 +678,17 @@ createCheckpoint =
saveToArchiveOrg :: JSFunction a => a
saveToArchiveOrg =
makeJSFunction "saveToArchiveOrg" ["link"]
$.post('http://web.archive.org/save/' + link)
.done(function () {
console.log("inside work's done")
console.log("Job's done");
-- When adding a function, don't forget to add it to 'allJSFunctions'!
escapeJSString :: Text -> Text
@ -726,4 +738,3 @@ selectChildren a b = JQuerySelector $ format "{} > {}" a b
selectSection :: JQuerySelector -> Text -> JQuerySelector
selectSection a b = JQuerySelector $ format "{} > .section.{}" a b
@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ import Data.Monoid ((<>))
-- Text
import qualified Data.Text.All as T
import NeatInterpolation
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
-- Web
import Lucid hiding (for_)
-- Network
@ -840,60 +839,69 @@ renderAdminLinks globalState = do
) `catch` (return . handleHttpException)
pure Unparseable
archDate <- getArchieveOrgLatestDate manager lnk
pure (toHtml location, a_ [href_ lnk] (toHtml lnk), resp, toHtml archDate)
(archDate, archUrl) <- liftIO $ getArchieveOrgData manager lnk
pure ( toHtml location
, lnk
, resp
, (toHtml archDate, a_ [href_ (T.pack archUrl)] (toHtml $ show archUrl))
let (ok, unparseable, broken) = sortLinks fullList
-- archiveAnswer <- liftIO $ do
-- requestArch <- parseRequest "http://archive.org/wayback/available?url=example.com"
-- respArch <- responseBody <$> httpLbs requestArch manager
-- -- let respBr = singleton (BS.c2w '[') <> resp <> singleton (BS.c2w ']')
-- d <- (A.eitherDecode <$> (pure respArch)) :: IO (Either String ArchiveOrgResponse)
-- case d of
-- Left err -> putStrLn err
-- Right ps -> print $ timestamp $ closest $ archivedSnapshots ps
-- Right ps -> print $ toProperDate $ timestamp $ closest $ archivedSnapshots ps
-- pure respArch
-- div_ $ toHtml $ toStrict archiveAnswer
-- div_ $ button "To Archive" [] (JS.saveToArchiveOrg [JS.toJS $ T.pack "example.com"])
table_ [class_ "sortable"] $ do
thead_ $ tr_ $ do
th_ [class_ "sorttable_nosort"] "Category"
th_ [class_ "sorttable_nosort"] "Link"
th_ "Status"
th_ "Latest archieve date"
th_ "Saved page"
tbody_ $
for_ broken $ \(location, lnk, reason, d) ->
for_ broken $ \(location, lnk, reason, (_, archUrl)) ->
tr_ $ do
td_ location
td_ lnk
td_ $ a_ [href_ lnk] (toHtml lnk)
td_ $ toHtml reason
td_ d
td_ archUrl
h2_ "Unparseable Links"
table_ [class_ "sortable"] $ do
thead_ $ tr_ $ do
th_ [class_ "sorttable_nosort"] "Category"
th_ [class_ "sorttable_nosort"] "Link"
tbody_ $
for_ unparseable $ \(cat, l) ->
for_ unparseable $ \(location, lnk) ->
tr_ $ do
td_ cat
td_ l
td_ location
td_ $ a_ [href_ lnk] (toHtml lnk)
h2_ "OK Links"
table_ [class_ "sortable"] $ do
thead_ $ tr_ $ do
th_ [class_ "sorttable_nosort"] "Category"
th_ [class_ "sorttable_nosort"] "Link"
th_ [class_ "sorttable_nosort"] "Latest archieve date"
th_ "Save to Archive"
tbody_ $
for_ ok $ \(cat, l, d) ->
for_ ok $ \(location, lnk, (dt, _)) ->
tr_ $ do
td_ cat
td_ l
td_ d
td_ location
td_ $ a_ [href_ lnk] (toHtml lnk)
td_ dt
td_ $ button "To Archive" [] (JS.saveToArchiveOrg [JS.toJS lnk])
handleHttpException :: HttpException -> LinkStatus
handleHttpException (HttpExceptionRequest _ x) = Broken $ show x
handleHttpException (InvalidUrlException _ x) = Broken x
handleHttpExceptionDecode :: HttpException -> IO (String, String)
handleHttpExceptionDecode _ = pure ("error", "error")
sortLinks :: [(a, b, LinkStatus, c)] -> ([(a, b, c)], [(a, b)], [(a, b, String, c)])
sortLinks = foldr sortLink ([], [], [])
@ -904,14 +912,16 @@ renderAdminLinks globalState = do
allLinks :: [(Url, Text)]
allLinks = ordNub (findLinks globalState)
getArchieveOrgLatestDate manager lnk = do
getArchieveOrgData manager lnk = (do
requestArch <- parseRequest $ "http://archive.org/wayback/available?url="+|lnk|+""
respArch <- responseBody <$> httpLbs requestArch manager
d <- (A.decode <$> pure respArch) :: IO (Maybe ArchiveOrgResponse)
let archDate = case d of
Just arch -> timestamp $ closest $ archivedSnapshots arch
Nothing -> "none"
pure archDate
let archRes = case d of
Just arch -> ( show $ toProperDate $ timestamp $ closest $ archivedSnapshots arch
, url' $ closest $ archivedSnapshots arch
Nothing -> ("none", "none")
pure archRes) `catch` handleHttpExceptionDecode
-- | Find all links in content, along with a human-readable description of
-- where each link is located.
@ -940,24 +950,21 @@ findLinksMD :: Data a => a -> [Url]
findLinksMD a = [url | MD.LINK url _ <- universeBi a]
data ArchiveOrgResponse =
ArchiveOrgResponse { url :: String
, archivedSnapshots :: ArchivedSnapshot
ArchiveOrgResponse { archivedSnapshots :: ArchivedSnapshot
} deriving (Show, Generic)
data ArchivedSnapshot =
ArchivedSnapshot { closest :: Closest } deriving (Show, Generic)
ArchivedSnapshot { closest :: Closest
} deriving (Show, Generic)
data Closest =
Closest { status' :: String
, available :: Bool
, url' :: String
data Closest =
Closest { url' :: String
, timestamp :: String
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance A.FromJSON ArchiveOrgResponse where
parseJSON (A.Object v) =
ArchiveOrgResponse <$> v A..: "url"
<*> v A..: "archived_snapshots"
ArchiveOrgResponse <$> v A..: "archived_snapshots"
parseJSON _ = mzero
instance A.FromJSON ArchivedSnapshot where
@ -967,8 +974,9 @@ instance A.FromJSON ArchivedSnapshot where
instance A.FromJSON Closest where
parseJSON (A.Object v) =
Closest <$> v A..: "status"
<*> v A..: "available"
<*> v A..: "url"
Closest <$> v A..: "url"
<*> v A..: "timestamp"
parseJSON _ = mzero
toProperDate :: String -> UTCTime
toProperDate = parseTimeOrError True defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
Reference in New Issue
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