{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies, OverloadedStrings, NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Types ( Trait(..), ItemKind(..), hackageName, Item(..), pros, prosDeleted, cons, consDeleted, ecosystem, link, kind, Hue(..), hueToDarkColor, hueToLightColor, CategoryStatus(..), Category(..), title, status, prosConsEnabled, ecosystemEnabled, notesEnabled, groups, items, itemsDeleted, categorySlug, GlobalState(..), categories, categoriesDeleted, actions, pendingEdits, editIdCounter, findCategoryByItem, -- * Overloaded things uid, hasUid, content, name, description, notes, created, group_, -- * Edits Edit(..), isVacuousEdit, EditDetails(..), -- * Actions Action(..), Referrer(..), ActionDetails(..), -- * acid-state methods -- ** query GetGlobalState(..), GetCategories(..), GetCategory(..), GetCategoryMaybe(..), GetCategoryByItem(..), GetItem(..), GetTrait(..), -- ** add AddCategory(..), AddItem(..), AddPro(..), AddCon(..), -- ** set SetGlobalState(..), -- *** 'Category' SetCategoryTitle(..), SetCategoryGroup(..), SetCategoryNotes(..), SetCategoryStatus(..), SetCategoryProsConsEnabled(..), SetCategoryEcosystemEnabled(..), SetCategoryNotesEnabled(..), -- *** 'Item' SetItemName(..), SetItemLink(..), SetItemGroup(..), SetItemKind(..), SetItemDescription(..), SetItemNotes(..), SetItemEcosystem(..), -- *** 'Trait' SetTraitContent(..), -- ** delete DeleteCategory(..), DeleteItem(..), DeleteTrait(..), -- ** edits GetEdit(..), GetEdits(..), RegisterEdit(..), RemovePendingEdit(..), RemovePendingEdits(..), -- ** actions RegisterAction(..), -- ** other MoveItem(..), MoveTrait(..), RestoreCategory(..), RestoreItem(..), RestoreTrait(..), SetDirty(..), UnsetDirty(..), ) where import BasePrelude hiding (Category) -- Monads and monad transformers import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Reader -- Lenses import Lens.Micro.Platform hiding ((&)) -- Containers import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Map (Map) -- Lists import Data.List.Index -- Text import qualified Data.Text.All as T import Data.Text.All (Text) -- JSON import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A -- Time import Data.Time -- Network import Data.IP -- acid-state import Data.SafeCopy hiding (kind) import Data.Acid as Acid -- Local import Utils import SafeCopy import Markdown {- Note [extending types] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's what you should do if you add a new field to 'Trait', 'Item', or 'Category'. Types.hs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Fix all warnings about uninitialised fields that might appear (by e.g. providing a default value). 2. Update the migration code; see Note [acid-state]. 3. If the field is user-editable: add a new constructor to 'Edit' and update the migration code for 'Edit'. Update 'isVacuousEdit', too. 4. Create a method for updating the field (setSomethingField), add it to the “makeAcidic ''GlobalState” declaration, and export the SetSomethingField type. 5. Export a lens for the field (if it shares the name with some other field, move it to the “* Overloaded things” heading). Cache.hs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. If the field is non-trivial (e.g. “notes”) and it makes sense to cache it, add it to 'CacheKey'. 2. Update 'cacheDepends'. JS.hs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. If the field is user-editable, add a method for setting it and don't forget to add it to the 'allJSFunctions' list. View.hs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. If the field is non-trivial, add a method for rendering it. 2. Don't forget to actually render it if the user is supposed to see it. 3. Add a branch for the constructor you made in Types.hs/#3 to 'renderEdit'. Guide.hs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Add a case to 'invalidateCacheForEdit'. 2. Add a case to 'undoEdit'. 3. If the field is user-editable, add a method for changing it to 'setMethods'. -} -- If you want to add a field here, see Note [extending types] data Trait = Trait { _traitUid :: Uid Trait, _traitContent :: MarkdownInline } deriving (Show, Generic) -- See Note [acid-state] deriveSafeCopySorted 4 'extension ''Trait makeFields ''Trait changelog ''Trait (Current 4, Past 3) [] deriveSafeCopySorted 3 'base ''Trait_v3 instance A.ToJSON Trait where toJSON = A.genericToJSON A.defaultOptions { A.fieldLabelModifier = over _head toLower . drop (T.length "_trait") } -- data ItemKind = Library {_itemKindHackageName :: Maybe Text} | Tool {_itemKindHackageName :: Maybe Text} | Other deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) deriveSafeCopySimple 3 'extension ''ItemKind makeFields ''ItemKind instance A.ToJSON ItemKind where toJSON = A.genericToJSON A.defaultOptions { A.fieldLabelModifier = over _head toLower . drop (T.length "_itemKind") } data ItemKind_v2 = Library_v2 {_itemKindHackageName_v2 :: Maybe Text} | Tool_v2 {_itemKindHackageName_v2 :: Maybe Text} | Other_v2 -- TODO: at the next migration change this to deriveSafeCopySimple! deriveSafeCopy 2 'base ''ItemKind_v2 instance Migrate ItemKind where type MigrateFrom ItemKind = ItemKind_v2 migrate Library_v2{..