mirror of
synced 2025-01-06 06:53:33 +03:00
Optional braces in case syntax (#2778)
* Closes #2769 * Removes old case syntax * Pretty printing doesn't print braces in `case` if the `case` is a "top" expression in a definition.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1281,7 +1281,6 @@ data Expression
| ExpressionList (List 'Scoped)
| ExpressionCase (Case 'Scoped)
| ExpressionIf (If 'Scoped)
| ExpressionNewCase (NewCase 'Scoped)
| ExpressionLambda (Lambda 'Scoped)
| ExpressionLet (Let 'Scoped)
| ExpressionUniverse Universe
@ -1514,7 +1513,7 @@ deriving stock instance Ord (Let 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Ord (Let 'Scoped)
data CaseBranch (s :: Stage) = CaseBranch
{ _caseBranchPipe :: Irrelevant KeywordRef,
{ _caseBranchPipe :: Irrelevant (Maybe KeywordRef),
_caseBranchAssignKw :: Irrelevant KeywordRef,
_caseBranchPattern :: PatternParensType s,
_caseBranchExpression :: ExpressionType s
@ -1539,9 +1538,7 @@ deriving stock instance Ord (CaseBranch 'Scoped)
data Case (s :: Stage) = Case
{ _caseKw :: KeywordRef,
-- | Due to limitations of the pretty printing algorithm, we store whether
-- the `case` was surrounded by parentheses in the code.
_caseParens :: Bool,
_caseOfKw :: KeywordRef,
_caseExpression :: ExpressionType s,
_caseBranches :: NonEmpty (CaseBranch s)
@ -1563,54 +1560,6 @@ deriving stock instance Ord (Case 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Ord (Case 'Scoped)
data NewCaseBranch (s :: Stage) = NewCaseBranch
{ _newCaseBranchPipe :: Irrelevant (Maybe KeywordRef),
_newCaseBranchAssignKw :: Irrelevant KeywordRef,
_newCaseBranchPattern :: PatternParensType s,
_newCaseBranchExpression :: ExpressionType s
deriving stock (Generic)
instance Serialize (NewCaseBranch 'Scoped)
instance Serialize (NewCaseBranch 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Show (NewCaseBranch 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Show (NewCaseBranch 'Scoped)
deriving stock instance Eq (NewCaseBranch 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Eq (NewCaseBranch 'Scoped)
deriving stock instance Ord (NewCaseBranch 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Ord (NewCaseBranch 'Scoped)
data NewCase (s :: Stage) = NewCase
{ _newCaseKw :: KeywordRef,
_newCaseOfKw :: KeywordRef,
_newCaseExpression :: ExpressionType s,
_newCaseBranches :: NonEmpty (NewCaseBranch s)
deriving stock (Generic)
instance Serialize (NewCase 'Scoped)
instance Serialize (NewCase 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Show (NewCase 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Show (NewCase 'Scoped)
deriving stock instance Eq (NewCase 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Eq (NewCase 'Scoped)
deriving stock instance Ord (NewCase 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Ord (NewCase 'Scoped)
data IfBranch (s :: Stage) = IfBranch
{ _ifBranchPipe :: Irrelevant KeywordRef,
_ifBranchAssignKw :: Irrelevant KeywordRef,
@ -1967,7 +1916,6 @@ data ExpressionAtom (s :: Stage)
| AtomLambda (Lambda s)
| AtomList (List s)
| AtomCase (Case s)
| AtomNewCase (NewCase s)
| AtomIf (If s)
| AtomHole (HoleType s)
| AtomInstanceHole (HoleType s)
@ -2227,8 +2175,6 @@ makeLenses ''PatternInfixApp
makeLenses ''PatternPostfixApp
makeLenses ''Case
makeLenses ''CaseBranch
makeLenses ''NewCase
makeLenses ''NewCaseBranch
makeLenses ''If
makeLenses ''IfBranch
makeLenses ''IfBranchElse
@ -2327,7 +2273,6 @@ instance HasAtomicity Expression where
ExpressionUniverse {} -> Atom
ExpressionFunction {} -> Aggregate funFixity
ExpressionCase c -> atomicity c
ExpressionNewCase c -> atomicity c
ExpressionIf x -> atomicity x
ExpressionIterator i -> atomicity i
ExpressionNamedApplication i -> atomicity i
@ -2346,9 +2291,6 @@ instance HasAtomicity (Iterator s) where
instance HasAtomicity (Case s) where
atomicity = const Atom
instance HasAtomicity (NewCase s) where
atomicity = const Atom
instance HasAtomicity (If s) where
atomicity = const Atom
@ -2438,15 +2380,12 @@ instance HasLoc (Let 'Scoped) where
getLoc l = getLoc (l ^. letKw) <> getLoc (l ^. letExpression)
instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (CaseBranch s) where
getLoc c = getLoc (c ^. caseBranchPipe) <> getLocExpressionType (c ^. caseBranchExpression)
instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (NewCaseBranch s) where
getLoc c = case c ^. newCaseBranchPipe . unIrrelevant of
getLoc c = case c ^. caseBranchPipe . unIrrelevant of
Nothing -> branchLoc
Just p -> getLoc p <> branchLoc
branchLoc :: Interval
branchLoc = getLocExpressionType (c ^. newCaseBranchExpression)
branchLoc = getLocExpressionType (c ^. caseBranchExpression)
instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (IfBranch s) where
getLoc c = getLoc (c ^. ifBranchPipe) <> getLocExpressionType (c ^. ifBranchExpression)
@ -2457,9 +2396,6 @@ instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (IfBranchElse s) where
instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (Case s) where
getLoc c = getLoc (c ^. caseKw) <> getLoc (c ^. caseBranches . to last)
instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (NewCase s) where
getLoc c = getLoc (c ^. newCaseKw) <> getLoc (c ^. newCaseBranches . to last)
instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (If s) where
getLoc c = getLoc (c ^. ifKw) <> getLoc (c ^. ifBranchElse)
@ -2502,7 +2438,6 @@ instance HasLoc Expression where
ExpressionLambda i -> getLoc i
ExpressionList l -> getLoc l
ExpressionCase i -> getLoc i
ExpressionNewCase i -> getLoc i
ExpressionIf x -> getLoc x
ExpressionLet i -> getLoc i
ExpressionUniverse i -> getLoc i
@ -2873,7 +2808,6 @@ instance IsApe Expression ApeLeaf where
ExpressionIdentifier {} -> leaf
ExpressionList {} -> leaf
ExpressionCase {} -> leaf
ExpressionNewCase {} -> leaf
ExpressionIf {} -> leaf
ExpressionLambda {} -> leaf
ExpressionLet {} -> leaf
@ -31,6 +31,16 @@ import Juvix.Prelude hiding ((<+>), (<+?>), (<?+>), (?<>))
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty (annotate, pretty)
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty qualified as P
--- An expression is `Top` if it is:
--- * immediately at the top of a function (clause) body (including in let
--- bindings) or a lambda body
--- * immediately inside parens or braces
--- * the body of a `Top` let expression,
--- * the body of a `Top` iterator,
--- * the else branch body of a `Top` if expression,
--- * the last branch body of a `Top` case expresssion.
