mirror of https://github.com/aelve/guide.git synced 2024-11-30 11:32:29 +03:00
Artyom c72815c436 Big switch to Mustache (only half-done)
* Render some elements of some pages with Mustache
* Switch to Stack
* Add a bit of tests
* Turn the project into a library
2016-08-17 11:18:57 +03:00

906 lines
35 KiB
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module Guide
import BasePrelude hiding (Category)
-- Monads and monad transformers
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Morph
-- Lenses
import Lens.Micro.Platform hiding ((&))
-- Containers
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- Text
import Data.Text.All (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.All as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.All as TL
-- Paths
import System.FilePath ((</>))
-- Network
import Data.IP (IP)
-- Web
import Web.Spock hiding (head, get, text)
import qualified Web.Spock as Spock
import Web.Spock.Lucid
import Lucid hiding (for_)
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static (staticPolicy, addBase)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as HTTP
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
-- Feeds
import qualified Text.Feed.Types as Feed
import qualified Text.Feed.Util as Feed
import qualified Text.Atom.Feed as Atom
-- Highlighting
import CMark.Highlight (styleToCss, pygments)
-- Monitoring
import qualified System.Remote.Monitoring as EKG
import qualified Network.Wai.Metrics as EKG
import qualified System.Metrics.Gauge as EKG.Gauge
-- acid-state
import Data.Acid as Acid
-- Time
import Data.Time
-- Deepseq
import Control.DeepSeq
-- IO
import System.IO
import qualified SlaveThread as Slave
-- Watching the templates directory
import qualified System.FSNotify as FSNotify
-- Local
import Config
import Types
import View
import JS (JS(..), allJSFunctions)
import Utils
import Markdown
import Cache
import Merge
{- Note [acid-state]
This application doesn't use a database instead, it uses acid-state. Acid-state works as follows:
* Everything is stored as Haskell values (in particular, all data is stored in 'GlobalState').
* All changes to the state (and all queries) have to be done by using 'dbUpdate'/'dbQuery' and types (GetItem, SetItemName, etc) from the Types.hs module.
* When doing a 'dbUpdate', don't forget to 'invalidateCache'!
* The data is kept in-memory, but all changes are logged to the disk (which lets us recover the state in case of a crash by reapplying the changes) and you can't access the state directly. When the application exits, it creates a snapshot of the state (called “checkpoint”) and writes it to the disk. Additionally, a checkpoint is created every hour (grep for “createCheckpoint”).
* acid-state has a nasty feature when the state hasn't changed, 'createCheckpoint' appends it to the previous checkpoint. When state doesn't change for a long time, it means that checkpoints can grow to 100 MB or more. So, we employ a dirty bit and use createCheckpoint' instead of createCheckpoint. The former only creates the checkpoint if the dirty bit is set, which is good.
* When any type is changed, we have to write a migration function that would read the old version of the type and turn it into the new version. It's enough to keep just one old version (and even that isn't needed after the migration happened and a new checkpoint has been created). For examples, look at “instance Migrate” in Types.hs. Also, all types involved in acid-state (whether migrate-able or not) have to have a SafeCopy instance, which is generated by 'deriveSafeCopySimple'.
* There are actually ways to access the state directly (GetGlobalState and SetGlobalState), but the latter should only be used when doing something one-off (e.g. if you need to migrate all IDs to a different ID scheme).
-- | A pointer to an open acid-state database (allows making queries/updates,
-- creating checkpoints, etc).
type DB = AcidState GlobalState
-- | Update something in the database. Don't forget to 'invalidateCache' when
-- you update something that is cached.
dbUpdate :: (MonadIO m, HasSpock m, SpockState m ~ ServerState,
EventState event ~ GlobalState, UpdateEvent event)
=> event -> m (EventResult event)
dbUpdate x = do
db <- _db <$> Spock.getState
liftIO $ do
Acid.update db SetDirty
Acid.update db x
-- | Read something from the database.