} = Library { _itemKindHackageName = _itemKindHackageName_v2 } migrate Tool_v2{..} = Tool { _itemKindHackageName = _itemKindHackageName_v2 } migrate Other_v2 = Other -- -- TODO: add a field like “people to ask on IRC about this library if you -- need help” -- If you want to add a field here, see Note [extending types] data Item = Item { _itemUid :: Uid Item, _itemName :: Text, _itemCreated :: UTCTime, _itemGroup_ :: Maybe Text, _itemDescription :: MarkdownBlock, _itemPros :: [Trait], _itemProsDeleted :: [Trait], _itemCons :: [Trait], _itemConsDeleted :: [Trait], _itemEcosystem :: MarkdownBlock, _itemNotes :: MarkdownBlockWithTOC, _itemLink :: Maybe Url, _itemKind :: ItemKind } deriving (Show, Generic) deriveSafeCopySorted 11 'extension ''Item makeFields ''Item changelog ''Item (Current 11, Past 10) [] deriveSafeCopySorted 10 'base ''Item_v10 instance A.ToJSON Item where toJSON = A.genericToJSON A.defaultOptions { A.fieldLabelModifier = over _head toLower . drop (T.length "_item") } -- data Hue = NoHue | Hue Int deriving (Eq, Ord) deriveSafeCopySimple 1 'extension ''Hue instance A.ToJSON Hue where toJSON NoHue = A.toJSON (0 :: Int) toJSON (Hue n) = A.toJSON n data Hue_v0 = NoHue_v0 | Hue_v0 Int -- TODO: at the next migration change this to deriveSafeCopySimple! deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''Hue_v0 instance Migrate Hue where type MigrateFrom Hue = Hue_v0 migrate NoHue_v0 = NoHue migrate (Hue_v0 i) = Hue i instance Show Hue where show NoHue = "0" show (Hue n) = show n -- Colors taken from: -- hueToDarkColor :: Hue -> Text hueToDarkColor NoHue = "#D6D6D6" -- the color for gray isn't from Google's -- palette, since their “100” is too light hueToDarkColor (Hue i) = table !! ((i-1) `mod` length table) where -- the “100” colors table = ["#D1C4E9", -- deep purple "#C8E6C9", -- green "#FFECB3", -- amber "#BBDEFB", -- blue "#FFCDD2", -- red "#D7CCC8", -- brown "#B2DFDB", -- teal "#F0F4C3"] -- lime hueToLightColor :: Hue -> Text hueToLightColor NoHue = "#F0F0F0" -- the color for gray isn't from Google's -- palette, since their “50” is too light hueToLightColor (Hue i) = table !! ((i-1) `mod` length table) where -- the “50” colors table = ["#EDE7F6", -- deep purple "#E8F5E9", -- green "#FFF8E1", -- amber "#E3F2FD", -- blue "#FFEBEE", -- red "#EFEBE9", -- brown "#E0F2F1", -- teal "#F9FBE7"] -- lime -- data CategoryStatus = CategoryStub | CategoryWIP | CategoryFinished deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) deriveSafeCopySimple 2 'extension ''CategoryStatus instance A.ToJSON CategoryStatus where toJSON = A.genericToJSON A.defaultOptions data CategoryStatus_v1 = CategoryStub_v1 | CategoryWIP_v1 | CategoryMostlyDone_v1 | CategoryFinished_v1 deriveSafeCopySimple 1 'base ''CategoryStatus_v1 instance Migrate CategoryStatus where type MigrateFrom CategoryStatus = CategoryStatus_v1 migrate CategoryStub_v1 = CategoryStub migrate CategoryWIP_v1 = CategoryWIP migrate CategoryMostlyDone_v1 = CategoryFinished migrate CategoryFinished_v1 = CategoryFinished -- If you want to add a field here, see Note [extending types] data Category = Category { _categoryUid :: Uid Category, _categoryTitle :: Text, -- | The “grandcategory” of the category (“meta”, “basics”, “specialised -- needs”, etc) _categoryGroup_ :: Text, -- | Whether to show items' pros and cons. This would be 'False' for -- e.g. lists of people, or lists of successful projects written in Haskell _categoryProsConsEnabled :: Bool, -- | Whether to show items' ecosystem fields. This would be 'False' for -- lists of people, or for books _categoryEcosystemEnabled :: Bool, -- | Whether to show notes. _categoryNotesEnabled :: Bool, _categoryCreated :: UTCTime, _categoryStatus :: CategoryStatus, _categoryNotes :: MarkdownBlock, -- | All groups of items belonging to the category, as well as their -- colors. We could assign colors to items when we render the category -- (something like “if haven't seen this group yet, assign a new color to -- it and render it with this color”, but this way is easier and also -- allows us to keep the colors of all other groups the same when one item -- has been deleted. _categoryGroups :: Map Text Hue, _categoryItems :: [Item], _categoryItemsDeleted :: [Item] } deriving (Show, Generic) deriveSafeCopySorted 10 'extension ''Category makeFields ''Category changelog ''Category (Current 10, Past 9) [Added "_categoryNotesEnabled" [hs|True|]] deriveSafeCopySorted 9 'base ''Category_v9 changelog ''Category (Past 9, Past 8) [] deriveSafeCopySorted 8 'base ''Category_v8 instance A.ToJSON Category where toJSON = A.genericToJSON A.defaultOptions { A.fieldLabelModifier = over _head toLower . drop (T.length "_category") } categorySlug :: Category -> Text categorySlug category = T.format "{}-{}" (makeSlug (category^.title), category^.uid) -- Edits -- | Edits made by users. It should always be possible to undo an edit. data Edit -- Add = Edit'AddCategory { editCategoryUid :: Uid Category, editCategoryTitle :: Text } | Edit'AddItem { editCategoryUid :: Uid Category, editItemUid :: Uid Item, editItemName :: Text } | Edit'AddPro { editItemUid :: Uid Item, editTraitId :: Uid Trait, editTraitContent :: Text } | Edit'AddCon { editItemUid :: Uid Item, editTraitId :: Uid Trait, editTraitContent :: Text } -- Change category properties | Edit'SetCategoryTitle { editCategoryUid :: Uid Category, editCategoryTitle :: Text, editCategoryNewTitle :: Text } | Edit'SetCategoryGroup { editCategoryUid :: Uid Category, editCategoryGroup :: Text, editCategoryNewGroup :: Text } | Edit'SetCategoryNotes { editCategoryUid :: Uid Category, editCategoryNotes :: Text, editCategoryNewNotes :: Text } | Edit'SetCategoryStatus { editCategoryUid :: Uid Category, editCategoryStatus :: CategoryStatus, editCategoryNewStatus :: CategoryStatus } | Edit'SetCategoryProsConsEnabled { editCategoryUid :: Uid Category, editCategoryProsConsEnabled :: Bool, editCategoryNewProsConsEnabled :: Bool } | Edit'SetCategoryEcosystemEnabled { editCategoryUid :: Uid Category, editCategoryEcosystemEnabled :: Bool, editCategoryNewEcosystemEnabled :: Bool } | Edit'SetCategoryNotesEnabled { editCategoryUid :: Uid Category, editCategoryNotesEnabled :: Bool, editCategoryNewNotesEnabled :: Bool } -- Change item properties | Edit'SetItemName { editItemUid :: Uid Item, editItemName :: Text, editItemNewName :: Text } | Edit'SetItemLink { editItemUid :: Uid Item, editItemLink :: Maybe Url, editItemNewLink :: Maybe Url } | Edit'SetItemGroup { editItemUid :: Uid Item, editItemGroup :: Maybe Text, editItemNewGroup :: Maybe Text } | Edit'SetItemKind { editItemUid :: Uid Item, editItemKind :: ItemKind, editItemNewKind :: ItemKind } | Edit'SetItemDescription { editItemUid :: Uid Item, editItemDescription :: Text, editItemNewDescription :: Text } | Edit'SetItemNotes { editItemUid :: Uid Item, editItemNotes :: Text, editItemNewNotes :: Text } | Edit'SetItemEcosystem { editItemUid :: Uid Item, editItemEcosystem :: Text, editItemNewEcosystem :: Text } -- Change trait properties | Edit'SetTraitContent { editItemUid :: Uid Item, editTraitUid :: Uid Trait, editTraitContent :: Text, editTraitNewContent :: Text } -- Delete | Edit'DeleteCategory { editCategoryUid :: Uid Category, editCategoryPosition :: Int } | Edit'DeleteItem { editItemUid :: Uid Item, editItemPosition :: Int } | Edit'DeleteTrait { editItemUid :: Uid Item, editTraitUid :: Uid Trait, editTraitPosition :: Int } -- Other | Edit'MoveItem { editItemUid :: Uid Item, editDirection :: Bool } | Edit'MoveTrait { editItemUid :: Uid Item, editTraitUid :: Uid Trait, editDirection :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) deriveSafeCopySimple 6 'extension ''Edit genVer ''Edit 5 [ -- Add Copy 'Edit'AddCategory, Copy 'Edit'AddItem, Copy 'Edit'AddPro, Copy 'Edit'AddCon, -- Change category properties Copy 'Edit'SetCategoryTitle, Copy 'Edit'SetCategoryGroup, Copy 'Edit'SetCategoryNotes, Copy 'Edit'SetCategoryStatus, Copy 'Edit'SetCategoryProsConsEnabled, Copy 'Edit'SetCategoryEcosystemEnabled, -- Copy 'Edit'SetCategoryNotesEnabled, -- Change item properties Copy 'Edit'SetItemName, Copy 'Edit'SetItemLink, Copy 'Edit'SetItemGroup, Copy 'Edit'SetItemKind, Copy 'Edit'SetItemDescription, Copy 'Edit'SetItemNotes, Copy 'Edit'SetItemEcosystem, -- Change trait properties Copy 'Edit'SetTraitContent, -- Delete Copy 'Edit'DeleteCategory, Copy 'Edit'DeleteItem, Copy 'Edit'DeleteTrait, -- Other Copy 'Edit'MoveItem, Copy 'Edit'MoveTrait ] deriveSafeCopySimple 5 'base ''Edit_v5 instance Migrate Edit where type MigrateFrom Edit = Edit_v5 migrate = $(migrateVer ''Edit 5 [ CopyM 'Edit'AddCategory, CopyM 'Edit'AddItem, CopyM 'Edit'AddPro, CopyM 'Edit'AddCon, -- Change category properties CopyM 'Edit'SetCategoryTitle, CopyM 'Edit'SetCategoryGroup, CopyM 