awesome cli apps

--- [![Awesome](]( > A curated list of command line apps. Inspired by the [awesome]( list thing. ## Table of Contents - [Entertainment](#entertainment) - [Music](#music) - [Social Media](#social-media) - [Video](#video) - [Movies](#movies) - [Games](#games) - [Books](#books) - [Development](#development) - [Text Editors](#text-editors) - [Web Development](#web-development) - [Mobile Development](#mobile-development) - [Database](#database) - [Devops](#devops) - [Docker](#docker) - [Release](#release) - [Npm](#npm) - [Boilerplate](#boilerplate) - [Productivity](#productivity) - [Time Tracking](#time-tracking) - [Note Taking and Lists](#note-taking-and-lists) - [Finance](#finance) - [Presentations](#presentations) - [Calendars](#calendars) - [Utilities](#utilities) - [macOS](#macos) - [Terminal Sharing Utilities](#terminal-sharing-utilities) - [Network Utilities](#network-utilities) - [Theming and Customization](#theming-and-customization) - [Shell Utilities](#shell-utilities) - [System Interaction Utilities](#system-interaction-utilities) - [Markdown](#markdown) - [Security](#security) - [Math](#math) - [Command Line Learning](#command-line-learning) - [Data Manipulation](#data-manipulation) - [Processors](#processors) - [JSON](#json) - [Columns](#columns) - [Text](#text) - [Files and Directories](#files-and-directories) - [File Managers](#file-managers) - [Deleting, Copying, and Renaming](#deleting-copying-and-renaming) - [Files](#files) - [File Sync/Sharing](#file-syncsharing) - [Directory Listing](#directory-listing) - [Directory Navigation](#directory-navigation) - [Search](#search) - [Version Control](#version-control) - [Git](#git) - [GitHub](#github) - [Images](#images) - [Gif Creation](#gif-creation) - [Image Conversion](#image-conversion) - [Screensavers](#screensavers) - [Graphics](#graphics) - [Just for Fun](#just-for-fun) - [Other](#other) - [Emoji](#emoji) - [Other Awesome Lists](#other-awesome-lists) - [License](#license) --- ## Entertainment - [football-cli]( - Get live scores, fixtures, standings of almost every football competition/league. - [pockyt]( - Read, Manage, and Automate your [Pocket]( collection. - [newsboat]( - An extendable RSS feed reader for text terminals. ### Music - [cmus]( - Small, fast and powerful console music player. - [Instant-Music-Downloader]( - Instant music downloader. - [itunes-remote]( - Control iTunes via CLI. - [pianobar]( - Pandora client. - [somafm-cli]( - Listen to SomaFM in your terminal. - [mpd]( - Music Player Daemon. - [ncmpcpp]( - mpd client. - [moc]( - Console audio player for Linux/UNIX. - [musikcube]( - Cross-platform, terminal-based music player, audio engine, metadata indexer, and server. - [beets]( - Music library manager and tagger. - [spotify-tui]( - Spotify client. - [swaglyrics-for-spotify]( - Spotify lyrics. ### Social Media - [facebook-cli]( - Facebook command line interface. - [TTYtter]( - Twitter client. - [Rainbowstream]( - A smart and nice Twitter client on the terminal. - [tuir]( - Reddit TUI. - [WeeChat]( - Fast, light and extensible chat client. - [irssi]( - IRC chat client. - [kirc]( - Tiny IRC client. ### Video - [youtube-dl]( - Download videos from and many other video sites. - [streamlink]( - Extract streams from various websites to a video player of your choosing. - [mps-youtube]( - Youtube player. - [mpv]( - Superior video player. - [editly]( - Declarative video editing. ### Movies - [moviemon]( - Everything about your movies. - [movie]( - Get movie info or compare movies. ### Games - [Dwarf Fortress]( - Roguelike construction and management simulation. - [Cataclysm-DDA]( - Turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world. ### Books - [epr]( - epub reader. - [Bible.Js CLI]( - Bible. - [SpeedRead]( - Spritz-alike speedreader. - [medium-cli]( - Read []( stories. ## Development - [bcal]( - Byte CALculator for storage conversions and calculations. - [cgasm]( - Gives x86 assembly documentation. - [legit]( - Generate Open Source licences as files or file