data IsTop = Top | NotTop
type PrettyPrinting a = forall r. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r) => a -> Sem r ()
class PrettyPrint a where
@ -119,6 +129,16 @@ ppExpressionType = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode
SScoped -> ppCode
ppTopExpressionType :: forall s. (SingI s) => PrettyPrinting (ExpressionType s)
ppTopExpressionType e = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode e
SScoped -> case e of
ExpressionLet l -> ppLet Top l
ExpressionCase c -> ppCase Top c
ExpressionIf i -> ppIf Top i
ExpressionIterator i -> ppIterator Top i
_ -> ppCode e
ppExpressionAtomType :: forall s. (SingI s) => PrettyPrinting (ExpressionType s)
ppExpressionAtomType = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCodeAtom
@ -244,19 +264,18 @@ instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (Range s) where
e = ppExpressionType _rangeExpression
n <+> ppCode _rangeInKw <+> e
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (Iterator s) where
ppCode Iterator {..} = do
let n = ppIdentifierType _iteratorName
is = ppCode <$> _iteratorInitializers
rngs = ppCode <$> _iteratorRanges
is' = parens . hsepSemicolon <$> nonEmpty is
rngs' = parens . hsepSemicolon <$> nonEmpty rngs
b = ppExpressionType _iteratorBody
| _iteratorBodyBraces = braces (oneLineOrNextNoIndent b)
| otherwise = line <> b
parensIf _iteratorParens $
hang (n <+?> is' <+?> rngs' <> b')
ppIterator :: forall r s. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r, SingI s) => IsTop -> Iterator s -> Sem r ()
ppIterator isTop Iterator {..} = do
let n = ppIdentifierType _iteratorName
is = ppCode <$> _iteratorInitializers
rngs = ppCode <$> _iteratorRanges
is' = parens . hsepSemicolon <$> nonEmpty is
rngs' = parens . hsepSemicolon <$> nonEmpty rngs
| _iteratorBodyBraces = braces (oneLineOrNextNoIndent (ppTopExpressionType _iteratorBody))
| otherwise = line <> ppMaybeTopExpression isTop _iteratorBody
parensIf _iteratorParens $
hang (n <+?> is' <+?> rngs' <> b)
instance PrettyPrint S.AName where
ppCode n = annotated (AnnKind (S.getNameKind n)) (noLoc (pretty (n ^. S.anameVerbatim)))
@ -336,28 +355,27 @@ instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (RecordUpdate s) where
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (DoubleBracesExpression s) where
ppCode DoubleBracesExpression {..} = do
let (l, r) = _doubleBracesDelims ^. unIrrelevant
ppCode l <> ppExpressionType _doubleBracesExpression <> ppCode r
ppCode l <> ppTopExpressionType _doubleBracesExpression <> ppCode r
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (ExpressionAtom s) where
ppCode = \case
AtomIdentifier n -> ppIdentifierType n
AtomLambda l -> ppCode l
AtomLet lb -> ppCode lb
AtomCase c -> ppCode c
AtomNewCase c -> ppCode c
AtomIf c -> ppCode c
AtomLet lb -> ppLet NotTop lb
AtomCase c -> ppCase NotTop c
AtomIf c -> ppIf NotTop c
AtomList l -> ppCode l
AtomUniverse uni -> ppCode uni
AtomRecordUpdate u -> ppCode u
AtomFunction fun -> ppCode fun
AtomLiteral lit -> ppCode lit
AtomFunArrow a -> ppCode a
AtomParens e -> parens (ppExpressionType e)
AtomParens e -> parens (ppTopExpressionType e)
AtomDoubleBraces e -> ppCode e
AtomBraces e -> braces (ppExpressionType (e ^. withLocParam))
AtomBraces e -> braces (ppTopExpressionType (e ^. withLocParam))
AtomHole w -> ppHoleType w
AtomInstanceHole w -> ppHoleType w
AtomIterator i -> ppCode i
AtomIterator i -> ppIterator NotTop i
AtomNamedApplication i -> ppCode i
AtomNamedApplicationNew i -> ppCode i
@ -493,7 +511,7 @@ ppLiteral = \case
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (LambdaClause s) where
ppCode LambdaClause {..} = do
let lambdaParameters' = hsep (ppPatternAtom <$> _lambdaParameters)
lambdaBody' = ppExpressionType _lambdaBody
lambdaBody' = ppTopExpressionType _lambdaBody
lambdaPipe' = ppCode <$> _lambdaPipe ^. unIrrelevant
lambdaPipe' <?+> lambdaParameters' <+> ppCode _lambdaAssignKw <> oneLineOrNext lambdaBody'
@ -503,68 +521,78 @@ instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (LetStatement s) where
LetAliasDef f -> ppCode f
LetOpen f -> ppCode f
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (Let s) where
ppCode Let {..} = do
let letFunDefs' = blockIndent (ppBlock _letFunDefs)
letExpression' = ppExpressionType _letExpression
align $ ppCode _letKw <> letFunDefs' <> ppCode _letInKw <+> letExpression'
ppMaybeTopExpression :: (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r, SingI s) => IsTop -> ExpressionType s -> Sem r ()
ppMaybeTopExpression isTop e = case isTop of
Top -> ppTopExpressionType e
NotTop -> ppExpressionType e
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (NewCase s) where
ppCode :: forall r. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r) => NewCase s -> Sem r ()
ppCode NewCase {..} = do
let exp' = ppExpressionType _newCaseExpression
align $ ppCode _newCaseKw <> oneLineOrNextBlock exp' <> ppCode _newCaseOfKw <+> ppBranches _newCaseBranches
ppBranches :: NonEmpty (NewCaseBranch s) -> Sem r ()
ppBranches = \case
b :| [] -> oneLineOrNextBraces (ppCaseBranch True b)
_ -> braces (blockIndent (vsepHard (ppCaseBranch False <$> _newCaseBranches)))
ppLet :: forall r s. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r, SingI s) => IsTop -> Let s -> Sem r ()
ppLet isTop Let {..} = do
let letFunDefs' = blockIndent (ppBlock _letFunDefs)
letExpression' = ppMaybeTopExpression isTop _letExpression
align $ ppCode _letKw <> letFunDefs' <> ppCode _letInKw <+> letExpression'
ppCaseBranch :: Bool -> NewCaseBranch s -> Sem r ()
ppCaseBranch singleBranch b = pipeHelper <?+> ppCode b
pipeHelper :: Maybe (Sem r ())
| singleBranch = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ case b ^. newCaseBranchPipe . unIrrelevant of
Just p -> ppCode p
Nothing -> ppCode Kw.kwPipe
ppCaseBranch :: forall r s. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r, SingI s) => IsTop -> CaseBranch s -> Sem r ()
ppCaseBranch isTop CaseBranch {..} = do
let pat' = ppPatternParensType _caseBranchPattern
e' = ppMaybeTopExpression isTop _caseBranchExpression
pat' <+> ppCode _caseBranchAssignKw <> oneLineOrNext e'
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (Case s) where
ppCode :: forall r. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r) => Case s -> Sem r ()
ppCode Case {..} = do
let exp' = ppExpressionType _caseExpression
ppCode _caseKw <+> exp' <+> ppCode Kw.kwOf <+> ppBranches _caseBranches
ppBranches :: NonEmpty (CaseBranch s) -> Sem r ()
ppBranches = \case
