mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2025-01-06 06:53:33 +03:00

Fix named application bug (#3075)

- Fixes #3074

- Merge after #3076


Co-authored-by: Łukasz Czajka <62751+lukaszcz@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
Jan Mas Rovira 2024-10-03 17:26:59 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8c37d9b439
commit 358551995e
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
9 changed files with 203 additions and 114 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-type-patterns #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Avoid restricted flags" #-}
module Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.NameSignature.Builder
( mkNameSignature,
@ -32,7 +35,8 @@ data BuilderState (s :: Stage) = BuilderState
-- | maps to itself
_stateSymbols :: HashMap Symbol (SymbolType s),
_stateReverseClosedBlocks :: [NameBlock s],
_stateCurrentBlock :: HashMap Symbol (NameItem s)
-- | Items stored in reverse order
_stateCurrentBlockReverse :: [NameItem s]
makeLenses ''BuilderState
@ -116,7 +120,7 @@ iniBuilderState =
_stateNextIx = 0,
_stateSymbols = mempty,
_stateReverseClosedBlocks = [],
_stateCurrentBlock = mempty
_stateCurrentBlockReverse = mempty
fromBuilderState :: forall s. BuilderState s -> NameSignature s
@ -126,11 +130,16 @@ fromBuilderState b =
addCurrent :: [NameBlock s] -> [NameBlock s]
| null (b ^. stateCurrentBlock) = id
| Just i <- b ^. stateCurrentImplicit =
(NameBlock (b ^. stateCurrentBlock) i :)
| otherwise = id
addCurrent = case (nonEmpty (reverse (b ^. stateCurrentBlockReverse)), b ^. stateCurrentImplicit) of
(Just newBlock, Just i) -> (mkNameBlock newBlock i :)
_ -> id
mkNameBlock :: NonEmpty (NameItem s) -> IsImplicit -> NameBlock s
mkNameBlock items impl =
{ _nameBlockItems = items,
_nameBlockImplicit = impl
addExpression :: forall r. (Members '[NameSignatureBuilder 'Scoped] r) => Expression -> Sem r ()
addExpression = \case
@ -185,18 +194,19 @@ addSigArg a = case a ^. sigArgNames of
SigArgNamesInstance {} -> addArg (ArgumentWildcard (Wildcard (getLoc a)))
SigArgNames ns -> mapM_ addArg ns
defaultType :: ExpressionType s
defaultType = run (runReader (getLoc a) Gen.smallUniverseExpression)
addArg :: Argument s -> Sem r ()
addArg arg =
addArg arg = do
let sym :: Maybe (SymbolType s) = case arg of
ArgumentSymbol sy -> Just sy
ArgumentWildcard {} -> Nothing
in addArgument
(a ^. sigArgImplicit)
(a ^. sigArgDefault)
(fromMaybe defaultType (a ^. sigArgType))
(a ^. sigArgImplicit)
(a ^. sigArgDefault)
(fromMaybe defaultType (a ^. sigArgType))
type Re s r = State (BuilderState s) ': Error (BuilderState s) ': Error NameSignatureError ': r
@ -244,28 +254,29 @@ addArgument' impl mdef msym ty = do
addToCurrentBlock = do
idx <- getNextIx
whenJust msym $ \(sym :: SymbolType s) -> do
let itm =
{ _nameItemDefault = mdef,
_nameItemSymbol = sym,
_nameItemImplicit = impl,
_nameItemIndex = idx,
_nameItemType = ty
psym = symbolParsed sym
let psym = symbolParsed sym
whenJustM (gets @(BuilderState s) (^. stateSymbols . at psym)) (errDuplicateName sym . symbolParsed)
modify' @(BuilderState s) (set (stateSymbols . at psym) (Just sym))
modify' @(BuilderState s) (set (stateCurrentBlock . at psym) (Just itm))
let itm =
{ _nameItemDefault = mdef,
_nameItemSymbol = msym,
_nameItemImplicit = impl,
_nameItemIndex = idx,
_nameItemType = ty
modify' @(BuilderState s) (over (stateCurrentBlockReverse) (itm :))
startNewBlock :: Sem (Re s r) ()
startNewBlock = do
curBlock <- gets @(BuilderState s) (^. stateCurrentBlock)
curBlock <- nonEmpty' . reverse <$> gets @(BuilderState s) (^. stateCurrentBlockReverse)
mcurImpl <- gets @(BuilderState s) (^. stateCurrentImplicit)
modify' @(BuilderState s) (set stateCurrentImplicit (Just impl))
modify' @(BuilderState s) (set stateCurrentBlock mempty)
modify' @(BuilderState s) (set stateCurrentBlockReverse mempty)
modify' @(BuilderState s) (set stateNextIx 0)
whenJust mcurImpl $ \curImpl ->
modify' (over stateReverseClosedBlocks (NameBlock curBlock curImpl :))
let newBlock = mkNameBlock curBlock curImpl
in modify' (over stateReverseClosedBlocks (newBlock :))
addArgument' impl mdef msym ty
endBuild' :: forall s r a. Sem (Re s r) a
@ -275,9 +286,9 @@ mkRecordNameSignature :: forall s. (SingI s) => RhsRecord s -> RecordNameSignatu
mkRecordNameSignature rhs =
RecordNameSignature $
[ ( symbolParsed _nameItemSymbol,
[ ( symbolParsed sym,
{ _nameItemSymbol,
{ _nameItemSymbol = Just sym,
_nameItemType = field ^. fieldType,
_nameItemImplicit = fromIsImplicitField (field ^. fieldIsImplicit),
@ -285,5 +296,5 @@ mkRecordNameSignature rhs =
| (Indexed _nameItemIndex field) <- indexFrom 0 (toList (rhs ^.. rhsRecordStatements . each . _RecordStatementField)),
let _nameItemSymbol :: SymbolType s = field ^. fieldName
let sym :: SymbolType s = field ^. fieldName