headers. - [mklicense]( - Create a custom LICENSE file painlessly with customized info. - [rebound]( - Fetch Stack Overflow results in your terminal when you get a compiler error. - [bitwise]( - Base conversion and bit manipulator in ncurses. - [foy]( - Lightweight general purpose task runner/build tool. - [just]( - Modern `make`-like command runner. - [grex]( - Generate regular expressions from user-provided test cases. - [gdb-dashboard]( - Modular visual interface for GDB. - [iola]( - Socket client with REST API. ### Text Editors - [emacs]( - An extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor — and more. - [vim]( - Vim - the ubiquitous text editor. - [neovim]( - Vim fork focused on extensibility and usability. - [kakoune]( - Modal editor inspired by vim. - [micro]( - A simple and intuitive editor. ### Web Development - [caniuse-cmd]( - Search []( about browser support of feature. - [is-up-cli]( - Check whether a website is up. - [pageres-cli]( - Capture website screenshots. - [strip-css-comments-cli]( - Strip comments from CSS. - [viewport-list-cli]( - Return a list of devices and their viewports. - [surge]( - Deploy a directory to the web. - [loadtest]( - Runs a load test on the selected URL. Easy to extend minimally for your own ends. - [wp-cli]( - Manage WordPress installations, update plugins, set up multisite installs and much more. - [diff2html-cli]( - Parse git diffs as JSON and generate pretty HTML. - [HTTPie]( - A user-friendly HTTP client. - [serve]( - Easy to use static file server with features like https, CORS and GZIP compression. - [add-gitignore]( - Interactively generate a .gitignore for your project based on your needs. - [Discharge]( - Deploy static websites to Amazon S3. - [reachable]( - Check if a domain is up. - [simplehttp]( - Easily serve a local directory over http. - [shell2http]( - Execute shell commands via HTTP server. - [HTTP Prompt]( - Interactive HTTP client featuring autocomplete and syntax highlighting. - [ipfs-deploy]( - Deploy static websites to [IPFS]( ### Mobile Development - [mobicon-cli]( - Mobile app icon generator. - [mobisplash-cli]( - Mobile app splash screen generator. - [deviceframe]( - Put device frames around your mobile/web/progressive app screenshots. ### Database - [mycli]( - MySQL client with autocompletion and syntax highlighting. - [pgcli]( - Postgres client with autocompletion and syntax highlighting. - [sqlline]( - Shell for issuing SQL via JDBC. - [iredis]( - Redis client with autocompletion and syntax highlighting. - [usql]( - Universal SQL client with autocompletion and syntax highlighting. ### Devops - [htconvert]( - Convert .htaccess redirects to nginx.conf redirects. - [SAWS]( - Supercharged AWS CLI. - [s3cmd]( - Fully-Featured S3 client. - [pm2]( - Production Process Manager for Node.js. - [ops]( - Unikernel compilation and orchestration tool. - [flog]( - A fake log generator for log formats such as apache-common, apache error and RFC3164 syslog. - [isitfit]( - Manage AWS EC2 rightsizing. - [k9s]( - Manage Kubernetes Clusters. - [PingMe]( - Send messages/alerts to multiple messaging platforms & email. ### Docker - [lstags]( - Synchronize images across registries. - [dockly]( - Interactively manage containers. - [lazydocker]( - Simple docker/docker-compose interface. - [docker-shell]( - Simple interactive docker interface. - [docker-pushrm]( - Push a readme to container registries. ### Release - [release-it]( - Automate releases for Git repositories and/or npm packages. Changelog generation, GitHub/GitLab releases, etc. - [clog]( - A conventional changelog for the rest of us. - [np]( - A better `npm publish`. - [release]( - Generate changelogs with a single command. - [semantic-release]( - Fully automated version management and package publishing. ### Npm - [npm-name-cli]( - Check whether a package name is available on npm. - [npm-user-cli]( - Get user info of a npm user. - [npm-home]( - Open the npm page of the package in the current directory. - [pkg-dir-cli]( - Find the root directory of a npm