b :| [] -> braces (ppCaseBranch True b)
_ -> braces (blockIndent (vsepHard (ppCaseBranch False <$> _caseBranches)))
ppCase :: forall r s. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r, SingI s) => IsTop -> Case s -> Sem r ()
ppCase isTop Case {..} = do
let exp' = ppExpressionType _caseExpression
align $ ppCode _caseKw <> oneLineOrNextBlock exp' <> ppCode _caseOfKw <> ppBranches _caseBranches
ppBranches :: NonEmpty (CaseBranch s) -> Sem r ()
ppBranches = \case
b :| [] -> case isTop of
Top -> oneLineOrNext (ppCaseBranch' True Top b)
NotTop -> space <> oneLineOrNextBraces (ppCaseBranch' True NotTop b)
_ -> case isTop of
Top -> do
let brs =
vsepHard (ppCaseBranch' False NotTop <$> NonEmpty.init _caseBranches)
<> hardline
<> ppCaseBranch' False Top (NonEmpty.last _caseBranches)
hardline <> indent brs
NotTop -> space <> braces (blockIndent (vsepHard (ppCaseBranch' False NotTop <$> _caseBranches)))
ppCaseBranch :: Bool -> CaseBranch s -> Sem r ()
ppCaseBranch singleBranch b = pipeHelper <?+> ppCode b
pipeHelper :: Maybe (Sem r ())
| singleBranch = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (ppCode (b ^. caseBranchPipe . unIrrelevant))
ppCaseBranch' :: Bool -> IsTop -> CaseBranch s -> Sem r ()
ppCaseBranch' singleBranch lastTopBranch b = pipeHelper <?+> ppCaseBranch lastTopBranch b
pipeHelper :: Maybe (Sem r ())
| singleBranch = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ case b ^. caseBranchPipe . unIrrelevant of
Just p -> ppCode p
Nothing -> ppCode Kw.kwPipe
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (If s) where
ppCode :: forall r. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r) => If s -> Sem r ()
ppCode If {..} = do
ppCode _ifKw <+> hardline <> indent (vsepHard (ppIfBranch <$> _ifBranches) <> hardline <> ppIfBranchElse _ifBranchElse)
ppIfBranch :: IfBranch s -> Sem r ()
ppIfBranch b = pipeHelper <+> ppCode b
pipeHelper :: Sem r ()
pipeHelper = ppCode (b ^. ifBranchPipe . unIrrelevant)
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (IfBranch s) where
ppCode IfBranch {..} = do
let cond' = ppExpressionType _ifBranchCondition
e' = ppExpressionType _ifBranchExpression
cond' <+> ppCode _ifBranchAssignKw <> oneLineOrNext e'
ppIfBranchElse :: IfBranchElse s -> Sem r ()
ppIfBranchElse b = pipeHelper <+> ppCode b
pipeHelper :: Sem r ()
pipeHelper = ppCode (b ^. ifBranchElsePipe . unIrrelevant)
ppIfBranchElse :: forall r s. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r, SingI s) => IsTop -> IfBranchElse s -> Sem r ()
ppIfBranchElse isTop IfBranchElse {..} = do
let e' = ppMaybeTopExpression isTop _ifBranchElseExpression
ppCode _ifBranchElseKw <+> ppCode _ifBranchElseAssignKw <> oneLineOrNext e'
ppIf :: forall r s. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r, SingI s) => IsTop -> If s -> Sem r ()
ppIf isTop If {..} = do
ppCode _ifKw <+> hardline <> indent (vsepHard (ppIfBranch <$> _ifBranches) <> hardline <> ppIfBranchElse' _ifBranchElse)
ppIfBranch :: IfBranch s -> Sem r ()
ppIfBranch b = pipeHelper <+> ppCode b
pipeHelper :: Sem r ()
pipeHelper = ppCode (b ^. ifBranchPipe . unIrrelevant)
ppIfBranchElse' :: IfBranchElse s -> Sem r ()
ppIfBranchElse' b = pipeHelper <+> ppIfBranchElse isTop b
pipeHelper :: Sem r ()
pipeHelper = ppCode (b ^. ifBranchElsePipe . unIrrelevant)
instance PrettyPrint Universe where
ppCode Universe {..} = ppCode _universeKw <+?> (noLoc . pretty <$> _universeLevel)
@ -661,29 +689,6 @@ ppLRExpression associates fixlr e =
(atomParens associates (atomicity e) fixlr)
(ppCode e)
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (CaseBranch s) where
ppCode CaseBranch {..} = do
let pat' = ppPatternParensType _caseBranchPattern
e' = ppExpressionType _caseBranchExpression
pat' <+> ppCode _caseBranchAssignKw <> oneLineOrNext e'
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (NewCaseBranch s) where
ppCode NewCaseBranch {..} = do
let pat' = ppPatternParensType _newCaseBranchPattern
e' = ppExpressionType _newCaseBranchExpression
pat' <+> ppCode _newCaseBranchAssignKw <> oneLineOrNext e'
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (IfBranch s) where
ppCode IfBranch {..} = do
let cond' = ppExpressionType _ifBranchCondition
e' = ppExpressionType _ifBranchExpression
cond' <+> ppCode _ifBranchAssignKw <> oneLineOrNext e'
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (IfBranchElse s) where
ppCode IfBranchElse {..} = do
let e' = ppExpressionType _ifBranchElseExpression
ppCode _ifBranchElseKw <+> ppCode _ifBranchElseAssignKw <> oneLineOrNext e'
ppBlock :: (PrettyPrint a, Members '[Reader Options, ExactPrint] r, Traversable t) => t a -> Sem r ()
ppBlock items = vsep (sepEndSemicolon (fmap ppCode items))
@ -813,14 +818,13 @@ instance PrettyPrint Expression where
ExpressionInfixApplication a -> ppCode a
ExpressionPostfixApplication a -> ppCode a
ExpressionLambda l -> ppCode l
ExpressionLet lb -> ppCode lb
ExpressionLet lb -> ppLet NotTop lb
ExpressionUniverse u -> ppCode u
ExpressionLiteral l -> ppCode l
ExpressionFunction f -> ppCode f
ExpressionCase c -> ppCode c
ExpressionNewCase c -> ppCode c
ExpressionIf c -> ppCode c
ExpressionIterator i -> ppCode i
ExpressionCase c -> ppCase NotTop c
ExpressionIf c -> ppIf NotTop c
ExpressionIterator i -> ppIterator NotTop i
ExpressionNamedApplication i -> ppCode i
ExpressionNamedApplicationNew i -> ppCode i
ExpressionRecordUpdate i -> ppCode i
@ -927,7 +931,7 @@ instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (FunctionClause s) where
ppCode :: forall r. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r) => FunctionClause s -> Sem r ()
ppCode FunctionClause {..} = do
let pats' = hsep (ppPatternAtomType <$> _clausenPatterns)
e' = ppExpressionType _clausenBody
e' = ppTopExpressionType _clausenBody
ppCode _clausenPipeKw <+> pats' <+> ppCode _clausenAssignKw <> oneLineOrNext e'
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (Argument s) where
@ -983,7 +987,7 @@ instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (FunctionDef s) where
pragmas' :: Maybe (Sem r ()) = ppCode <$> _signPragmas
sig' = ppFunctionSignature fun
body' = case _signBody of
SigBodyExpression e -> space <> ppCode Kw.kwAssign <> oneLineOrNext (ppExpressionType e)
SigBodyExpression e -> space <> ppCode Kw.kwAssign <> oneLineOrNext (ppTopExpressionType e)
SigBodyClauses k -> line <> indent (vsep (ppCode <$> k))
?<> pragmas'
@ -1984,21 +1984,6 @@ checkCaseBranch CaseBranch {..} = withLocalScope $ do
checkNewCaseBranch ::
forall r.
