2022-09-06 16:26:48 +03:00
module Core.Eval.Base where
2022-08-30 12:24:15 +03:00
import Base
import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Data.InfoTable
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Error
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Evaluator
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Extra
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Info qualified as Info
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Info.NoDisplayInfo
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Language
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Pretty
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Translation.FromSource
import System.IO.Extra (withTempDir)
import Text.Megaparsec.Pos qualified as M
coreEvalAssertion :: FilePath -> FilePath -> (String -> IO ()) -> Assertion
coreEvalAssertion mainFile expectedFile step = do
step "Parse"
r <- parseFile mainFile
case r of
Left err -> assertFailure (show (pretty err))
Right (_, Nothing) -> do
step "Compare expected and actual program output"
expected <- TIO.readFile expectedFile
assertEqDiff ("Check: EVAL output = " <> expectedFile) "" expected
Right (tab, Just node) -> do
( \dirPath -> do
let outputFile = dirPath </> "out.out"
hout <- openFile outputFile WriteMode
step "Evaluate"
r' <- doEval mainFile hout tab node
case r' of
Left err -> do
hClose hout
assertFailure (show (pretty err))
Right value -> do
(Info.member kNoDisplayInfo (getInfo value))
(hPutStrLn hout (ppPrint value))
hClose hout
actualOutput <- TIO.readFile outputFile
step "Compare expected and actual program output"
expected <- TIO.readFile expectedFile
assertEqDiff ("Check: EVAL output = " <> expectedFile) actualOutput expected
coreEvalErrorAssertion :: FilePath -> (String -> IO ()) -> Assertion
coreEvalErrorAssertion mainFile step = do
step "Parse"
r <- parseFile mainFile
case r of
Left _ -> assertBool "" True
Right (_, Nothing) -> assertFailure "no error"
Right (tab, Just node) -> do
( \dirPath -> do
let outputFile = dirPath </> "out.out"
hout <- openFile outputFile WriteMode
step "Evaluate"
r' <- doEval mainFile hout tab node
case r' of
Left _ -> assertBool "" True
Right _ -> assertFailure "no error"
parseFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either ParserError (InfoTable, Maybe Node))
parseFile f = do
s <- readFile f
return $ runParser "" f emptyInfoTable s
doEval ::
FilePath ->
Handle ->
InfoTable ->
Node ->
IO (Either CoreError Node)
doEval f hout tab node =
catchEvalErrorIO defaultLoc (hEvalIO stdin hout (tab ^. identContext) [] node)
defaultLoc = singletonInterval (mkLoc f 0 (M.initialPos f))