mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-09-20 13:07:20 +03:00

84 monomorphisation naming inconsistency (#85)

* fix monomorphisation of constructor applications in patterns

* clean code

* hlint
This commit is contained in:
janmasrovira 2022-05-05 13:10:14 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 7b1371c4b9
commit 077e53cfb1
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 93 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module MiniJuvix.Prelude.Base
module Data.Bool,
module Data.Char,
module Data.Either.Extra,
module Data.Bifunctor,
module Data.Eq,
module Data.Foldable,
module Data.Function,
@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Bifunctor hiding (first, second)
import Data.Bool
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Char

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@ -170,7 +170,10 @@ renamePattern m = go
go p = case p of
PatternVariable v
| Just v' <- m ^. at v -> PatternVariable v'
PatternConstructorApp a -> PatternConstructorApp (goApp a)
_ -> p
goApp :: ConstructorApp -> ConstructorApp
goApp (ConstructorApp c ps) = ConstructorApp c (map go ps)
inductiveTypeVarsAssoc :: Foldable f => InductiveDef -> f a -> HashMap VarName a
inductiveTypeVarsAssoc def l
@ -292,6 +295,14 @@ unfoldFunType t = case t of
TypeAbs (TypeAbstraction var r) -> first (FunctionArgTypeAbstraction var :) (unfoldFunType r)
_ -> ([], t)
unfoldFunConcreteType :: ConcreteType -> ([ConcreteType], ConcreteType)
unfoldFunConcreteType = bimap (map mkConcreteType') mkConcreteType' . go . (^. unconcreteType)
go :: Type -> ([Type], Type)
go t = case t of
TypeFunction (Function l r) -> first (l :) (go r)
_ -> ([], t)
unfoldTypeAbsType :: Type -> ([VarName], Type)
unfoldTypeAbsType t = case t of
TypeAbs (TypeAbstraction var r) -> first (var :) (unfoldTypeAbsType r)