package. - [npm-check-updates]( - Find newer versions of package dependencies than what your package.json allows. - [updates]( - Flexible npm dependency update tool. - [wipe-modules]( - Remove `node_modules` of inactive projects. ### Boilerplate - [yo]( - Scaffolding tool for running Yeoman generators. - [boilr]( - Create projects from boilerplate templates. - [cookiecutter]( - Create projects from templates. - [mevn-cli]( - Light speed setup for MEVN (Mongo Express Vue Node) Apps. - [scaffold-static]( - Scaffolding utility for vanilla JS. ## Productivity - [AutoScreenshotUploader]( - Capture and upload screenshots to imgur. - [bitly-client]( - Bitly client. - [doing]( - Keep track of what you’re doing and track what you’ve done. - [ffscreencast]( - A ffmpeg screencast with video overlay and multi monitor support. - [imgur-uploader-cli]( - Upload images to imgur. - [meetup-cli]( - client. - [NeoMutt]( - Email client. - [terjira]( - Jira client. - [ipt]( - Pivotal Tracker client. - [g3l]( - Easiest git cli in the w0rld! - [uber-cli]( - Uber client. - [Buku]( - Browser-independent bookmark manager. - [googler]( - Google from the terminal. - [papis]( - Extensible document and bibliography manager. ### Time Tracking - [Timetrap]( - Simple timetracker. - [moro]( - Simple tool for tracking work hours. - [Timewarrior]( - Utility with simple stopwatch, calendar-based backfill and flexible reporting. - [Watson]( - Generate reports for clients and manage your time. - [utt]( - Simple time tracking tool. ### Note Taking and Lists - [idea]( - A lightweight tool for keeping ideas in a safe place quick and easy. - [geeknote]( - Evernote client. - [Taskwarrior]( - Manage your TODO list. - [Terminal velocity]( - A fast note-taking app. - [eureka]( - Input and store your ideas. - [sncli]( - Simplenote client. - [td-cli]( - A TODO manager to organize and manage your TODO's across multiple projects. - [taskell]( - Interactive kanban board/task manager. - [taskbook]( - Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat. - [dnote]( - A interactive, multi-device notebook. - [nb]( - A note‑taking, bookmarking, archiving, and knowledge base application. ### Finance - [ledger]( - Powerful, double-entry accounting system on the terminal - [moeda]( - Foreign exchange rates and currency conversion. - [cash-cli]( - Convert Currency Rates. - [cointop]( - Track cryptocurrencies. - [ticker]( - Stock ticker. ### Presentations - [WOPR]( - A simple markup language for creating rich terminal reports, presentations and infographics. - [decktape]( - PDF exporter for HTML presentations. - [mdp]( - A command-line based markdown presentation tool. - [sent]( - Simple plaintext presentation tool. ### Calendars - [calcurse]( - Calendar and scheduling. - [gcalcli]( - Google calendar client. - [khal]( - CalDAV ready CLI and TUI calendar. - [vdirsyncer]( - CalDAV sync. - [remind]( - A sophisticated calendar and alarm program. ## Utilities - [archive-type-cli]( - Detect archive type for a file or stdin. - [s]( - Open a web search in your terminal. - [aria2]( - HTTP, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink download utility. - [wego]( - Get the weather. - [weather-cli]( - Check the weather. - [mapscii]( - Terminal Map Viewer. - []( - Fetch news headlines from various news outlets. - [carbon-now-cli]( - Generate beautiful images of your code. - [awesome-finder]( - Search the awesome lists without a browser. - [shallow-backup]( - Git integrated backup tool. - [deadlink]( - Find dead links in files. ### macOS - [open-pip-cli]( - Watch videos in picture-in-picture player. - [app-path-cli]( - Get the path to an app. - [bundle-id-cli]( - Get bundle identifier from a bundle name: Safari → - [bundle-name-cli]( - Get bundle name from a bundle identifier: → Safari. - [lnfs-cli]( - Safely force create symlinks. - [osx-version-cli]( - Get the macOS version. - [osx-wifi-cli]( - Manage wifi connections. - [active-win-cli]( - Get the title/id/etc of the active window. - [stronghold]( - Configure security settings from the