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader ScopeParameters, Error ScoperError, State Scope, State ScoperState, InfoTableBuilder, Reader InfoTable, NameIdGen, Reader EntryPoint] r) =>
NewCaseBranch 'Parsed ->
Sem r (NewCaseBranch 'Scoped)
checkNewCaseBranch NewCaseBranch {..} = withLocalScope $ do
pattern' <- checkParsePatternAtoms _newCaseBranchPattern
expression' <- (checkParseExpressionAtoms _newCaseBranchExpression)
return $
{ _newCaseBranchPattern = pattern',
_newCaseBranchExpression = expression',
checkCase ::
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader ScopeParameters, Error ScoperError, State Scope, State ScoperState, InfoTableBuilder, Reader InfoTable, NameIdGen, Reader EntryPoint] r) =>
Case 'Parsed ->
@ -2011,22 +1996,7 @@ checkCase Case {..} = do
{ _caseExpression = caseExpression',
_caseBranches = caseBranches',
checkNewCase ::
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader ScopeParameters, Error ScoperError, State Scope, State ScoperState, InfoTableBuilder, Reader InfoTable, NameIdGen, Reader EntryPoint] r) =>
NewCase 'Parsed ->
Sem r (NewCase 'Scoped)
checkNewCase NewCase {..} = do
caseBranches' <- mapM checkNewCaseBranch _newCaseBranches
caseExpression' <- checkParseExpressionAtoms _newCaseExpression
return $
{ _newCaseExpression = caseExpression',
_newCaseBranches = caseBranches',
checkIfBranch ::
@ -2281,7 +2251,6 @@ checkExpressionAtom e = case e of
AtomIdentifier n -> pure . AtomIdentifier <$> checkScopedIden n
AtomLambda lam -> pure . AtomLambda <$> checkLambda lam
AtomCase c -> pure . AtomCase <$> checkCase c
AtomNewCase c -> pure . AtomNewCase <$> checkNewCase c
AtomIf c -> pure . AtomIf <$> checkIf c
AtomLet letBlock -> pure . AtomLet <$> checkLet letBlock
AtomUniverse uni -> return (pure (AtomUniverse uni))
@ -2525,7 +2494,6 @@ checkParens e@(ExpressionAtoms as _) = case as of
let scopedIdenNoFix = over scopedIdenSrcName (set S.nameFixity Nothing) scopedId
return (ExpressionParensIdentifier scopedIdenNoFix)
AtomIterator i -> ExpressionIterator . set iteratorParens True <$> checkIterator i
AtomCase c -> ExpressionCase . set caseParens True <$> checkCase c
AtomRecordUpdate u -> ExpressionParensRecordUpdate . ParensRecordUpdate <$> checkRecordUpdate u
_ -> checkParseExpressionAtoms e
_ -> checkParseExpressionAtoms e
@ -2823,7 +2791,6 @@ parseTerm =
<|> parseFunction
<|> parseLambda
<|> parseCase
<|> parseNewCase
<|> parseIf
<|> parseList
<|> parseLiteral
@ -2874,14 +2841,6 @@ parseTerm =
AtomCase l -> Just l
_ -> Nothing
parseNewCase :: Parse Expression
parseNewCase = ExpressionNewCase <$> P.token case_ mempty
case_ :: ExpressionAtom 'Scoped -> Maybe (NewCase 'Scoped)
case_ s = case s of
AtomNewCase l -> Just l
_ -> Nothing
parseIf :: Parse Expression
parseIf = ExpressionIf <$> P.token if_ mempty
@ -830,7 +830,6 @@ expressionAtom =
<|> AtomIdentifier <$> name
<|> AtomUniverse <$> universe
<|> AtomLambda <$> lambda
<|> P.try (AtomNewCase <$> newCase)
<|> AtomCase <$> case_
<|> AtomFunction <$> function
<|> AtomLet <$> letBlock
@ -1114,37 +1113,21 @@ letBlock = do
_letExpression <- parseExpressionAtoms
return Let {..}
caseBranch :: (Members '[ParserResultBuilder, PragmasStash, JudocStash] r) => ParsecS r (CaseBranch 'Parsed)
caseBranch = do
_caseBranchPipe <- Irrelevant <$> kw kwPipe
caseBranch :: (Members '[ParserResultBuilder, PragmasStash, JudocStash] r) => Irrelevant (Maybe KeywordRef) -> ParsecS r (CaseBranch 'Parsed)
caseBranch _caseBranchPipe = do
_caseBranchPattern <- parsePatternAtoms
_caseBranchAssignKw <- Irrelevant <$> kw kwAssign
_caseBranchExpression <- parseExpressionAtoms
return CaseBranch {..}
case_ :: (Members '[ParserResultBuilder, PragmasStash, JudocStash] r) => ParsecS r (Case 'Parsed)
case_ = do
case_ :: forall r. (Members '[ParserResultBuilder, PragmasStash, JudocStash] r) => ParsecS r (Case 'Parsed)
case_ = P.label "case" $ do
_caseKw <- kw kwCase
_caseExpression <- parseExpressionAtoms
_caseBranches <- some1 caseBranch
let _caseParens = False
_caseOfKw <- kw kwOf
_caseBranches <- braces (pipeSep1 caseBranch) <|> pipeSep1 caseBranch
return Case {..}
newCaseBranch :: (Members '[ParserResultBuilder, PragmasStash, JudocStash] r) => Irrelevant (Maybe KeywordRef) -> ParsecS r (NewCaseBranch 'Parsed)
newCaseBranch _newCaseBranchPipe = do
_newCaseBranchPattern <- parsePatternAtoms
_newCaseBranchAssignKw <- Irrelevant <$> kw kwAssign
_newCaseBranchExpression <- parseExpressionAtoms
return NewCaseBranch {..}
newCase :: forall r. (Members '[ParserResultBuilder, PragmasStash, JudocStash] r) => ParsecS r (NewCase 'Parsed)
newCase = P.label "new case" $ do
_newCaseKw <- kw kwCase
_newCaseExpression <- parseExpressionAtoms
_newCaseOfKw <- kw kwOf
_newCaseBranches <- braces (pipeSep1 newCaseBranch)
return NewCase {..}
ifBranch' :: (Members '[ParserResultBuilder, PragmasStash, JudocStash] r) => Irrelevant KeywordRef -> ParsecS r (IfBranch 'Parsed)
ifBranch' _ifBranchPipe = do
_ifBranchCondition <- parseExpressionAtoms
@ -720,7 +720,6 @@ goExpression = \case
ExpressionParensIdentifier nt -> return (goIden nt)
ExpressionApplication a -> goApplication a
ExpressionCase a -> Internal.ExpressionCase <$> goCase a
ExpressionNewCase a -> Internal.ExpressionCase <$> goNewCase a
