mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 22:46:08 +03:00
Update the Juvix lock file when the Package file changes (#2522)
Adds a new version of the lock file that stores the hash (sha256 digest) of the package file (Package.juvix, juvix.yaml) it was generated from as a field: ``` # This file was autogenerated by Juvix version 0.5.4. # Do not edit this file manually. version: 2 checksum: d05940a4d3dc0e15451d02e1294819c875ba486ee54e26865ba8d190ac7c27c3 dependencies: - git: name: stdlib ref: f68b0614ad695eaa13ead42f3466e0a78219f826 url: https://github.com/anoma/juvix-stdlib.git dependencies: [] ``` The lock file is regenerated when the hash of the package file doesn't match the value of the `checksum` field, i.e when the user updates the package file. Existing lock files are automatically migrated to version 2. * Closes https://github.com/anoma/juvix/issues/2464
This commit is contained in:
@ -198,6 +198,14 @@ jobs:
run: |
sed --version
- name: Install coreutils
run: |
brew install coreutils
- name: Test sha256sum (used by smoke)
run: |
sha256sum --version
- name: Download and extract wasi-sysroot
run: >
@ -240,10 +240,12 @@ fast-test-skip-slow:
@${STACK} test --fast ${STACKFLAGS} ${STACKTESTFLAGS} --ta '-p "! /slow tests/"'
SMOKE := $(shell command -v smoke 2> /dev/null)
SHA256SUM := $(shell command -v sha256sum 2> /dev/null)
.PHONY : smoke-only
@$(if $(SMOKE),, $(error "Smoke not found, please install it from https://github.com/jonaprieto/smoke"))
@$(if $(SHA256SUM),, $(error "sha256sum not found, please install the GNU coreutils package (e.g {apt, brew} install coreutils)"))
@smoke $(shell find tests -name '*.smoke.yaml')
.PHONY : smoke
@ -45,9 +45,11 @@ dependencies:
- aeson == 2.1.*
- ansi-terminal == 0.11.*
- base == 4.17.*
- base16-bytestring == 1.0.*
- blaze-html == 0.9.*
- bytestring == 0.11.*
- containers == 0.6.*
- cryptohash-sha256 == 0.11.*
- directory == 1.3.*
- dlist == 1.0.*
- edit-distance == 0.2.*
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Package
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Package.Loader.EvalEff
import Juvix.Data.Effect.Git
import Juvix.Data.Effect.TaggedLock
import Juvix.Data.SHA256 qualified as SHA256
import Juvix.Extra.Paths
import Juvix.Extra.Stdlib (ensureStdlib)
import Juvix.Prelude
@ -175,15 +176,26 @@ registerDependencies' conf = do
void (addRootDependency conf e glob)
| otherwise -> do
lockfile <- addRootDependency conf e (e ^. entryPointRoot)
root <- asks (^. envRoot)
whenM shouldWriteLockfile (writeLockfile root lockfile)
whenM shouldWriteLockfile $ do
packageFileChecksum <- SHA256.digestFile (e ^. entryPointPackage . packageFile)
lockfilePath' <- lockfilePath
writeLockfile lockfilePath' packageFileChecksum lockfile
shouldWriteLockfile :: Sem r Bool
shouldWriteLockfile = do
lockfileExists <- lockfilePath >>= fileExists'
hasRemoteDependencies <- gets (^. resolverHasRemoteDependencies)
shouldUpdateLockfile' <- gets (^. resolverShouldUpdateLockfile)
let shouldForce = conf ^. dependenciesConfigForceUpdateLockfile
shouldWriteInitialLockfile = not lockfileExists && hasRemoteDependencies
shouldUpdateLockfile = lockfileExists && shouldUpdateLockfile'
return (shouldForce || shouldWriteInitialLockfile || shouldUpdateLockfile)
lockfilePath :: Sem r (Path Abs File)
lockfilePath = do
root <- asks (^. envRoot)
lockfileExists <- fileExists' (mkPackageLockfilePath root)
depsShouldWriteLockfile <- gets (^. resolverShouldWriteLockfile)
return (conf ^. dependenciesConfigForceUpdateLockfile || not lockfileExists && depsShouldWriteLockfile)
return (mkPackageLockfilePath root)
addRootDependency ::
forall r.