dbQuery :: (MonadIO m, HasSpock m, SpockState m ~ ServerState,
EventState event ~ GlobalState, QueryEvent event)
=> event -> m (EventResult event)
dbQuery x = do
db <- _db <$> Spock.getState
liftIO $ Acid.query db x
-- Server state
data ServerState = ServerState {
_config :: Config,
_db :: DB }
getConfig :: (Monad m, HasSpock m, SpockState m ~ ServerState)
=> m Config
getConfig = _config <$> Spock.getState
itemVar :: Path '[Uid Item]
itemVar = "item" <//> var
categoryVar :: Path '[Uid Category]
categoryVar = "category" <//> var
traitVar :: Path '[Uid Trait]
traitVar = "trait" <//> var
:: (MonadIO m, HasSpock (ActionCtxT ctx m),
SpockState (ActionCtxT ctx m) ~ ServerState)
=> CacheKey -> ActionCtxT ctx m ()
invalidateCache' key = do
gs <- dbQuery GetGlobalState
invalidateCache gs key
:: (MonadIO m, HasSpock (ActionCtxT ctx m))
=> ActionCtxT ctx m (UTCTime, Maybe IP, Maybe Text, Maybe Text)
getDetails = do
time <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
mbForwardedFor <- liftA2 (<|>) (Spock.header "Forwarded-For")
(Spock.header "X-Forwarded-For")
mbIP <- case mbForwardedFor of
Nothing -> sockAddrToIP . Wai.remoteHost <$> Spock.request
Just ff -> case readMaybe (T.unpack ip) of
Nothing -> error ("couldn't read Forwarded-For address: " ++
show ip ++ " (full header: " ++
show ff ++ ")")
Just i -> return (Just i)
addr = T.strip . snd . T.breakOnEnd "," $ ff
ip -- [IPv6]:port
| T.take 1 addr == "[" =
T.drop 1 (T.takeWhile (/= ']') addr)
-- IPv4 or IPv4:port
| T.any (== '.') addr =
T.takeWhile (/= ':') addr
-- IPv6 without port
| otherwise =
mbReferrer <- Spock.header "Referer"
mbUA <- Spock.header "User-Agent"
return (time, mbIP, mbReferrer, mbUA)
-- | Call this whenever a user edits the database.
addEdit :: (MonadIO m, HasSpock (ActionCtxT ctx m),
SpockState (ActionCtxT ctx m) ~ ServerState)
=> Edit -> ActionCtxT ctx m ()
addEdit ed = do
(time, mbIP, mbReferrer, mbUA) <- getDetails
unless (isVacuousEdit ed) $ do
dbUpdate (RegisterEdit ed mbIP time)
baseUrl <- _baseUrl <$> getConfig
dbUpdate (RegisterAction (Action'Edit ed)
mbIP time baseUrl mbReferrer mbUA)
:: (MonadIO m, HasSpock m, SpockState m ~ ServerState)
=> Edit -> m ()
invalidateCacheForEdit ed = do
gs <- dbQuery GetGlobalState
mapM_ (invalidateCache gs) $ case ed of
Edit'AddCategory catId _ ->
[CacheCategory catId]
-- Normally invalidateCache should invalidate item's category
-- automatically, but in this case it's *maybe* possible that the item
-- has already been moved somewhere else and so we invalidate both just
-- in case.
Edit'AddItem catId itemId _ ->
[CacheCategory catId, CacheItem itemId]
Edit'AddPro itemId _ _ ->
[CacheItemTraits itemId]
Edit'AddCon itemId _ _ ->
[CacheItemTraits itemId]
Edit'SetCategoryTitle catId _ _ ->
[CacheCategoryInfo catId]
Edit'SetCategoryGroup catId _ _ ->
[CacheCategoryInfo catId]
Edit'SetCategoryStatus catId _ _ ->
[CacheCategoryInfo catId]
Edit'SetCategoryProsConsEnabled catId _ _ ->
[CacheCategoryInfo catId]
Edit'SetCategoryEcosystemEnabled catId _ _ ->
[CacheCategoryInfo catId]
Edit'SetCategoryNotes catId _ _ ->
[CacheCategoryNotes catId]
Edit'SetItemName itemId _ _ ->
[CacheItemInfo itemId]
Edit'SetItemLink itemId _ _ ->
[CacheItemInfo itemId]
Edit'SetItemGroup itemId _ _ ->
[CacheItemInfo itemId]
Edit'SetItemKind itemId _ _ ->
[CacheItemInfo itemId]
Edit'SetItemDescription itemId _ _ ->
[CacheItemDescription itemId]
Edit'SetItemNotes itemId _ _ ->
[CacheItemNotes itemId]
Edit'SetItemEcosystem itemId _ _ ->
[CacheItemEcosystem itemId]
Edit'SetTraitContent itemId _ _ _ ->
[CacheItemTraits itemId]
Edit'DeleteCategory catId _ ->
[CacheCategory catId]
Edit'DeleteItem itemId _ ->
[CacheItem itemId]
Edit'DeleteTrait itemId _ _ ->
[CacheItemTraits itemId]
Edit'MoveItem itemId _ ->
[CacheItem itemId]
Edit'MoveTrait itemId _ _ ->
[CacheItemTraits itemId]
-- | Do an action that would undo an edit.
