mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 08:27:03 +03:00
Merge pull request #26 from heliaxdev/highlight
add basic emacs-mode and highlighting for well-scoped modules
This commit is contained in:
@ -67,6 +67,24 @@ It is required at least 8GB RAM for =stack= installation.
$ stack test
** Emacs mode
There is an emacs mode available for MiniJuvix. Currently it supports syntax
highlighting for well-scoped modules. It is a work in progress.
To install it add the following lines to your emacs configuration file:
#+begin_src elisp
(push "/path/to/minijuvix/minijuvix-mode/" load-path)
(require 'minijuvix-mode)
Also, =minijuvix= must be installed in your =PATH=.
The MiniJuvix major mode will be activated automatically for =.mjuvix= files.
*** Keybindings
| Key | Function Name | Description |
| =C-c C-l= | =minijuvix-load= | Runs the scoper and adds semantic syntax highlighting |
** Community
We would love to hear what you think of MiniJuvix! Join us on
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Ansi as A
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language as M
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Parser as M
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Ansi as M
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.InfoTable as Scoped
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Highlight as Scoped
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base (defaultOptions)
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base as M
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Html
@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ data Command
| MiniHaskell MiniHaskellOptions
| MicroJuvix MicroJuvixCommand
| DisplayVersion
| Highlight HighlightOptions
data ScopeOptions = ScopeOptions
{ _scopeRootDir :: FilePath,
@ -57,6 +60,10 @@ data ParseOptions = ParseOptions
_parseNoPrettyShow :: Bool
data HighlightOptions = HighlightOptions
{ _highlightInputFile :: FilePath
data HtmlOptions = HtmlOptions
{ _htmlInputFile :: FilePath,
_htmlRecursive :: Bool,
@ -88,6 +95,11 @@ parseHtml = do
"ayu" -> Right Ayu
_ -> Left $ "unrecognised theme: " <> s
parseHighlight :: Parser HighlightOptions
parseHighlight = do
_highlightInputFile <- parseInputFile
pure HighlightOptions {..}
parseParse :: Parser ParseOptions
parseParse = do
_parseInputFile <- parseInputFile
@ -165,7 +177,8 @@ parseCommand =
@ -187,6 +200,15 @@ parseCommand =
(MiniHaskell <$> parseMiniHaskell)
(progDesc "Translate a MiniJuvix file to MiniHaskell")
commandHighlight :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandHighlight = command "highlight" minfo
minfo :: ParserInfo Command
minfo =
(Highlight <$> parseHighlight)
(progDesc "Highlight a MiniJuvix file")
commandParse :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandParse = command "parse" minfo
@ -248,6 +270,10 @@ go c = do
| not _scopeNoColors = M.printPrettyCode
| otherwise = T.printPrettyCode
Highlight HighlightOptions {..} -> do
m <- parseModuleIO _highlightInputFile
(i , _) <- fromRightIO' printErrorAnsi $ M.scopeCheck1IO root m
putStrLn (Scoped.go (i ^. Scoped.infoNames))
Parse ParseOptions {..} -> do
m <- parseModuleIO _parseInputFile
if _parseNoPrettyShow then print m else pPrint m
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
(require 'font-lock)
(defgroup minijuvix-highlight nil
"Syntax highlighting for MiniJuvix."
:group 'minijuvix)
(defgroup agda2-highlight-faces nil
"Faces used to highlight MiniJuvix code."
:group 'minijuvix-highlight)
(defface minijuvix-highlight-keyword-face
'((((background light))
(:foreground "#399ee6"))
(((background dark))
(:foreground "#81a1c1")))
"The face used for keywords."
:group 'minijuvix-highlight-faces)
(defface minijuvix-highlight-function-face
'((((background light))
(:foreground "#f2ae49"))
(((background dark))
(:foreground "#ebcb8b")))
"The face used for functions."
:group 'minijuvix-highlight-faces)
(defface minijuvix-highlight-inductive-face
'((((background light))
(:foreground "#86b300"))
(((background dark))
(:foreground "#a3be8c")))
"The face used for inductive types."
:group 'minijuvix-highlight-faces)
(defface minijuvix-highlight-constructor-face
'((((background light))
(:foreground "#a37acc"))
(((background dark))
(:foreground "#b48ead")))
"The face used for constructors."
:group 'minijuvix-highlight-faces)
(defface minijuvix-highlight-axiom-face
'((((background light))
(:foreground "#f07171"))
(((background dark))
(:foreground "#bf616a")))
"The face used for axioms."
