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module Compilation.PositiveNew where
import Base
import Compilation.Base
import Compilation.Positive qualified as Old
import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet
root :: Path Abs Dir
root = relToProject $(mkRelDir "tests/positive")
posTest :: String -> Path Rel Dir -> Path Rel File -> Path Rel File -> Old.PosTest
posTest = posTest' EvalAndCompile
posTest' :: CompileAssertionMode -> String -> Path Rel Dir -> Path Rel File -> Path Rel File -> Old.PosTest
posTest' _assertionMode _name rdir rfile routfile =
let _dir = root <//> rdir
_file = _dir <//> rfile
_expectedFile = root <//> routfile
in Old.PosTest {..}
testDescr :: Int -> Old.PosTest -> TestDescr
testDescr optLevel Old.PosTest {..} =
{ _testName = _name,
_testRoot = _dir,
_testAssertion =
Steps $
let f = set entryPointNewTypeCheckingAlgorithm True
in compileAssertionEntry f _dir optLevel _assertionMode _file _expectedFile
allTestsNoOptimize :: TestTree
allTestsNoOptimize =
"New typechecker compilation positive tests (no optimization)"
(map (mkTest . testDescr 0) (filter (not . isIgnored) (extraTests <> Old.tests)))
isIgnored :: Old.PosTest -> Bool
isIgnored t = HashSet.member (t ^. Old.name) ignored
extraTests :: [Old.PosTest]
extraTests =
[ Old.posTest
"Test073: Monad transformers (ReaderT + StateT + Identity)"
$(mkRelDir "test072")
$(mkRelFile "ReaderT.juvix")
$(mkRelFile "out/test072.out")
ignored :: HashSet String
ignored =
[ "Test070: Nested default values and named arguments",
"Test071: Named application (Ord instance with default cmp)",
"Test046: Polymorphic type arguments",
-- TODO allow lambda branches of different number of patterns
"Test027: Church numerals"