2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
module Commands.Compile where
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
import Commands.Base
import Commands.Compile.Options
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.FileEmbed qualified as FE
import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.C.Translation.FromInternal qualified as MiniC
2022-10-19 17:55:16 +03:00
import Juvix.Extra.Paths
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
import System.Environment
import System.Process qualified as P
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
runCommand :: Members '[Embed IO, App] r => CompileOptions -> Sem r ()
runCommand opts@CompileOptions {..} = do
root <- askRoot
miniC <- (^. MiniC.resultCCode) <$> runPipeline _compileInputFile upToMiniC
let inputFile = _compileInputFile ^. pathPath
result <- embed (runCompile root inputFile opts miniC)
case result of
Left err -> printFailureExit err
_ -> return ()
2022-06-09 17:36:07 +03:00
inputCFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
inputCFile projRoot inputFileCompile =
2022-07-08 14:59:45 +03:00
projRoot </> juvixBuildDir </> outputMiniCFile
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
outputMiniCFile :: FilePath
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
outputMiniCFile = takeBaseName inputFileCompile <> ".c"
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
2022-06-09 17:36:07 +03:00
runCompile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> CompileOptions -> Text -> IO (Either Text ())
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
runCompile projRoot inputFileCompile o minic = do
2022-07-08 14:59:45 +03:00
createDirectoryIfMissing True (projRoot </> juvixBuildDir)
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
TIO.writeFile (inputCFile projRoot inputFileCompile) minic
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
prepareRuntime projRoot o
case o ^. compileTarget of
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
TargetWasm -> runM (runError (clangCompile projRoot inputFileCompile o))
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
TargetC -> return (Right ())
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
TargetNative -> runM (runError (clangNativeCompile projRoot inputFileCompile o))
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
prepareRuntime :: FilePath -> CompileOptions -> IO ()
prepareRuntime projRoot o = do
mapM_ writeRuntime runtimeProjectDir
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
wasiStandaloneRuntimeDir :: [(FilePath, BS.ByteString)]
2022-08-03 14:20:40 +03:00
wasiStandaloneRuntimeDir = $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/wasi-standalone" >>= FE.embedDir)
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
standaloneRuntimeDir :: [(FilePath, BS.ByteString)]
2022-08-03 14:20:40 +03:00
standaloneRuntimeDir = $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/standalone" >>= FE.embedDir)
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
wasiLibCRuntimeDir :: [(FilePath, BS.ByteString)]
2022-08-03 14:20:40 +03:00
wasiLibCRuntimeDir = $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/wasi-libc" >>= FE.embedDir)
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
2022-06-28 14:31:31 +03:00
builtinCRuntimeDir :: [(FilePath, BS.ByteString)]
2022-08-03 14:20:40 +03:00
builtinCRuntimeDir = $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/builtins" >>= FE.embedDir)
2022-06-28 14:31:31 +03:00
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
wallocDir :: [(FilePath, BS.ByteString)]
2022-08-03 14:20:40 +03:00
wallocDir = $(FE.makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/walloc" >>= FE.embedDir)
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
2022-08-19 13:16:02 +03:00
libcRuntime :: [(FilePath, BS.ByteString)]
libcRuntime = wasiLibCRuntimeDir <> builtinCRuntimeDir
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
runtimeProjectDir :: [(FilePath, BS.ByteString)]
2022-08-19 13:16:02 +03:00
runtimeProjectDir = case o ^. compileTarget of
TargetNative -> libcRuntime
_ -> case o ^. compileRuntime of
RuntimeWasiStandalone -> wasiStandaloneRuntimeDir <> builtinCRuntimeDir <> wallocDir
RuntimeWasiLibC -> libcRuntime
RuntimeStandalone -> standaloneRuntimeDir <> builtinCRuntimeDir <> wallocDir
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
writeRuntime :: (FilePath, BS.ByteString) -> IO ()
writeRuntime (filePath, contents) =
2022-07-08 14:59:45 +03:00
BS.writeFile (projRoot </> juvixBuildDir </> takeFileName filePath) contents
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
2022-08-19 13:16:02 +03:00
clangNativeCompile ::
forall r.
