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// A multiline text editor with "Submit" and "Cancel" buttons.
// Available keybindings:
// * Ctrl+Enter Submit
// * Escape Cancel
// Events:
// * submit-edit(String) Some text should be saved
// * cancel-edit The edit has been cancelled
// TODO: check that it's okay that editors have been wrapped into <div>
// TODO: I can recall 'section' being removed from item-info, maybe that's important
Vue.component('AEditor', {
props: {
// Text to populate the editor with
initContent: {type: String, default: ""},
// Instruction for the user
instruction: {type: String, required: true},
// How many rows the editor should have
rows: {type: Number, required: true},
// Whether editor content should be reset on cancel
resetOnCancel: {type: Boolean, default: true},
data: function() { return {
content: this.initContent,
methods: {
onSubmitEdit() {
this.$emit('submit-edit', this.content); },
onCancelEdit() {
if (this.resetOnCancel) this.content = this.initContent;
this.$emit('cancel-edit'); },
// TODO: another messy template; also, can use <button> instead of <input>;
// also, "editor" should be changed to "editor-area" or something, and we
// should provide a method to focus the editor area
// Autocomplete has to be turned off because of this issue:
// http://stackoverflow.com/q/8311455
// We also have to check for keycode 10 to handle Ctrl+Enter thanks to this
// Chrome bug: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=79407
template: `
class="big fullwidth editor"
@keydown.ctrl.enter.prevent="onSubmitEdit" @keydown.ctrl.10.prevent="onSubmitEdit"
@keydown.meta.enter.prevent="onSubmitEdit" @keydown.meta.10.prevent="onSubmitEdit"
<input type="button" value="Save" class="save" @click="onSubmitEdit">
<span style="margin-left:6px"></span>
<input type="button" value="Cancel" class="cancel" @click="onCancelEdit">
<span style="margin-left:6px"></span>
<span class="edit-field-instruction">{{ instruction }}</span>
<a href="/markdown" target="_blank">
<img class="markdown-supported"
src="/markdown.svg" alt="Markdown supported">
// A single-line editor with an optional "Cancel" button.
// Available keybindings:
// * Enter Submit
// * Escape Cancel
// Events:
// * submit-edit(String) Some text should be saved
// * cancel-edit The edit has been cancelled
Vue.component('AEditorMini', {
props: {
// Text to populate the editor with
initContent: {type: String, default: ""},
// Instruction for the user
instruction: {type: String, required: true},
// How many rows the editor should have
rows: {type: Number, required: true},
// Whether editor content should be reset on cancel
resetOnCancel: {type: Boolean, default: true},
// Whether to allow cancellation
allowCancel: {type: Boolean, default: true},
// Placeholder
placeholder: {type: String, default: ""},
data: function() { return {
content: this.initContent,
methods: {
onSubmitEdit: function() {
this.$emit('submit-edit', this.content);
// TODO: we should have a separate method for that and only call it
// if the event handler has succeeded (outside of this component)
this.content = ""; },
onCancelEdit: function() {
if (this.allowCancel) {
if (this.resetOnCancel) this.content = this.initContent;
this.$emit('cancel-edit'); } },
template: `
<span v-if="allowCancel" class="text-button">
<a href="#" @click.prevent="onCancelEdit">cancel</a>
<span style="float:right">
<span class="edit-field-instruction">{{ instruction }}</span>
<a href="/markdown" target="_blank">
<img class="markdown-supported"
src="/markdown.svg" alt="Markdown supported">