-- 'Left' signifies failure.
-- This doesn't do cache invalidation (you have to do it at the call site
-- using 'invalidateCacheForEdit').
-- TODO: make this do cache invalidation.
-- TODO: many of these don't work when the changed category/item/etc has been
-- deleted; this should change.
undoEdit :: (MonadIO m, HasSpock m, SpockState m ~ ServerState)
=> Edit -> m (Either String ())
undoEdit (Edit'AddCategory catId _) = do
void <$> dbUpdate (DeleteCategory catId)
undoEdit (Edit'AddItem _catId itemId _) = do
void <$> dbUpdate (DeleteItem itemId)
undoEdit (Edit'AddPro itemId traitId _) = do
void <$> dbUpdate (DeleteTrait itemId traitId)
undoEdit (Edit'AddCon itemId traitId _) = do
void <$> dbUpdate (DeleteTrait itemId traitId)
undoEdit (Edit'SetCategoryTitle catId old new) = do
now <- view title <$> dbQuery (GetCategory catId)
if now /= new
then return (Left "title has been changed further")
else Right () <$ dbUpdate (SetCategoryTitle catId old)
undoEdit (Edit'SetCategoryGroup catId old new) = do
now <- view group_ <$> dbQuery (GetCategory catId)
if now /= new
then return (Left "group has been changed further")
else Right () <$ dbUpdate (SetCategoryGroup catId old)
undoEdit (Edit'SetCategoryStatus catId old new) = do
now <- view status <$> dbQuery (GetCategory catId)
if now /= new
then return (Left "status has been changed further")
else Right () <$ dbUpdate (SetCategoryStatus catId old)
undoEdit (Edit'SetCategoryProsConsEnabled catId old new) = do
now <- view prosConsEnabled <$> dbQuery (GetCategory catId)
if now /= new
then return (Left "pros-cons-enabled has been changed further")
else Right () <$ dbUpdate (SetCategoryProsConsEnabled catId old)
undoEdit (Edit'SetCategoryEcosystemEnabled catId old new) = do
now <- view ecosystemEnabled <$> dbQuery (GetCategory catId)
if now /= new
then return (Left "ecosystem-enabled has been changed further")
else Right () <$ dbUpdate (SetCategoryEcosystemEnabled catId old)
undoEdit (Edit'SetCategoryNotes catId old new) = do
now <- view (notes.mdText) <$> dbQuery (GetCategory catId)
if now /= new
then return (Left "notes have been changed further")
else Right () <$ dbUpdate (SetCategoryNotes catId old)
undoEdit (Edit'SetItemName itemId old new) = do
now <- view name <$> dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
if now /= new
then return (Left "name has been changed further")
else Right () <$ dbUpdate (SetItemName itemId old)
undoEdit (Edit'SetItemLink itemId old new) = do
now <- view link <$> dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
if now /= new
then return (Left "link has been changed further")
else Right () <$ dbUpdate (SetItemLink itemId old)
undoEdit (Edit'SetItemGroup itemId old new) = do
now <- view group_ <$> dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
if now /= new
then return (Left "group has been changed further")
else Right () <$ dbUpdate (SetItemGroup itemId old)
undoEdit (Edit'SetItemKind itemId old new) = do
now <- view kind <$> dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
if now /= new
then return (Left "kind has been changed further")
else Right () <$ dbUpdate (SetItemKind itemId old)
undoEdit (Edit'SetItemDescription itemId old new) = do
now <- view (description.mdText) <$> dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
if now /= new
then return (Left "description has been changed further")
else Right () <$ dbUpdate (SetItemDescription itemId old)
undoEdit (Edit'SetItemNotes itemId old new) = do
now <- view (notes.mdText) <$> dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
if now /= new
then return (Left "notes have been changed further")
else Right () <$ dbUpdate (SetItemNotes itemId old)
undoEdit (Edit'SetItemEcosystem itemId old new) = do
now <- view (ecosystem.mdText) <$> dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
if now /= new
then return (Left "ecosystem has been changed further")
else Right () <$ dbUpdate (SetItemEcosystem itemId old)
undoEdit (Edit'SetTraitContent itemId traitId old new) = do
now <- view (content.mdText) <$> dbQuery (GetTrait itemId traitId)
if now /= new
then return (Left "trait has been changed further")
else Right () <$ dbUpdate (SetTraitContent itemId traitId old)
undoEdit (Edit'DeleteCategory catId pos) = do