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@ -156,7 +156,9 @@ type family ModuleEndType t = res | res -> t where
type ParsedPragmas = WithLoc (WithSource Pragmas)
data NameItem (s :: Stage) = NameItem
{ _nameItemSymbol :: SymbolType s,
{ -- | The symbol cannot be omitted for explicit arguments
_nameItemSymbol :: Maybe (SymbolType s),
-- | NOTE the index is wrt to the block, not the whole signature
_nameItemIndex :: Int,
_nameItemImplicit :: IsImplicit,
_nameItemType :: ExpressionType s,
@ -173,10 +175,8 @@ instance Serialize (NameItem 'Parsed)
instance NFData (NameItem 'Parsed)
data NameBlock (s :: Stage) = NameBlock
{ -- | Symbols map to themselves so we can retrieve the location
-- | NOTE the index is wrt to the block, not the whole signature.
_nameBlock :: HashMap Symbol (NameItem s),
_nameImplicit :: IsImplicit
{ _nameBlockItems :: NonEmpty (NameItem s),
_nameBlockImplicit :: IsImplicit
deriving stock (Generic)
@ -3519,6 +3519,9 @@ fromParsedIteratorInfo ParsedIteratorInfo {..} =
_iteratorInfoRangeNum = (^. withLocParam) <$> _parsedIteratorInfoRangeNum
nameBlockSymbols :: forall s. Traversal' (NameBlock s) (SymbolType s)
nameBlockSymbols = nameBlockItems . each . nameItemSymbol . _Just
instance HasFixity PostfixApplication where
getFixity (PostfixApplication _ op) = fromMaybe impossible (op ^. scopedIdenSrcName . S.nameFixity)

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@ -195,15 +195,23 @@ instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (ListPattern s) where
instance PrettyPrint Interval where
ppCode = noLoc . pretty
instance PrettyPrint Int where
ppCode = noLoc . pretty
instance PrettyPrint Void where
ppCode = absurd
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (NameItem s) where
ppCode :: forall r. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r) => NameItem s -> Sem r ()
ppCode NameItem {..} = do
let defaultVal = do
d <- _nameItemDefault
return (noLoc C.kwAssign <+> ppExpressionType (d ^. argDefaultValue))
isImplicitDelims _nameItemImplicit (ppSymbolType _nameItemSymbol)
ppSym :: Maybe (SymbolType s) -> Sem r ()
ppSym = \case
Nothing -> ppCode Kw.kwWildcard
Just s -> ppSymbolType s
isImplicitDelims _nameItemImplicit (ppSym _nameItemSymbol)
<> ppCode Kw.kwExclamation
<> noLoc (pretty _nameItemIndex)
<+> ppCode Kw.kwColon
@ -218,7 +226,10 @@ isImplicitDelims = \case
instance (SingI s) => PrettyPrint (NameBlock s) where
ppCode :: forall r. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r) => NameBlock s -> Sem r ()
ppCode NameBlock {..} = isImplicitDelims _nameImplicit (vsepSemicolon (map ppCode (toList _nameBlock)))
ppCode NameBlock {..} =
isImplicitDelims _nameBlockImplicit
. vsepSemicolon
$ fmap ppCode _nameBlockItems
instance (PrettyPrint a, PrettyPrint b) => PrettyPrint (HashMap a b) where
ppCode :: forall r. (Members '[ExactPrint, Reader Options] r) => HashMap a b -> Sem r ()