'Edit'SetCategoryNotes, CopyM 'Edit'SetCategoryStatus, CopyM 'Edit'SetCategoryProsConsEnabled, CopyM 'Edit'SetCategoryEcosystemEnabled, -- CopyM 'Edit'SetCategoryNotesEnabled, -- Change item properties CopyM 'Edit'SetItemName, CopyM 'Edit'SetItemLink, CopyM 'Edit'SetItemGroup, CopyM 'Edit'SetItemKind, CopyM 'Edit'SetItemDescription, CopyM 'Edit'SetItemNotes, CopyM 'Edit'SetItemEcosystem, -- Change trait properties CopyM 'Edit'SetTraitContent, -- Delete CopyM 'Edit'DeleteCategory, CopyM 'Edit'DeleteItem, CopyM 'Edit'DeleteTrait, -- Other CopyM 'Edit'MoveItem, CopyM 'Edit'MoveTrait ]) -- | Determine whether the edit doesn't actually change anything and so isn't -- worth recording in the list of pending edits. isVacuousEdit :: Edit -> Bool isVacuousEdit Edit'SetCategoryTitle{..} = editCategoryTitle == editCategoryNewTitle isVacuousEdit Edit'SetCategoryGroup{..} = editCategoryGroup == editCategoryNewGroup isVacuousEdit Edit'SetCategoryNotes{..} = editCategoryNotes == editCategoryNewNotes isVacuousEdit Edit'SetCategoryStatus{..} = editCategoryStatus == editCategoryNewStatus isVacuousEdit Edit'SetCategoryProsConsEnabled {..} = editCategoryProsConsEnabled == editCategoryNewProsConsEnabled isVacuousEdit Edit'SetCategoryEcosystemEnabled {..} = editCategoryEcosystemEnabled == editCategoryNewEcosystemEnabled isVacuousEdit Edit'SetCategoryNotesEnabled {..} = editCategoryNotesEnabled == editCategoryNewNotesEnabled isVacuousEdit Edit'SetItemName{..} = editItemName == editItemNewName isVacuousEdit Edit'SetItemLink{..} = editItemLink == editItemNewLink isVacuousEdit Edit'SetItemGroup{..} = editItemGroup == editItemNewGroup isVacuousEdit Edit'SetItemKind{..} = editItemKind == editItemNewKind isVacuousEdit Edit'SetItemDescription{..} = editItemDescription == editItemNewDescription isVacuousEdit Edit'SetItemNotes{..} = editItemNotes == editItemNewNotes isVacuousEdit Edit'SetItemEcosystem{..} = editItemEcosystem == editItemNewEcosystem isVacuousEdit Edit'SetTraitContent{..} = editTraitContent == editTraitNewContent isVacuousEdit Edit'AddCategory{} = False isVacuousEdit Edit'AddItem{} = False isVacuousEdit Edit'AddPro{} = False isVacuousEdit Edit'AddCon{} = False isVacuousEdit Edit'DeleteCategory{} = False isVacuousEdit Edit'DeleteItem{} = False isVacuousEdit Edit'DeleteTrait{} = False isVacuousEdit Edit'MoveItem{} = False isVacuousEdit Edit'MoveTrait{} = False data EditDetails = EditDetails { editIP :: Maybe IP, editDate :: UTCTime, editId :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show) deriveSafeCopySorted 4 'extension ''EditDetails changelog ''EditDetails (Current 4, Past 3) [] deriveSafeCopySorted 3 'base ''EditDetails_v3 data Action = Action'MainPageVisit | Action'CategoryVisit (Uid Category) | Action'Search Text | Action'Edit Edit deriving (Show) deriveSafeCopySimple 0 'base ''Action data Referrer = InternalReferrer Url | ExternalReferrer Url deriving (Show, Eq) deriveSafeCopySimple 0 'base ''Referrer data ActionDetails = ActionDetails { actionIP :: Maybe IP, actionDate :: UTCTime, actionReferrer :: Maybe Referrer, actionUserAgent :: Maybe Text } deriving (Show) deriveSafeCopySorted 3 'extension ''ActionDetails changelog ''ActionDetails (Current 3, Past 2) [] deriveSafeCopySorted 2 'base ''ActionDetails_v2 -- See Note [acid-state] data GlobalState = GlobalState { _categories :: [Category], _categoriesDeleted :: [Category], _actions :: [(Action, ActionDetails)], -- | Pending edits, newest first _pendingEdits :: [(Edit, EditDetails)], -- | ID of next edit that will be made _editIdCounter :: Int, -- | The dirty bit (needed to choose whether to make a checkpoint or not) _dirty :: Bool } deriving (Show) deriveSafeCopySorted 7 'extension ''GlobalState makeLenses ''GlobalState changelog ''GlobalState (Current 7, Past 6) [] deriveSafeCopySorted 6 'base ''GlobalState_v6 addGroupIfDoesNotExist :: Text -> Map Text Hue -> Map Text Hue addGroupIfDoesNotExist g gs | M.member g gs = gs | otherwise = M.insert g firstNotTaken gs where firstNotTaken = head $ map Hue [1..] \\ M.elems gs traitById :: Uid Trait -> Lens' Item Trait traitById uid' = singular $ (pros.each . filtered (hasUid uid')) `failing` (cons.each . filtered (hasUid uid')) `failing` error ("traitById: couldn't find trait with uid " ++ T.unpack (uidToText uid')) categoryById :: Uid Category -> Lens' GlobalState Category categoryById catId = singular $ categories.each . filtered (hasUid catId) `failing` error ("categoryById: couldn't find category with uid " ++ T.unpack (uidToText catId)) itemById :: Uid Item -> Lens' GlobalState Item itemById itemId = singular $ categories.each . items.each . filtered (hasUid itemId) `failing` error ("itemById: couldn't find item with uid " ++ T.unpack (uidToText itemId)) findCategoryByItem :: Uid Item -> GlobalState -> Category findCategoryByItem itemId s = fromMaybe (error err) (find hasItem (s^.categories)) where err = "findCategoryByItem: couldn't find category with item with uid " ++ T.unpack (uidToText itemId) hasItem category = itemId `elem` (category^..items.each.uid) hasUid :: HasUid a (Uid u) => Uid u -> a -> Bool hasUid u x = x^.uid == u -- get getGlobalState :: Acid.Query GlobalState GlobalState getGlobalState = view id getCategories :: Acid.Query GlobalState [Category] getCategories = view categories getCategory :: Uid Category -> Acid.Query GlobalState Category getCategory uid' = view (categoryById uid') getCategoryMaybe :: Uid Category -> Acid.Query GlobalState (Maybe Category) getCategoryMaybe uid' = preview (categoryById uid') getCategoryByItem :: Uid Item -> Acid.Query GlobalState Category getCategoryByItem uid' = findCategoryByItem uid' <$> ask getItem :: Uid Item -> Acid.Query GlobalState Item getItem uid' = view (itemById uid') -- TODO: this doesn't need the item id, but then we have to be a bit cleverer -- and store a (TraitId -> ItemId) map in global state (and update it -- accordingly whenever anything happens, so perhaps let's not do it!) getTrait :: Uid Item -> Uid Trait -> Acid.Query GlobalState Trait getTrait itemId traitId = view (itemById itemId . traitById traitId) -- add addCategory :: Uid Category -- ^ New category's id -> Text -- ^ Title -> UTCTime -- ^ Creation time -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Category) addCategory catId title' created' = do let newCategory = Category { _categoryUid = catId, _categoryTitle = title', _categoryGroup_ = "Miscellaneous", _categoryProsConsEnabled = True, _categoryEcosystemEnabled = True, _categoryNotesEnabled = True, _categoryCreated = created', _categoryStatus = CategoryStub, _categoryNotes = toMarkdownBlock "", _categoryGroups = mempty, _categoryItems = [], _categoryItemsDeleted = [] } categories %= (newCategory :) let edit = Edit'AddCategory catId title' return (edit, newCategory) addItem :: Uid Category -- ^ Category id -> Uid Item -- ^ New item's id -> Text -- ^ Name -> UTCTime -- ^ Creation time -> ItemKind -- ^ Kind -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Item) addItem catId itemId name' created' kind' = do let newItem = Item { _itemUid = itemId, _itemName = name', _itemCreated = created', _itemGroup_ = Nothing, _itemDescription = toMarkdownBlock "", _itemPros = [], _itemProsDeleted = [], _itemCons = [], _itemConsDeleted = [], _itemEcosystem = toMarkdownBlock "", _itemNotes = let pref = "item-notes-" <> uidToText itemId <> "-" in toMarkdownBlockWithTOC pref "", _itemLink = Nothing, _itemKind = kind' } categoryById catId . items %= (++ [newItem]) let edit = Edit'AddItem catId itemId name' return (edit, newItem) addPro :: Uid Item -- ^ Item id -> Uid Trait -- ^ New trait's id -> Text -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Trait) addPro itemId traitId text' = do let newTrait = Trait traitId (toMarkdownInline text') itemById itemId . pros %= (++ [newTrait]) let edit = Edit'AddPro itemId traitId text' return (edit, newTrait) addCon :: Uid Item -- ^ Item id -> Uid Trait -- ^ New trait's id -> Text -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Trait) addCon itemId traitId text' = do let newTrait = Trait traitId (toMarkdownInline text') itemById itemId . cons %= (++ [newTrait]) let edit = Edit'AddCon itemId traitId text' return (edit, newTrait) -- set -- Almost all of these return an 'Edit' that corresponds to the edit that has -- been performed. -- | Can be useful sometimes (e.g. if you want to regenerate all uids), but -- generally shouldn't be used. setGlobalState :: GlobalState -> Acid.Update GlobalState () setGlobalState = (id .=) setCategoryTitle :: Uid Category -> Text -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Category) setCategoryTitle catId title' = do oldTitle <- categoryById catId . title <<.= title' let edit = Edit'SetCategoryTitle catId oldTitle title' (edit,) <$> use (categoryById catId) setCategoryGroup :: Uid Category -> Text -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Category) setCategoryGroup catId group' = do oldGroup <- categoryById catId . group_ <<.= group' let edit = Edit'SetCategoryGroup catId oldGroup group' (edit,) <$> use (categoryById catId) setCategoryNotes :: Uid Category -> Text -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Category) setCategoryNotes catId notes' = do oldNotes <- categoryById catId . notes <<.