mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2025-01-05 22:46:08 +03:00

Use Anoma compatible Nockma serialization of Bools and List-like data structures (#2591)

This PR changes the Nockma representation of builtin Bool and list-like
types to make them compatible with Anoma.

True and False are now compiled to the Nockma atoms 0 and 1

For inductive types that have exactly two constructors, one of arity
zero and one of arity two, we compile the arity zero constructor to
Nockma zero, and the arity two constructor to a Nockma cell. In
particular a Juvix stdlib List will be compiled to an Anoma/Nockma list.
This is necessary for compatibility with the layout of resource and
resource logic types in Anoma.

In tests we avoid using the StackRef memory reference because it will be
removed as part of the JuvixTree work.


Co-authored-by: Łukasz Czajka <62751+lukaszcz@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
Paul Cadman 2024-01-24 15:16:04 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent e5ea085f1c
commit 06d459695d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
3 changed files with 195 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ instance (PrettyCode a, NockNatural a) => PrettyCode (ExpectedCell a) where
atm <- ppCode _expectedCellAtom
ctx <- ppCtx _expectedCellCtx
let cell = annotate AnnImportant "cell"
return (ctx <> "Expected an" <+> atm <+> "but got:" <> line <> cell)
return (ctx <> "Expected a" <+> cell <+> "but got:" <> line <> atm)
instance (PrettyCode a, NockNatural a) => PrettyCode (NockEvalError a) where
ppCode = \case