ExpressionIf a -> goIf a
ExpressionInfixApplication ia -> Internal.ExpressionApplication <$> goInfix ia
ExpressionPostfixApplication pa -> Internal.ExpressionApplication <$> goPostfix pa
@ -1054,7 +1053,7 @@ goCase :: forall r. (Members '[Reader DefaultArgsStack, Builtins, NameIdGen, Err
goCase c = do
_caseExpression <- goExpression (c ^. caseExpression)
_caseBranches <- mapM goBranch (c ^. caseBranches)
let _caseParens = c ^. caseParens
let _caseParens = False
_caseExpressionType :: Maybe Internal.Expression = Nothing
_caseExpressionWholeType :: Maybe Internal.Expression = Nothing
return Internal.Case {..}
@ -1065,21 +1064,6 @@ goCase c = do
_caseBranchExpression <- goExpression (b ^. caseBranchExpression)
return Internal.CaseBranch {..}
goNewCase :: forall r. (Members '[Reader DefaultArgsStack, Builtins, NameIdGen, Error ScoperError, Reader Pragmas, Reader S.InfoTable] r) => NewCase 'Scoped -> Sem r Internal.Case
goNewCase c = do
_caseExpression <- goExpression (c ^. newCaseExpression)
_caseBranches <- mapM goBranch (c ^. newCaseBranches)
let _caseParens = False
_caseExpressionType :: Maybe Internal.Expression = Nothing
_caseExpressionWholeType :: Maybe Internal.Expression = Nothing
return Internal.Case {..}
goBranch :: NewCaseBranch 'Scoped -> Sem r Internal.CaseBranch
goBranch b = do
_caseBranchPattern <- goPatternArg (b ^. newCaseBranchPattern)
_caseBranchExpression <- goExpression (b ^. newCaseBranchExpression)
return Internal.CaseBranch {..}
goLambda :: forall r. (Members '[Reader DefaultArgsStack, Builtins, NameIdGen, Error ScoperError, Reader Pragmas, Reader S.InfoTable] r) => Lambda 'Scoped -> Sem r Internal.Lambda
goLambda l = do
clauses' <- mapM goClause (l ^. lambdaClauses)
@ -18,58 +18,51 @@ last {A} : List A -> Maybe A
front : {A : Type} → Queue A → Maybe A
| q :=
case qfst q of {
case qfst q of
| nil := last (qsnd q)
| x :: _ := just x
| x :: _ := just x;
drop_front : {A : Type} → Queue A → Queue A
| {A} q :=
q' : Queue A := queue (tail (qfst q)) (qsnd q);
in case qfst q' of {
in case qfst q' of
| nil := queue (reverse (qsnd q')) nil
| _ := q'
| _ := q';
pop_front {A} : Queue A -> Maybe (A × Queue A)
| (queue xs ys) :=
case xs of {
case xs of
| h :: t := just (h, queue t ys)
| [] :=
case reverse ys of {
case reverse ys of
| h :: t := just (h, queue t [])
| [] := nothing
| [] := nothing;
push_back : {A : Type} → Queue A → A → Queue A
| q x :=
case qfst q of {
case qfst q of
| nil := queue (x :: nil) (qsnd q)
| q' := queue q' (x :: qsnd q)
| q' := queue q' (x :: qsnd q);
is_empty : {A : Type} → Queue A → Bool
| q :=
case qfst q of {
case qfst q of
| nil :=
case qsnd q of {
| nil := true
| _ := false
| _ := false
| _ := false;
empty : {A : Type} → Queue A := queue nil nil;
g : List Nat → Queue Nat → List Nat
| acc q :=
case pop_front q of {
case pop_front q of
| nothing := acc
| just (h, q') := g (h :: acc) q'
| just (h, q') := g (h :: acc) q';
f : Nat → Queue Nat → List Nat
| zero q := g nil q
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ force : (Unit → Stream) → Stream
sfilter : (Nat → Bool) → (Unit → Stream) → Unit → Stream
| p s unit :=
case force s
| cons h t :=
case force s of
cons h t :=
if (p h) (cons h (sfilter p t)) (force (sfilter p t));
shead : Stream → Nat
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ indivisible : Nat → Nat → Bool
eratostenes : (Unit → Stream) → Unit → Stream
| s unit :=
case force s
| cons n t :=
case force s of
cons n t :=
cons n (eratostenes (sfilter (indivisible n) t));
primes : Unit → Stream := eratostenes (numbers 2);
@ -25,13 +25,12 @@ terminating
f : Tree → Nat
| leaf := 1
| (node l r) :=
case g l, g r of {
case g l, g r of
| leaf, leaf := 3
| node l r, leaf := mod ((f l + f r) * 2) 20000
| node l1 r1, node l2 r2 :=
mod ((f l1 + f r1) * (f l2 + f r2)) 20000
| _, node l r := mod (f l + f r) 20000
| _, node l r := mod (f l + f r) 20000;
g : Tree → Tree
| leaf := leaf
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ module test038;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
main : Nat :=
case 1, 2 of {
case 1, 2 of
| suc _, zero := 0
| suc _, suc x := x
| _ := 19
| _ := 19;
@ -148,9 +148,8 @@ res : Either Error Val := eval (double+1 # num 7);
-- TODO: Use Partial or failwith in left branches when anoma backend supports
-- strings
main : List Nat :=
case res >>= getNat of {
case res >>= getNat of
| left (ScopeError n ctx) := []
| left (ExpectedNat e) := []
| left ExpectedLambda := []
| right r := [r]
| right r := [r];
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Stdlib.Prelude open;
myfun : {A : Type} -> (A -> A -> A) -> A -> List A -> A
| f x xs :=
case x :: xs
case x :: xs of
| nil := x
| y :: nil := y
| y :: z :: _ := f y z;
@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ f : Tree → Nat
a :
Nat :=
case l
case l of
| leaf := 1
| node l r := f l + f r;
b :
Nat :=
case r
case r of
| node l r := f l + f r
| _ := 2;
in a * b;
@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ module test026;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
type Queue (A : Type) :=
| queue : List A → List A → Queue A;
type Queue (A : Type) := queue : List A → List A → Queue A;
qfst : {A : Type} → Queue A → List A
| (queue x _) := x;
@ -19,23 +18,24 @@ pop_front : {A : Type} → Queue A → Queue A
