move dataframe creation and sorting to server-side via Client.hs

add preliminary test
This commit is contained in:
AgentM 2019-01-05 00:02:49 -05:00
parent d4d1df8083
commit e9f102334d
17 changed files with 262 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ Library
@ -504,4 +505,12 @@ Executable handles
if flag(profiler)
GHC-Prof-Options: -fprof-auto -rtsopts -threaded -Wall
Test-Suite test-dataframe
Default-Language: Haskell2010
Main-Is: test/DataFrame.hs
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
Other-Modules: TutorialD.Interpreter, TutorialD.Interpreter.Base, TutorialD.Interpreter.DatabaseContextExpr, TutorialD.Interpreter.DatabaseContextIOOperator, TutorialD.Interpreter.Export.Base, TutorialD.Interpreter.Export.CSV, TutorialD.Interpreter.Import.Base, TutorialD.Interpreter.Import.BasicExamples, TutorialD.Interpreter.Import.CSV, TutorialD.Interpreter.Import.TutorialD, TutorialD.Interpreter.InformationOperator, TutorialD.Interpreter.RODatabaseContextOperator, TutorialD.Interpreter.RelationalExpr, TutorialD.Interpreter.SchemaOperator, TutorialD.Interpreter.TestBase, TutorialD.Interpreter.TransGraphRelationalOperator, TutorialD.Interpreter.TransactionGraphOperator, TutorialD.Interpreter.Types
Build-Depends: base, HUnit, Cabal, containers, hashable, unordered-containers, mtl, vector, vector-binary-instances, time, hashable-time, bytestring, uuid, stm, deepseq, deepseq-generics, binary, parallel, cassava, attoparsec, gnuplot, directory, temporary, haskeline, megaparsec, text, base64-bytestring, data-interval, filepath, transformers, stm-containers, list-t, websockets, optparse-applicative, network, aeson, project-m36, random, MonadRandom, semigroups
Default-Extensions: OverloadedStrings
GHC-Options: -Wall -threaded
Hs-Source-Dirs: ./src/bin, ., test/

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
./.cabal-sandbox/bin/ghcid --command="cabal repl $1"
~/.cabal/bin/ghcid --command="cabal new-repl $1"

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module TutorialD.Interpreter.Base (
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.AtomType
import ProjectM36.Relation
import ProjectM36.DataFrame
#if MIN_VERSION_megaparsec(6,0,0)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
@ -59,8 +60,7 @@ displayOpResult (DisplayParseErrorResult mPromptLength err) = do
pointyString len = T.justifyRight (len + fromIntegral errorIndent) '_' "^"
maybe (pure ()) (TIO.putStrLn . pointyString) mPromptLength
TIO.putStr ("ERR:" <> errString)
displayOpResult (DisplayDataFrameResult dFrame) = do
TIO.putStrLn (showRelation $ fromDataFrame dFrame)
displayOpResult (DisplayDataFrameResult dFrame) = TIO.putStrLn (showDataFrame dFrame)
#if MIN_VERSION_megaparsec(6,0,0)
type Parser = Parsec Void Text
@ -126,6 +126,13 @@ integer = Lex.signed spaceConsumer Lex.decimal
integer = Lex.signed spaceConsumer Lex.integer
natural :: Parser Integer
#if MIN_VERSION_megaparsec(6,0,0)
natural = Lex.decimal <* spaceConsumer
natural = Lex.integer <* spaceConsumer
float :: Parser Double
float = Lex.float

