mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 22:46:08 +03:00
Allow type signatures to have a body (#1785)
- Closes #1637. A function type signature is now allowed to have a body. This is valid for both top level and let definitions. ``` not : Bool -> Bool := λ { | true := false | false := true }; ```
This commit is contained in:
@ -128,14 +128,11 @@ goModuleBody ss' = do
[ Indexed i <$> funDef
| Indexed i sig <- sigs,
let name = sig ^. sigName,
let funDef = goFunctionDef sig (getClauses name)
let funDef = goTopFunctionDef sig (getClauses name)
getClauses :: S.Symbol -> NonEmpty (FunctionClause 'Scoped)
getClauses name =
fromMaybe impossible $
[c | StatementFunctionClause c <- ss', name == c ^. clauseOwnerFunction]
getClauses :: S.Symbol -> [FunctionClause 'Scoped]
getClauses name = [c | StatementFunctionClause c <- ss', name == c ^. clauseOwnerFunction]
sigs :: [Indexed (TypeSignature 'Scoped)]
sigs = [Indexed i t | (Indexed i (StatementTypeSignature t)) <- ss]
@ -171,23 +168,53 @@ goOpenModule o
_ -> impossible
| otherwise = return Nothing
goFunctionDef ::
forall r.
(Members '[InfoTableBuilder, Error ScoperError, Builtins, NameIdGen] r) =>
goLetFunctionDef ::
(Members '[InfoTableBuilder, Error ScoperError] r) =>
TypeSignature 'Scoped ->
NonEmpty (FunctionClause 'Scoped) ->
[FunctionClause 'Scoped] ->
Sem r Abstract.FunctionDef
goFunctionDef TypeSignature {..} clauses = do
goLetFunctionDef = goFunctionDefHelper
goFunctionDefHelper ::
forall r.
(Members '[InfoTableBuilder, Error ScoperError] r) =>
TypeSignature 'Scoped ->
[FunctionClause 'Scoped] ->
Sem r Abstract.FunctionDef
goFunctionDefHelper sig@TypeSignature {..} clauses = do
let _funDefName = goSymbol _sigName
_funDefTerminating = isJust _sigTerminating
_funDefBuiltin = (^. withLocParam) <$> _sigBuiltin
_funDefClauses <- mapM goFunctionClause clauses
_funDefTypeSig <- goExpression _sigType
_funDefExamples <- goExamples _sigDoc
_funDefClauses <- case (_sigBody, nonEmpty clauses) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> throw (ErrLacksFunctionClause (LacksFunctionClause sig))
(Just {}, Just clauses') -> throw (ErrDuplicateFunctionClause (DuplicateFunctionClause sig (head clauses')))
(Just body, Nothing) -> do
body' <- goExpression body
( pure
{ _clauseName = _funDefName,
_clausePatterns = [],
_clauseBody = body'
(Nothing, Just clauses') -> mapM goFunctionClause clauses'
let fun = Abstract.FunctionDef {..}
whenJust _sigBuiltin (registerBuiltinFunction fun . (^. withLocParam))
registerFunction' fun
goTopFunctionDef ::
forall r.
(Members '[InfoTableBuilder, Error ScoperError, Builtins, NameIdGen] r) =>
TypeSignature 'Scoped ->
[FunctionClause 'Scoped] ->
Sem r Abstract.FunctionDef
goTopFunctionDef sig clauses = do
fun <- goFunctionDefHelper sig clauses
whenJust (sig ^. sigBuiltin) (registerBuiltinFunction fun . (^. withLocParam))
return fun
goExamples ::
forall r.