View File

@ -2715,7 +2715,12 @@ checkNamedApplicationNew napp = do
| null nargs -> return (NameSignature [])
| otherwise -> getNameSignatureParsed aname
let namesInSignature = hashSet (concatMap (HashMap.keys . (^. nameBlock)) (sig ^. nameSignatureArgs))
let namesInSignature =
hashSet $
^.. nameSignatureArgs
. each
. nameBlockSymbols
forM_ nargs (checkNameInSignature namesInSignature . (^. namedArgumentNewSymbol))
puns <- scopePuns
args' <- withLocalScope . localBindings . ignoreSyntax $ do
@ -2723,8 +2728,8 @@ checkNamedApplicationNew napp = do
mapM (checkNamedArgumentNew puns) nargs
let signatureExplicitNames =
. concatMap (HashMap.keys . (^. nameBlock))
. filter (not . isImplicitOrInstance . (^. nameImplicit))
. concatMap (^.. nameBlockSymbols)
. filter (not . isImplicitOrInstance . (^. nameBlockImplicit))
$ sig ^. nameSignatureArgs
givenNames :: HashSet Symbol = hashSet (map (^. namedArgumentNewSymbol) nargs)
missingArgs = HashSet.difference signatureExplicitNames givenNames
@ -2807,7 +2812,8 @@ checkRecordUpdate RecordUpdate {..} = do
bindRecordUpdateVariable :: NameItem 'Parsed -> Sem r (IsImplicit, S.Symbol)
bindRecordUpdateVariable NameItem {..} = do
v <- bindVariableSymbol _nameItemSymbol
-- all fields have names so it is safe to use fromJust
v <- bindVariableSymbol (fromJust _nameItemSymbol)
return (_nameItemImplicit, v)
checkUpdateField ::