View File

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
module TutorialD.Interpreter.RODatabaseContextOperator where
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.Attribute (attributeForName)
import ProjectM36.DataFrame
import ProjectM36.Relation (attributes)
import qualified ProjectM36.DataFrame as DF
import ProjectM36.Error
import ProjectM36.InclusionDependency
import qualified ProjectM36.Client as C
@ -27,7 +25,7 @@ data RODatabaseContextOperator where
ShowRelationVariables :: RODatabaseContextOperator
ShowAtomFunctions :: RODatabaseContextOperator
ShowDatabaseContextFunctions :: RODatabaseContextOperator
ShowDataFrame :: RelationalExpr -> [AttributeOrderExpr] -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe Integer -> RODatabaseContextOperator
ShowDataFrame :: DF.DataFrameExpr -> RODatabaseContextOperator
Quit :: RODatabaseContextOperator
deriving (Show)
@ -151,27 +149,11 @@ evalRODatabaseContextOp sessionId conn ShowDatabaseContextFunctions = do
Left err -> pure $ DisplayErrorResult (T.pack (show err))
Right rel -> evalRODatabaseContextOp sessionId conn (ShowRelation (ExistingRelation rel))
evalRODatabaseContextOp sessionId conn (ShowDataFrame expr attrOrdersExpr mbOffset mbLimit) = do
res <- C.executeRelationalExpr sessionId conn expr
case res of
Left err -> pure $ DisplayErrorResult $ T.pack (show err)
Right rel -> do
let relAttrs = attributes rel
attrName (AttributeOrderExpr name _) = name
order (AttributeOrderExpr _ ord) = ord
orders = map order attrOrdersExpr
attributeForName' = flip attributeForName relAttrs
attrNames = map attrName attrOrdersExpr
verified = forM attrNames attributeForName'
case verified of
Left err -> pure $ DisplayErrorResult $ T.pack (show err)
Right attrs -> do
let attrOrders = map (\(attr',order')->AttributeOrder attr' order') (zip attrs orders)
let dFrame = sortDataFrameBy attrOrders . toDataFrame $ rel
let dFrame' = maybe dFrame (`drop'` dFrame) mbOffset
let dFrame'' = maybe dFrame' (`take'` dFrame') mbLimit
pure $ DisplayDataFrameResult $ dFrame''
evalRODatabaseContextOp sessionId conn (ShowDataFrame dfExpr) = do
eDataFrame <- C.executeDataFrameExpr sessionId conn dfExpr
case eDataFrame of
Left err -> pure (DisplayErrorResult (T.pack (show err)))
Right dframe -> pure (DisplayDataFrameResult dframe)
evalRODatabaseContextOp _ _ Quit = pure QuitResult
@ -188,24 +170,24 @@ showDataFrameP = do
attrOrdersExpr <- attrOrdersExprP
mbOffset <- optional offsetP
mbLimit <- optional limitP
pure $ ShowDataFrame relExpr attrOrdersExpr mbOffset mbLimit
pure $ ShowDataFrame (DF.DataFrameExpr relExpr attrOrdersExpr mbOffset mbLimit)
offsetP :: Parser Integer
offsetP = do
reservedOp "offset"
limitP :: Parser Integer
limitP = do
reservedOp "limit"
attrOrdersExprP :: Parser [AttributeOrderExpr]
attrOrdersExprP :: Parser [DF.AttributeOrderExpr]
attrOrdersExprP = braces (sepBy attrOrderExprP comma)
attrOrderExprP :: Parser AttributeOrderExpr
attrOrderExprP = AttributeOrderExpr <$> identifier <*> orderP
attrOrderExprP :: Parser DF.AttributeOrderExpr
attrOrderExprP = DF.AttributeOrderExpr <$> identifier <*> orderP
orderP :: Parser Order
orderP = (try $ reservedOp "ASC" >> pure ASC) <|> (try $ reservedOp "DESC" >> pure DESC) <|> pure ASC
orderP :: Parser DF.Order
orderP = try (reservedOp "ascending" >> pure DF.AscendingOrder) <|> try (reservedOp "descending" >> pure DF.DescendingOrder) <|> pure DF.AscendingOrder

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Hashable as Hash
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Either
arity :: Attributes -> Int
arity = V.length
@ -74,6 +75,9 @@ attributeForName attrName attrs = case V.find (\attr -> attributeName attr == at
Nothing -> Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError (S.singleton attrName))
Just attr -> Right attr
isAttributeNameContained :: AttributeName -> Attributes -> Bool
isAttributeNameContained nam attrs = isRight (attributeForName nam attrs)
--similar to attributesForNames, but returns error if some names are missing
projectionAttributesForNames :: S.Set AttributeName -> Attributes -> Either RelationalError Attributes
projectionAttributesForNames names attrsIn =