@ -196,15 +208,23 @@ addRootDependency conf e root = do
let pf = mkPackageFilePath root
d = mkPackageDependencyInfo pf (mkPathDependency (toFilePath root))
resolvedDependency <- resolveDependency d
checkShouldWriteLockfile resolvedDependency
checkRemoteDependency resolvedDependency
let p = resolvedDependency ^. resolvedDependencyPath
withEnvRoot p $ do
pkg <- mkPackage (Just e) p
shouldUpdateLockfile' <- shouldUpdateLockfile pkg
when shouldUpdateLockfile' setShouldUpdateLockfile
let resolvedPkg :: Package
| conf ^. dependenciesConfigForceUpdateLockfile = unsetPackageLockfile pkg
| shouldUpdateLockfile' = unsetPackageLockfile pkg
| otherwise = pkg
deps <- addDependency' resolvedPkg (Just e) resolvedDependency
return Lockfile {_lockfileDependencies = deps ^. lockfileDependencyDependencies}
shouldUpdateLockfile :: Package -> Sem r Bool
shouldUpdateLockfile pkg = do
let checksumMay :: Maybe Text = pkg ^? packageLockfile . _Just . lockfileInfoChecksum . _Just
packageFileChecksum <- SHA256.digestFile (pkg ^. packageFile)
return (conf ^. dependenciesConfigForceUpdateLockfile || Just packageFileChecksum /= checksumMay)
addDependency ::
forall r.
@ -214,7 +234,7 @@ addDependency ::
Sem r LockfileDependency
addDependency me d = do
resolvedDependency <- resolveDependency d
checkShouldWriteLockfile resolvedDependency
checkRemoteDependency resolvedDependency
let p = resolvedDependency ^. resolvedDependencyPath
cached <- lookupCachedDependency p
case cached of
@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ data ResolverState = ResolverState
_resolverFiles :: HashMap (Path Rel File) (NonEmpty PackageInfo),
-- | PackageInfos indexed by root
_resolverCache :: HashMap (Path Abs Dir) ResolverCacheItem,
_resolverShouldWriteLockfile :: Bool
_resolverHasRemoteDependencies :: Bool,
_resolverShouldUpdateLockfile :: Bool
deriving stock (Show)
@ -42,12 +43,19 @@ iniResolverState =
{ _resolverCache = mempty,
_resolverFiles = mempty,
_resolverShouldWriteLockfile = False
_resolverHasRemoteDependencies = False,
_resolverShouldUpdateLockfile = False
checkShouldWriteLockfile :: (Member (State ResolverState) r) => ResolvedDependency -> Sem r ()
checkShouldWriteLockfile d = case d ^. resolvedDependencyDependency of
DependencyGit {} -> modify' (set resolverShouldWriteLockfile True)
setHasRemoteDependencies :: (Member (State ResolverState) r) => Sem r ()
setHasRemoteDependencies = modify' (set resolverHasRemoteDependencies True)
setShouldUpdateLockfile :: (Member (State ResolverState) r) => Sem r ()
setShouldUpdateLockfile = modify' (set resolverShouldUpdateLockfile True)
checkRemoteDependency :: (Member (State ResolverState) r) => ResolvedDependency -> Sem r ()
checkRemoteDependency d = case d ^. resolvedDependencyDependency of
DependencyGit {} -> setHasRemoteDependencies
DependencyPath {} -> return ()
withEnvRoot :: (Members '[Reader ResolverEnv] r) => Path Abs Dir -> Sem r a -> Sem r a
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Data.Aeson.BetterErrors qualified as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Encoding (pair)
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.String.Interpolate (i)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Yaml
import Data.Yaml.Pretty
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Package.Dependency
@ -29,16 +30,59 @@ newtype Lockfile = Lockfile
deriving stock (Generic, Show, Eq)
type LockfileV1 = Lockfile
data LockfileV2 = LockfileV2
{ _lockfileV2Version :: Int,
_lockfileV2Checksum :: Text,
_lockfileV2Dependencies :: [LockfileDependency]