:group 'minijuvix-highlight-faces)
(provide 'minijuvix-highlight)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
(require 'minijuvix-highlight)
(defgroup minijuvix nil
"Major mode for MiniJuvix files."
:group 'languages)
(defvar minijuvix-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
(menu-map (make-sparse-keymap "MiniJuvix")))
(define-key map "\C-c\C-l" 'minijuvix-load)
"Keymap for MiniJuvix mode.")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.m?juvix\\'" . minijuvix-mode))
(define-derived-mode minijuvix-mode prog-mode "MiniJuvix"
(font-lock-mode 0)
(defun minijuvix-load ()
"Load current buffer."
(eval (read (shell-command-to-string (concat "minijuvix highlight " (buffer-file-name)))))
(provide 'minijuvix-mode)
@ -62,17 +62,21 @@ bracedString =
string :: MonadParsec e Text m => m Text
string = pack <$> (char '"' >> manyTill L.charLiteral (char '"'))
mkLoc :: SourcePos -> Loc
mkLoc SourcePos {..} = Loc {..}
mkLoc :: Int -> SourcePos -> Loc
mkLoc offset SourcePos {..} = Loc {..}
_locFile = sourceName
_locOffset = Pos (fromIntegral offset)
_locFileLoc = FileLoc {..}
_locLine = fromPos sourceLine
_locCol = fromPos sourceColumn
curLoc :: MonadParsec e Text m => m Loc
curLoc = mkLoc <$> getSourcePos
curLoc = do
sp <- getSourcePos
offset <- stateOffset <$> getParserState
return (mkLoc offset sp)
withLoc :: MonadParsec e Text m => (Loc -> m a) -> m a
withLoc ma = curLoc >>= ma
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Loc where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import Prettyprinter
newtype Pos = Pos Word64
newtype Pos = Pos {_unPos :: Word64 }
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Semigroup Pos where
@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ data FileLoc = FileLoc
{ -- | Line number
_locLine :: !Pos,
-- | Column number
_locCol :: !Pos
_locCol :: !Pos,
-- | Offset wrt the start of the input. Used for syntax highlighting.
_locOffset :: !Pos
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
instance Ord FileLoc where
compare (FileLoc l c) (FileLoc l' c') = compare (l, c) (l', c')
compare (FileLoc l c o) (FileLoc l' c' o') = compare (l, c, o) (l', c', o')
data Loc = Loc
{ -- | Name of source file
@ -79,4 +81,6 @@ instance Pretty Interval where
| otherwise = pretty s <> hyphen <> pretty e
makeLenses ''Interval
makeLenses ''FileLoc
makeLenses ''Loc
makeLenses ''Pos
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Highlight where
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Loc
import qualified MiniJuvix.Internal.Strings as Str
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Render.Text
data Face =
| FaceInductive
| FaceFunction
| FaceModule
| FaceAxiom
data Property =
PropertyFace Face
data Instruction =
SetProperty {
_setPropertyInterval :: Interval,
_setPropertyProperty :: Property
data SExp =
Symbol Text
| List [SExp]
| Quote SExp
| Int Word64
makeLenses ''Instruction
go :: [Name] -> Text
go = renderSExp . progn . mapMaybe goName
progn :: [SExp] -> SExp
progn l = List (Symbol "progn" : l)
nameKindFace :: NameKind -> Maybe Face
nameKindFace = \case
KNameConstructor -> Just FaceConstructor
KNameInductive -> Just FaceInductive
KNameFunction -> Just FaceFunction
KNameTopModule -> Just FaceModule
KNameLocalModule -> Just FaceModule
KNameAxiom -> Just FaceAxiom
KNameLocal -> Nothing
-- | Example instruction:
-- (add-text-properties 20 28
-- '(face minijuvix-highlight-constructor-face))
instr :: Interval -> Face -> SExp
instr i f =
List [Symbol "add-text-properties", start , end, face]