dbUpdate (RestoreCategory catId pos)
undoEdit (Edit'DeleteItem itemId pos) = do
dbUpdate (RestoreItem itemId pos)
undoEdit (Edit'DeleteTrait itemId traitId pos) = do
dbUpdate (RestoreTrait itemId traitId pos)
undoEdit (Edit'MoveItem itemId direction) = do
Right () <$ dbUpdate (MoveItem itemId (not direction))
undoEdit (Edit'MoveTrait itemId traitId direction) = do
Right () <$ dbUpdate (MoveTrait itemId traitId (not direction))
renderMethods :: SpockM () () ServerState ()
renderMethods = Spock.subcomponent "render" $ do
-- Notes for a category
Spock.get (categoryVar <//> "notes") $ \catId -> do
category <- dbQuery (GetCategory catId)
lucidIO $ renderCategoryNotes category
-- Item colors
Spock.get (itemVar <//> "colors") $ \itemId -> do
item <- dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
category <- dbQuery (GetCategoryByItem itemId)
let hue = getItemHue category item
json $ M.fromList [("light" :: Text, hueToLightColor hue),
("dark" :: Text, hueToDarkColor hue)]
-- Item info
Spock.get (itemVar <//> "info") $ \itemId -> do
item <- dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
category <- dbQuery (GetCategoryByItem itemId)
lucidIO $ renderItemInfo category item
-- Item description
Spock.get (itemVar <//> "description") $ \itemId -> do
item <- dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
lucidIO $ renderItemDescription item
-- Item ecosystem
Spock.get (itemVar <//> "ecosystem") $ \itemId -> do
item <- dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
lucidIO $ renderItemEcosystem item
-- Item notes
Spock.get (itemVar <//> "notes") $ \itemId -> do
item <- dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
category <- dbQuery (GetCategoryByItem itemId)
lucidIO $ renderItemNotes category item
setMethods :: SpockM () () ServerState ()
setMethods = Spock.subcomponent "set" $ do
Spock.post (categoryVar <//> "info") $ \catId -> do
-- TODO: [easy] add a cross-link saying where the form is handled in the
-- code and other notes saying where stuff is rendered, etc
invalidateCache' (CacheCategoryInfo catId)
title' <- T.strip <$> param' "title"
group' <- T.strip <$> param' "group"
prosConsEnabled' <- (Just ("on" :: Text) ==) <$> param "pros-cons-enabled"
ecosystemEnabled' <- (Just ("on" :: Text) ==) <$> param "ecosystem-enabled"
status' <- do
statusName :: Text <- param' "status"
return $ case statusName of
"finished" -> CategoryFinished
"mostly-done" -> CategoryMostlyDone
"wip" -> CategoryWIP
"stub" -> CategoryStub
other -> error ("unknown category status: " ++ show other)
-- Modify the category
-- TODO: actually validate the form and report errors
unless (T.null title') $ do
(edit, _) <- dbUpdate (SetCategoryTitle catId title')
addEdit edit
unless (T.null group') $ do
(edit, _) <- dbUpdate (SetCategoryGroup catId group')
addEdit edit
do (edit, _) <- dbUpdate (SetCategoryStatus catId status')
addEdit edit
do (edit, _) <- dbUpdate (SetCategoryProsConsEnabled catId prosConsEnabled')
addEdit edit
do (edit, _) <- dbUpdate (SetCategoryEcosystemEnabled catId ecosystemEnabled')
addEdit edit
-- After all these edits we can render the category header
category <- dbQuery (GetCategory catId)
lucidIO $ renderCategoryInfo category
-- Notes for a category
Spock.post (categoryVar <//> "notes") $ \catId -> do
original <- param' "original"
content' <- param' "content"
modified <- view (notes.mdText) <$> dbQuery (GetCategory catId)
if modified == original
then do
invalidateCache' (CacheCategoryNotes catId)
(edit, category) <- dbUpdate (SetCategoryNotes catId content')
addEdit edit
lucidIO $ renderCategoryNotes category
else do
setStatus HTTP.status409
json $ M.fromList [
("modified" :: Text, modified),
("merged" :: Text, merge original content' modified)]
-- Item info
Spock.post (itemVar <//> "info") $ \itemId -> do
-- TODO: [easy] add a cross-link saying where the form is handled in the
-- code and other notes saying where stuff is rendered, etc
invalidateCache' (CacheItemInfo itemId)
name' <- T.strip <$> param' "name"
link' <- T.strip <$> param' "link"
kind' <- do
kindName :: Text <- param' "kind"
hackageName' <- (\x -> if T.null x then Nothing else Just x) <$>
param' "hackage-name"
return $ case kindName of
"library" -> Library hackageName'
"tool" -> Tool hackageName'