| {A} q :=
q' : Queue A := queue (tail (qfst q)) (qsnd q);
in case qfst q'
| nil := queue (reverse (qsnd q')) nil
| _ := q';
in case qfst q' of
| nil := queue (reverse (qsnd q')) nil
| _ := q';
push_back : {A : Type} → Queue A → A → Queue A
| q x :=
case qfst q
case qfst q of
| nil := queue (x :: nil) (qsnd q)
| q' := queue q' (x :: qsnd q);
is_empty : {A : Type} → Queue A → Bool
| q :=
case qfst q
case qfst q of
| nil :=
(case qsnd q
case qsnd q of {
| nil := true
| _ := false)
| _ := false
| _ := false;
empty : {A : Type} → Queue A := queue nil nil;
@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ g {{Partial}} : List Nat → Queue Nat → List Nat
| acc q :=
if (is_empty q) acc (g (front q :: acc) (pop_front q));
-- TODO: remove `terminating` after fixing https://github.com/anoma/juvix/issues/2414
f {{Partial}} : Nat → Queue Nat → List Nat
| zero q := g nil q
| n@(suc n') q := f n' (push_back q n);
@ -55,4 +53,4 @@ sum : List Nat → Nat
| nil := 0
| (h :: t) := h + sum t;
main : Nat := sum (runPartial (λ {{{_}} := f 100 empty}));
main : Nat := sum (runPartial λ {{{_}} := f 100 empty});
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Stdlib.Prelude open;
myfun : {A : Type} -> (A -> A -> A) -> A -> List A -> A
| f x xs :=
case x :: xs
case x :: xs of
| nil := x
| y :: nil := y
| y :: z :: _ := f y z;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module test002;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
f (x : List Nat) : Nat :=
case x
case x of
| nil := 0
| x :: y :: _ := x + y;
@ -14,12 +14,9 @@ gen : Nat → Tree
| zero := leaf
| n :=
(mod n 3 == 0)
(node1 (gen (sub n 1)))
(mod n 3 == 1)
(node2 (gen (sub n 1)) (gen (sub n 1)))
(node3 (gen (sub n 1)) (gen (sub n 1)) (gen (sub n 1))));
| mod n 3 == 0 := node1 (gen (sub n 1))
| mod n 3 == 1 := node2 (gen (sub n 1)) (gen (sub n 1))
| else := node3 (gen (sub n 1)) (gen (sub n 1)) (gen (sub n 1));
preorder : Tree → IO
| leaf := printNat 0
@ -5,25 +5,34 @@ import Stdlib.Prelude open;
f : Nat → Nat → Nat
| x :=
let g (y : Nat) : Nat := x + y in
if (x == 0)
(f 10)
(if (x < 10)
λ{y := g (f (sub x 1) y)}
| x :=
g (y : Nat) : Nat := x + y;
in if
| x == 0 := f 10
| else := if (x < 10) λ {y := g (f (sub x 1) y)} g;
g (x : Nat) (h : Nat → Nat) : Nat := x + h x;
h : Nat → Nat
| zero := 0
| (suc x) := g x h;
| zero := 0
| (suc x) := g x h;
main : IO :=
printNatLn (f 100 500) >> -- 600
printNatLn (f 5 0) >> -- 25
printNatLn (f 5 5) >> -- 30
printNatLn (h 10) >> -- 45
printNatLn (g 10 h) >> -- 55
printNatLn (g 3 (f 10));
printNatLn (f 100 500)
>> -- 600
(f 5 0)
>> -- 25
(f 5 5)
>> -- 30
(h 10)
>> -- 45
(g 10 h)
>> -- 55
(g 3 (f 10));
@ -7,12 +7,9 @@ terminating
power' : Nat → Nat → Nat → Nat
| acc a b :=
(b == 0)
(mod b 2 == 0)
(power' acc (a * a) (div b 2))
(power' (acc * a) (a * a) (div b 2)));
| b == 0 := acc
| mod b 2 == 0 := power' acc (a * a) (div b 2)
| else := power' (acc * a) (a * a) (div b 2);
power : Nat → Nat → Nat := power' 1;
@ -20,4 +17,3 @@ main : IO :=
printNatLn (power 2 3)
>> printNatLn (power 3 7)
>> printNatLn (power 5 11);
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ gen : Nat → Tree
| (suc (suc n')) := node (gen n') (gen (suc n'));
g : Tree → Tree
| leaf := leaf
| (node l r) := if (isNode l) r (node r l);
@ -25,17 +24,15 @@ f : Tree → Nat
l : Tree := g l';
r : Tree := g r';
a :
Nat :=
case l
| leaf := 1
| node l r := f l + f r;
a : Nat :=
case l of
| leaf := 1
| node l r := f l + f r;
b :
Nat :=
case r
| node l r := f l + f r
| _ := 2;
b : Nat :=
case r of
| node l r := f l + f r
| _ := 2;
in a * b;
isNode : Tree → Bool
@ -43,4 +40,3 @@ isNode : Tree → Bool
| leaf := false;
main : IO := printNatLn (f (gen 10));
@ -6,7 +6,10 @@ import Stdlib.Prelude open;
gcd : Nat → Nat → Nat
| a b :=
if (a > b) (gcd b a) (if (a == 0) b (gcd (mod b a) a));
| a > b := gcd b a
| a == 0 := b
| else := gcd (mod b a) a;
main : IO :=
printNatLn (gcd (3 * 7 * 2) (7 * 2 * 11))
@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ module test026;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
type Queue (A : Type) :=
| queue : List A → List A → Queue A;
type Queue (A : Type) := queue : List A → List A → Queue A;
qfst : {A : Type} → Queue A → List A
| (queue x _) := x;
@ -19,23 +18,24 @@ pop_front : {A : Type} → Queue A → Queue A
| {A} q :=
q' : Queue A := queue (tail (qfst q)) (qsnd q);
in case qfst q'
| nil := queue (reverse (qsnd q')) nil
| _ := q';
in case qfst q' of
| nil := queue (reverse (qsnd q')) nil
| _ := q';
push_back : {A : Type} → Queue A → A → Queue A
| q x :=
case qfst q
case qfst q of
| nil := queue (x :: nil) (qsnd q)
| q' := queue q' (x :: qsnd q);
is_empty : {A : Type} → Queue A → Bool
| q :=
case qfst q
case qfst q of
| nil :=
(case qsnd q
case qsnd q of {
| nil := true
| _ := false)
| _ := false
| _ := false;
empty : {A : Type} → Queue A := queue nil nil;
@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ g {{Partial}} : List Nat → Queue Nat → List Nat
| acc q :=
if (is_empty q) acc (g (front q :: acc) (pop_front q));
-- TODO: remove `terminating` after fixing https://github.com/anoma/juvix/issues/2414
f {{Partial}} : Nat → Queue Nat → List Nat
| zero q := g nil q
| n@(suc n') q := f n' (push_back q n);
@ -56,6 +54,6 @@ printListNatLn : List Nat → IO