deriving stock (Generic, Show, Eq)
data VersionedLockfile
= V1Lockfile LockfileV1
| V2Lockfile LockfileV2
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
data LockfileVersionTag
= LockfileV1Tag
| LockfileV2Tag
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
allVersionedLockfiles :: [LockfileVersionTag]
allVersionedLockfiles = [LockfileV1Tag, LockfileV2Tag]
lockfileVersionNumber :: LockfileVersionTag -> Int
lockfileVersionNumber = \case
LockfileV1Tag -> 1
LockfileV2Tag -> 2
data LockfileInfo = LockfileInfo
{ _lockfileInfoPath :: Path Abs File,
_lockfileInfoChecksum :: Maybe Text,
_lockfileInfoLockfile :: Lockfile
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
makeLenses ''LockfileDependency
makeLenses ''Lockfile
makeLenses ''LockfileV2
makeLenses ''LockfileInfo
mkLockfileV2 :: Text -> [LockfileDependency] -> LockfileV2
mkLockfileV2 _lockfileV2Checksum _lockfileV2Dependencies =
LockfileV2 {_lockfileV2Version = lockfileVersionNumber LockfileV2Tag, ..}
lockfile' :: SimpleGetter VersionedLockfile Lockfile
lockfile' = to $ \case
V1Lockfile l -> l
V2Lockfile l -> Lockfile {_lockfileDependencies = l ^. lockfileV2Dependencies}
checksum :: SimpleGetter VersionedLockfile (Maybe Text)
checksum = to $ \case
V1Lockfile {} -> Nothing
V2Lockfile l -> Just (l ^. lockfileV2Checksum)
instance ToJSON LockfileDependency where
toJSON d = object [dep, Str.dependencies .= toJSON (d ^. lockfileDependencyDependencies)]
@ -65,20 +109,50 @@ instance FromJSON LockfileDependency where
p' :: Parse' Dependency
p' = DependencyPath <$> (key Str.path_ fromAesonParser) Aeson.<|> DependencyGit <$> (key Str.git fromAesonParser)
lockfileOptions :: Options
lockfileOptions =
lockfileV2Options :: Options
lockfileV2Options =
{ fieldLabelModifier = over Lens._head toLower . dropPrefix "_lockfile",
{ fieldLabelModifier = over Lens._head toLower . dropPrefix "_lockfileV2",
rejectUnknownFields = True,
omitNothingFields = True
instance ToJSON Lockfile where
toJSON = genericToJSON lockfileOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding lockfileOptions
instance ToJSON LockfileV2 where
toJSON = genericToJSON lockfileV2Options
toEncoding = genericToEncoding lockfileV2Options
instance FromJSON Lockfile where
parseJSON = toAesonParser' (Lockfile <$> (key Str.dependencies fromAesonParser))
data LockfileParseErr = LockfileUnsupportedVersion
instance FromJSON VersionedLockfile where
parseJSON = toAesonParser displayErr $ do
v <- parseVersion
case v of
LockfileV1Tag -> V1Lockfile <$> parseV1
LockfileV2Tag -> V2Lockfile <$> parseV2
parseV1 :: Parse LockfileParseErr Lockfile
parseV1 = Lockfile <$> key Str.dependencies fromAesonParser
parseV2 :: Parse LockfileParseErr LockfileV2
parseV2 = do
checksum' <- key "checksum" asText
deps <- key Str.dependencies fromAesonParser
return (mkLockfileV2 checksum' deps)
parseVersion :: Parse LockfileParseErr LockfileVersionTag
parseVersion = fromMaybeM (return LockfileV1Tag) (keyMay Str.version parseVersion')
parseVersion' :: Parse LockfileParseErr LockfileVersionTag
parseVersion' = do
n <- asIntegral
| lockfileVersionNumber LockfileV1Tag == n -> return LockfileV1Tag
| lockfileVersionNumber LockfileV2Tag == n -> return LockfileV2Tag
| otherwise -> throwCustomError LockfileUnsupportedVersion
displayErr :: LockfileParseErr -> Text
displayErr = \case
LockfileUnsupportedVersion -> "lockfile error: unsupported version. Supported versions: " <> T.intercalate ", " (show . lockfileVersionNumber <$> allVersionedLockfiles)
mkPackageLockfilePath :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File