_ -> Other
group' <- do
groupField <- param' "group"
customGroupField <- param' "custom-group"
return $ case groupField of
"-" -> Nothing
"" -> Just customGroupField
_ -> Just groupField
-- Modify the item
-- TODO: actually validate the form and report errors
-- (don't forget to check that custom-group ≠ "")
unless (T.null name') $ do
(edit, _) <- dbUpdate (SetItemName itemId name')
addEdit edit
case (T.null link', sanitiseUrl link') of
(True, _) -> do
(edit, _) <- dbUpdate (SetItemLink itemId Nothing)
addEdit edit
(_, Just l) -> do
(edit, _) <- dbUpdate (SetItemLink itemId (Just l))
addEdit edit
_otherwise ->
return ()
do (edit, _) <- dbUpdate (SetItemKind itemId kind')
addEdit edit
-- This does all the work of assigning new colors, etc. automatically
do (edit, _) <- dbUpdate (SetItemGroup itemId group')
addEdit edit
-- After all these edits we can render the item
item <- dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
category <- dbQuery (GetCategoryByItem itemId)
lucidIO $ renderItemInfo category item
-- Item description
Spock.post (itemVar <//> "description") $ \itemId -> do
original <- param' "original"
content' <- param' "content"
modified <- view (description.mdText) <$> dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
if modified == original
then do
invalidateCache' (CacheItemDescription itemId)
(edit, item) <- dbUpdate (SetItemDescription itemId content')
addEdit edit
lucidIO $ renderItemDescription item
else do
setStatus HTTP.status409
json $ M.fromList [
("modified" :: Text, modified),
("merged" :: Text, merge original content' modified)]
-- Item ecosystem
Spock.post (itemVar <//> "ecosystem") $ \itemId -> do
original <- param' "original"
content' <- param' "content"
modified <- view (ecosystem.mdText) <$> dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
if modified == original
then do
invalidateCache' (CacheItemEcosystem itemId)
(edit, item) <- dbUpdate (SetItemEcosystem itemId content')
addEdit edit
lucidIO $ renderItemEcosystem item
else do
setStatus HTTP.status409
json $ M.fromList [
("modified" :: Text, modified),
("merged" :: Text, merge original content' modified)]
-- Item notes
Spock.post (itemVar <//> "notes") $ \itemId -> do
original <- param' "original"
content' <- param' "content"
modified <- view (notes.mdText) <$> dbQuery (GetItem itemId)
if modified == original
then do
invalidateCache' (CacheItemNotes itemId)
(edit, item) <- dbUpdate (SetItemNotes itemId content')
addEdit edit
category <- dbQuery (GetCategoryByItem itemId)
lucidIO $ renderItemNotes category item
else do
setStatus HTTP.status409
json $ M.fromList [
("modified" :: Text, modified),
("merged" :: Text, merge original content' modified)]
-- Trait
Spock.post (itemVar <//> traitVar) $ \itemId traitId -> do
original <- param' "original"
content' <- param' "content"
modified <- view (content.mdText) <$> dbQuery (GetTrait itemId traitId)
if modified == original
then do
invalidateCache' (CacheItemTraits itemId)
(edit, trait) <- dbUpdate (SetTraitContent itemId traitId content')
addEdit edit
lucidIO $ renderTrait itemId trait
else do
setStatus HTTP.status409
json $ M.fromList [
("modified" :: Text, modified),
("merged" :: Text, merge original content' modified)]
addMethods :: SpockM () () ServerState ()
addMethods = Spock.subcomponent "add" $ do
-- New category
Spock.post "category" $ do
title' <- param' "content"
-- If the category exists already, don't create it
cats <- view categories <$> dbQuery GetGlobalState
let hasSameTitle cat = T.toCaseFold (cat^.title) == T.toCaseFold title'
category <- case find hasSameTitle cats of
Just c -> return c
Nothing -> do
catId <- randomShortUid
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
(edit, newCategory) <- dbUpdate (AddCategory catId title' time)
invalidateCache' (CacheCategory catId)
addEdit edit
return newCategory
-- And now send the URL of the new (or old) category
Spock.text ("/haskell/" <> categorySlug category)
-- New item in a category
Spock.post (categoryVar <//> "item") $ \catId -> do
name' <- param' "name"
-- TODO: do something if the category doesn't exist (e.g. has been
-- already deleted)
itemId <- randomShortUid
-- If the item name looks like a Hackage library, assume it's a Hackage
-- library.
