* TestCafe added to project. First test written
* Search input test added
* Seacth input test changed, travis job for testcafe tests added
* Travis bugfix test
* Travis testcafe bugfix test try 2
* Travis testcafe bugfix test ry 3
* Travis testcafe test sleep increased to 10
* Test adding category added but bug with click occurs - check!!!
* Category test (testing the group where test was creating) added - bug fix
* Article component rewrite
* Article component rewritten
* Big with rendering content.html in v-for
* Collapse bug fix
* MInor category visual changes/fixes
* Description, reactivity bug fix
* merge
* Refactoring after code review
* Conflict in styles resolved
* Item add/delete feature in category
* merge with vue
* minor code fix
* minor merge fix
* add/delete item test v 0.0.1
* add/delete item tests
* add/delete tests merge with develop branch fix
* Tests bug fix
* minor add/delete item test refactoring
* Tests improved
* Package lock
* TestCafe added to project. First test written
* Search input test added
* Seacth input test changed, travis job for testcafe tests added
* Travis bugfix test
* Travis testcafe bugfix test try 2
* Travis testcafe bugfix test ry 3
* Travis testcafe test sleep increased to 10
* Test adding category added but bug with click occurs - check!!!
* Category test (testing the group where test was creating) added - bug fix
* Article component rewrite
* Article component rewritten
* Big with rendering content.html in v-for
* Collapse bug fix
* MInor category visual changes/fixes
* Description, reactivity bug fix
* merge
* Refactoring after code review
* Conflict in styles resolved
* Item add/delete feature in category
* merge with vue
* minor code fix
* Update ArticleContent.vue
* Merge bug fix
* Minor merge bug fix
* Code review fixes
* TestCafe added to project. First test written
* Search input test added
* Seacth input test changed, travis job for testcafe tests added
* Travis bugfix test
* Travis testcafe bugfix test try 2
* Travis testcafe bugfix test ry 3
* Travis testcafe test sleep increased to 10
* Test adding category added but bug with click occurs - check!!!
* Category test (testing the group where test was creating) added - bug fix
* Article component rewrite
* Article component rewritten
* Big with rendering content.html in v-for
* Collapse bug fix
* MInor category visual changes/fixes
* Description, reactivity bug fix
* merge
* Refactoring after code review
* Conflict in styles resolved