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module Commands.Dev.Core.Compile (runCommand) where
import Commands.Base
import Commands.Dev.Core.Compile.Options
import Commands.Extra.Compile qualified as Compile
import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO
import Juvix.Compiler.Asm.Options qualified as Asm
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend qualified as Backend
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.C qualified as C
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Geb qualified as Geb
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Data.InfoTable qualified as Core
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Translation.FromSource qualified as Core
import System.FilePath (takeBaseName)
runCommand :: forall r. (Members '[Embed IO, App] r) => CoreCompileOptions -> Sem r ()
runCommand opts = do
file <- getFile
s <- embed (readFile (toFilePath file))
tab <- getRight (mapLeft JuvixError (Core.runParserMain file Core.emptyInfoTable s))
case opts ^. compileTarget of
TargetGeb -> runGebPipeline (PipelineArg opts file tab)
TargetWasm32Wasi -> runCPipeline (PipelineArg opts file tab)
TargetNative64 -> runCPipeline (PipelineArg opts file tab)
getFile :: Sem r (Path Abs File)
getFile = someBaseToAbs' (opts ^. compileInputFile . pathPath)
data PipelineArg = PipelineArg
{ _pipelineArgOptions :: CoreCompileOptions,
_pipelineArgFile :: Path Abs File,
_pipelineArgInfoTable :: Core.InfoTable
runCPipeline ::
forall r.
(Members '[Embed IO, App] r) =>
PipelineArg ->
Sem r ()
runCPipeline PipelineArg {..} = do
C.MiniCResult {..} <- getRight (run (runError (coreToMiniC asmOpts _pipelineArgInfoTable :: Sem '[Error JuvixError] C.MiniCResult)))
cFile <- inputCFile _pipelineArgFile
embed $ TIO.writeFile (toFilePath cFile) _resultCCode
Compile.runCommand _pipelineArgOptions {_compileInputFile = AppPath (Abs cFile) False}
asmOpts :: Asm.Options
asmOpts = Asm.makeOptions (asmTarget (_pipelineArgOptions ^. compileTarget)) (_pipelineArgOptions ^. compileDebug)
asmTarget :: CompileTarget -> Backend.Target
asmTarget = \case
TargetWasm32Wasi -> Backend.TargetCWasm32Wasi
TargetNative64 -> Backend.TargetCNative64
TargetGeb -> impossible
inputCFile :: Path Abs File -> Sem r (Path Abs File)
inputCFile inputFileCompile = do
buildDir <- askBuildDir
ensureDir buildDir
return (buildDir <//> replaceExtension' ".c" (filename inputFileCompile))
runGebPipeline ::
forall r.
(Members '[Embed IO, App] r) =>
PipelineArg ->
Sem r ()
runGebPipeline PipelineArg {..} = do
gebFile <- Compile.outputFile _pipelineArgOptions _pipelineArgFile
let spec =
| _pipelineArgOptions ^. compileTerm -> Geb.OnlyTerm
| otherwise ->
{ _lispPackageName = fromString $ takeBaseName $ toFilePath gebFile,
_lispPackageEntry = "*entry*"
Geb.Result {..} <- getRight (run (runError (coreToGeb spec _pipelineArgInfoTable :: Sem '[Error JuvixError] Geb.Result)))
embed $ TIO.writeFile (toFilePath gebFile) _resultCode