mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 17:32:00 +03:00
[abstract] Make Iden use references instead of Name
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ type InductiveName = S.Symbol
type AxiomName = S.Symbol
-- TODO: Perhaps we could use a different Name type
-- that just includes fields (nameId + debug info)
-- requried in future passes.
type Name = S.Name
type TopModule = Module C.TopModulePath
@ -59,12 +62,29 @@ data FunctionClause = FunctionClause
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
newtype FunctionRef = FunctionRef
{ _functionRefName :: Name }
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
deriving newtype Hashable
newtype ConstructorRef = ConstructorRef
{ _constructorRefName :: Name }
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
newtype InductiveRef = InductiveRef
{ _inductiveRefName :: Name }
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
newtype AxiomRef = AxiomRef
{ _axiomRefName :: Name }
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
data Iden
= IdenFunction Name
| IdenConstructor Name
= IdenFunction FunctionRef
| IdenConstructor ConstructorRef
| IdenVar VarName
| IdenInductive Name
| IdenAxiom Name
| IdenInductive InductiveRef
| IdenAxiom AxiomRef
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
data Expression
@ -134,7 +154,7 @@ instance HasAtomicity Function where
-- | Fully applied constructor in a pattern.
data ConstructorApp = ConstructorApp
{ _constrAppConstructor :: Name,
{ _constrAppConstructor :: ConstructorRef,
_constrAppParameters :: [Pattern]
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
@ -176,3 +196,15 @@ makeLenses ''InductiveDef
makeLenses ''ModuleBody
makeLenses ''InductiveConstructorDef
makeLenses ''ConstructorApp
makeLenses ''FunctionRef
makeLenses ''ConstructorRef
makeLenses ''InductiveRef
makeLenses ''AxiomRef
idenName :: Iden -> Name
idenName = \case
IdenFunction n -> n ^. functionRefName
IdenConstructor n -> n ^. constructorRefName
IdenInductive n -> n ^. inductiveRefName
IdenVar n -> S.unqualifiedSymbol n
IdenAxiom n -> n ^. axiomRefName
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ viewExpressionAsPattern e = case viewApp e of
| Just v <- getVariable f -> Just (PatternVariable v)
_ -> Nothing
getConstructor :: Expression -> Maybe Name
getConstructor :: Expression -> Maybe ConstructorRef
getConstructor f = case f of
ExpressionIden (IdenConstructor n) -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
@ -52,12 +52,7 @@ runPrettyCode :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> Doc Ann
runPrettyCode opts = run . runReader opts . ppCode
instance PrettyCode Iden where
ppCode i = case i of
IdenFunction n -> ppSCode n
IdenConstructor n -> ppSCode n
IdenInductive n -> ppSCode n
IdenVar n -> ppSCode n
IdenAxiom n -> ppSCode n
ppCode = ppSCode . idenName
instance PrettyCode Application where
ppCode (Application l r) = do
@ -119,6 +114,18 @@ instance PrettyCode Function where
funReturn' <- ppRightExpression funFixity _funReturn
return $ funParameter' <+> kwTo <+> funReturn'
instance PrettyCode FunctionRef where
ppCode FunctionRef {..} = ppSCode _functionRefName
instance PrettyCode ConstructorRef where
ppCode ConstructorRef {..} = ppSCode _constructorRefName
instance PrettyCode InductiveRef where
ppCode InductiveRef {..} = ppSCode _inductiveRefName
instance PrettyCode AxiomRef where
ppCode AxiomRef {..} = ppSCode _axiomRefName
parensCond :: Bool -> Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
parensCond t d = if t then parens d else d
@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ composeEdge a b = do
_edgeMatrices = multiplyMany (a ^. edgeMatrices) (b ^. edgeMatrices)
fromFunCall :: FunctionName -> FunCall -> Call
fromFunCall :: FunctionRef -> FunCall -> Call
fromFunCall caller fc =
{ _callFrom = caller,
_callTo = fc ^. callName,
{ _callFrom = S.nameUnqualify (caller ^. functionRefName),
_callTo = S.nameUnqualify (fc ^. callRef . functionRefName),
_callMatrix = map fst (fc ^. callArgs)
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ where
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language.Extra
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import MiniJuvix.Termination.Types
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (unqualifiedSymbol)
-- | i = SizeInfo [v] ⇔ v is smaller than argument i of the caller function.