View File

@ -383,32 +383,26 @@ goFunctionDef FunctionDef {..} = do
_funDefPragmas <- goPragmas _signPragmas
_funDefBody <- goBody
msig <- asks (^. S.infoNameSigs . at (_funDefName ^. Internal.nameId))
_funDefArgsInfo <- maybe (return mempty) goNameSignature msig
_funDefArgsInfo <- maybe (return mempty) (fmap toList . goNameSignature) msig
let _funDefDocComment = fmap ppPrintJudoc _signDoc
fun = Internal.FunctionDef {..}
whenJust _signBuiltin (checkBuiltinFunction fun . (^. withLocParam))
return fun
goNameSignature :: NameSignature 'Scoped -> Sem r [Internal.ArgInfo]
goNameSignature = concatMapM goBlock . (^. nameSignatureArgs)
goNameSignature = mconcatMapM (fmap toList . goBlock) . (^. nameSignatureArgs)
goBlock :: NameBlock 'Scoped -> Sem r [Internal.ArgInfo]
goBlock blk = do
let tbl = indexedByInt (^. nameItemIndex) (blk ^. nameBlock)
mmaxIx :: Maybe Int = fst <$> IntMap.lookupMax tbl
execOutputList $ case mmaxIx of
Nothing -> output Internal.emptyArgInfo
Just maxIx ->
forM_ [0 .. maxIx] $ \idx ->
case tbl ^. at idx of
Nothing -> output Internal.emptyArgInfo
Just i -> do
_argInfoDefault' <- mapM goExpression (i ^? nameItemDefault . _Just . argDefaultValue)
{ _argInfoDefault = _argInfoDefault',
_argInfoName = Just (goSymbol (i ^. nameItemSymbol))
goBlock :: NameBlock 'Scoped -> Sem r (NonEmpty Internal.ArgInfo)
goBlock blk = mapM goItem (blk ^. nameBlockItems)
goItem :: NameItem 'Scoped -> Sem r Internal.ArgInfo
goItem i = do
_argInfoDefault' <- mapM goExpression (i ^? nameItemDefault . _Just . argDefaultValue)
{ _argInfoDefault = _argInfoDefault',
_argInfoName = goSymbol <$> (i ^. nameItemSymbol)
goBody :: Sem r Internal.Expression
goBody = do
@ -761,9 +755,10 @@ goListPattern l = localBuiltins $ do
loc = getLoc l
createArgumentBlocks :: NonEmpty (NamedArgumentNew 'Scoped) -> [NameBlock 'Scoped] -> [ArgumentBlock 'Scoped]
createArgumentBlocks :: NonEmpty (NamedArgumentNew 'Scoped) -> [NameBlock 'Scoped] -> NonEmpty (ArgumentBlock 'Scoped)
createArgumentBlocks appargs =
. run
. execOutputList
. evalState args0
. mapM_ goBlock
@ -778,11 +773,11 @@ createArgumentBlocks appargs =
(Members '[State (HashSet S.Symbol), Output (ArgumentBlock 'Scoped)] r) =>
NameBlock 'Scoped ->
Sem r ()
goBlock NameBlock {..} = do
goBlock b@NameBlock {..} = do
args <- get
let namesInBlock :: HashSet Symbol =
(HashMap.keysSet _nameBlock)
(hashSet (symbolParsed <$> b ^.. nameBlockSymbols))
(HashSet.map (^. S.nameConcrete) args)
argNames :: HashMap Symbol S.Symbol = indexedByHash (^. S.nameConcrete) args
getName sym = fromJust (argNames ^. at sym)
@ -790,7 +785,7 @@ createArgumentBlocks appargs =
let block' =
{ _argBlockDelims = Irrelevant Nothing,
_argBlockImplicit = _nameImplicit,
_argBlockImplicit = _nameBlockImplicit,
_argBlockArgs = goArg . getName <$> namesInBlock1
modify (HashSet.filter (not . flip HashSet.member namesInBlock . (^. S.nameConcrete)))
@ -857,7 +852,7 @@ goExpression = \case
let name = napp ^. namedApplicationNewName . scopedIdenFinal
sig <- fromJust <$> asks (^. S.infoNameSigs . at (name ^. S.nameId))
let fun = napp ^. namedApplicationNewName