terminal. - [website-popup-cli]( - Open a website in a popup. - [dark-mode]( - Toggle dark mode. ### Terminal Sharing Utilities - [gotty]( - Share your terminal as a web application. - [localtunnel]( - Expose your localhost to the world for easy testing and sharing. - [mosh]( - Remote SSH client that allows roaming with intermittent connectivity. - [ngrok]( - Secure introspectable tunnels to localhost. - [serveo]( - Expose local servers to the internet using only a SSH client. - []( - Pipe output to the web. - [teleconsole]( - Share your UNIX terminal. - [tmate]( - Instant terminal (tmux) sharing. - [warp]( - Secure and simple terminal sharing. - [OverTime]( - Time-overlap tables for remote teams. ### Network Utilities - [get-port-cli]( - Get an available port. - [is-reachable-cli]( - Check if hostnames are reachable or not. - [speedtest-net]( - Test internet connection speed and ping using - [speed-test]( - `speedtest-net` wrapper with different UI. - [speedtest-cli]( - Test internet bandwidth using - [bandwhich]( - Track bandwidth utilization by process. ### Theming and Customization - [splash-cli]( - Beautiful wallpapers from Unsplash. - [wallpaper-cli]( - Get or set the desktop wallpaper. - [themer]( - Generate personalized themes for your editor, terminal, wallpaper, Slack, and more. - [JackPaper]( - Set images from Unsplash as wallpaper. - [pywal]( - Generate and change color-schemes, then apply them system-wide to all of your favourite programs. - [QuickWall]( - Directly set wallpapers from Unsplash. - [oh-my-posh]( - Prompt theme engine. ### Shell Utilities - [has]( - Checks for the presence of various commands and their versions on the path. - [Ultimate Plumber]( - Write Linux pipes with live previews. - [fkill-cli]( - Simple cross-platform process killer. - [task-spooler]( - Queue jobs for linear execution. - [undollar]( - Strip the '$' preceding copy-pasted terminal commands. - [pipe_exec]( - Run executables from stdin, pipes and ttys without creating a temporary file. ### System Interaction Utilities - [battery-level-cli]( - Get current battery level. - [brightness-cli]( - Change screen brightness ([windows]( - [yank]( - Yank terminal output to clipboard. - [screensaver]( - Start the screensaver. - [google-font-installer]( - Download and install Google Web Fonts on your local machine. - [neofetch]( - System information tool. - [Glances]( - System monitoring tool. - [tiptop]( - System monitor. ### Markdown - [DocToc]( - Generates table of contents for markdown files. - [grip]( - Preview markdown files as GitHub would render them. - [mdv]( - Styled terminal markdown viewer. ### Security - [pass]( - Password manager. - [gopass]( - Fully-featured password manager. - [xiringuito]( - SSH-based VPN. - [acmetool]( - Automatic certificate acquisition for ACME (Let's Encrypt). - [certificate-ripper]( - Extract server certificates. - [ots]( - Share secrets with others via a one-time URL. ### Math - [mdlt]( - Do quick math right from the command line. - [Qalculate]( - Calculate non-trival math expressions. Unit conversions, symbolic calculations and more. ## Command Line Learning - [cmdchallenge]( - Presents small shell challenge with user submitted solutions. - [explainshell]( - Type a snippet to see the help text for each argument. - [howdoi]( - Instant coding answers. - [how2]( - Node.js implementation of howdoi. - [The Fuck]( - Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command. - [tldr]( - Simplified and community-driven man pages. - [Wat]( - Instant, central, community-built docs. - [teachcode]( - Guide for the earliest lessons of coding. - [navi]( - Interactive cheatsheet tool. ## Data Manipulation - [visidata]( - Spreadsheet multitool for data discovery and arrangement. ### Processors - [jq]( - JSON processor. - [yq]( - YAML processor. - [dasel]( - JSON/YAML/TOML/XML processor (like jq/yq). - [yaml-cli]( - Query/update YAML. - [ramda-cli]( - Process data with functional pipelines. ### JSON - [jp]( - JSON parser. - [fx]( - Command-line JSON viewer. - [vj]( - Makes