mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-09-11 16:26:33 +03:00

Add Towers of Hanoi and Pascal triangle examples (#1446)

* Add new examples of Juvix programs

* Build documentation for Hanoi and Pascal examples
This commit is contained in:
Paul Cadman 2022-08-10 12:02:14 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 7bf729a9b5
commit 1ba72b4d9b
No known key found for this signature in database
10 changed files with 184 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ EXAMPLEHTMLOUTPUT=_docs/examples/html
EXAMPLES= HelloWorld/HelloWorld.juvix \
Collatz/Collatz.juvix \
Fibonacci/Fibonacci.juvix \
Hanoi/Hanoi.juvix \
PascalsTriangle/PascalsTriangle.juvix \
TicTacToe/CLI/TicTacToe.juvix \

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@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ The following links are clickable versions of their corresponding Juvix programs
- [[https://docs.juvix.org/examples/html/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.html][HelloWorld.juvix]]
- [[https://docs.juvix.org/examples/html/Fibonacci/Fibonacci.html][Fibonacci.juvix]]
- [[https://docs.juvix.org/examples/html/Hanoi/Hanoi.html][Hanoi.juvix]]
- [[https://docs.juvix.org/examples/html/PascalsTriangle/PascalsTriangle.html][PascalsTriangle.juvix]]
- [[https://docs.juvix.org/examples/html/Collatz/Collatz.html][Collatz.juvix]]
- [[https://docs.juvix.org/examples/html/TicTacToe/CLI/CLI.TicTacToe.html][TicTacToe.juvix]]
- [[https://docs.juvix.org/examples/html/ValidityPredicates/SimpleFungibleToken.html][SimpleFungibleToken.juvix]]

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ The following links are clickable versions of their corresponding Juvix programs
- [[https://docs.juvix.org/examples/html/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.html][HelloWorld.juvix]]
- [[https://docs.juvix.org/examples/html/Fibonacci/Fibonacci.html][Fibonacci.juvix]]
- [[https://docs.juvix.org/examples/html/Hanoi/Hanoi.html][Hanoi.juvix]]
- [[https://docs.juvix.org/examples/html/PascalsTriangle/PascalsTriangle.html][PascalsTriangle.juvix]]
- [[https://docs.juvix.org/examples/html/Collatz/Collatz.html][Collatz.juvix]]
- [[https://docs.juvix.org/examples/html/TicTacToe/CLI/CLI.TicTacToe.html][TicTacToe.juvix]]
- [[https://docs.juvix.org/examples/html/ValidityPredicates/SimpleFungibleToken.html][SimpleFungibleToken.juvix]]

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
--- Towers of Hanoi is a puzzle with three rods and n disks of decresing size.
--- The disks are stacked ontop of each other through the first rod.
--- The aim of the game is to move the stack of disks to another rod while
--- following these rules:
--- 1. Only one disk can be moved at a time
--- 2. You may only move a disk from the top of one of the stacks to the top of another stack
--- 3. No disk may be moved on top of a smaller disk
--- The function ;hanoi; computes the sequence of moves to solve puzzle.
module Hanoi;
open import Stdlib.Prelude;
--- Concatenation of ;String;s
infixr 5 ++str;
axiom ++str : String → String → String;
compile ++str {
c ↦ "concat";
--- Concatenates a list of strings
--- ;concat (("a" ∷ nil) ∷ ("b" ∷ nil)); evaluates to ;"a" ∷ "b" ∷ nil;
concat : List String → String;
concat ≔ foldl (++str) "";
intercalate : String → List String → String;
intercalate sep xs ≔ concat (intersperse sep xs);
--- Joins a list of strings with the newline character
unlines : List String → String;
unlines ≔ intercalate "\n";
--- Produce a singleton List
singleton : {A : Type} → A → List A;
singleton a ≔ a ∷ nil;
--- Produce a ;String; representation of a ;List ;
showList : List → String;
showList xs ≔ "[" ++str intercalate "," (map natToStr xs) ++str "]";
--- A Peg represents a peg in the towers of Hanoi game
inductive Peg {
left : Peg;
middle : Peg;
right : Peg;
showPeg : Peg → String;
showPeg left ≔ "left";
showPeg middle ≔ "middle";
showPeg right ≔ "right";
--- A Move represents a move between pegs
inductive Move {
move : Peg → Peg → Move;
showMove : Move → String;
showMove (move from to) ≔ showPeg from ++str " -> " ++str showPeg to;
--- Produce a list of ;Move;s that solves the towers of Hanoi game
hanoi : → Peg → Peg → Peg → List Move;
hanoi zero _ _ _ ≔ nil;
hanoi (suc n) p1 p2 p3 ≔ hanoi n p1 p3 p2 ++ singleton (move p1 p2) ++ hanoi n p3 p2 p1;
main : IO;
main ≔ putStrLn (unlines (map showMove (hanoi 5 left middle right)));