blocks = nonEmpty' (createArgumentBlocks appargs (sig ^. nameSignatureArgs))
blocks = createArgumentBlocks appargs (sig ^. nameSignatureArgs)
compiledNameApp <- goNamedApplication fun blocks extraArgs
case nonEmpty (appargs ^.. each . _NamedArgumentNewFunction) of
Nothing -> return compiledNameApp
@ -883,48 +878,69 @@ goExpression = \case
goDesugaredNamedApplication :: DesugaredNamedApplication -> Sem r Internal.Expression
goDesugaredNamedApplication a = do
let fun = goScopedIden (a ^. dnamedAppIdentifier)
updateKind :: Internal.Subs = Internal.subsKind (a ^.. dnamedAppArgs . each . argName . to goSymbol) KNameFunction
mkAppArg :: Arg -> Internal.ApplicationArg
mkAppArg arg =
{ _appArgIsImplicit = arg ^. argImplicit,
_appArg = Internal.toExpression (goSymbol (arg ^. argName))
namedArgNames :: NonEmpty Internal.ApplicationArg = mkAppArg <$> a ^. dnamedAppArgs
allArgs = toList namedArgNames <> a ^. dnamedExtraArgs
updateKind :: Internal.Subs =
( a
^.. dnamedAppArgs
. each
. argName
. _Just
. to goSymbol
mkAppArg :: Arg -> Sem r Internal.ApplicationArg
mkAppArg arg = do
expr <- case arg ^. argName of
Nothing -> goExpression (arg ^. argValue)
Just argname -> return (Internal.toExpression (goSymbol argname))
{ _appArgIsImplicit = arg ^. argImplicit,
_appArg = expr
namedArgNames :: NonEmpty Internal.ApplicationArg <- mapM mkAppArg (a ^. dnamedAppArgs)
let allArgs = toList namedArgNames <> a ^. dnamedExtraArgs
app = Internal.foldApplication (Internal.toExpression fun) allArgs
clauses <- mapM mkClause (a ^. dnamedAppArgs)
clauses :: [Internal.LetClause] <- mapMaybeM mkClause (toList (a ^. dnamedAppArgs))
expr <-
Internal.substitutionE updateKind $
{ _letExpression = app,
_letClauses = clauses
case nonEmpty clauses of
Nothing -> app
Just clauses1 ->
{ _letExpression = app,
_letClauses = clauses1
Internal.clone expr
mkClause :: Arg -> Sem r Internal.LetClause
mkClause arg = do
let name = arg ^. argName
| arg ^. argAutoInserted = over defaultArgsStack (name :)
| otherwise = id
local adjust $ do
body' <- goExpression (arg ^. argValue)
ty <- goExpression (arg ^. argType)
return $
(Internal.simpleFunDef (goSymbol name) ty body')
checkCycle :: Sem r ()
checkCycle = do
st <- asks (^. defaultArgsStack)
case span (/= (arg ^. argName)) st of
(_, []) -> return ()
(c, _) ->
let cyc = NonEmpty.reverse ((arg ^. argName) :| c)
in throw (ErrDefaultArgCycle (DefaultArgCycle cyc))
mkClause :: Arg -> Sem r (Maybe Internal.LetClause)
mkClause arg = case arg ^. argName of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just name -> do
let adjust :: DefaultArgsStack -> DefaultArgsStack
| arg ^. argAutoInserted = over defaultArgsStack (name :)
| otherwise = id
local adjust $ do
body' <- goExpression (arg ^. argValue)
ty <- goExpression (arg ^. argType)
return $
( Internal.LetFunDef
(Internal.simpleFunDef (goSymbol name) ty body')
checkCycle :: Sem r ()
checkCycle = do
st <- asks (^. defaultArgsStack)
case span (/= name) st of
(_, []) -> return ()
(c, _) ->
let cyc = NonEmpty.reverse (name :| c)
in throw (ErrDefaultArgCycle (DefaultArgCycle cyc))
goRecordUpdate :: Concrete.RecordUpdate 'Scoped -> Sem r Internal.Lambda
goRecordUpdate r = do