View File

@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ module ProjectM36.Client
@ -86,6 +87,10 @@ module ProjectM36.Client
@ -103,6 +108,7 @@ import ProjectM36.Atomable
import ProjectM36.AtomFunction as AF
import ProjectM36.StaticOptimizer
import ProjectM36.Key
import qualified ProjectM36.DataFrame as DF
import ProjectM36.DatabaseContextFunction as DCF
import qualified ProjectM36.IsomorphicSchema as Schema
import Control.Monad.State
@ -1137,3 +1143,29 @@ withTransaction sessionId conn io successFunc = bracketOnError (pure ()) (const
Right _ -> pure (Right val)
else -- no updates executed, so don't create a commit
pure (Right val)
executeDataFrameExpr :: SessionId -> Connection -> DF.DataFrameExpr -> IO (Either RelationalError DF.DataFrame)
executeDataFrameExpr sessionId conn@(InProcessConnection _) dfExpr = do
eRel <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId conn (DF.convertExpr dfExpr)
case eRel of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right rel -> do
let relAttrs = R.attributes rel
attrName (DF.AttributeOrderExpr name _) = name
order (DF.AttributeOrderExpr _ ord) = ord
orders = map order (DF.orderExprs dfExpr)
attributeForName' = flip attributeForName relAttrs
attrNames = map attrName (DF.orderExprs dfExpr)
verified = forM attrNames attributeForName'
case verified of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right attrs -> do
let attrOrders = map (\(attr',order') -> DF.AttributeOrder (attributeName attr') order') (zip attrs orders)
case DF.sortDataFrameBy attrOrders . DF.toDataFrame $ rel of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right dFrame -> do
let dFrame' = maybe dFrame (`DF.drop'` dFrame) (DF.offset dfExpr)
dFrame'' = maybe dFrame' (`DF.take'` dFrame') (DF.limit dfExpr)
pure (Right dFrame'')
executeDataFrameExpr sessionId conn@(RemoteProcessConnection _) dfExpr = remoteCall conn (ExecuteDataFrameExpr sessionId dfExpr)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}
{- A dataframe is a strongly-typed, ordered list of named tuples. A dataframe differs from a relation in that its tuples are ordered.-}
module ProjectM36.DataFrame where
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.Attribute as A
import ProjectM36.Error
import qualified ProjectM36.Relation as R
import ProjectM36.Relation.Show.Term
import ProjectM36.DataTypes.Sorting
import ProjectM36.AtomType
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Binary
data AttributeOrderExpr = AttributeOrderExpr AttributeName Order deriving (Show, Generic, Binary)
data AttributeOrder = AttributeOrder AttributeName Order deriving (Show, Generic, Binary)
data Order = AscendingOrder | DescendingOrder deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Binary)
data DataFrame = DataFrame Attributes [DataFrameTuple] deriving (Show, Generic, Binary)
data DataFrameTuple = DataFrameTuple Attributes (V.Vector Atom) deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Binary)
attributes :: DataFrame -> Attributes
attributes (DataFrame attrs _) = attrs
tuples :: DataFrame -> [DataFrameTuple]
tuples (DataFrame _ tups) = tups
sortDataFrameBy :: [AttributeOrder] -> DataFrame -> Either RelationalError DataFrame
sortDataFrameBy attrOrders frame = do
attrs <- mapM (\(AttributeOrder nam _) -> A.attributeForName nam (attributes frame)) attrOrders
mapM_ (\attr -> if not (isSortableAtomType (atomType attr)) then
Left (AttributeNotSortableError attr)
pure ()) attrs
pure $ DataFrame (attributes frame) (sortTuplesBy (compareTupleByAttributeOrders attrOrders) (tuples frame))
sortTuplesBy :: (DataFrameTuple -> DataFrameTuple -> Ordering) -> [DataFrameTuple] -> [DataFrameTuple]
sortTuplesBy = L.sortBy
compareTupleByAttributeOrders :: [AttributeOrder] -> DataFrameTuple -> DataFrameTuple -> Ordering