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
--- Pascal's triangle is the arrangement of binomial coefficients in a triangular array.
--- The rows of the triangle are staggered so that each number can be computed as the
--- sum of the numbers to the left and right in the previous row.
--- The function ;pascal; produces the triangle to a given depth.
module PascalsTriangle;
open import Stdlib.Prelude;
zipWith : {A : Type} → {B : Type} → {C : Type} → (A → B → C) -> List A → List B → List C;
zipWith f nil _ ≔ nil;
zipWith f _ nil ≔ nil;
zipWith f (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) ≔ f x y ∷ zipWith f xs ys;
--- Return a list of repeated applications of a given function
iterate : {A : Type} → → (A → A) → A → List A;
iterate zero _ _ ≔ nil;
iterate (suc n) f a ≔ a ∷ iterate n f (f a);
--- Produce a singleton List
singleton : {A : Type} → A → List A;
singleton a ≔ a ∷ nil;
--- Concatenation of ;String;s
infixr 5 ++str;
axiom ++str : String → String → String;
compile ++str {
c ↦ "concat";
--- Concatenates a list of strings
--- ;concat (("a" ∷ nil) ∷ ("b" ∷ nil)); evaluates to ;"a" ∷ "b" ∷ nil;
concat : List String → String;
concat ≔ foldl (++str) "";
intercalate : String → List String → String;
intercalate sep xs ≔ concat (intersperse sep xs);
--- Joins a list of strings with the newline character
unlines : List String → String;
unlines ≔ intercalate "\n";
showList : List → String;
showList xs ≔ "[" ++str intercalate "," (map natToStr xs) ++str "]";
--- Compute the next row of Pascal's triangle
pascalNextRow : List → List ;
pascalNextRow row ≔ zipWith (+) (singleton zero ++ row) (row ++ singleton zero);
--- Produce Pascal's triangle to a given depth
pascal : → List (List );
pascal rows ≔ iterate rows pascalNextRow (singleton one);
main : IO;
main ≔ putStrLn (unlines (map showList (pascal 10)));

View File

@ -41,5 +41,7 @@ tests =
[ ExampleTest "Validity Predicate example" "ValidityPredicates" "Tests.juvix" "ValidityPredicates" "" (WASI StdlibInclude),
ExampleTest "TicTacToe CLI example" "TicTacToe" "CLI/TicTacToe.juvix" "TicTacToe" "aaa\n0\n10\n1\n2\n3\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n" (WASI StdlibInclude),
ExampleTest "Fibonacci example" "Fibonacci" "Fibonacci.juvix" "Fibonacci" "" (WASI StdlibInclude),
ExampleTest "Collatz sequence generator" "Collatz" "Collatz.juvix" "Collatz" "123\n" (WASI StdlibInclude)
ExampleTest "Collatz sequence generator" "Collatz" "Collatz.juvix" "Collatz" "123\n" (WASI StdlibInclude),
ExampleTest "Towers of Hanoi" "Hanoi" "Hanoi.juvix" "Hanoi" "" (WASI StdlibInclude),
ExampleTest "Pascal's triangle" "PascalsTriangle" "PascalsTriangle.juvix" "PascalsTriangle" "" (WASI StdlibInclude)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
left -> middle
left -> right
middle -> right
left -> middle
right -> left
right -> middle
left -> middle
left -> right
middle -> right
middle -> left
right -> left
middle -> right
left -> middle
left -> right
middle -> right
left -> middle
right -> left
right -> middle
left -> middle
right -> left
middle -> right
middle -> left
right -> left
right -> middle
left -> middle
left -> right
middle -> right
left -> middle
right -> left
right -> middle
left -> middle

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@