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
(edit, newItem) <-
if T.all (\c -> isAscii c && (isAlphaNum c || c == '-')) name'
then dbUpdate (AddItem catId itemId name' time (Library (Just name')))
else dbUpdate (AddItem catId itemId name' time Other)
invalidateCache' (CacheItem itemId)
addEdit edit
category <- dbQuery (GetCategory catId)
lucidIO $ renderItem category newItem
-- Pro (argument in favor of an item)
Spock.post (itemVar <//> "pro") $ \itemId -> do
content' <- param' "content"
traitId <- randomLongUid
(edit, newTrait) <- dbUpdate (AddPro itemId traitId content')
invalidateCache' (CacheItemTraits itemId)
addEdit edit
lucidIO $ renderTrait itemId newTrait
-- Con (argument against an item)
Spock.post (itemVar <//> "con") $ \itemId -> do
content' <- param' "content"
traitId <- randomLongUid
(edit, newTrait) <- dbUpdate (AddCon itemId traitId content')
invalidateCache' (CacheItemTraits itemId)
addEdit edit
lucidIO $ renderTrait itemId newTrait
adminMethods :: SpockM () () ServerState ()
adminMethods = Spock.subcomponent "admin" $ do
-- Accept an edit
Spock.post ("edit" <//> var <//> "accept") $ \n -> do
dbUpdate (RemovePendingEdit n)
return ()
-- Undo an edit
Spock.post ("edit" <//> var <//> "undo") $ \n -> do
(edit, _) <- dbQuery (GetEdit n)
res <- undoEdit edit
case res of
Left err -> Spock.text (T.pack err)
Right () -> do invalidateCacheForEdit edit
dbUpdate (RemovePendingEdit n)
Spock.text ""
-- Accept a range of edits
Spock.post ("edits" <//> var <//> var <//> "accept") $ \m n -> do
dbUpdate (RemovePendingEdits m n)
-- Undo a range of edits
Spock.post ("edits" <//> var <//> var <//> "undo") $ \m n -> do
edits <- dbQuery (GetEdits m n)
s <- dbQuery GetGlobalState
failed <- fmap catMaybes $ for edits $ \(edit, details) -> do
res <- undoEdit edit
case res of
Left err -> return (Just ((edit, details), Just err))
Right () -> do invalidateCacheForEdit edit
dbUpdate (RemovePendingEdit (editId details))
return Nothing
case failed of
[] -> Spock.text ""
_ -> lucidIO $ renderEdits s failed
-- Create a checkpoint
Spock.post "create-checkpoint" $ do
db <- _db <$> Spock.getState
createCheckpoint' db
otherMethods :: SpockM () () ServerState ()
otherMethods = do
-- Moving things
Spock.subcomponent "move" $ do
-- Move item
Spock.post itemVar $ \itemId -> do
direction :: Text <- param' "direction"
edit <- dbUpdate (MoveItem itemId (direction == "up"))
invalidateCache' (CacheItem itemId)
addEdit edit
-- Move trait
Spock.post (itemVar <//> traitVar) $ \itemId traitId -> do
direction :: Text <- param' "direction"
edit <- dbUpdate (MoveTrait itemId traitId (direction == "up"))
invalidateCache' (CacheItemTraits itemId)
addEdit edit
-- Deleting things
Spock.subcomponent "delete" $ do
-- Delete category
Spock.post categoryVar $ \catId -> do
invalidateCache' (CacheCategory catId)
mbEdit <- dbUpdate (DeleteCategory catId)
mapM_ addEdit mbEdit
-- Delete item
Spock.post itemVar $ \itemId -> do
invalidateCache' (CacheItem itemId)
mbEdit <- dbUpdate (DeleteItem itemId)
mapM_ addEdit mbEdit
-- Delete trait
Spock.post (itemVar <//> traitVar) $ \itemId traitId -> do
invalidateCache' (CacheItemTraits itemId)
mbEdit <- dbUpdate (DeleteTrait itemId traitId)
mapM_ addEdit mbEdit
-- Feeds
-- TODO: this link shouldn't be absolute [absolute-links]
baseUrl <- (</> "haskell") . T.unpack . _baseUrl <$> getConfig
Spock.subcomponent "feed" $ do
-- Feed for items in a category
Spock.get categoryVar $ \catId -> do
category <- dbQuery (GetCategory catId)