compareTupleByAttributeOrders attributeOrders tup1 tup2 =
let compare' (AttributeOrder attr order) = if order == DescendingOrder
then compareTupleByOneAttributeName attr tup2 tup1
else compareTupleByOneAttributeName attr tup1 tup2
res = map compare' attributeOrders in
fromMaybe EQ (L.find (/= EQ) res)
compareTupleByOneAttributeName :: AttributeName -> DataFrameTuple -> DataFrameTuple -> Ordering
compareTupleByOneAttributeName attr tuple1 tuple2 =
let eAtom1 = atomForAttributeName attr tuple1
eAtom2 = atomForAttributeName attr tuple2 in
case eAtom1 of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right atom1 ->
case eAtom2 of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right atom2 -> compareAtoms atom1 atom2
atomForAttributeName :: AttributeName -> DataFrameTuple -> Either RelationalError Atom
atomForAttributeName attrName (DataFrameTuple tupAttrs tupVec) = case V.findIndex (\attr -> attributeName attr == attrName) tupAttrs of
Nothing -> Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError (S.singleton attrName))
Just index -> case tupVec V.!? index of
Nothing -> Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError (S.singleton attrName))
Just atom -> Right atom
take' :: Integer -> DataFrame -> DataFrame
take' n (DataFrame attrs tuples') = DataFrame attrs (take (fromInteger n) tuples')
drop' :: Integer -> DataFrame -> DataFrame
drop' n (DataFrame attrs tuples') = DataFrame attrs (drop (fromInteger n) tuples')
toDataFrame :: Relation -> DataFrame
toDataFrame (Relation attrs (RelationTupleSet tuples')) = DataFrame attrs (map (\(RelationTuple tupAttrs tupVec) -> DataFrameTuple tupAttrs tupVec) tuples')
fromDataFrame :: DataFrame -> Either RelationalError Relation
fromDataFrame (DataFrame attrs dftuples) = R.mkRelation attrs (RelationTupleSet tuples')
tuples' = map (\(DataFrameTuple attrs' tupVec) -> RelationTuple attrs' tupVec) dftuples
--terminal display
dataFrameAsTable :: DataFrame -> Table
dataFrameAsTable (DataFrame attrs tups) = (header, body)
oAttrNames = orderedAttributeNames attrs
oAttrs = orderedAttributes attrs
header = "DF" : map prettyAttribute oAttrs
body = snd (L.foldl' tupleFolder (1 :: Int,[]) tups)
tupleFolder (count, acc) tuple = (count + 1,
acc ++ [T.pack (show count) : map (\attrName -> case atomForAttributeName attrName tuple of
Left _ -> "?"
Right atom -> showAtom 0 atom
) oAttrNames])
showDataFrame :: DataFrame -> StringType
showDataFrame = renderTable . dataFrameAsTable
-- | A Relation can be converted to a DataFrame for sorting, limits, and offsets.
data DataFrameExpr = DataFrameExpr {
convertExpr :: RelationalExpr,
orderExprs :: [AttributeOrderExpr],
offset :: Maybe Integer,
limit :: Maybe Integer
} deriving (Show, Binary, Generic)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
module ProjectM36.DataTypes.Sorting where
import ProjectM36.Base
compareAtoms :: Atom -> Atom -> Ordering
compareAtoms (IntegerAtom i1) (IntegerAtom i2) = compare i1 i2
compareAtoms (IntAtom i1) (IntAtom i2) = compare i1 i2
compareAtoms (DoubleAtom d1) (DoubleAtom d2) = compare d1 d2
compareAtoms (TextAtom t1) (TextAtom t2) = compare t1 t2
compareAtoms (DayAtom d1) (DayAtom d2) = compare d1 d2
compareAtoms (DateTimeAtom d1) (DateTimeAtom d2) = compare d1 d2
compareAtoms (ByteStringAtom b1) (ByteStringAtom b2) = compare b1 b2
compareAtoms (BoolAtom b1) (BoolAtom b2) = compare b1 b2
compareAtoms (RelationAtom _) _ = EQ
compareAtoms ConstructedAtom{} _ = EQ
compareAtoms _ _ = EQ
isSortableAtomType :: AtomType -> Bool
isSortableAtomType typ = case typ of
IntAtomType -> True
IntegerAtomType -> True
DoubleAtomType -> True
TextAtomType -> True
DayAtomType -> True
DateTimeAtomType -> True
ByteStringAtomType -> False
BoolAtomType -> True
RelationAtomType _ -> False
ConstructedAtomType _ _ -> False
TypeVariableType _ -> False

