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synced 2024-12-04 03:46:54 +03:00
* Render some elements of some pages with Mustache * Switch to Stack * Add a bit of tests * Turn the project into a library
298 lines
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298 lines
8.3 KiB
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Utils
-- * Lists
-- * 'Eq'
-- * URLs
-- * IP
-- * UID
-- * Lucid
-- * Spock
-- * Safecopy
-- * Instances
-- ** 'MonadThrow' for 'HtmlT'
import BasePrelude
-- Lenses
import Lens.Micro.Platform hiding ((&))
-- Monads and monad transformers
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Catch
-- Containers
import qualified Data.Set as S
-- Hashable (needed for Uid)
import Data.Hashable
-- Randomness
import System.Random
-- Text
import Data.Text.All (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.All as T
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
-- Network
import qualified Network.Socket as Network
import Data.IP
-- Web
import Lucid
import Web.Spock
import Text.HTML.SanitizeXSS (sanitaryURI)
import Web.PathPieces
-- Feeds
import qualified Text.Atom.Feed as Atom
import qualified Text.Atom.Feed.Export as Atom
import qualified Text.XML.Light.Output as XML
-- acid-state
import Data.SafeCopy
-- Template Haskell
import Language.Haskell.TH
-- | Move the -1st element that satisfies the predicate- up.
moveUp :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
moveUp p (x:y:xs) = if p y then (y:x:xs) else x : moveUp p (y:xs)
moveUp _ xs = xs
-- | Move the -1st element that satisfies the predicate- down.
moveDown :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
moveDown p (x:y:xs) = if p x then (y:x:xs) else x : moveDown p (y:xs)
moveDown _ xs = xs
deleteFirst :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
deleteFirst _ [] = []
deleteFirst f (x:xs) = if f x then xs else x : deleteFirst f xs
insertAtGuaranteed :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
insertAtGuaranteed _ a [] = [a]
insertAtGuaranteed 0 a xs = a:xs
insertAtGuaranteed n a (x:xs) = x : insertAtGuaranteed (n-1) a xs
ordNub :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
ordNub = go mempty
go _ [] = []
go s (x:xs) | x `S.member` s = go s xs
| otherwise = x : go (S.insert x s) xs
equating :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> (a -> a -> Bool)
equating f = (==) `on` f
type Url = Text
sanitiseUrl :: Url -> Maybe Url
sanitiseUrl u
| not (sanitaryURI u) = Nothing
| "http:" `T.isPrefixOf` u = Just u
| "https:" `T.isPrefixOf` u = Just u
| otherwise = Just ("http://" <> u)
-- | Make text suitable for inclusion into an URL (by turning spaces into
-- hyphens and so on)
makeSlug :: Text -> Text
makeSlug =
T.intercalate "-" . T.words .
T.filter (\c -> isLetter c || isDigit c || c == ' ' || c == '-') .
T.toLower .
T.map (\x -> if x == '_' || x == '/' then '-' else x)
deriveSafeCopySimple 0 'base ''IPv4
deriveSafeCopySimple 0 'base ''IPv6
deriveSafeCopySimple 0 'base ''IP
sockAddrToIP :: Network.SockAddr -> Maybe IP
sockAddrToIP (Network.SockAddrInet _ x) = Just (IPv4 (fromHostAddress x))
sockAddrToIP (Network.SockAddrInet6 _ _ x _) = Just (IPv6 (fromHostAddress6 x))
sockAddrToIP _ = Nothing
-- | Unique id, used for many things – categories, items, and anchor ids.
newtype Uid a = Uid {uidToText :: Text}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, PathPiece, T.Buildable, Hashable, A.ToJSON)
-- See Note [acid-state]
deriveSafeCopySimple 2 'extension ''Uid
newtype Uid_v1 a = Uid_v1 {uidToText_v1 :: Text}
-- TODO: at the next migration change this to deriveSafeCopySimple!