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@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ newtype ConcreteTable = ConcreteTable
{ _concreteTable :: HashMap PolyIden PolyIdenInfo
-- fst : Pair Nat (Pair Nat Nat) → Nat;
-- fst (mkPair a b) ≔ a;
makeLenses ''ConcreteTable
makeLenses ''PolyIdenInfo
makeLenses ''ConcreteIdenInfo
@ -50,9 +53,10 @@ entryMonoJuvix ::
Sem r MonoJuvixResult
entryMonoJuvix i = do
concreteTbl <- buildConcreteTable table typesTable
_resultModules <- runReader concreteTbl (mapM goModule (i ^. Micro.resultModules))
_resultModules <- runReader infoTable (runReader concreteTbl (mapM goModule (i ^. Micro.resultModules)))
return MonoJuvixResult {..}
infoTable = Micro.buildTable (i ^. Micro.resultModules)
typesTable :: Micro.TypeCalls
typesTable = collectTypeCalls i
table :: Micro.InfoTable
@ -157,7 +161,7 @@ buildConcreteTable info =
modify (over concreteTable (over (at iden) (Just . addConcreteInfo k cc)))
goModule ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader ConcreteTable, NameIdGen] r =>
Members '[Error Err, Reader ConcreteTable, NameIdGen, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r =>
Micro.Module ->
Sem r Module
goModule Micro.Module {..} = do
@ -172,14 +176,14 @@ unsupported :: Text -> a
unsupported msg = error $ msg <> " not yet supported"
goModuleBody ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader ConcreteTable, NameIdGen] r =>
Members '[Error Err, Reader ConcreteTable, NameIdGen, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r =>
Micro.ModuleBody ->
Sem r ModuleBody
goModuleBody Micro.ModuleBody {..} =
ModuleBody <$> concatMapM goStatement _moduleStatements
goStatement ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader ConcreteTable, NameIdGen] r =>
Members '[Error Err, Reader ConcreteTable, NameIdGen, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r =>
Micro.Statement ->
Sem r [Statement]
goStatement = \case
@ -229,7 +233,7 @@ lookupPolyFunction ::
lookupPolyFunction i = asks (^. concreteTable . at (PolyFunctionIden i))
goFunctionDef ::
Members '[Reader ConcreteTable, NameIdGen] r =>
Members '[Reader ConcreteTable, NameIdGen, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r =>
Micro.FunctionDef ->
Sem r [FunctionDef]
goFunctionDef def = do
@ -240,7 +244,7 @@ goFunctionDef def = do
-- The function is either never called and has a polymrphic type. We can ignore it.
Nothing -> return []
-- the function has a concrete type
Just {} -> pure <$> goFunctionDefConcrete def
Just {} -> pure <$> goFunctionDefConcrete Nothing def
goInductive ::
forall r.
@ -255,7 +259,6 @@ goInductive def = do
| null (def ^. Micro.inductiveParameters) -> pure <$> goInductiveDefConcrete def
| otherwise -> return []
-- | TODO: This function can be made non-monadic
goInductiveDefConcrete ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader ConcreteTable] r =>
@ -328,26 +331,34 @@ goExpression = go
goFunctionDefConcrete ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader ConcreteTable] r =>
Members '[Reader ConcreteTable, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r =>
Maybe Name ->
Micro.FunctionDef ->
Sem r FunctionDef
goFunctionDefConcrete d = do
type' <- goType (Micro.mkConcreteType' (d ^. Micro.funDefType))
goFunctionDefConcrete n d = do
type' <- goType concreteTy
clauses' <- mapM goClause (d ^. Micro.funDefClauses)
{ _funDefName = goName (d ^. Micro.funDefName),
{ _funDefName = funName,
_funDefClauses = clauses',
_funDefType = type'
funName :: Name
funName = fromMaybe (goName (d ^. Micro.funDefName)) n
concreteTy :: Micro.ConcreteType
concreteTy = Micro.mkConcreteType' (d ^. Micro.funDefType)
patternTys :: [Micro.ConcreteType]
patternTys = fst (Micro.unfoldFunConcreteType concreteTy)
goClause :: Micro.FunctionClause -> Sem r FunctionClause
goClause c = do
body' <- goExpression (c ^. Micro.clauseBody)
patterns' <- zipWithM goPattern' patternTys (c ^. Micro.clausePatterns)
{ _clauseName = goName (d ^. Micro.funDefName),
_clausePatterns = map goPattern (c ^. Micro.clausePatterns),
{ _clauseName = funName,
_clausePatterns = patterns',