| (h :: t) :=
printNat h >> printString " :: " >> printListNatLn t;
main : IO := printListNatLn (runPartial (λ {{{_}} := f 100 empty}));
main : IO :=
printListNatLn (runPartial λ {{{_}} := f 100 empty});
-- list of numbers from 1 to 100
@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ module test028;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
type Stream :=
| cons : Nat → (Unit → Stream) → Stream;
type Stream := cons : Nat → (Unit → Stream) → Stream;
force : (Unit → Stream) → Stream
| f := f unit;
@ -12,8 +11,8 @@ force : (Unit → Stream) → Stream
sfilter : (Nat → Bool) → (Unit → Stream) → Unit → Stream
| p s unit :=
case force s
| cons h t :=
case force s of
cons h t :=
if (p h) (cons h (sfilter p t)) (force (sfilter p t));
shead : Stream → Nat
@ -36,8 +35,8 @@ indivisible : Nat → Nat → Bool
eratostenes : (Unit → Stream) → Unit → Stream
| s unit :=
case force s
| cons n t :=
case force s of
cons n t :=
cons n (eratostenes (sfilter (indivisible n) t));
primes : Unit → Stream := eratostenes (numbers 2);
@ -47,4 +46,3 @@ main : IO :=
>> printNatLn (snth 50 primes)
>> printNatLn (snth 100 primes)
>> printNatLn (snth 200 primes);
@ -15,4 +15,3 @@ main : IO :=
>> printNatLn (ack 2 7)
>> printNatLn (ack 2 13)
>> printNatLn (ack 3 7);
@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ split : {A : Type} → Nat → List A → List A × List A
| zero xs := nil, xs
| (suc n) nil := nil, nil
| (suc n) (x :: xs) :=
case split n xs
| l1, l2 := x :: l1, l2;
case split n xs of l1, l2 := x :: l1, l2;
merge' : List Nat → List Nat → List Nat
@ -23,10 +22,10 @@ sort : List Nat → List Nat
n : Nat := length xs;
in if
(n <= 1)
(case split (div n 2) xs
| l1, l2 := merge' (sort l1) (sort l2));
| n <= 1 := xs
| else :=
case split (div n 2) xs of
l1, l2 := merge' (sort l1) (sort l2);
uniq : List Nat → List Nat
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ terminating
f : Tree → Nat
| leaf := 1
| (node l r) :=
case g l, g r
case g l, g r of
| leaf, leaf := 3
| node l r, leaf := mod ((f l + f r) * 2) 20000
| node l1 r1, node l2 r2 :=
@ -12,10 +12,9 @@ f (l : List ((Nat → Nat) → Nat → Nat)) : Nat :=
y : Nat → Nat := id;
in (let
z : (Nat → Nat) → Nat → Nat := id;
in case l of {
in case l of
| _ :: _ := id
| _ := id
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ double+1 : Expr := Λ (compose # +1 # double # ! 0);
res : Either Error Val := eval (double+1 # num 7);
main : IO :=
case res
case res of
| left (ScopeError n ctx) :=
("ScopeError: "
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Stdlib.Prelude open;
myfun : {A : Type} -> (A -> A -> A) -> A -> List A -> A
| f x xs :=
case x :: xs
case x :: xs of
| nil := x
| y :: nil := y
| y :: z :: _ := f y z;
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ type Pair (A B : Type) :=
mf : Pair (Pair Bool (List Nat)) (List Nat) → Bool
| mkPair@{fst := mkPair@{fst; snd := nil};
snd := zero :: _} := fst
| x := case x of {_ := false};
| x := case x of _ := false;
main : Triple Nat Nat Nat :=
@ -32,14 +32,15 @@ main : Triple Nat Nat Nat :=
f : Triple Nat Nat Nat -> Triple Nat Nat Nat :=
(@Triple{fst := fst * 10});
in if
fst := mkPair true nil;
snd := 0 :: nil
(f p')
fst := 0;
thd := 0;
snd := 0
| mf
fst := mkPair true nil;
snd := 0 :: nil
} :=
(f p')
| else :=
fst := 0;
thd := 0;
snd := 0
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ even' : Nat -> Bool := even;
main : Nat :=
sum 3
+ case even' 6 || g true || h true of {
+ case even' 6 || g true || h true of
| true := if (g false) (f 1 2 + sum 7 + j 0) 0
| false := f (3 + 4) (f 0 8) + loop
| false := f (3 + 4) (f 0 8) + loop;
@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ type Box :=
| box : Box2 -> Box;
main : Nat :=
case box (box2 3 5)
| box (box2 x y) := x + y;
case box (box2 3 5) of
box (box2 x y) := x + y;
-- result: 8
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ type enum :=
| opt3 : Bool -> (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Bool -> enum;
main : Bool :=
case opt3 true λ {x y := if y false x} false
case opt3 true λ {x y := if y false x} false of
| opt0 := false
| opt1 b := b
| opt2 b f := f b
@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ id''' : ((Nat → Nat) → Nat → Nat) → (Nat → Nat) → Nat → Nat
f : Pair → Nat
| l :=
(case l
(case l of
| pair x zero := x
| _ := id'')
y : Nat → Nat := id';
in (let
z : (Nat → Nat) → Nat → Nat := id'';
in (case l
in (case l of
| pair _ zero := id'''
| _ := id''')
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ type Pair :=
| pair : Nat -> Nat -> Pair;
main : Nat :=
case pair 1 2
case pair 1 2 of
| pair (suc _) zero := 0
| pair (suc _) (suc x) := x
| _ := 19;
@ -4,18 +4,16 @@ import Stdlib.Prelude open;
not' : Bool → Bool
| b :=
case b of {
case b of
| true := false
| false := true
| false := true;
andList : List Bool → Bool
| l :=
case l of {
case l of
| nil := true
| x :: xs := x && andList xs
| x :: xs := x && andList xs;
main : IO :=
printBoolLn (not' false)
@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ type Box :=
main : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
| x y :=
case box (box2 x y)
case box (box2 x y) of
| box (box2 x y) := x + y;
-- result: 8
@ -7,26 +7,23 @@ import Stdlib.Prelude open;
f : Nat → Nat
| x :=