let sortedItems = reverse $ sortBy cmp (category^.items)
where cmp = comparing (^.created) <> comparing (^.uid)
let route = "feed" <//> categoryVar
-- We use ++ instead of </> because the rendered route already has /
-- in front of it, and if we used </> it'd just skip baseUrl
let feedUrl = baseUrl ++ T.unpack (renderRoute route (category^.uid))
feedTitle = Atom.TextString (T.unpack (category^.title) ++
" Haskell Aelve Guide")
feedLastUpdate = case sortedItems of
(item:_) -> Feed.toFeedDateStringUTC Feed.AtomKind (item^.created)
_ -> ""
let feedBase = Atom.nullFeed feedUrl feedTitle feedLastUpdate
entries <- liftIO $ mapM (itemToFeedEntry baseUrl category) sortedItems
atomFeed $ feedBase {
Atom.feedEntries = entries,
Atom.feedLinks = [Atom.nullLink feedUrl] }
:: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
=> String -> Category -> Item -> m Atom.Entry
itemToFeedEntry baseUrl category item = do
entryContent <- Lucid.renderTextT (renderItemForFeed category item)
return entryBase {
Atom.entryLinks = [Atom.nullLink entryLink],
Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.HTMLContent (TL.unpack entryContent)) }
entryLink = baseUrl </>
T.unpack (T.format "{}#item-{}"
(categorySlug category, item^.uid))
entryBase = Atom.nullEntry
(T.unpack (uidToText (item^.uid)))
(Atom.TextString (T.unpack (item^.name)))
(Feed.toFeedDateStringUTC Feed.AtomKind (item^.created))
-- TODO: rename GlobalState to DB, and DB to AcidDB
:: (MonadIO m, HasSpock (ActionCtxT cxt m),
SpockState (ActionCtxT cxt m) ~ ServerState)
=> HtmlT (ReaderT Config IO) a -> ActionCtxT cxt m a
lucidWithConfig x = do
cfg <- getConfig
lucidIO (hoist (flip runReaderT cfg) x)
-- | Like 'createCheckpoint', but doesn't create a checkpoint if there were
-- no changes made.
createCheckpoint' :: MonadIO m => DB -> m ()
createCheckpoint' db = liftIO $ do
wasDirty <- Acid.update db UnsetDirty
when wasDirty $ do
createArchive db
createCheckpoint db
main :: IO ()
main = do
config <- readConfig
mainWith config
mainWith :: Config -> IO ()
mainWith config = do
-- Emptying the cache is needed because during development (i.e. in REPL)
-- 'main' can be started many times and if the cache isn't cleared changes
-- won't be visible
Slave.fork $ FSNotify.withManager $ \mgr -> do
FSNotify.watchTree mgr "templates/" (const True) $ \_ -> do
forever $ threadDelay 1000000
let emptyState = GlobalState {
_categories = [],
_categoriesDeleted = [],
_actions = [],
_pendingEdits = [],
_editIdCounter = 0,
_dirty = True }
do args <- getArgs
when (args == ["--dry-run"]) $ do
db :: DB <- openLocalStateFrom "state/" (error "couldn't load state")
putStrLn "loaded the database successfully"
closeAcidState db
-- When we run in GHCi and we exit the main thread, the EKG thread (that
-- runs the localhost:5050 server which provides statistics) may keep
-- running. This makes running this in GHCi annoying, because you have to
-- restart GHCi before every run. So, we kill the thread in the finaliser.
ekgId <- newIORef Nothing
-- See Note [acid-state] for the explanation of 'openLocalStateFrom',
-- 'createCheckpoint', etc
let prepare = openLocalStateFrom "state/" emptyState
finalise db = do
createCheckpoint' db
closeAcidState db
mapM_ killThread =<< readIORef ekgId
bracket prepare finalise $ \db -> do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
-- Create a checkpoint every six hours. Note: if nothing was changed, the
-- checkpoint won't be created, which saves us some space.