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@ -17,9 +17,27 @@ nockmaMemRep = \case
MemRepUnit -> NockmaMemRepConstr
MemRepUnpacked {} -> NockmaMemRepConstr
data NockmaMemRepListConstr
= NockmaMemRepListConstrNil
| NockmaMemRepListConstrCons
deriving stock (Eq)
data NockmaMemRep
= NockmaMemRepConstr
| NockmaMemRepTuple
| NockmaMemRepList NockmaMemRepListConstr
newtype NockmaBuiltinTag
= NockmaBuiltinBool Bool
nockmaBuiltinTag :: Asm.BuiltinDataTag -> NockmaBuiltinTag
nockmaBuiltinTag = \case
Asm.TagTrue -> NockmaBuiltinBool True
Asm.TagFalse -> NockmaBuiltinBool False
Asm.TagReturn -> impossible
Asm.TagBind -> impossible
Asm.TagWrite -> impossible
Asm.TagReadLn -> impossible
type UserFunctionId = Symbol
@ -168,11 +186,13 @@ stackPath :: StackId -> Path
stackPath s = indexStack (fromIntegral (fromEnum s))
indexTuple :: Natural -> Natural -> Path
indexTuple len idx =
let lastL
| idx == len - 1 = []
| otherwise = [L]
in replicate idx R ++ lastL
indexTuple len idx
| idx >= len = impossible
| otherwise =
let lastL
| idx == len - 1 = []
| otherwise = [L]
in replicate idx R ++ lastL
indexStack :: Natural -> Path
indexStack idx = replicate idx R ++ [L]
@ -221,23 +241,50 @@ makeFunction f = f FunctionCode # f FunctionArgs
foldTerms :: NonEmpty (Term Natural) -> Term Natural
foldTerms = foldr1 (#)
allConstructors :: Asm.InfoTable -> Asm.ConstructorInfo -> NonEmpty Asm.ConstructorInfo
allConstructors Asm.InfoTable {..} ci =
let indInfo = getInductiveInfo (ci ^. Asm.constructorInductive)
in nonEmpty' (getConstructorInfo'' <$> indInfo ^. Asm.inductiveConstructors)
getInductiveInfo :: Symbol -> Asm.InductiveInfo
getInductiveInfo s = _infoInductives ^?! at s . _Just
getConstructorInfo'' :: Asm.Tag -> Asm.ConstructorInfo
getConstructorInfo'' t = _infoConstrs ^?! at t . _Just
supportsListNockmaRep :: Asm.InfoTable -> Asm.ConstructorInfo -> Maybe NockmaMemRepListConstr
supportsListNockmaRep tab ci = case allConstructors tab ci of
c1 :| [c2]
| [0, 2] `elem` permutations ((^. Asm.constructorArgsNum) <$> [c1, c2]) -> Just $ case ci ^. Asm.constructorArgsNum of
0 -> NockmaMemRepListConstrNil
2 -> NockmaMemRepListConstrCons
_ -> impossible
| otherwise -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
-- | Use `Asm.toNockma` before calling this function
fromAsmTable :: (Members '[Error JuvixError, Reader CompilerOptions] r) => Asm.InfoTable -> Sem r (Cell Natural)
fromAsmTable t = case t ^. Asm.infoMainFunction of
Just mainFun -> do
opts <- ask
return (fromAsm opts mainFun t)
Nothing -> throw @JuvixError (error "TODO")
Nothing -> throw @JuvixError (error "TODO missing main")
fromAsm :: CompilerOptions -> Asm.Symbol -> Asm.InfoTable -> Cell Natural
fromAsm opts mainSym Asm.InfoTable {..} =
fromAsm opts mainSym tab@Asm.InfoTable {..} =
let funs = map compileFunction allFunctions
mkConstructorInfo :: Asm.ConstructorInfo -> ConstructorInfo
mkConstructorInfo ci@Asm.ConstructorInfo {..} =
{ _constructorInfoArity = fromIntegral _constructorArgsNum,
_constructorInfoMemRep = nockmaMemRep (memRep ci (getInductiveInfo (ci ^. Asm.constructorInductive)))
_constructorInfoMemRep = rep
rep :: NockmaMemRep
rep = maybe r NockmaMemRepList (supportsListNockmaRep tab ci)
r = nockmaMemRep (memRep ci (getInductiveInfo (ci ^. Asm.constructorInductive)))
constrs :: ConstructorInfos
constrs = mkConstructorInfo <$> _infoConstrs
@ -285,15 +332,21 @@ fromOffsetRef = fromIntegral . (^. Asm.offsetRefOffset)
-- nil terminated list.
goConstructor :: NockmaMemRep -> Asm.Tag -> [Term Natural] -> Term Natural
goConstructor mr t args = case t of
Asm.BuiltinTag b -> makeConstructor $ \case
ConstructorTag -> builtinTagToTerm b
ConstructorArgs -> remakeList []
Asm.BuiltinTag b -> case nockmaBuiltinTag b of
NockmaBuiltinBool v -> nockBoolLiteral v
Asm.UserTag tag -> case mr of
NockmaMemRepConstr ->
makeConstructor $ \case
ConstructorTag -> OpQuote # (fromIntegral (tag ^. Asm.tagUserWord) :: Natural)
ConstructorArgs -> remakeList args
NockmaMemRepTuple -> foldTerms (nonEmpty' args)
NockmaMemRepList constr -> case constr of
| null args -> remakeList []
| otherwise -> impossible
NockmaMemRepListConstrCons -> case args of
[l, r] -> TCell l r
_ -> impossible
compile :: forall r. (Members '[Compiler] r) => Asm.Code -> Sem r ()
compile = mapM_ goCommand