View File

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ data RelationalError = NoSuchAttributeNamesError (S.Set AttributeName)
| AtomTypeNameInUseError AtomTypeName
| IncompletelyDefinedAtomTypeWithConstructorError
| AtomTypeNameNotInUseError AtomTypeName
| AttributeNotSortableError Attribute
| FunctionNameInUseError AtomFunctionName
| FunctionNameNotInUseError AtomFunctionName
| EmptyCommitError
@ -141,4 +142,4 @@ data SchemaError = RelVarReferencesMissing (S.Set RelVarName) |
-- errors returned from the distributed-process call handlers
data ServerError = RequestTimeoutError |
ProcessDiedError String
deriving (Generic, Binary, Eq)
deriving (Generic, Binary, Eq)

View File

@ -38,16 +38,6 @@ boxBB = "┴"
boxC :: StringType
boxC = ""
dboxH :: StringType
dboxH = ""
dboxL :: StringType
dboxL = ""
dboxR :: StringType
dboxR = ""
class TermSize a where
termLength :: a -> Int
--represent a relation as a table similar to those drawn by Date
type Cell = StringType
type Table = ([Cell], [[Cell]]) --header, body

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ serverDefinition testBool ti = defaultProcess {
apiHandlers = [
handleCall (\conn (ExecuteHeadName sessionId) -> handleExecuteHeadName ti sessionId conn),
handleCall (\conn (ExecuteRelationalExpr sessionId expr) -> handleExecuteRelationalExpr ti sessionId conn expr),
handleCall (\conn (ExecuteDataFrameExpr sessionId expr) -> handleExecuteDataFrameExpr ti sessionId conn expr),
handleCall (\conn (ExecuteDatabaseContextExpr sessionId expr) -> handleExecuteDatabaseContextExpr ti sessionId conn expr),
handleCall (\conn (ExecuteDatabaseContextIOExpr sessionId expr) -> handleExecuteDatabaseContextIOExpr ti sessionId conn expr),
handleCall (\conn (ExecuteGraphExpr sessionId expr) -> handleExecuteGraphExpr ti sessionId conn expr),

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import ProjectM36.Base hiding (inclusionDependencies)
import ProjectM36.IsomorphicSchema
import ProjectM36.Client as C
import ProjectM36.Error
import ProjectM36.DataFrame
import Control.Distributed.Process (Process, ProcessId)
import Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess (ProcessReply)
import Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Server (reply)
@ -34,6 +35,11 @@ handleExecuteRelationalExpr :: Timeout -> SessionId -> Connection -> RelationalE
handleExecuteRelationalExpr ti sessionId conn expr = do
ret <- timeoutOrDie ti (executeRelationalExpr sessionId conn expr)
reply ret conn
handleExecuteDataFrameExpr :: Timeout -> SessionId -> Connection -> DataFrameExpr -> Reply (Either RelationalError DataFrame)
handleExecuteDataFrameExpr ti sessionId conn expr = do
ret <- timeoutOrDie ti (executeDataFrameExpr sessionId conn expr)
reply ret conn
handleExecuteDatabaseContextExpr :: Timeout -> SessionId -> Connection -> DatabaseContextExpr -> Reply (Either RelationalError ())
handleExecuteDatabaseContextExpr ti sessionId conn dbexpr = do
@ -164,4 +170,4 @@ handleRetrieveTypeConstructorMapping :: Timeout -> SessionId -> Connection -> Re
handleRetrieveTypeConstructorMapping ti sessionId conn = do
ret <- timeoutOrDie ti (C.typeConstructorMapping sessionId conn)
reply ret conn

