{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main (main) where
import BasePrelude
-- Lenses
import Lens.Micro.Platform
-- Text
import qualified Data.Text.All as T
import Data.Text.All (Text)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup hiding (sections)
import Lucid (ToHtml, toHtml, renderText)
-- Markdown
import CMark hiding (Node)
import qualified CMark as MD (Node(..))
import CMark.Sections
import Data.Tree
-- Testing
import Test.Hspec
-- Local
import Markdown
-- Tests
import qualified WebSpec
main :: IO ()
main = do
hspec $ do
* noscript tests
* test on mobile
* test that there are no repetitive searches on the admin page
* test that admin CSS hasn't creeped into main CSS and vice-versa
* test that the server is throwing no errors whatsoever during the
execution of tests
* changes to item description must not persist when doing Cancel and
then Edit again
* test that pages are indeed cached
* test that changing some pages doesn't invalidate the entire cache
* Markdown tests (e.g. Markdown doesn't work in category names)
* test that nothing is messed up by things starting and ending with newlines
(the %js bug, see description of 'mustache')
markdownTests :: Spec
markdownTests = describe "Markdown" $ do
allMarkdowns $ \convert -> do
it "has mdText filled accurately" $ do
for_ mdBlockExamples $ \s ->
s `shouldBe` fst (convert s)
it "only has allowed tags" $ do
for_ mdBlockExamples $ \s -> do
let html = snd (convert s)
let badTags = getTags html \\ (inlineTags ++ blockTags)
unless (null badTags) $ expectationFailure $
printf "%s got rendered as %s, but some tags (%s) are disallowed"
(show s) (show html) (T.intercalate "," badTags)
it "doesn't pass bad HTML through" $ do
let s = ""
let html = snd (convert s)
when ("script" `elem` getTags html) $ expectationFailure $
printf "%s got rendered as %s, but the