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ where
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.IntMap.Strict qualified as IntMap
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.ScopedName qualified as S
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Pretty (ppTrace)
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.Scoping.Error
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Extra.Base qualified as Internal
import Juvix.Prelude
@ -28,7 +29,8 @@ data BuilderState = BuilderState
data Arg = Arg
{ _argName :: S.Symbol,
{ -- | Explicit arguments cannot omit the name
_argName :: Maybe S.Symbol,
_argImplicit :: IsImplicit,
_argType :: Expression,
_argAutoInserted :: Bool,
@ -95,8 +97,8 @@ helper loc = do
whenJustM nextArgumentGroup $ \(impl, args, isLastBlock) -> do
checkRepeated args
names :: [NameItem 'Scoped] <- nextNameGroup impl
(pendingArgs, (omittedNames, argmap)) <- scanGroup impl names args
emitArgs impl isLastBlock (mkNamesIndex names) omittedNames argmap
(pendingArgs, (omittedItems, argmap)) <- scanGroup impl names args
emitArgs impl isLastBlock (mkNamesIndex names) omittedItems argmap
whenJust (nonEmpty pendingArgs) $ \pendingArgs' -> do
sig <- nextNameGroup Implicit
emitImplicit False (mkNamesIndex sig) sig mempty
@ -112,10 +114,11 @@ helper loc = do
case remb of
[] -> return mempty
(b :: NameBlock 'Scoped) : bs -> do
let implSig = b ^. nameImplicit
namesByIx = mkNamesIndex (toList (b ^. nameBlock))
let implSig = b ^. nameBlockImplicit
itemsList = toList (b ^. nameBlockItems)
namesByIx :: NamesByIndex = mkNamesIndex itemsList
modify' (set stateRemainingNames bs)
let r = toList (b ^. nameBlock)
let r = itemsList
matches = return r
case (implArgs, implSig) of
(Explicit, Explicit) -> matches
@ -161,12 +164,15 @@ helper loc = do
-- omitting arguments is only allowed at the end
emitExplicit :: Bool -> NamesByIndex -> [NameItem 'Scoped] -> IntMap Arg -> Sem r ()
emitExplicit lastBlock _ omittedArgs args = do
-- Explicit arguments must have a name, so it is safe to use fromJust
let itemName :: NameItem 'Scoped -> SymbolType 'Scoped
itemName = fromJust . (^. nameItemSymbol)
| lastBlock ->
(IntMap.keys args == [0 .. IntMap.size args - 1])
(missingErr (nonEmpty' (map (^. nameItemSymbol) (filterMissing omittedArgs))))
| otherwise -> whenJust (nonEmpty (map (^. nameItemSymbol) omittedArgs)) missingErr
(missingErr (nonEmpty' (map itemName (filterMissing omittedArgs))))
| otherwise -> whenJust (nonEmpty (map itemName omittedArgs)) missingErr
forM_ args output
filterMissing :: [NameItem 'Scoped] -> [NameItem 'Scoped]
@ -204,12 +210,20 @@ helper loc = do
fillPosition :: (Members '[NameIdGen] r') => Int -> Sem r' Arg
fillPosition idx = do
let nm :: NameItem 'Scoped = namesByIx ^?! at idx . _Just
let nm :: NameItem 'Scoped = fromMaybe err (namesByIx ^. at idx)
err :: forall x. x
err =
( "namesByIx ^. at "
<> prettyText idx
<> " = Nothing"
<> "\nnamesByIx = "
<> ppTrace (IntMap.toList namesByIx)
_argValue <- case nm ^. nameItemDefault of
Nothing -> exprHole . mkHole loc <$> freshNameId
-- TODO update location
Just d -> return (d ^. argDefaultValue)
{ _argName = nm ^. nameItemSymbol,
@ -218,6 +232,7 @@ helper loc = do
_argAutoInserted = True,
maxIx :: Maybe Int
maxIx = fmap maximum1 . nonEmpty . map (^. nameItemIndex) $ omittedArgs
@ -233,14 +248,24 @@ helper loc = do
[NamedArgumentAssign 'Scoped] ->
Sem r ([NamedArgumentAssign 'Scoped], ([NameItem 'Scoped], IntMap Arg))
scanGroup impl names =
fmap (second (first toList))
fmap (second (first ((<> noNameItems) . toList)))
. runOutputList
. runState namesBySymbol
. execState mempty
. mapM_ go
-- Symbols omitted because they don't have a name
noNameItems :: [NameItem 'Scoped]
noNameItems = filter (isNothing . (^. nameItemSymbol)) names
namesBySymbol :: HashMap Symbol (NameItem 'Scoped)
namesBySymbol = HashMap.fromList [(symbolParsed (i ^. nameItemSymbol), i) | i <- names]
namesBySymbol =
[ (symbolParsed sym, i)
| i <- names,
Just sym <- [i ^. nameItemSymbol]
go ::
(Members '[State (IntMap Arg), State (HashMap Symbol (NameItem 'Scoped)), State BuilderState, Output (NamedArgumentAssign 'Scoped), Error NamedArgumentsError] r') =>
NamedArgumentAssign 'Scoped ->

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@ -346,6 +346,9 @@ nonEmpty = NonEmpty.nonEmpty . toList
foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> NonEmpty a -> a
foldr1 = List.foldr1
sconcatMapM :: (Semigroup c, Monad m) => (a -> m c) -> NonEmpty a -> m c
sconcatMapM f = fmap sconcat . mapM f
sconcatMap :: (Semigroup c) => (a -> c) -> NonEmpty a -> c
sconcatMap f = sconcat . fmap f

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@ -265,6 +265,13 @@ tests =
$(mkRelFile "Main.juvix")
$ \case
ErrWrongType {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
"Implicit name argument without name"
$(mkRelDir "Internal")
$(mkRelFile "issue3074.juvix")
$ \case
ErrUnsolvedMeta {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module issue3074;
type T := mkT;
fun {_ : T} : {A : Type} -> T := mkT;
x : T := fun@{A := T};