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module ProjectM36.Server.RemoteCallTypes where
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.IsomorphicSchema
import ProjectM36.TransactionGraph
import ProjectM36.DataFrame
import ProjectM36.TransGraphRelationalExpression
import ProjectM36.Session
import GHC.Generics
@ -18,6 +19,8 @@ data Logout = Logout
deriving (Binary, Generic)
data ExecuteRelationalExpr = ExecuteRelationalExpr SessionId RelationalExpr
deriving (Binary, Generic)
data ExecuteDataFrameExpr = ExecuteDataFrameExpr SessionId DataFrameExpr
deriving (Binary, Generic)
data ExecuteDatabaseContextExpr = ExecuteDatabaseContextExpr SessionId DatabaseContextExpr
deriving (Binary, Generic)
data ExecuteDatabaseContextIOExpr = ExecuteDatabaseContextIOExpr SessionId DatabaseContextIOExpr
@ -65,4 +68,4 @@ data RetrieveSessionIsDirty = RetrieveSessionIsDirty SessionId
data ExecuteAutoMergeToHead = ExecuteAutoMergeToHead SessionId MergeStrategy HeadName
deriving (Binary, Generic)
data RetrieveTypeConstructorMapping = RetrieveTypeConstructorMapping SessionId
deriving (Binary, Generic)
deriving (Binary, Generic)

View File

@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ verifyTuple :: Attributes -> RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError RelationTup
verifyTuple attrs tuple = let attrsTypes = atomType attrs
tupleTypes = atomTypeForAtom (tupleAtoms tuple) in
if V.length attrs /= V.length tupleTypes then
Left $ TupleAttributeCountMismatchError 0
Left $ traceShow (attrs, tupleTypes) $ TupleAttributeCountMismatchError 0
else do
mapM_ (uncurry atomTypeVerify) ( attrsTypes tupleTypes)
Right tuple
@ -207,4 +207,4 @@ reorderTuple attrs tupIn = if tupleAttributes tupIn == attrs then
--used in Generics derivation for ADTs without named attributes
trimTuple :: Int -> RelationTuple -> RelationTuple
trimTuple index (RelationTuple attrs vals) = RelationTuple (V.drop index attrs) (V.drop index vals)
trimTuple index (RelationTuple attrs vals) = RelationTuple (V.drop index attrs) (V.drop index vals)

test/DataFrame.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import ProjectM36.Client
import ProjectM36.DataFrame (atomForAttributeName, tuples)
import TutorialD.Interpreter.TestBase
import Test.HUnit
import System.Exit
import qualified Data.Set as S
testList :: Test
testList = TestList []
main :: IO ()
main = do
tcounts <- runTestTT testList
if errors tcounts + failures tcounts > 0 then exitFailure else exitSuccess
testOrderBy :: Test
testOrderBy = TestCase $ do
(sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback
Right df <- executeDataFrameExpr sessionId dbconn (
DataFrameExpr {
convertExpr = Project (AttributeNames (S.singleton "status")) (RelationVariable "s" ()),
orderExprs = [AttributeOrderExpr "status" AscendingOrder],
offset = Nothing,
limit = Nothing
let vals = map (\tup -> case atomForAttributeName "status" tup of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right atom -> atom) (tuples df)
assertEqual "sort order of s" [IntegerAtom 10, IntegerAtom 20, IntegerAtom 30] vals
--testOffset :: Test
--testLimit :: Test

View File

@ -109,4 +109,4 @@ testDuplicateAttributes = TestCase $ do
testExistingRelationType :: Test
testExistingRelationType = TestCase $ do
let typeResult = runReader (typeForRelationalExpr (ExistingRelation relationTrue)) (RelationalExprStateElems DBC.empty)
assertEqual "ExistingRelation with tuples type" (Right relationFalse) typeResult
assertEqual "ExistingRelation with tuples type" (Right relationFalse) typeResult

View File

@ -640,4 +640,4 @@ testAtomFunctionArgumentMismatch = TestCase $ do
expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err1) "x:=relation{tuple{a 5}} where ^gt(@a,1.5)"
--wrong argument count
let err2 = "FunctionArgumentCountMismatchError"
expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err2) "x:=relation{tuple{a 5}} where ^gt(@a,1,3)"
expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err2) "x:=relation{tuple{a 5}} where ^gt(@a,1,3)"