-- Indexes are 0 based
@ -55,23 +55,23 @@ viewCall e = case e of
return (Just (singletonCall x))
_ -> return Nothing
singletonCall :: Name -> FunCall
singletonCall n = FunCall (S.nameUnqualify n) []
singletonCall :: FunctionRef -> FunCall
singletonCall r = FunCall r []
addCall :: FunctionName -> FunCall -> CallMap -> CallMap
addCall :: FunctionRef -> FunCall -> CallMap -> CallMap
addCall fun c = over callMap (HashMap.alter (Just . insertCall c) fun)
insertCall :: FunCall -> Maybe (HashMap FunctionName [FunCall]) -> HashMap FunctionName [FunCall]
insertCall :: FunCall -> Maybe (HashMap FunctionRef [FunCall]) -> HashMap FunctionRef [FunCall]
insertCall f m = case m of
Nothing -> singl f
Just m' -> addFunCall f m'
singl :: FunCall -> HashMap FunctionName [FunCall]
singl f = HashMap.singleton (f ^. callName) [f]
addFunCall :: FunCall -> HashMap FunctionName [FunCall] -> HashMap FunctionName [FunCall]
addFunCall fc = HashMap.insertWith (flip (<>)) (fc ^. callName) [fc]
singl :: FunCall -> HashMap FunctionRef [FunCall]
singl f = HashMap.singleton (f ^. callRef) [f]
addFunCall :: FunCall -> HashMap FunctionRef [FunCall] -> HashMap FunctionRef [FunCall]
addFunCall fc = HashMap.insertWith (flip (<>)) (fc ^. callRef) [fc]
registerCall ::
Members '[State CallMap, Reader FunctionName, Reader SizeInfo] r =>
Members '[State CallMap, Reader FunctionRef, Reader SizeInfo] r =>
FunCall ->
Sem r ()
registerCall c = do
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ checkLocalModule :: Members '[State CallMap] r => LocalModule -> Sem r ()
checkLocalModule m = checkModuleBody (m ^. moduleBody)
checkFunctionDef :: Members '[State CallMap] r => FunctionDef -> Sem r ()
checkFunctionDef def = runReader (def ^. funDefName) $ do
checkFunctionDef def = runReader (FunctionRef (unqualifiedSymbol (def ^. funDefName))) $ do
checkTypeSignature (def ^. funDefTypeSig)
mapM_ checkFunctionClause (def ^. funDefClauses)
checkTypeSignature :: Members '[State CallMap, Reader FunctionName] r => Expression -> Sem r ()
checkTypeSignature :: Members '[State CallMap, Reader FunctionRef] r => Expression -> Sem r ()
checkTypeSignature = runReader (emptySizeInfo :: SizeInfo) . checkExpression
emptySizeInfo :: SizeInfo
@ -117,14 +117,14 @@ mkSizeInfo ps = SizeInfo {..}
checkFunctionClause ::
Members '[State CallMap, Reader FunctionName] r =>
Members '[State CallMap, Reader FunctionRef] r =>
FunctionClause ->
Sem r ()
checkFunctionClause cl =
runReader (mkSizeInfo (cl ^. clausePatterns)) $
checkExpression (cl ^. clauseBody)
checkExpression :: Members '[State CallMap, Reader FunctionName, Reader SizeInfo] r => Expression -> Sem r ()
checkExpression :: Members '[State CallMap, Reader FunctionRef, Reader SizeInfo] r => Expression -> Sem r ()
checkExpression e = do
mc <- viewCall e
case mc of
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ checkExpression e = do
ExpressionLiteral {} -> return ()
checkApplication ::
Members '[State CallMap, Reader FunctionName, Reader SizeInfo] r =>
Members '[State CallMap, Reader FunctionRef, Reader SizeInfo] r =>
Application ->
Sem r ()
checkApplication (Application l r) = do
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ checkApplication (Application l r) = do
checkExpression r
checkFunction ::
Members '[State CallMap, Reader FunctionName, Reader SizeInfo] r =>
Members '[State CallMap, Reader FunctionRef, Reader SizeInfo] r =>
Function ->
Sem r ()
checkFunction (Function l r) = do
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ checkFunction (Function l r) = do
checkExpression r
checkFunctionParameter ::
Members '[State CallMap, Reader FunctionName, Reader SizeInfo] r =>
Members '[State CallMap, Reader FunctionRef, Reader SizeInfo] r =>
FunctionParameter ->
Sem r ()
checkFunctionParameter p = checkExpression (p ^. paramType)
@ -11,14 +11,16 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty.Base
import qualified MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name as S
import MiniJuvix.Termination.Types.SizeRelation
import Prettyprinter as PP
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.Language (functionRefName)
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (nameUnqualify)
newtype CallMap = CallMap
{ _callMap :: HashMap A.FunctionName (HashMap A.FunctionName [FunCall])
{ _callMap :: HashMap A.FunctionRef (HashMap A.FunctionRef [FunCall])
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid)
data FunCall = FunCall
{ _callName :: A.FunctionName,
{ _callRef :: A.FunctionRef,
_callArgs :: [(CallRow, A.Expression)]
@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ instance PrettyCode FunCall where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => FunCall -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode (FunCall f args) = do
args' <- mapM ppArg args
f' <- ppSCode f
f' <- ppCode f
return $ f' <+> hsep args'