Members '[Embed IO, Error Text] r =>
FilePath ->
FilePath ->
CompileOptions ->
Sem r ()
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
clangNativeCompile projRoot inputFileCompile o = runClang (nativeArgs outputFile inputFile)
2022-08-19 13:16:02 +03:00
outputFile :: FilePath
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
outputFile = maybe (takeBaseName inputFileCompile) (^. pathPath) (o ^. compileOutputFile)
2022-08-19 13:16:02 +03:00
inputFile :: FilePath
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
inputFile = inputCFile projRoot inputFileCompile
2022-08-19 13:16:02 +03:00
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
clangCompile ::
forall r.
Members '[Embed IO, Error Text] r =>
FilePath ->
FilePath ->
CompileOptions ->
Sem r ()
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
clangCompile projRoot inputFileCompile o = clangArgs >>= runClang
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
clangArgs :: Sem r [String]
clangArgs = case o ^. compileRuntime of
RuntimeStandalone ->
return (standaloneLibArgs projRoot outputFile inputFile)
RuntimeWasiStandalone -> wasiStandaloneArgs projRoot outputFile inputFile <$> sysrootEnvVar
RuntimeWasiLibC -> wasiLibcArgs outputFile inputFile <$> sysrootEnvVar
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
outputFile :: FilePath
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
outputFile = maybe (takeBaseName inputFileCompile <> ".wasm") (^. pathPath) (o ^. compileOutputFile)
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
inputFile :: FilePath
2022-09-14 17:16:15 +03:00
inputFile = inputCFile projRoot inputFileCompile
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
sysrootEnvVar :: Sem r String
sysrootEnvVar =
fromMaybeM (throw msg) (embed (lookupEnv "WASI_SYSROOT_PATH"))
msg :: Text
msg = "Missing environment variable WASI_SYSROOT_PATH"
2022-05-31 18:50:29 +03:00
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
commonArgs :: FilePath -> [String]
commonArgs wasmOutputFile =
2022-08-19 13:16:02 +03:00
[ "-std=c99",
2022-05-31 18:50:29 +03:00
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
2022-07-08 14:59:45 +03:00
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
2022-05-31 18:50:29 +03:00
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
standaloneLibArgs :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]
standaloneLibArgs projRoot wasmOutputFile inputFile =
commonArgs wasmOutputFile
<> [ "--target=wasm32",
2022-08-19 23:59:57 +03:00
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
projRoot </> juvixBuildDir </> "walloc.c",
wasiStandaloneArgs :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]
wasiStandaloneArgs projRoot wasmOutputFile inputFile sysrootPath =
wasiCommonArgs sysrootPath wasmOutputFile
<> [ projRoot </> juvixBuildDir </> "walloc.c",
wasiLibcArgs :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]
wasiLibcArgs wasmOutputFile inputFile sysrootPath =
wasiCommonArgs sysrootPath wasmOutputFile
<> ["-lc", inputFile]
2022-08-19 13:16:02 +03:00
nativeArgs :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]
nativeArgs outputFile inputFile =
commonArgs outputFile <> [inputFile]
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
wasiCommonArgs :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]
wasiCommonArgs sysrootPath wasmOutputFile =
commonArgs wasmOutputFile
2022-08-19 13:16:02 +03:00
<> [ "-nodefaultlibs",
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
runClang ::
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
Members '[Embed IO, Error Text] r =>
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
[String] ->
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
Sem r ()
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
runClang args = do
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
(exitCode, _, err) <- embed (P.readProcessWithExitCode "clang" args "")
2022-05-30 18:46:17 +03:00
case exitCode of
2022-08-01 13:53:19 +03:00
ExitSuccess -> return ()
_ -> throw (pack err)