pos l = Int (succ (l ^. locOffset . unPos))
start = pos (i ^. intStart)
end = pos (i ^. intEnd)
face = Quote (List [Symbol "face", faceSymbol ])
faceSymbol = Symbol ("minijuvix-highlight-" <> faceSymbolStr <> "-face")
faceSymbolStr = case f of
FaceAxiom -> Str.axiom
FaceInductive -> Str.inductive
FaceConstructor -> Str.constructor
FaceModule -> Str.module_
FaceFunction -> Str.function
goName :: Name -> Maybe SExp
goName n = do
f <- nameKindFace (n ^. nameKind)
return (instr (getLoc n) f)
renderSExp :: SExp -> Text
renderSExp =
. layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
. pretty
instance Pretty SExp where
pretty = \case
Symbol s -> pretty s
Int s -> pretty s
List l -> parens (sep (map pretty l))
Quote l -> pretty '`' <> pretty l
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ data InfoTable = InfoTable {
_infoAxioms :: HashMap AxiomRef AxiomInfo,
_infoInductives :: HashMap InductiveRef InductiveInfo,
_infoFunctions :: HashMap FunctionRef FunctionInfo,
_infoFunctionClauses :: HashMap S.Symbol (FunctionClause 'Scoped)
_infoFunctionClauses :: HashMap S.Symbol (FunctionClause 'Scoped),
_infoNames :: [S.Name]
emptyInfoTable :: InfoTable
@ -36,7 +37,8 @@ emptyInfoTable = InfoTable {
_infoAxioms = mempty,
_infoInductives = mempty,
_infoFunctions = mempty,
_infoFunctionClauses = mempty
_infoFunctionClauses = mempty,
_infoNames = mempty
makeLenses ''InfoTable
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ bindReservedSymbol s' entry = do
Just SymbolInfo {..} -> SymbolInfo (HashMap.insert path entry _symbolInfo)
bindSymbolOf ::
Members '[Error ScopeError, State ScoperState, State Scope] r =>
Members '[Error ScopeError, State ScoperState, State Scope, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
S.NameKind ->
(S.Name' () -> SymbolEntry) ->
Symbol ->
@ -146,10 +146,11 @@ bindSymbolOf ::
bindSymbolOf k e s = do
s' <- reserveSymbolOf k s
bindReservedSymbol s' (e (set S.nameConcrete () s'))
registerName (S.unqualifiedSymbol s')
return s'
bindFunctionSymbol ::
Members '[Error ScopeError, State ScoperState, State Scope] r =>
Members '[Error ScopeError, State ScoperState, State Scope, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
Symbol ->
Sem r S.Symbol
bindFunctionSymbol =
@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ bindFunctionSymbol =
(\s' -> EntryFunction (FunctionRef' s'))
bindInductiveSymbol ::
Members '[Error ScopeError, State ScoperState, State Scope] r =>
Members '[Error ScopeError, State ScoperState, State Scope, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
Symbol ->
Sem r S.Symbol
bindInductiveSymbol =
@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ bindInductiveSymbol =
(\s' -> EntryInductive (InductiveRef' s'))
bindAxiomSymbol ::
Members '[Error ScopeError, State ScoperState, State Scope] r =>
Members '[Error ScopeError, State ScoperState, State Scope, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
Symbol ->
Sem r S.Symbol
bindAxiomSymbol =
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ bindAxiomSymbol =
(\s' -> EntryAxiom (AxiomRef' s'))
bindConstructorSymbol ::
Members '[Error ScopeError, State ScoperState, State Scope] r =>
Members '[Error ScopeError, State ScoperState, State Scope, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
Symbol ->
Sem r S.Symbol
bindConstructorSymbol =
@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ bindConstructorSymbol =
(\s' -> EntryConstructor (ConstructorRef' s'))
bindLocalModuleSymbol ::
Members '[Error ScopeError, State ScoperState, State Scope] r =>