mkPackageLockfilePath = (<//> juvixLockfile)
@ -93,11 +167,16 @@ mayReadLockfile root = do
| lockfileExists -> do
bs <- readFileBS' lockfilePath
either (throwErr . pack . prettyPrintParseException) ((return . Just) . mkLockfileInfo lockfilePath) (decodeEither' @Lockfile bs)
either (throwErr . pack . prettyPrintParseException) ((return . Just) . mkLockfileInfo lockfilePath) (decodeEither' @VersionedLockfile bs)
| otherwise -> return Nothing
mkLockfileInfo :: Path Abs File -> Lockfile -> LockfileInfo
mkLockfileInfo _lockfileInfoPath _lockfileInfoLockfile = LockfileInfo {..}
mkLockfileInfo :: Path Abs File -> VersionedLockfile -> LockfileInfo
mkLockfileInfo _lockfileInfoPath vl =
{ _lockfileInfoChecksum = vl ^. checksum,
_lockfileInfoLockfile = vl ^. lockfile',
lockfilePath :: Path Abs File
lockfilePath = mkPackageLockfilePath root
@ -115,21 +194,23 @@ mayReadLockfile root = do
lockfileEncodeConfig :: Config
lockfileEncodeConfig = setConfCompare keyCompare defConfig
-- serialize the dependencies after all other keys
-- serialize the dependencies field after all other keys and the version
-- field before all other keys
keyCompare :: Text -> Text -> Ordering
keyCompare x y =
| y == Str.dependencies || x == Str.dependencies -> GT
| y == Str.dependencies -> LT
| x == Str.dependencies -> GT
| x == Str.version -> LT
| y == Str.version -> GT
| otherwise -> compare x y
writeLockfile :: (Members '[Files] r) => Path Abs Dir -> Lockfile -> Sem r ()
writeLockfile root lf = do
writeLockfile :: (Members '[Files] r) => Path Abs File -> Text -> Lockfile -> Sem r ()
writeLockfile lockfilePath checksum' lf = do
ensureDir' (parent lockfilePath)
writeFileBS lockfilePath (header <> encodePretty lockfileEncodeConfig lf)
let v2lf = mkLockfileV2 checksum' (lf ^. lockfileDependencies)
writeFileBS lockfilePath (header <> encodePretty lockfileEncodeConfig v2lf)
lockfilePath :: Path Abs File
lockfilePath = mkPackageLockfilePath root
header :: ByteString
header = [i|\# This file was autogenerated by Juvix version #{versionDoc}.\n\# Do not edit this file manually.\n\n|]
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ data LoaderResource = LoaderResource
makeLenses ''LoaderResource
runEvalFileEffIO :: forall r a. (Members '[TaggedLock, Embed IO, Error PackageLoaderError] r) => Sem (EvalFileEff ': r) a -> Sem r a
runEvalFileEffIO :: forall r a. (Members '[TaggedLock, Files, Embed IO, Error PackageLoaderError] r) => Sem (EvalFileEff ': r) a -> Sem r a
runEvalFileEffIO = interpretScopedAs allocator handler
allocator :: Path Abs File -> Sem r LoaderResource
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ runEvalFileEffIO = interpretScopedAs allocator handler
Just l -> l ^. intervalFile == f
Nothing -> False
loadPackage' :: (Members '[TaggedLock, Embed IO, Error PackageLoaderError] r) => Path Abs File -> Sem r CoreResult
loadPackage' :: (Members '[TaggedLock, Files, Embed IO, Error PackageLoaderError] r) => Path Abs File -> Sem r CoreResult
loadPackage' packagePath = do
( mapError
( \e ->
@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ loadPackage' packagePath = do
. evalInternetOffline
. ignoreHighlightBuilder
. runProcessIO
. runFilesIO
. evalTopBuiltins
. evalTopNameIdGen
. evalTopBuiltins
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module Juvix.Data.SHA256 where
import Crypto.Hash.SHA256 qualified as SHA256
import Data.ByteString.Base16 qualified as Base16
import Juvix.Prelude
-- | Create a HEX encoded, SHA256 digest of the contents of a file.