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Uid_v1
instance SafeCopy a => Migrate (Uid a) where
type MigrateFrom (Uid a) = Uid_v1 a
migrate Uid_v1{..} = Uid {
uidToText = uidToText_v1 }
instance IsString (Uid a) where
fromString = Uid . T.pack
randomText :: MonadIO m => Int -> m Text
randomText n = liftIO $ do
-- We don't want the 1st char to be a digit. Just in case (I don't really
-- have a good reason). Maybe to prevent Javascript from doing automatic
-- conversions or something (tho it should never happen).
x <- randomRIO ('a', 'z')
let randomChar = do
i <- randomRIO (0, 35)
return $ if i < 10 then toEnum (fromEnum '0' + i)
else toEnum (fromEnum 'a' + i - 10)
xs <- replicateM (n-1) randomChar
return (T.pack (x:xs))
randomLongUid :: MonadIO m => m (Uid a)
randomLongUid = Uid <$> randomText 12
-- These are only used for items and categories (because their uids can occur
-- in links and so they should look a bit nicer).
randomShortUid :: MonadIO m => m (Uid a)
randomShortUid = Uid <$> randomText 8
-- | A marker for Uids that would be used with HTML nodes
data Node
uid_ :: Uid Node -> Attribute
uid_ = id_ . uidToText
includeJS :: Monad m => Url -> HtmlT m ()
includeJS url = with (script_ "") [src_ url]
includeCSS :: Monad m => Url -> HtmlT m ()
includeCSS url = link_ [rel_ "stylesheet", type_ "text/css", href_ url]
atomFeed :: MonadIO m => Atom.Feed -> ActionCtxT ctx m ()
atomFeed feed = do
setHeader "Content-Type" "application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8"
bytes $ T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack (XML.ppElement (Atom.xmlFeed feed)))
data GenConstructor = Copy Name | Custom String [(String, Name)]
genVer :: Name -> Int -> [GenConstructor] -> Q [Dec]
genVer tyName ver constructors = do
-- Get information about the new version of the datatype
TyConI (DataD _cxt _name _vars cons _deriving) <- reify tyName
-- Let's do some checks first
unless (null _cxt) $
fail "genVer: can't yet work with types with context"
unless (null _vars) $
fail "genVer: can't yet work with types with variables"
let oldName n = mkName (nameBase n ++ "_v" ++ show ver)
let copyConstructor conName =
case [c | c@(RecC n _) <- cons, n == conName] of
[] -> fail ("genVer: couldn't find a record constructor " ++
show conName)
[RecC _ fields] ->
recC (oldName conName)
(map return (fields & each._1 %~ oldName))
other -> fail ("genVer: copyConstructor: got " ++ show other)
let customConstructor conName fields =
recC (oldName (mkName conName))
[varStrictType (oldName (mkName fName))
(strictType notStrict (conT fType))
| (fName, fType) <- fields]
cons' <- for constructors $ \genCons -> do
case genCons of
Copy conName -> copyConstructor conName
Custom conName fields -> customConstructor conName fields
decl <- dataD
-- no context
(cxt [])
-- name of our type (e.g. SomeType_v3 if the previous version was 3)
(oldName tyName)
-- no variables
-- constructors
(map return cons')
-- not deriving anything
return [decl]
data MigrateConstructor = CopyM Name | CustomM Name ExpQ
migrateVer :: Name -> Int -> [MigrateConstructor] -> Q Exp
migrateVer tyName ver constructors = do
-- Get information about the new version of the datatype
TyConI (DataD _cxt _name _vars cons _deriving) <- reify tyName
-- Let's do some checks first
unless (null _cxt) $
fail "migrateVer: can't yet work with types with context"
unless (null _vars) $
fail "migrateVer: can't yet work with types with variables"
let oldName n = mkName (nameBase n ++ "_v" ++ show ver)
arg <- newName "x"
let copyConstructor conName =
case [c | c@(RecC n _) <- cons, n == conName] of
[] -> fail ("migrateVer: couldn't find a record constructor " ++
show conName)
[RecC _ fields] -> do
-- SomeConstr_v3{} -> SomeConstr (field1 x) (field2 x) ...
let getField f = varE (oldName (f ^. _1)) `appE` varE arg
match (recP (oldName conName) [])
(normalB (appsE (conE conName : map getField fields)))
other -> fail ("migrateVer: copyConstructor: got " ++ show other)
let customConstructor conName res =
match (recP (oldName conName) [])
(normalB res)
branches' <- for constructors $ \genCons -> do
case genCons of
CopyM conName -> copyConstructor conName
CustomM conName res -> customConstructor conName res
lam1E (varP arg) (caseE (varE arg) (map return branches'))
instance MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (HtmlT m) where
throwM e = lift $ throwM e