@ -460,6 +513,9 @@ pushConstructorFieldOnto s tag refToConstr argIx = do
NockmaMemRepTuple ->
directRefPath refToConstr
++ indexTuple arity argIx
NockmaMemRepList constr -> case constr of
NockmaMemRepListConstrNil -> impossible
NockmaMemRepListConstrCons -> directRefPath refToConstr ++ indexTuple 2 argIx
pushOnto s (OpAddress # path)
pushConstructorField :: (Members '[Compiler] r) => Asm.Tag -> Asm.DirectRef -> Natural -> Sem r ()
@ -562,6 +618,12 @@ initStack defs = makeList (initSubStack <$> allElements)
push :: (Members '[Compiler] r) => Term Natural -> Sem r ()
push = pushOnto ValueStack
dupOnto :: (Members '[Compiler] r) => StackId -> Sem r ()
dupOnto stackId = pushOnto stackId (OpAddress # topOfStack stackId)
dup :: (Members '[Compiler] r) => Sem r ()
dup = dupOnto ValueStack
execCompilerList :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Sem (Compiler ': r) a -> Sem r [Term Natural]
execCompilerList = fmap fst . runCompilerList
@ -696,6 +758,10 @@ replaceSubterm obj relPath newVal = OpReplace # (relPath # newVal) # obj
evaluated :: Term Natural -> Term Natural
evaluated t = OpApply # (OpAddress # emptyPath) # t
-- | The IsCell op but the argument is evaluated first.
isCell' :: Term Natural -> Term Natural
isCell' t = evaluated $ (OpQuote # OpIsCell) # t
-- | The same as replaceSubterm but the path is a cell that is evaluated.
-- i.e. replaceSubterm a p b = replaceSubterm' a (quote p) b
replaceSubterm' :: Term Natural -> Term Natural -> Term Natural -> Term Natural
@ -859,19 +925,14 @@ save' isTail m = do
| isTail -> pureT ()
| otherwise -> popFromH TempStack
builtinTagToTerm :: Asm.BuiltinDataTag -> Term Natural
builtinTagToTerm :: NockmaBuiltinTag -> Term Natural
builtinTagToTerm = \case
Asm.TagTrue -> nockBoolLiteral True
Asm.TagFalse -> nockBoolLiteral False
Asm.TagReturn -> impossible
Asm.TagBind -> impossible
Asm.TagWrite -> impossible
Asm.TagReadLn -> impossible
NockmaBuiltinBool v -> nockBoolLiteral v
constructorTagToTerm :: Asm.Tag -> Term Natural
constructorTagToTerm = \case
Asm.UserTag t -> OpQuote # toNock (fromIntegral (t ^. Asm.tagUserWord) :: Natural)
Asm.BuiltinTag b -> builtinTagToTerm b
Asm.BuiltinTag b -> builtinTagToTerm (nockmaBuiltinTag b)
caseCmd ::
forall r.
@ -881,13 +942,19 @@ caseCmd ::
Sem r ()
caseCmd defaultBranch = \case
[] -> sequence_ defaultBranch
(tag, b) : bs -> do
rep <- getConstructorMemRep tag
case rep of
NockmaMemRepConstr -> goRepConstr tag b bs
| null bs, isNothing defaultBranch -> b
| otherwise -> error "redundant branch. Impossible?"
(tag, b) : bs -> case tag of
Asm.BuiltinTag t -> case nockmaBuiltinTag t of
NockmaBuiltinBool v -> goBoolTag v b bs
Asm.UserTag {} -> do
rep <- getConstructorMemRep tag
case rep of
NockmaMemRepConstr -> goRepConstr tag b bs
| null bs, isNothing defaultBranch -> b
| otherwise -> error "redundant branch. Impossible?"
NockmaMemRepList constr -> do
bs' <- mapM (firstM asNockmaMemRepListConstr) bs
goRepList ((constr, b) :| bs')
goRepConstr :: Asm.Tag -> Sem r () -> [(Asm.Tag, Sem r ())] -> Sem r ()
goRepConstr tag b bs = do
@ -897,6 +964,40 @@ caseCmd defaultBranch = \case
branch b (caseCmd defaultBranch bs)
asNockmaMemRepListConstr :: Asm.Tag -> Sem r NockmaMemRepListConstr
asNockmaMemRepListConstr tag = case tag of
Asm.UserTag {} -> do
rep <- getConstructorMemRep tag
case rep of
NockmaMemRepList constr -> return constr
_ -> impossible
Asm.BuiltinTag {} -> impossible
goBoolTag :: Bool -> Sem r () -> [(Asm.Tag, Sem r ())] -> Sem r ()
goBoolTag v b bs = do
let otherBranch = fromJust (firstJust f bs <|> defaultBranch)
| v -> branch b otherBranch
| otherwise -> branch otherBranch b
f :: (Asm.Tag, Sem r ()) -> Maybe (Sem r ())
f (tag', br) = case tag' of
Asm.UserTag {} -> impossible
Asm.BuiltinTag tag -> case nockmaBuiltinTag tag of
NockmaBuiltinBool v' -> guard (v /= v') $> br
goRepList :: NonEmpty (NockmaMemRepListConstr, Sem r ()) -> Sem r ()
goRepList ((c, b) :| bs) = do
push (isCell' (OpAddress # topOfStack ValueStack))
let otherBranch = fromJust (firstJust f bs <|> defaultBranch)
case c of
NockmaMemRepListConstrCons -> branch b otherBranch
NockmaMemRepListConstrNil -> branch otherBranch b
f :: (NockmaMemRepListConstr, Sem r ()) -> Maybe (Sem r ())
f (c', br) = guard (c /= c') $> br
branch' ::
(Functor f, Members '[Output (Term Natural), Reader CompilerCtx] r) =>
m () ->