= toMarkdownBlock notes' let edit = Edit'SetCategoryNotes catId (oldNotes ^. mdText) notes' (edit,) <$> use (categoryById catId) setCategoryStatus :: Uid Category -> CategoryStatus -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Category) setCategoryStatus catId status' = do oldStatus <- categoryById catId . status <<.= status' let edit = Edit'SetCategoryStatus catId oldStatus status' (edit,) <$> use (categoryById catId) setCategoryProsConsEnabled :: Uid Category -> Bool -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Category) setCategoryProsConsEnabled catId val = do oldVal <- categoryById catId . prosConsEnabled <<.= val let edit = Edit'SetCategoryProsConsEnabled catId oldVal val (edit,) <$> use (categoryById catId) setCategoryEcosystemEnabled :: Uid Category -> Bool -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Category) setCategoryEcosystemEnabled catId val = do oldVal <- categoryById catId . ecosystemEnabled <<.= val let edit = Edit'SetCategoryEcosystemEnabled catId oldVal val (edit,) <$> use (categoryById catId) setCategoryNotesEnabled :: Uid Category -> Bool -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Category) setCategoryNotesEnabled catId val = do oldVal <- categoryById catId . notesEnabled <<.= val let edit = Edit'SetCategoryNotesEnabled catId oldVal val (edit,) <$> use (categoryById catId) setItemName :: Uid Item -> Text -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Item) setItemName itemId name' = do oldName <- itemById itemId . name <<.= name' let edit = Edit'SetItemName itemId oldName name' (edit,) <$> use (itemById itemId) setItemLink :: Uid Item -> Maybe Url -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Item) setItemLink itemId link' = do oldLink <- itemById itemId . link <<.= link' let edit = Edit'SetItemLink itemId oldLink link' (edit,) <$> use (itemById itemId) -- Also updates the list of groups in the category setItemGroup :: Uid Item -> Maybe Text -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Item) setItemGroup itemId newGroup = do catId <- view uid . findCategoryByItem itemId <$> get let categoryLens :: Lens' GlobalState Category categoryLens = categoryById catId let itemLens :: Lens' GlobalState Item itemLens = itemById itemId -- If the group is new, add it to the list of groups in the category (which -- causes a new hue to be generated, too) case newGroup of Nothing -> return () Just x -> categoryLens.groups %= addGroupIfDoesNotExist x -- Update list of groups if the group is going to be empty after the item -- is moved to a different group. Note that this is done after adding a new -- group because we also want the color to change. So, if the item was the -- only item in its group, the sequence of actions is as follows: -- -- * new group is added (and hence a new color is assigned) -- * old group is deleted (and now the old color is unused) oldGroup <- use (itemLens.group_) case oldGroup of Nothing -> return () Just g -> when (oldGroup /= newGroup) $ do allItems <- use (categoryLens.items) let inOurGroup item = item^.group_ == Just g when (length (filter inOurGroup allItems) == 1) $ categoryLens.groups %= M.delete g -- Now we can actually change the group itemLens.group_ .= newGroup let edit = Edit'SetItemGroup itemId oldGroup newGroup (edit,) <$> use itemLens setItemKind :: Uid Item -> ItemKind -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Item) setItemKind itemId kind' = do oldKind <- itemById itemId . kind <<.= kind' let edit = Edit'SetItemKind itemId oldKind kind' (edit,) <$> use (itemById itemId) setItemDescription :: Uid Item -> Text -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Item) setItemDescription itemId description' = do oldDescr <- itemById itemId . description <<.= toMarkdownBlock description' let edit = Edit'SetItemDescription itemId (oldDescr ^. mdText) description' (edit,) <$> use (itemById itemId) setItemNotes :: Uid Item -> Text -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Item) setItemNotes itemId notes' = do let pref = "item-notes-" <> uidToText itemId <> "-" oldNotes <- itemById itemId . notes <<.= toMarkdownBlockWithTOC pref notes' let edit = Edit'SetItemNotes itemId (oldNotes ^. mdText) notes' (edit,) <$> use (itemById itemId) setItemEcosystem :: Uid Item -> Text -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Item) setItemEcosystem itemId ecosystem' = do oldEcosystem <- itemById itemId . ecosystem <<.= toMarkdownBlock ecosystem' let edit = Edit'SetItemEcosystem itemId (oldEcosystem ^. mdText) ecosystem' (edit,) <$> use (itemById itemId) setTraitContent :: Uid Item -> Uid Trait -> Text -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, Trait) setTraitContent itemId traitId content' = do oldContent <- itemById itemId . traitById traitId . content <<.