2022-02-18 15:01:42 +03:00
module Scope.Positive where
import Base
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Text as M
2022-02-18 19:48:21 +03:00
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scoper as M
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Utils
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
2022-03-24 19:04:22 +03:00
import Text.Show.Pretty hiding (Html)
import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import Data.Algorithm.DiffOutput
2022-02-18 15:01:42 +03:00
data PosTest = PosTest {
name :: String,
relDir :: FilePath,
file :: FilePath
root :: FilePath
root = "tests/positive"
testDescr :: PosTest -> TestDescr
testDescr PosTest {..} = TestDescr {
testName = name,
testRoot = root </> relDir,
testAssertion = Steps $ \step -> do
step "Parse"
p <- parseModuleIO file
step "Scope"
s <- scopeModuleIO p
2022-02-18 19:48:21 +03:00
fs :: HashMap FilePath Text
fs = HashMap.fromList
[ (getModuleFilePath m , M.renderPrettyCodeDefault m)
| m <- toList (getAllModules s) ]
2022-02-18 15:01:42 +03:00
step "Pretty"
2022-03-17 14:10:45 +03:00
let scopedPretty = M.renderPrettyCodeDefault s
let parsedPretty = M.renderPrettyCodeDefault p
2022-02-18 15:01:42 +03:00
step "Parse again"
2022-03-17 14:10:45 +03:00
p' <- parseTextModuleIO scopedPretty
parsedPretty' <- parseTextModuleIO parsedPretty
2022-02-18 15:01:42 +03:00
step "Scope again"
2022-03-25 19:44:32 +03:00
(_ , s') <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ return (M.scopeCheck1Pure fs "." p')
2022-02-21 18:38:39 +03:00
step "Checks"
2022-03-24 19:04:22 +03:00
assertEqDiff "check: scope . parse . pretty . scope . parse = scope . parse" s s'
assertEqDiff "check: parse . pretty . scope . parse = parse" p p'
assertEqDiff "check: parse . pretty . parse = parse" p parsedPretty'
2022-02-18 15:01:42 +03:00
2022-03-24 19:04:22 +03:00
assertEqDiff :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> a -> a -> Assertion
assertEqDiff msg a b
| a == b = return ()
| otherwise = do
putStrLn (pack $ ppDiff (getGroupedDiff pa pb))
putStrLn "End diff"
fail msg
pa = lines $ ppShow a
pb = lines $ ppShow b
2022-02-18 15:01:42 +03:00
allTests :: TestTree
allTests = testGroup "Scope positive tests"
(map (mkTest . testDescr) tests)
tests :: [PosTest]
tests = [
2022-02-18 19:48:21 +03:00
PosTest "Inductive"
2022-02-19 00:02:57 +03:00
"." "Inductive.mjuvix"
, PosTest "Imports and qualified names"
"Imports" "A.mjuvix"
, PosTest "Data.Bool from the stdlib"
"StdlibList" "Data/Bool.mjuvix"
, PosTest "Data.Nat from the stdlib"
"StdlibList" "Data/Nat.mjuvix"
, PosTest "Data.Ord from the stdlib"
"StdlibList" "Data/Ord.mjuvix"
, PosTest "Data.Product from the stdlib"
"StdlibList" "Data/Product.mjuvix"
, PosTest "Data.List and friends from the stdlib"
2022-02-18 19:57:04 +03:00
"StdlibList" "Data/List.mjuvix"
2022-02-23 12:59:56 +03:00
, PosTest "Operators (+)"
"." "Operators.mjuvix"
2022-03-15 14:37:33 +03:00
, PosTest "Literals"
"." "Literals.mjuvix"
2022-03-23 15:24:53 +03:00
, PosTest "Hello World backends"
"." "HelloWorld.mjuvix"
2022-03-23 18:05:52 +03:00
, PosTest "Axiom with backends"
"." "Axiom.mjuvix"
2022-03-23 18:34:08 +03:00
, PosTest "Foreign block parsing"
"." "Foreign.mjuvix"
2022-03-24 13:22:03 +03:00
, PosTest "Multiple modules non-ambiguous symbol - same file"
"QualifiedSymbol" "M.mjuvix"
, PosTest "Multiple modules non-ambiguous symbol"
"QualifiedSymbol2" "N.mjuvix"
, PosTest "Multiple modules constructor non-ambiguous symbol"
"QualifiedConstructor" "M.mjuvix"
2022-03-25 12:30:05 +03:00
, PosTest "open overrides open public"
"." "ShadowPublicOpen.mjuvix"
2022-02-18 15:01:42 +03:00