JSON human readable. - [underscore-cli]( - Utility-belt for hacking JSON and Javascript. - [strip-json-comments-cli]( - Strip comments from JSON. - [GROQ]( – JSON processor with queries and projections. ### Columns - [parse-columns-cli]( - Parse text columns to JSON. - [q]( - Execution of SQL-like queries on CSV/TSV/tabular text file. ### Text - [figlet]( - Creates large text out of ASCII characters. - [stegcloak]( - Hide secrets with invisible characters in plain text securely. ## Files and Directories ### File Managers - [ranger]( - A console file manager with VI key bindings. - [midnight-commander]( - A feature rich visual file manager. - [Vifm]( - VI influnced file manager. - [nnn]( - File browser and disk usage analyzer with excellent desktop integration. - [lf]( - Fast, extensively customizable file manager. - [fff]( - Fast, simple file manager. ### Deleting, Copying, and Renaming - [trash-cli]( - Move files and directories to the trash. - [empty-trash-cli]( - Empty the trash. - [del-cli]( - Delete files and folders. - [cpy-cli]( - Copies files. - [rename-cli]( - Rename files quickly. - [renameutils]( - Mass renaming in your editor. - [diskonaut]( - Disk space navigator. ### Files - [chokidar-cli]( - CLI to watch file system changes. - [file-type-cli]( - Detect the file type of a file or stdin. - [bat]( - A cat clone with syntax highlighting. - [NCDu]( - A disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface. - [unix-permissions]( - Swiss Army knife for Unix permissions. - [transmission-cli]( - Torrent client for your command line. - [webtorrent-cli]( – Streaming torrent client. - [entr]( - Run an arbitrary command when files change. - [organize-cli]( - Organize your files automatically. - [organize-rt]( - organize-cli in Rust with more customization. - [RecoverPy]( - Recover overwritten or deleted files. ### File Sync/Sharing - [rclone]( - Sync files with various cloud providers. - [ffsend]( - Quick file share. - [share-cli]( - Share files with your local network. - [google-drive-upload]( - Upload/sync with Google Drive. - [gdrive-downloader]( - Download files/folders from Google Drive. ### Directory Listing - [alder]( - Minimal `tree` with colors. - [exa]( - Improved version of `ls`. - [tre]( - `tree` with git awareness, editor aliasing, and more. - [ll]( - `ls` with git status. ### Directory Navigation - [autojump]( - A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line. - [fasd]( - Command-line productivity booster, offers quick access to files and directories, inspired by autojump, z and v. - [pm]( - The easy way to switch to your projects on the shell. - [z]( - z is the new j, yo. - [PathPicker]( - After parsing the output from a command, PathPicker presents you with a nice UI to select which files you're interested in. - [fz]( - Seamless fuzzy tab completion for z. - [goto]( - Directory aliases for the shell with autocomplete. - [z.lua]( - `cd` command that learns your habits. - [zoxide]( - Fast directory jumper in Rust. ### Search - [happyfinder]( - (another) Fuzzy file finder for the command line. - [find-up-cli]( - Find a file by walking up parent directories. - [ripgrep]( - A line-oriented search tool that recursively searches your current directory for a regex pattern. - [fzf]( - A general purpose command-line fuzzy finder, can be used with any list: files/directories, command history, processes, hostnames, bookmarks, git commits, etc. - [fselect]( - Find files with SQL-like queries. - [fd]( - A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to `find`. - [broot]( - Fuzzy finder similar to fzf, but with space usage visualization. - [rare]( - Real-time regex aggregation and analysis. ## Version Control - [SnowFS]( - A fast, scalable version control system for binaries. ### Git - [git commander]( - Interactive git tool. - [git-stats]( - A local GitHub-like contributions calendar. - [dev-time]( - Get the current local time of a GitHub user. - [tig]( - Text-mode interface for git. - [grv]( - Text-mode interface for git with customisable vi