= toMarkdownInline content' let edit = Edit'SetTraitContent itemId traitId (oldContent ^. mdText) content' (edit,) <$> use (itemById itemId . traitById traitId) -- delete deleteCategory :: Uid Category -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Either String Edit) deleteCategory catId = do mbCategory <- preuse (categoryById catId) case mbCategory of Nothing -> return (Left "category not found") Just category -> do mbCategoryPos <- findIndex (hasUid catId) <$> use categories case mbCategoryPos of Nothing -> return (Left "category not found") Just categoryPos -> do categories %= deleteAt categoryPos categoriesDeleted %= (category:) return (Right (Edit'DeleteCategory catId categoryPos)) deleteItem :: Uid Item -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Either String Edit) deleteItem itemId = do catId <- view uid . findCategoryByItem itemId <$> get let categoryLens :: Lens' GlobalState Category categoryLens = categoryById catId let itemLens :: Lens' GlobalState Item itemLens = itemById itemId mbItem <- preuse itemLens case mbItem of Nothing -> return (Left "item not found") Just item -> do allItems <- use (categoryLens.items) -- If the item was the only item in its group, delete the group (and -- make the hue available for new items) case item^.group_ of Nothing -> return () Just oldGroup -> do let itemsInOurGroup = [item' | item' <- allItems, item'^.group_ == Just oldGroup] when (length itemsInOurGroup == 1) $ categoryLens.groups %= M.delete oldGroup -- And now delete the item (i.e. move it to “deleted”) case findIndex (hasUid itemId) allItems of Nothing -> return (Left "item not found") Just itemPos -> do categoryLens.items %= deleteAt itemPos categoryLens.itemsDeleted %= (item:) return (Right (Edit'DeleteItem itemId itemPos)) deleteTrait :: Uid Item -> Uid Trait -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Either String Edit) deleteTrait itemId traitId = do let itemLens :: Lens' GlobalState Item itemLens = itemById itemId mbItem <- preuse itemLens case mbItem of Nothing -> return (Left "item not found") Just item -> do -- Determine whether the trait is a pro or a con, and proceed -- accordingly case (find (hasUid traitId) (item^.pros), find (hasUid traitId) (item^.cons)) of -- It's in neither group, which means it was deleted. Do nothing. (Nothing, Nothing) -> return (Left "trait not found") -- It's a pro (Just trait, _) -> do mbTraitPos <- findIndex (hasUid traitId) <$> use (itemLens.pros) case mbTraitPos of Nothing -> return (Left "trait not found") Just traitPos -> do itemLens.pros %= deleteAt traitPos itemLens.prosDeleted %= (trait:) return (Right (Edit'DeleteTrait itemId traitId traitPos)) -- It's a con (_, Just trait) -> do mbTraitPos <- findIndex (hasUid traitId) <$> use (itemLens.cons) case mbTraitPos of Nothing -> return (Left "trait not found") Just traitPos -> do itemLens.cons %= deleteAt traitPos itemLens.consDeleted %= (trait:) return (Right (Edit'DeleteTrait itemId traitId traitPos)) -- other methods moveItem :: Uid Item -> Bool -- ^ 'True' means up, 'False' means down -> Acid.Update GlobalState Edit moveItem itemId up = do let move = if up then moveUp else moveDown catId <- view uid . findCategoryByItem itemId <$> get categoryById catId . items %= move (hasUid itemId) return (Edit'MoveItem itemId up) moveTrait :: Uid Item -> Uid Trait -> Bool -- ^ 'True' means up, 'False' means down -> Acid.Update GlobalState Edit moveTrait itemId traitId up = do let move = if up then moveUp else moveDown -- The trait is only going to be present in one of the lists so let's do it -- in each list because we're too lazy to figure out whether it's a pro or -- a con itemById itemId . pros %= move (hasUid traitId) itemById itemId . cons %= move (hasUid traitId) return (Edit'MoveTrait itemId traitId up) restoreCategory :: Uid Category -> Int -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Either String ()) restoreCategory catId pos = do deleted <- use categoriesDeleted case find (hasUid catId) deleted of Nothing -> return (Left "category not found in deleted categories") Just category -> do categoriesDeleted %= deleteFirst (hasUid catId) categories %= insertAtGuaranteed pos category return (Right ()) restoreItem :: Uid Item -> Int -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Either String ()) restoreItem itemId pos = do let ourCategory = any (hasUid itemId) . view itemsDeleted allCategories <- use (categories <> categoriesDeleted) case find ourCategory allCategories of Nothing -> return (Left "item not found in deleted items") Just category -> do let item = fromJust (find (hasUid itemId) (category^.itemsDeleted)) let category' = category & itemsDeleted %~ deleteFirst (hasUid itemId) & items %~ insertAtGuaranteed pos item categories . each . filtered ourCategory .