case x of {
case x of
| zero := 1
| suc y := 2 * x + g y
| suc y := 2 * x + g y;
g : Nat → Nat
| x :=
case x of {
case x of
| zero := 1
| suc y := x + h y
| suc y := x + h y;
h : Nat → Nat
| x :=
case x of {
case x of
| zero := 1
| suc y := x * f y
| suc y := x * f y;
main : Nat → Nat
| x := f x + f (2 * x);
@ -10,9 +10,8 @@ pow : Nat -> Nat
hash' : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
| (suc n@(suc (suc m))) x :=
(x < pow n)
(hash' n x)
(mod (div (x * x) (pow m)) (pow 6))
| x < pow n := hash' n x
| else := mod (div (x * x) (pow m)) (pow 6)
| _ x := x * x;
hash : Nat -> Nat := hash' 16;
@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ module test019;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
main : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
| x y :=
case tail (id (x :: y :: nil)) of {
| nil := 0
| h :: _ := h
main (x y : Nat) : Nat :=
case tail (id (x :: y :: nil)) of
| nil := 0
| h :: _ := h;
@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ power : Nat → Nat → Nat :=
power' (acc a b : Nat) : Nat :=
(b == 0)
(mod b 2 == 0)
(power' acc (a * a) (div b 2))
(power' (acc * a) (a * a) (div b 2)));
| b == 0 := acc
| mod b 2 == 0 := power' acc (a * a) (div b 2)
| else := power' (acc * a) (a * a) (div b 2);
in power' 1;
main : Nat -> Nat -> Nat := power;
@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ module test023;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
main : Nat → Nat → Nat
| x y :=
case λ {z := if (x == z) (x, 0) (x, z)} (y + x) of {
a, b := a + b
main (x y : Nat) : Nat :=
case λ {z := if (x == z) (x, 0) (x, z)} (y + x) of
a, b := a + b;
@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ type Nat :=
| O : Nat
| S : Nat -> Nat;
fun (n : Nat) : Nat := case n of {S {{y}} := O};
fun (n : Nat) : Nat := case n of S {{y}} := O;
@ -20,10 +20,9 @@ not2 (b : Boolean) : Boolean :=
syntax alias yes := ⊤;
syntax alias no := ⊥;
in case b of {
in case b of
| no := yes
| yes := no
| yes := no;
module ExportAlias;
syntax alias Binary := Bool;
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ t : T :=
t1 : T -> A
| mkT'@{ field := x } := x;
| mkT'@{field := x} := x;
syntax iterator it {init := 0; range := 1};
it : (A → A) → T → A
@ -30,31 +30,28 @@ M;
-- case with single branch
case1 (n : Nat) : Nat := case n of {x := zero};
case1 (n : Nat) : Nat := case n of x := zero;
-- case with multiple branches
case2 (n : Nat) : Nat :=
case n of {
case n of
| zero := zero
| _ := zero
| _ := zero;
-- case on nested case
case3 (n : Nat) : Nat :=
case case n of {_ := zero} of {
case case n of {_ := zero} of
| zero := zero
| _ := zero
| _ := zero;
-- case on nested case expression
case4 (n : Nat) : Nat :=
case n of {
case n of
| zero := case n of {x := zero}
| _ := zero
| _ := zero;
-- -- case with application subject
case5 (n : Nat) : Nat := case id n of {x := zero};
case5 (n : Nat) : Nat := case id n of x := zero;
-- qualified commas
t4 : String := "a" M., "b" M., "c" M., "d";
@ -4,13 +4,12 @@ import Nat open;
type Unit := unit : Unit;
f : Nat := case unit of {is-zero := zero};
f : Nat := case unit of is-zero := zero;
f2 : Nat :=
case suc zero of {
case suc zero of
| suc is-zero := zero
| _ := zero
| _ := zero;
f3 : Nat → Nat
| (suc is-zero) := is-zero
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ type Nat :=
is-zero : Nat → Bool
| n :=
case n of {
case n of
| zero := true
| suc _ := false
| suc _ := false;
@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ type Bool :=
boolI : T Bool := mkT λ {x := x};
main : Bool := case T.pp unit of {unit := T.pp true};
main : Bool := case T.pp unit of unit := T.pp true;
@ -4,31 +4,27 @@ import Stdlib.Prelude open;
isZero : Nat → Bool
| n :=
case n of {
case n of
| zero := true
| k@(suc _) := false
| k@(suc _) := false;
id' : Bool → {A : Type} → A → A
| b :=
case b of {
case b of
| true := id
| false := id
| false := id;
pred : Nat → Nat
| n :=
case n of {
case n of
| zero := zero
| suc n := n
| suc n := n;
appIf : {A : Type} → Bool → (A → A) → A → A
| b f :=
case b of {
case b of
| true := f
| false := id
| false := id;
appIf2 : {A : Type} → Bool → (A → A) → A → A
| b f a :=
@ -40,7 +36,6 @@ appIf2 : {A : Type} → Bool → (A → A) → A → A
nestedCase1 : {A : Type} → Bool → (A → A) → A → A
| b f :=
case b of {
case b of
| true := case b of {_ := id}
| false := id
| false := id;
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ main : Bool :=
z : Bool := false;
in itconst (a := true; b := false) (c in false; d in false)
for (x := true) (y in false)
case x of {
case x of
| true := y
| false := z
| false := z;
@ -7,9 +7,8 @@ type Nat :=
type Unit := unit : Unit;
t : Nat :=
case unit of {
case unit of
x :=
x : Nat := suc zero;
in x
in x;
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ toList : {A : Type} -> MyList A -> List A
f : MyList Nat -> Nat
| xs :=
case toList xs of {
case toList xs of
| suc n :: nil := n
| _ := zero
| _ := zero;
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ import Stdlib.Data.Product open;
{{Semigroup A}}
{B C : Type}
: A × B -> (B -> A × C) -> A × C
| (a, b) f := case f b of {a', b' := a <> a', b'};
| (a, b) f := case f b of a', b' := a <> a', b';
Reference in New Issue
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