Members '[Error ScopeError, State ScoperState, State Scope, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
ExportInfo ->
Module 'Scoped 'ModuleLocal ->
Symbol ->
@ -307,29 +308,33 @@ lookupQualifiedSymbol (path, sym) = do
((fmap (^. moduleExportInfo) . HashMap.lookup topPath) >=> lookInExport sym remaining) <$> gets _scopeTopModules
checkQualifiedExpr ::
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, State ScoperState] r =>
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, State ScoperState, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
QualifiedName ->
Sem r ScopedIden
checkQualifiedExpr q@(QualifiedName (Path p) sym) = do
es <- lookupQualifiedSymbol (toList p, sym)
case es of
[] -> notInScope
[e] -> return (entryToScopedIden q' e)
[e] -> entryToScopedIden q' e
_ -> throw (ErrAmbiguousSym (AmbiguousSym q' es))
q' = NameQualified q
notInScope = throw (ErrQualSymNotInScope q)
entryToScopedIden :: Name -> SymbolEntry -> ScopedIden
entryToScopedIden name = \case
EntryAxiom ref -> ScopedAxiom (set (axiomRefName . S.nameConcrete) name ref)
EntryInductive ref ->
ScopedInductive (set (inductiveRefName . S.nameConcrete) name ref)
EntryConstructor ref ->
ScopedConstructor (set (constructorRefName . S.nameConcrete) name ref)
EntryFunction ref ->
ScopedFunction (set (functionRefName . S.nameConcrete) name ref)
EntryModule {} -> impossible
entryToScopedIden :: Members '[InfoTableBuilder] r => Name -> SymbolEntry -> Sem r ScopedIden
entryToScopedIden name e = do
let scopedName :: S.Name
scopedName = set S.nameConcrete name (entryName e)
registerName scopedName
return $ case e of
EntryAxiom ref -> ScopedAxiom (set (axiomRefName . S.nameConcrete) name ref)
EntryInductive ref ->
ScopedInductive (set (inductiveRefName . S.nameConcrete) name ref)
EntryConstructor ref ->
ScopedConstructor (set (constructorRefName . S.nameConcrete) name ref)
EntryFunction ref ->
ScopedFunction (set (functionRefName . S.nameConcrete) name ref)
EntryModule {} -> impossible
-- | We gather all symbols which have been defined or marked to be public in the given scope.
exportScope :: forall r. Members '[State Scope, Error ScopeError] r => Scope -> Sem r ExportInfo
@ -502,7 +507,9 @@ checkTopModule m@(Module path params body) = do
_nameVisibilityAnn = VisPublic
_nameWhyInScope = S.BecauseDefined
_nameVerbatim = N.topModulePathToDottedPath path
return S.Name' {..}
moduleName = S.Name' {..}
-- registerName moduleName
return moduleName
iniScope :: Scope
iniScope = emptyScope (getTopModulePath m)
checkedModule :: Sem r (ModuleRef'' 'S.NotConcrete 'ModuleTop)
@ -712,6 +719,7 @@ checkFunctionClause ::
Sem r (FunctionClause 'Scoped)
checkFunctionClause clause@FunctionClause {..} = do
clauseOwnerFunction' <- checkTypeSigInScope
registerName (S.unqualifiedSymbol clauseOwnerFunction')
(clausePatterns', clauseWhere', clauseBody') <- do
clp <- mapM checkParsePatternAtom _clausePatterns
withBindCurrentGroup $ do
@ -851,7 +859,7 @@ checkLambdaClause LambdaClause {..} = do
checkUnqualified ::
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, Reader LocalVars, State ScoperState] r =>
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, Reader LocalVars, State ScoperState, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
Symbol ->
Sem r ScopedIden
checkUnqualified s = do
@ -869,20 +877,22 @@ checkUnqualified s = do
<$> lookupQualifiedSymbol ([], s)
case entries of
[] -> err
[x] -> return (entryToScopedIden n x)
[x] -> entryToScopedIden n x
es -> throw (ErrAmbiguousSym (AmbiguousSym n es))
n = NameUnqualified s
checkPatternName ::
forall r.