Slave.fork $ forever $ do
createCheckpoint' db
threadDelay (1000000 * 3600 * 6)
-- EKG metrics
ekg <- EKG.forkServer "localhost" 5050
writeIORef ekgId (Just (EKG.serverThreadId ekg))
waiMetrics <- EKG.registerWaiMetrics (EKG.serverMetricStore ekg)
categoryGauge <- EKG.getGauge "db.categories" ekg
itemGauge <- EKG.getGauge "db.items" ekg
Slave.fork $ forever $ do
globalState <- Acid.query db GetGlobalState
let allCategories = globalState^.categories
let allItems = allCategories^..each.items.each
EKG.Gauge.set categoryGauge (fromIntegral (length allCategories))
EKG.Gauge.set itemGauge (fromIntegral (length allItems))
threadDelay (1000000 * 60)
-- Run the server
let serverState = ServerState {
_config = config,
_db = db }
let spockConfig = (defaultSpockCfg () PCNoDatabase serverState) {
spc_maxRequestSize = Just (1024*1024) }
when (_prerender config) $ do
putStr "Prerendering pages to be cached... "
globalState <- liftIO $ Acid.query db GetGlobalState
for_ (globalState^.categories) $ \cat -> do
putStr "|"
evaluate . force =<<
renderBST (hoist (flip runReaderT config) (renderCategoryPage cat))
putStrLn " done"
runSpock 8080 $ spock spockConfig $ do
middleware (EKG.metrics waiMetrics)
middleware (staticPolicy (addBase "static"))
-- Javascript
Spock.get "/js.js" $ do
setHeader "Content-Type" "application/javascript; charset=utf-8"
js <- getJS
Spock.bytes $ T.encodeUtf8 (fromJS allJSFunctions <> js)
-- CSS
Spock.get "/highlight.css" $ do
setHeader "Content-Type" "text/css; charset=utf-8"
Spock.bytes $ T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack (styleToCss pygments))
Spock.get "/css.css" $ do
setHeader "Content-Type" "text/css; charset=utf-8"
css <- getCSS
Spock.bytes $ T.encodeUtf8 css
Spock.get "/admin.css" $ do
setHeader "Content-Type" "text/css; charset=utf-8"
css <- getCSS
admincss <- liftIO $ T.readFile "static/admin.css"
Spock.bytes $ T.encodeUtf8 (css <> admincss)
-- Main page
Spock.get root $
lucidWithConfig $ renderRoot
-- Admin page
prehook adminHook $ do
Spock.get "admin" $ do
s <- dbQuery GetGlobalState
lucidIO $ renderAdmin s
-- Donation page
Spock.get "donate" $
lucidWithConfig $ renderDonate
-- Static pages
Spock.get "unwritten-rules" $ lucidWithConfig $
renderStaticMd "Unwritten rules" "unwritten-rules.md"
Spock.get "markdown" $ lucidWithConfig $
renderStaticMd "Markdown" "markdown.md"
Spock.get "license" $ lucidWithConfig $
renderStaticMd "License" "license.md"
-- Haskell
Spock.subcomponent "haskell" $ do
Spock.get root $ do
s <- dbQuery GetGlobalState
q <- param "q"
(time, mbIP, mbReferrer, mbUA) <- getDetails
let act = case q of
Nothing -> Action'MainPageVisit
Just x -> Action'Search x
baseUrl <- _baseUrl <$> getConfig
dbUpdate (RegisterAction act mbIP time baseUrl mbReferrer mbUA)
lucidWithConfig $ renderHaskellRoot s q
-- Category pages
Spock.get var $ \path -> do
-- The links look like /parsers-gao238b1 (because it's nice when
-- you can find out where a link leads just by looking at it)
let (_, catId) = T.breakOnEnd "-" path
when (T.null catId) $
mbCategory <- dbQuery (GetCategoryMaybe (Uid catId))
case mbCategory of
Nothing -> Spock.jumpNext
Just category -> do
(time, mbIP, mbReferrer, mbUA) <- getDetails
baseUrl <- _baseUrl <$> getConfig
dbUpdate $ RegisterAction (Action'CategoryVisit (Uid catId))
mbIP time baseUrl mbReferrer mbUA
-- If the slug in the url is old (i.e. if it doesn't match the
-- one we would've generated now), let's do a redirect
when (categorySlug category /= path) $
-- TODO: this link shouldn't be absolute [absolute-links]
Spock.redirect ("/haskell/" <> categorySlug category)
lucidWithConfig $ renderCategoryPage category
-- The add/set methods return rendered parts of the structure (added
-- categories, changed items, etc) so that the Javascript part could
-- take them and inject into the page. We don't want to duplicate
-- rendering on server side and on client side.
adminHook :: ActionCtxT ctx (WebStateM () () ServerState) ()
adminHook = do
adminPassword <- _adminPassword <$> getConfig
unless (adminPassword == "") $ do
let check user pass =
unless (user == "admin" && pass == adminPassword) $ do
Spock.setStatus HTTP.status401
Spock.text "Wrong password!"
Spock.requireBasicAuth "Authenticate (login = admin)" check return
-- TODO: a function to find all links to Hackage that have version in them
-- TODO: page titles in Google have “artyom.me” in them, that's bad