= category' categoriesDeleted . each . filtered ourCategory .= category' return (Right ()) restoreTrait :: Uid Item -> Uid Trait -> Int -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Either String ()) restoreTrait itemId traitId pos = do let getItems = view (items <> itemsDeleted) ourCategory = any (hasUid itemId) . getItems allCategories <- use (categories <> categoriesDeleted) case find ourCategory allCategories of Nothing -> return (Left "item -that the trait belongs to- not found") Just category -> do let item = fromJust (find (hasUid itemId) (getItems category)) case (find (hasUid traitId) (item^.prosDeleted), find (hasUid traitId) (item^.consDeleted)) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> return (Left "trait not found in deleted traits") (Just trait, _) -> do let item' = item & prosDeleted %~ deleteFirst (hasUid traitId) & pros %~ insertAtGuaranteed pos trait let category' = category & items . each . filtered (hasUid itemId) .~ item' & itemsDeleted . each . filtered (hasUid itemId) .~ item' categories . each . filtered ourCategory .= category' categoriesDeleted . each . filtered ourCategory .= category' return (Right ()) (_, Just trait) -> do let item' = item & consDeleted %~ deleteFirst (hasUid traitId) & cons %~ insertAtGuaranteed pos trait let category' = category & items . each . filtered (hasUid itemId) .~ item' & itemsDeleted . each . filtered (hasUid itemId) .~ item' categories . each . filtered ourCategory .= category' categoriesDeleted . each . filtered ourCategory .= category' return (Right ()) -- TODO: maybe have a single list of traits with pro/con being signified by -- something like TraitType? or maybe TraitType could even be a part of the -- trait itself? getEdit :: Int -> Acid.Query GlobalState (Edit, EditDetails) getEdit n = do edits <- view pendingEdits case find ((== n) . editId . snd) edits of Nothing -> error ("no edit with id " ++ show n) Just edit -> return edit -- | Returns edits in order from latest to earliest. getEdits :: Int -- ^ Id of latest edit -> Int -- ^ Id of earliest edit -> Acid.Query GlobalState [(Edit, EditDetails)] getEdits m n = filter (\(_, d) -> n <= editId d && editId d <= m) <$> view pendingEdits -- | The edit won't be registered if it's vacuous (see 'isVacuousEdit'). registerEdit :: Edit -> Maybe IP -> UTCTime -> Acid.Update GlobalState () registerEdit ed ip date = do id' <- use editIdCounter let details = EditDetails { editIP = ip, editDate = date, editId = id' } pendingEdits %= ((ed, details):) editIdCounter += 1 removePendingEdit :: Int -> Acid.Update GlobalState (Edit, EditDetails) removePendingEdit n = do edits <- use pendingEdits case find ((== n) . editId . snd) edits of Nothing -> error ("no edit with id " ++ show n) Just edit -> do pendingEdits %= deleteFirst ((== n) . editId . snd) return edit removePendingEdits :: Int -- ^ Id of latest edit -> Int -- ^ Id of earliest edit -> Acid.Update GlobalState () removePendingEdits m n = do pendingEdits %= filter (\(_, d) -> editId d < n || m < editId d) registerAction :: Action -> Maybe IP -> UTCTime -> Url -- ^ Base URL -> Maybe Url -- ^ Referrer -> Maybe Text -- ^ User-agent -> Acid.Update GlobalState () registerAction act ip date baseUrl ref ua = do let details = ActionDetails { actionIP = ip, actionDate = date, actionReferrer = case T.stripPrefix baseUrl <$> ref of Nothing -> Nothing Just Nothing -> ExternalReferrer <$> ref Just (Just s) -> Just (InternalReferrer s), actionUserAgent = ua } actions %= ((act, details) :) setDirty :: Acid.Update GlobalState () setDirty = dirty .= True unsetDirty :: Acid.Update GlobalState Bool unsetDirty = dirty <<.= False makeAcidic ''GlobalState [ -- queries 'getGlobalState, 'getCategories, 'getCategory, 'getCategoryMaybe, 'getCategoryByItem, 'getItem, 'getTrait, -- add 'addCategory, 'addItem, 'addPro, 'addCon, -- set 'setGlobalState, 'setCategoryTitle, 'setCategoryGroup, 'setCategoryNotes, 'setCategoryStatus, 'setCategoryProsConsEnabled, 'setCategoryEcosystemEnabled, 'setCategoryNotesEnabled, 'setItemName, 'setItemLink, 'setItemGroup, 'setItemKind, 'setItemDescription, 'setItemNotes, 'setItemEcosystem, 'setTraitContent, -- delete 'deleteCategory, 'deleteItem, 'deleteTrait, -- edits 'getEdit, 'getEdits, 'registerEdit, 'removePendingEdit, 'removePendingEdits, -- actions 'registerAction, -- other 'moveItem, 'moveTrait, 'restoreCategory, 'restoreItem, 'restoreTrait, 'setDirty, 'unsetDirty ]