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, State ScoperState] r =>
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, State ScoperState, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
Name ->
Sem r PatternScopedIden
checkPatternName n = do
c <- getConstructorRef
case c of
Just constr -> return (PatternScopedConstructor constr) -- the symbol is a constructor
Just constr -> do
registerName (constr ^. constructorRefName)
return (PatternScopedConstructor constr) -- the symbol is a constructor
Nothing -> PatternScopedVar <$> groupBindLocalVariable sym -- the symbol is a variable
(path, sym) = case n of
@ -954,13 +964,13 @@ groupBindLocalVariable s = do
return n
checkPatternAtoms ::
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, State ScoperState] r =>
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, State ScoperState, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
PatternAtoms 'Parsed ->
Sem r (PatternAtoms 'Scoped)
checkPatternAtoms (PatternAtoms s) = PatternAtoms <$> mapM checkPatternAtom s
checkPatternAtom ::
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, State ScoperState] r =>
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, State ScoperState, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
PatternAtom 'Parsed ->
Sem r (PatternAtom 'Scoped)
checkPatternAtom p = case p of
@ -970,7 +980,7 @@ checkPatternAtom p = case p of
PatternAtomIden n -> PatternAtomIden <$> checkPatternName n
checkName ::
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, Reader LocalVars, State ScoperState] r =>
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, Reader LocalVars, State ScoperState, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
Name ->
Sem r ScopedIden
checkName n = case n of
@ -1036,13 +1046,13 @@ checkExpressionAtoms ::
checkExpressionAtoms (ExpressionAtoms l) = ExpressionAtoms <$> mapM checkExpressionAtom l
checkParseExpressionAtoms ::
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, State ScoperState, Reader LocalVars, InfoTableBuilder ] r =>
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, State ScoperState, Reader LocalVars, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
ExpressionAtoms 'Parsed ->
Sem r Expression
checkParseExpressionAtoms = checkExpressionAtoms >=> parseExpressionAtoms
checkParsePatternAtom ::
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, State ScoperState] r =>
Members '[Error ScopeError, State Scope, State ScoperState, InfoTableBuilder] r =>
PatternAtom 'Parsed ->
Sem r Pattern
checkParsePatternAtom = checkPatternAtom >=> parsePatternAtom
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scoper.InfoTableBuilder where
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scope
data InfoTableBuilder m a where
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ data InfoTableBuilder m a where
RegisterInductive :: InductiveDef 'Scoped -> InfoTableBuilder m ()
RegisterFunction :: TypeSignature 'Scoped -> InfoTableBuilder m ()
RegisterFunctionClause :: FunctionClause 'Scoped -> InfoTableBuilder m ()
RegisterName :: S.Name -> InfoTableBuilder m ()
makeSem ''InfoTableBuilder
@ -36,41 +37,38 @@ registerFunctionClause' :: Member InfoTableBuilder r =>
FunctionClause 'Scoped -> Sem r (FunctionClause 'Scoped)
registerFunctionClause' a = registerFunctionClause a $> a
toState :: Sem (InfoTableBuilder ': r) a -> Sem (State InfoTable ': r) a
toState = reinterpret $ \case
RegisterAxiom d ->
let ref = AxiomRef' (unqualifiedSymbol (d ^. axiomName))
let ref = AxiomRef' (S.unqualifiedSymbol (d ^. axiomName))
info = AxiomInfo {
_axiomInfoType = d ^. axiomType,
_axiomInfoBackends = d ^. axiomBackendItems
in modify (over infoAxioms (HashMap.insert ref info))
RegisterConstructor c -> let
ref = ConstructorRef' (unqualifiedSymbol (c ^. constructorName))
ref = ConstructorRef' (S.unqualifiedSymbol (c ^. constructorName))
info = ConstructorInfo {
_constructorInfoType = c ^. constructorType
in modify (over infoConstructors (HashMap.insert ref info)
in modify (over infoConstructors (HashMap.insert ref info))
RegisterInductive ity -> let
ref = InductiveRef' (unqualifiedSymbol (ity ^. inductiveName))
ref = InductiveRef' (S.unqualifiedSymbol (ity ^. inductiveName))
info = InductiveInfo {
_inductiveInfoDef = ity
in modify (over infoInductives (HashMap.insert ref info)
in modify (over infoInductives (HashMap.insert ref info))
RegisterFunction f -> let
ref = FunctionRef' (unqualifiedSymbol (f ^. sigName))
ref = FunctionRef' (S.unqualifiedSymbol (f ^. sigName))
info = FunctionInfo {
_functionInfoType = f ^. sigType
in modify (over infoFunctions (HashMap.insert ref info)
in modify (over infoFunctions (HashMap.insert ref info))
RegisterFunctionClause c -> let
key = c ^. clauseOwnerFunction
value = c
in modify (over infoFunctionClauses (HashMap.insert key value))
RegisterName n -> modify (over infoNames (cons n))
runInfoTableBuilder :: Sem (InfoTableBuilder ': r) a -> Sem r (InfoTable, a)
runInfoTableBuilder = runState emptyInfoTable . toState
@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ module Data.Bool;
not true ≔ false;
not false ≔ true;
infixr 2 ||;
|| : Bool → Bool → Bool;
|| false a ≔ a;
|| true _ ≔ true;
-- infixr 2 ||;
-- || : Bool → Bool → Bool;
-- || false a ≔ a;
-- || true _ ≔ true;
infixr 2 &&;
&& : Bool → Bool → Bool;
&& false _ ≔ false;
&& true a ≔ a;
-- infixr 2 &&;
-- && : Bool → Bool → Bool;
-- && false _ ≔ false;
-- && true a ≔ a;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user