digestFile :: (Member Files r) => Path Abs File -> Sem r Text
digestFile = fmap (decodeUtf8Lenient . Base16.encode . SHA256.hash) . readFileBS'
@ -802,3 +802,6 @@ path_ = "path"
package :: (IsString s) => s
package = "package"
version :: (IsString s) => s
version = "version"
@ -6,9 +6,15 @@ module Juvix.Prelude.Aeson
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KeyMap
import Data.Aeson.Text
import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as Lazy
import Juvix.Prelude.Base
encodeToText :: (ToJSON a) => a -> Text
encodeToText = Lazy.toStrict . encodeToLazyText
appendFields :: [(Key, Value)] -> Value -> Value
appendFields keyValues = \case
Object obj -> Object (KeyMap.fromList keyValues <> obj)
a -> a
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Print qualified as P
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.PathResolver
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.Scoping qualified as Scoper
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromSource qualified as Parser
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Package.Loader
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Package.Loader.Error
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Package.Loader.EvalEff.IO
import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Package.Loader.PathResolver
@ -17,7 +18,6 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline.Setup
import Juvix.Data.Effect.Git
import Juvix.Data.Effect.Process
import Juvix.Data.Effect.TaggedLock
import Juvix.Prelude.Aeson
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty
data PathResolverMode
@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ testDescr PosTest {..} = helper renderCodeNew
Concrete.fromParsed p
let yamlFiles :: [(Path Abs File, Text)]
yamlFiles =
[ (pkgi ^. packageRoot <//> juvixYamlFile, encodeToText (rawPackage (pkgi ^. packagePackage)))
let packageFiles' :: [(Path Abs File, Text)]
packageFiles' =
[ (pkgi ^. packagePackage . packageFile, renderPackageVersion PackageVersion1 (pkgi ^. packagePackage))
| pkgi <- (^. resolverCacheItemPackage) <$> toList (resolverState ^. resolverCache)
fsScoped :: HashMap (Path Abs File) Text
@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ testDescr PosTest {..} = helper renderCodeNew
[ (getModuleFilePath m, renderer m)
| m <- toList (s ^. Scoper.resultScoperTable . Scoper.infoModules)
<> yamlFiles
<> packageFiles'
fsParsed :: HashMap (Path Abs File) Text
fsParsed =
HashMap.fromList $
[ (getModuleFilePath m, renderCodeNew m)
| m <- toList (p ^. Parser.resultTable . Parser.infoParsedModules)
<> yamlFiles
<> packageFiles'
step "Parsing pretty scoped"
p' :: Parser.ParserResult <- evalHelper fsScoped upToParsing
@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
module Package;
import PackageDescription.V1 open;
import PackageDescription.Basic open;
package : Package :=
{name := "base";
version := mkVersion 1 0 0;
dependencies := []};
package : Package := basicPackage;
@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ package : Package :=
version := mkVersion 0 0 1;
dependencies := [ path ".libs/Extra"
; path ".libs/Base"
; path ".juvix-build/stdlib"
; defaultStdlib
@ -317,7 +317,11 @@ tests:
main := just "HelloWorld.juvix"};
checksum=$(sha256sum Package.juvix | cut -d " " -f 1)
cat <<-EOF > juvix.lock.yaml