bindings. - [git-standup]( - Recall what you did on the last working day. - [git-secret]( - Store your private data inside a git repository. - [gitlab-cli]( - Create GitLab merge requests. - [git-extras]( - Git utilities. - [gita]( - Manage multiple git repos side by side. - [readme-md-generator]( - Interactively generate files. - [semantic-git-commit-cli]( - Ensure semantic commits messages. - [import-github-labels-cli]( - Sync labels between Github repos. - [git-all-branches]( - Improved `git branch -a`. ### GitHub - [CLI GitHub]( - Fancy GitHub client. - [Gistup]( - Manage GitHub gists. - [hub]( - Make git easier to use with GitHub. - [git-labelmaker]( - Edit GitHub labels. ## Images - [SVGO]( - Optimize SVG files. ### Gif Creation - [gifgen]( - Simple high quality GIF encoding. - [gifsicle]( - Create, manipulate, and optimize GIF images and animations. - [ttygif]( - Convert terminal recordings to animated gifs. - [ttygif]( - ttyrec to gif. - [ttystudio]( - A terminal-to-gif recorder minus the headaches. - [asciinema]( - Terminal session recorder and companion app for - [givegif]( - GIFs on the command line. ### Image Conversion - [imagemagick]( - Gold standard for anything images. - [imgp]( - Blazing fast batch image resizer and rotator. - [korkut]( - Quick and simple image processing. ## Screensavers - [cmatrix]( - Scrolling 'Matrix'-like screen. - []( - Random pipes that grow across the screen. - [YuleLog]( - Christmas Yule Log fireplace. - [cli-fireplace]( - Digital fireplace. ## Graphics - [cli-mandelbrot]( - Traverse the Mandelbrot fractal. - [sparkly-cli]( - Generate sparklines ▁▂▃▅▂▇.. - [pastel]( - Generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors. - [lowcharts]( - Draw low-resolution graphs. ## Just for Fun - [cowsay]( - A configurable talking cow (and other animals). - [quote-cli]( - Get a random quote or the quote of the day in your CLI. - [fortune]( - Shows a random fortune. - [ponysay]( - Pony rewrite of cowsay. - [yosay]( - Like cowsay, but for yeoman. - [lolcat]( - Outputs text in rainbow colors. - [text-meme]( - Generate text memes. - [dankcli]( - Add text to meme image templates. - [ricksay]( - Quotes from Rick and Morty. ## Other - [birthday]( - Know when a friend's birthday is coming. - [detect-indent-cli]( - Detect the indentation of code. - [fullname-cli]( - Get the fullname of the current user. - [gzip-size-cli]( - Get the gzipped size of a file. - [HASHA -cli]( - Hashing made simple. Get the hash of text or stdin. - [kill-tabs]( - Kill all Chrome tabs to improve performance, decrease battery usage, and save memory. - [leven-cli]( - Measure the difference between two strings using the Levenshtein distance algorithm. - [to-double-quotes]( - Convert matching single-quotes to double-quotes. - [to-single-quotes]( - Convert matching double-quotes to single-quotes. - [hget]( - Render websites in plain text from your terminal. - [alex]( - Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing. - [nasa-cli]( - Download NASA Picture of the Day. - [trino]( - Translation of words and phrases. - [translate-shell]( - Google Translate interface. ### Emoji - [emoj]( - Find relevant emoji from text on the command-line. - [emoji-finder]( - Quickly find and copy emoji to the clipboard via the command-line. - [oji]( - Interactive text emoji maker. - [gitmoji-cli]( - Use emoji in commit messages. - [gitmoji-changelog]( - Generate gitmoji changelogs. ## Other Awesome Lists - [awesome-command-line-apps]( – An alternative awesome list of cli apps. - [awesome-macos-command-line]( - Shell commands and tools specific to macOS. - [awesome-git-addons]( - Addons that extend git cli. - [awesome-shell]( – Command-line utilities and frameworks. - [terminals-are-sexy]( – Terminal frameworks, plugins & resources. - [awesome-zsh-plugins]( – ZSH frameworks, plugins, tutorials & themes. - [awesome-nodejs clis]( – Node.js modules and resources. ## License [![CC0](]( To the extent possible under law, [Adam Garrett-Harris]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.