ppArg :: (CallRow, A.Expression) -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
@ -72,9 +74,9 @@ instance PrettyCode CallMap where
ppCode :: forall r. Members '[Reader Options] r => CallMap -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode (CallMap m) = vsep <$> mapM ppEntry (HashMap.toList m)
ppEntry :: (A.FunctionName, HashMap A.FunctionName [FunCall]) -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppEntry :: (A.FunctionRef, HashMap A.FunctionRef [FunCall]) -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppEntry (fun, mcalls) = do
fun' <- annotate AnnImportant <$> ppSCode fun
fun' <- annotate AnnImportant <$> ppCode fun
calls' <- vsep <$> mapM ppCode calls
return $ fun' <+> waveFun <+> align calls'
@ -99,4 +101,4 @@ instance PrettyCode CallMatrix where
ppCode l = vsep <$> mapM ppCode l
filterCallMap :: Foldable f => f Text -> CallMap -> CallMap
filterCallMap funNames = over callMap (HashMap.filterWithKey (\k _ -> S.symbolText k `elem` funNames))
filterCallMap funNames = over callMap (HashMap.filterWithKey (\k _ -> S.symbolText (nameUnqualify (k ^. functionRefName)) `elem` funNames))
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ goTypeIden i = case i of
A.IdenFunction {} -> unsupported "functions in types"
A.IdenConstructor {} -> unsupported "constructors in types"
A.IdenVar {} -> unsupported "type variables"
A.IdenInductive d -> TypeIdenInductive (goName d)
A.IdenInductive d -> TypeIdenInductive (goName (d ^. A.inductiveRefName))
A.IdenAxiom {} -> unsupported "axioms in types"
goFunctionParameter :: A.FunctionParameter -> Type
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ goPattern p = case p of
goConstructorApp :: A.ConstructorApp -> ConstructorApp
goConstructorApp c =
(goName (c ^. A.constrAppConstructor))
(goName (c ^. A.constrAppConstructor . A.constructorRefName))
(map goPattern (c ^. A.constrAppParameters))
goType :: A.Expression -> Type
@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ goApplication (A.Application f x) = Application (goExpression f) (goExpression x
goIden :: A.Iden -> Iden
goIden i = case i of
A.IdenFunction n -> IdenFunction (goName n)
A.IdenConstructor c -> IdenConstructor (goName c)
A.IdenFunction n -> IdenFunction (goName (n ^. A.functionRefName))
A.IdenConstructor c -> IdenConstructor (goName (c ^. A.constructorRefName))
A.IdenVar v -> IdenVar (goSymbol v)
A.IdenAxiom {} -> unsupported "axiom identifier"
A.IdenInductive {} -> unsupported "inductive identifier"
@ -141,11 +141,11 @@ goExpression e = case e of
goIden :: C.ScopedIden -> A.Expression
goIden x = A.ExpressionIden $ case x of
ScopedAxiom a -> A.IdenAxiom (a ^. C.axiomRefName)
ScopedInductive i -> A.IdenInductive (i ^. C.inductiveRefName)
ScopedAxiom a -> A.IdenAxiom (A.AxiomRef (a ^. C.axiomRefName))
ScopedInductive i -> A.IdenInductive (A.InductiveRef (i ^. C.inductiveRefName))
ScopedVar v -> A.IdenVar v
ScopedFunction fun -> A.IdenFunction (fun ^. C.functionRefName)
ScopedConstructor c -> A.IdenConstructor (c ^. C.constructorRefName)
ScopedFunction fun -> A.IdenFunction (A.FunctionRef (fun ^. C.functionRefName))
ScopedConstructor c -> A.IdenConstructor (A.ConstructorRef (c ^. C.constructorRefName))
goApplication :: Application -> Sem r A.Application
goApplication (Application l r) = do
@ -199,19 +199,19 @@ goInfixPatternApplication a = uncurry A.ConstructorApp <$> viewApp (PatternInfix
goPostfixPatternApplication :: forall r. Members '[Error Err] r => PatternPostfixApp -> Sem r A.ConstructorApp
goPostfixPatternApplication a = uncurry A.ConstructorApp <$> viewApp (PatternPostfixApplication a)
viewApp :: forall r. Members '[Error Err] r => Pattern -> Sem r (A.Name, [A.Pattern])
viewApp :: forall r. Members '[Error Err] r => Pattern -> Sem r (A.ConstructorRef, [A.Pattern])
viewApp p = case p of
PatternConstructor c -> return (c ^. constructorRefName, [])
PatternConstructor c -> return (goConstructorRef c, [])
PatternApplication (PatternApp l r) -> do
r' <- goPattern r
second (`snoc` r') <$> viewApp l
PatternInfixApplication (PatternInfixApp l c r) -> do
l' <- goPattern l
r' <- goPattern r
return (c ^. constructorRefName, [l', r'])
return (goConstructorRef c, [l', r'])
PatternPostfixApplication (PatternPostfixApp l c) -> do
l' <- goPattern l
return (c ^. constructorRefName, [l'])
return (goConstructorRef c, [l'])
PatternVariable {} -> err
PatternWildcard {} -> err
PatternEmpty {} -> err
@ -219,6 +219,9 @@ viewApp p = case p of
err :: Sem r a
err = throw ("constructor expected on the left of a pattern application" :: Err)
goConstructorRef :: ConstructorRef -> A.ConstructorRef
goConstructorRef (ConstructorRef' n) = A.ConstructorRef n
goPattern :: forall r. Members '[Error Err] r => Pattern -> Sem r A.Pattern
goPattern p = case p of
PatternVariable a -> return $ A.PatternVariable a
Reference in New Issue
Block a user