version: 2
checksum: $checksum
- path: .juvix-build/stdlib/
dependencies: []
@ -353,6 +357,7 @@ tests:
cat <<-EOF > HelloDep.juvix
module HelloDep;
import HelloDep2 open;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
main : IO := printStringLn "This is from the second commit" >> printStringLn hello;
@ -372,7 +377,7 @@ tests:
git add -A
git commit -m "commit2"
# rebuild the project (should use the first commit
# rebuild the project (should use the first commit)
cd $temp/base
# compile with the new hash
@ -388,8 +393,7 @@ tests:
- bash
script: |
temp=$(mktemp -d)
echo $temp
# trap 'rm -rf -- "$temp"' EXIT
trap 'rm -rf -- "$temp"' EXIT
# create dependency
mkdir $temp/dep
@ -425,7 +429,7 @@ tests:
version := mkVersion 0 0 1;
dependencies :=
[path ".juvix-build/stdlib";
git "dep1" "$temp/dep" "$dep1hash"];
git "dep1" "$temp/dep" "main"];
main := just "HelloWorld.juvix"};
@ -457,23 +461,7 @@ tests:
# compile project with new ref - should use lockfile ref
cd $temp/base
cat <<-EOF > Package.juvix
-- juvix-package-version:1
module Package;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
import PackageDescription.V1 open;
package : Package :=
{name := "HelloWorld";
version := mkVersion 0 0 1;
dependencies :=
[path ".juvix-build/stdlib";
git "dep1" "$temp/dep" "$dep1hash"];
main := just "HelloWorld.juvix"};
juvix clean
juvix compile HelloWorld.juvix
@ -703,78 +691,6 @@ tests:
contains: "Hello from dep1\nHello from dep2"
exit-status: 0
- name: git-dependencies-lockfile-missing-dependency
- bash
script: |
temp=$(mktemp -d)
trap 'rm -rf -- "$temp"' EXIT
# create dependency
mkdir $temp/dep1
cd $temp/dep1
git init
cat <<-EOF > HelloDep.juvix
module HelloDep;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
main : IO := printStringLn "Hello from dep";
touch juvix.yaml
git add -A
git commit -m "commit1"
dep1hash=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
# create project that uses dependency
mkdir $temp/base
cd $temp/base
cat <<-EOF > Package.juvix
-- juvix-package-version:1
module Package;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
import PackageDescription.V1 open;
package : Package :=
{name := "HelloWorld";
version := mkVersion 0 0 1;
dependencies :=
[path ".juvix-build/stdlib/";
git "dep1" "$temp/dep1" "$dep1hash"];
main := just "HelloWorld.juvix"};
cat <<-EOF > juvix.lock.yaml
- path: .juvix-build/stdlib/
dependencies: []
cat <<-EOF > HelloWorld.juvix
-- HelloWorld.juvix
module HelloWorld;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
import HelloDep;
main : IO := HelloDep.main;
# compile and run the project
juvix compile HelloWorld.juvix
contains: "dep1"
regex: ".*"
exit-status: 1
- name: git-dependencies-update-ref-offline
@ -287,7 +287,11 @@ tests:
version: 0.1.0
checksum=$(sha256sum juvix.yaml | cut -d " " -f 1)
cat <<-EOF > juvix.lock.yaml
version: 2
checksum: $checksum
- path: .juvix-build/stdlib/
dependencies: []
@ -323,6 +327,7 @@ tests:
cat <<-EOF > HelloDep.juvix
module HelloDep;
import HelloDep2 open;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
main : IO := printStringLn "This is from the second commit" >> printStringLn hello;
@ -342,7 +347,7 @@ tests:
git add -A
git commit -m "commit2"
# rebuild the project (should use the first commit
# rebuild the project (should use the first commit)
cd $temp/base