_clauseBody = body'
@ -389,7 +400,7 @@ goInductiveDefPoly def poly
goFunctionDefPoly ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader ConcreteTable, NameIdGen] r =>
Members '[Reader ConcreteTable, NameIdGen, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r =>
Micro.FunctionDef ->
PolyIdenInfo ->
Sem r [FunctionDef]
@ -400,30 +411,33 @@ goFunctionDefPoly def poly
(tyVars, tyTail) = Micro.unfoldTypeAbsType (def ^. Micro.funDefType)
go :: ConcreteIdenInfo -> Sem r FunctionDef
go i = do
_funDefType <- goType sig'
let _funDefName = i ^. concreteName
_funDefClauses <- mapM (goClause _funDefName) (def ^. Micro.funDefClauses)
return FunctionDef {..}
let funName = i ^. concreteName
_funDefClauses <- mapM goClause (def ^. Micro.funDefClauses)
(Just funName)
{ _funDefName = impossible,
_funDefType = sig' ^. Micro.unconcreteType,
_funDefClauses = _funDefClauses
concreteSubs :: Micro.ConcreteSubs
concreteSubs = i ^. concreteTypeSubs
concreteSubsE :: Micro.SubsE
concreteSubsE = Micro.concreteSubsToSubsE concreteSubs
goClause :: Name -> Micro.FunctionClause -> Sem r FunctionClause
goClause funName c = do
goClause :: Micro.FunctionClause -> Sem r Micro.FunctionClause
goClause c = do
pvars' <- mapM cloneName' pvars
let localVarsRename :: Micro.Rename
localVarsRename = HashMap.fromList (zipExact pvars pvars')
_clausePatterns = map (goPattern . Micro.renamePattern localVarsRename) patsTail
_clauseBody <-
( Micro.substitutionE
_clausePatterns = map (Micro.renamePattern localVarsRename) patsTail
_clauseBody =
(concreteSubsE <> Micro.renameToSubsE localVarsRename)
(c ^. Micro.clauseBody)
{ _clauseName = funName,
{ _clauseName = impossible,
@ -434,14 +448,46 @@ goFunctionDefPoly def poly
sig' :: Micro.ConcreteType
sig' = Micro.substitutionConcrete (i ^. concreteTypeSubs) tyTail
goPattern :: Micro.Pattern -> Pattern
goPattern = \case
Micro.PatternVariable v -> PatternVariable (goName v)
Micro.PatternConstructorApp a -> PatternConstructorApp (goApp a)
Micro.PatternWildcard {} -> PatternWildcard
goPattern' :: forall r. Members '[Reader ConcreteTable, Reader Micro.InfoTable] r => Micro.ConcreteType -> Micro.Pattern -> Sem r Pattern
goPattern' ty = \case
Micro.PatternVariable v -> return (PatternVariable (goName v))
Micro.PatternConstructorApp capp -> PatternConstructorApp <$> goApp capp
Micro.PatternWildcard {} -> return PatternWildcard
goApp :: Micro.ConstructorApp -> ConstructorApp
goApp (Micro.ConstructorApp n ps) = ConstructorApp (goName n) (map goPattern ps)
goApp :: Micro.ConstructorApp -> Sem r ConstructorApp
goApp capp = case ty ^. Micro.unconcreteType of
Micro.TypeIden Micro.TypeIdenInductive {} -> do
let c' :: Name
c' = goName (capp ^. Micro.constrAppConstructor)
cInfo <- Micro.lookupConstructor (capp ^. Micro.constrAppConstructor)
let psTysConcrete = map Micro.mkConcreteType' (cInfo ^. Micro.constructorInfoArgs)
ps' <- zipWithM goPattern' psTysConcrete (capp ^. Micro.constrAppParameters)
return (ConstructorApp c' ps')
Micro.TypeApp a -> do
let getInductive :: Micro.Type -> Micro.Name
getInductive = \case
Micro.TypeIden (Micro.TypeIdenInductive i) -> i
_ -> impossible
(ind, instanceTypes) :: (Micro.Name, NonEmpty Micro.ConcreteType) =
bimap getInductive (Micro.mkConcreteType' <$>) (Micro.unfoldTypeApplication a)
res <- lookupPolyConstructor (capp ^. Micro.constrAppConstructor)
let c' :: Name
c' = fromJust $ do
poly <- res
info <- poly ^. polyConcretes . at instanceTypes
return (info ^. concreteName)
cInfo <- Micro.lookupConstructor (capp ^. Micro.constrAppConstructor)
iInfo <- Micro.lookupInductive ind
let psTys = cInfo ^. Micro.constructorInfoArgs
tyParamVars :: [Micro.VarName]
tyParamVars = iInfo ^.. Micro.inductiveInfoDef . Micro.inductiveParameters . each . Micro.inductiveParamName
subs :: Micro.ConcreteSubs
subs = HashMap.fromList (zipExact tyParamVars (toList instanceTypes))
psTysConcrete :: [Micro.ConcreteType]
psTysConcrete = map (Micro.substitutionConcrete subs) psTys
ps' <- zipWithM goPattern' psTysConcrete (capp ^. Micro.constrAppParameters)
return (ConstructorApp c' ps')
_ -> impossible
goType ::
forall r.