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@ -94,11 +94,19 @@ data ConstructorName
| ConstructorTagged
| ConstructorPair
| ConstructorTuple
| ConstructorListNil
| ConstructorListCons
deriving stock (Eq, Bounded, Enum)
constructorTag :: ConstructorName -> Asm.Tag
constructorTag n = Asm.UserTag (Asm.TagUser defaultModuleId (fromIntegral (fromEnum n)))
builtinTrue :: Asm.Tag
builtinTrue = Asm.BuiltinTag Asm.TagTrue
builtinFalse :: Asm.Tag
builtinFalse = Asm.BuiltinTag Asm.TagFalse
constructorInfo :: ConstructorName -> ConstructorInfo
constructorInfo = \case
ConstructorFalse -> defaultInfo 0
@ -110,6 +118,16 @@ constructorInfo = \case
{ _constructorInfoArity = 2,
_constructorInfoMemRep = NockmaMemRepTuple
ConstructorListNil ->
{ _constructorInfoArity = 0,
_constructorInfoMemRep = NockmaMemRepList NockmaMemRepListConstrNil
ConstructorListCons ->
{ _constructorInfoArity = 2,
_constructorInfoMemRep = NockmaMemRepList NockmaMemRepListConstrCons
defaultInfo :: Natural -> ConstructorInfo
defaultInfo ari =
@ -532,21 +550,56 @@ tests =
"cmdCase: case on builtin true"
(eqStack ValueStack [nock| [5 nil] |])
$ do
allocConstr (Asm.BuiltinTag Asm.TagTrue)
allocConstr builtinTrue
(Just (pushNat 0))
[ (Asm.BuiltinTag Asm.TagTrue, pop >> pushNat 5),
(Asm.BuiltinTag Asm.TagFalse, pushNat 0)
[ (builtinTrue, pop >> pushNat 5),
(builtinTrue, crash),
(builtinFalse, pushNat 0)
"cmdCase: case on builtin false"
(eqStack ValueStack [nock| [5 nil] |])
$ do
allocConstr (Asm.BuiltinTag Asm.TagFalse)
allocConstr builtinFalse
(Just (pushNat 0))
[ (Asm.BuiltinTag Asm.TagTrue, pushNat 0),
(Asm.BuiltinTag Asm.TagFalse, pop >> pushNat 5)
[ (builtinTrue, pushNat 0),
(builtinFalse, pop >> pushNat 5),
(builtinFalse, crash)
"cmdCase: case on listy nil"
(eqStack ValueStack [nock| [5 nil] |])
$ do
allocConstr (constructorTag ConstructorListNil)
(Just (pushNat 0))
[ (constructorTag ConstructorListCons, pushNat 0),
(constructorTag ConstructorListNil, pop >> pushNat 5),
(constructorTag ConstructorListCons, crash)
"cmdCase: case on listy cons and field accessor"
(eqStack ValueStack [nock| [[60 30 nil] nil] |])
$ do
let tagCons = constructorTag ConstructorListCons
tagNil = constructorTag ConstructorListNil
allocConstr tagNil
pushNat 30
allocConstr tagCons
[ ( tagCons,
copyTopFromTo ValueStack TempStack
pushConstructorFieldOnto ValueStack tagCons (Asm.mkTempRef' 1 0) 0
pushConstructorFieldOnto ValueStack tagCons (Asm.mkTempRef' 1 0) 0
allocConstr tagCons
(tagNil, pop >> pushNat 5),
(tagCons, crash)
"push constructor field"
@ -567,5 +620,12 @@ tests =
$ do
pushNat 10
traceTerm (OpAddress # topOfStack ValueStack)
traceTerm (OpAddress # topOfStack ValueStack),
"allocate listy constructors"
(eqStack ValueStack [nock| [[500 nil] nil] |])
$ do
allocConstr (constructorTag ConstructorListNil)
pushNat 500
allocConstr (constructorTag ConstructorListCons)