# compile with the new hash
@ -358,8 +363,7 @@ tests:
- bash
script: |
temp=$(mktemp -d)
echo $temp
# trap 'rm -rf -- "$temp"' EXIT
trap 'rm -rf -- "$temp"' EXIT
# create dependency
mkdir $temp/dep
@ -390,7 +394,7 @@ tests:
- git:
url: $temp/dep
name: dep1
ref: $dep1hash
ref: main
version: 0.1.0
@ -423,18 +427,7 @@ tests:
# compile project with new ref - should use lockfile ref
cd $temp/base
cat <<-EOF > juvix.yaml
name: HelloWorld
main: HelloWorld.juvix
- .juvix-build/stdlib
- git:
url: $temp/dep
name: dep1
ref: $dep1hash
version: 0.1.0
juvix clean
juvix compile HelloWorld.juvix
@ -643,73 +636,6 @@ tests:
contains: "Hello from dep1\nHello from dep2"
exit-status: 0
- name: git-dependencies-lockfile-missing-dependency
- bash
script: |
temp=$(mktemp -d)
trap 'rm -rf -- "$temp"' EXIT
# create dependency
mkdir $temp/dep1
cd $temp/dep1
git init
cat <<-EOF > HelloDep.juvix
module HelloDep;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
main : IO := printStringLn "Hello from dep";
touch juvix.yaml
git add -A
git commit -m "commit1"
dep1hash=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
# create project that uses dependency
mkdir $temp/base
cd $temp/base
cat <<-EOF > juvix.yaml
name: HelloWorld
main: HelloWorld.juvix
- .juvix-build/stdlib/
- git:
url: $temp/dep1
name: dep1
ref: $dep1hash
version: 0.1.0
cat <<-EOF > juvix.lock.yaml
- path: .juvix-build/stdlib/
dependencies: []
cat <<-EOF > HelloWorld.juvix
-- HelloWorld.juvix
module HelloWorld;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
import HelloDep;
main : IO := HelloDep.main;
# compile and run the project
juvix compile HelloWorld.juvix
contains: "dep1"
regex: ".*"
exit-status: 1
- name: git-dependencies-update-ref-offline
@ -1061,6 +987,88 @@ tests:
contains: duplicate
exit-status: 1
- name: lockfile-update-when-package-file-is-updated
- bash
script: |
temp=$(mktemp -d)
# trap 'rm -rf -- "$temp"' EXIT
echo $temp
# create dependency
mkdir $temp/dep
cd $temp/dep
git init
cat <<-EOF > HelloDep.juvix
module HelloDep;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
main : IO := printStringLn "Hello from dep";
cat <<-EOF > Package.juvix
module Package;
import PackageDescription.Basic open;
package : Package := basicPackage;
git add -A
git commit -m "commit1"
# create project that uses dependency
mkdir $temp/base
cd $temp/base
cat <<-EOF > Package.juvix
module Package;
import PackageDescription.V1 open;
package : Package := defaultPackage {dependencies := [defaultStdlib ; git "dep1" "$temp/dep" "main"]}
cat <<-EOF > HelloWorld.juvix
-- HelloWorld.juvix
module HelloWorld;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
import HelloDep;
main : IO := HelloDep.main;
# compile project to create lock file
juvix compile HelloWorld.juvix
cd $temp/dep
cat <<-EOF > HelloDep.juvix
module HelloDep;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;
main : IO := printStringLn "Hello from commit2";
git add -A
git commit -m "commit2"
cd $temp/base
juvix clean
juvix compile HelloWorld.juvix
# Update the Package file and recompile
# it should use the latest commit
echo "-- comment" >> Package.juvix
juvix clean
juvix compile HelloWorld.juvix
stderr: ""
regex: "Hello from dep\n(.*?)Hello from commit2"
- dot-all
exit-status: 0
- name: git-dependencies-no-fetch-if-ref-exists-in-clone
Reference in New Issue
Block a user