(Members '[Error ScoperError, InfoTableBuilder] r) =>
@ -352,27 +379,12 @@ goExpression = \case
nonEmpty' <$> sequence [Abstract.LetFunDef <$> goSig sig | LetTypeSig sig <- toList cl]
goSig :: TypeSignature 'Scoped -> Sem r Abstract.FunctionDef
goSig sig = do
_funDefClauses <- getClauses
_funDefTypeSig <- goExpression (sig ^. sigType)
let _funDefBuiltin = (^. withLocParam) <$> sig ^. sigBuiltin
_funDefTerminating = isJust (sig ^. sigTerminating)
_funDefName = goSymbol (sig ^. sigName)
_funDefExamples :: [Abstract.Example] = []
registerFunction' Abstract.FunctionDef {..}
goSig sig = goLetFunctionDef sig getClauses
getClauses :: Sem r (NonEmpty Abstract.FunctionClause)
getClauses = do
cls <-
[ goFunctionClause c | LetFunClause c <- toList cl, sig ^. sigName == c ^. clauseOwnerFunction
case nonEmpty cls of
Nothing ->
( ErrLacksFunctionClause (LacksFunctionClause sig)
Just r -> return r
getClauses :: [FunctionClause 'Scoped]
getClauses =
[ c | LetFunClause c <- toList cl, sig ^. sigName == c ^. clauseOwnerFunction
goApplication :: Application -> Sem r Abstract.Application
goApplication (Application l arg) = do
@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ data TypeSignature (s :: Stage) = TypeSignature
_sigType :: ExpressionType s,
_sigDoc :: Maybe (Judoc s),
_sigBuiltin :: Maybe (WithLoc BuiltinFunction),
_sigBody :: Maybe (ExpressionType s),
_sigTerminating :: Maybe KeywordRef
@ -1078,6 +1079,7 @@ instance SingI s => HasLoc (TypeSignature s) where
(_sigDoc >>= getJudocLoc)
?<> (getLoc <$> _sigBuiltin)
?<> (getLoc <$> _sigTerminating)
?<> (getLocExpressionType <$> _sigBody)
?<> getLocExpressionType _sigType
instance HasLoc (Example s) where
@ -439,7 +439,8 @@ instance (SingI s) => PrettyCode (TypeSignature s) where
sigType' <- ppExpression _sigType
builtin' <- traverse ppCode _sigBuiltin
doc' <- mapM ppCode _sigDoc
return $ doc' ?<> builtin' <?+> sigTerminating' <> hang' (sigName' <+> kwColon <+> sigType')
body' :: Maybe (Doc Ann) <- fmap (kwAssign <+>) <$> mapM ppExpression _sigBody
return $ doc' ?<> builtin' <?+> sigTerminating' <> hang' (sigName' <+> kwColon <+> sigType' <+?> body')
instance (SingI s) => PrettyCode (Function s) where
ppCode :: forall r. (Members '[Reader Options] r) => Function s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
@ -187,6 +187,9 @@ instance PrettyPrint (TypeSignature 'Scoped) where
builtin' :: Maybe (Sem r ()) = ppCode <$> _sigBuiltin
type' = ppCode _sigType
name' = region (P.annDef _sigName) (ppCode _sigName)
body' = case _sigBody of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just body -> Just (noLoc P.kwAssign <+> ppCode body)
?<> builtin'
<?+> termin'
@ -194,6 +197,7 @@ instance PrettyPrint (TypeSignature 'Scoped) where
( name'
<+> noLoc P.kwColon
<+> type'
<+?> body'
instance PrettyPrint Pattern where
@ -421,7 +421,8 @@ checkTypeSignature TypeSignature {..} = do
sigType' <- checkParseExpressionAtoms _sigType
sigName' <- bindFunctionSymbol _sigName
sigDoc' <- mapM checkJudoc _sigDoc
registerFunction' TypeSignature {_sigName = sigName', _sigType = sigType', _sigDoc = sigDoc', ..}
sigBody' <- mapM checkParseExpressionAtoms _sigBody
registerFunction' TypeSignature {_sigName = sigName', _sigType = sigType', _sigDoc = sigDoc', _sigBody = sigBody', ..}
checkConstructorDef ::
(Members '[Error ScoperError, Reader LocalVars, State Scope, State ScoperState, InfoTableBuilder, NameIdGen] r) =>
@ -588,7 +589,6 @@ checkModuleBody ::
checkModuleBody body = do
body' <- mapM checkStatement body
checkClausesExist body'
exported <- get >>= exportScope
return (exported, body')
@ -635,15 +635,6 @@ checkLocalModule Module {..} = do
inheritEntry :: SymbolEntry -> SymbolEntry
inheritEntry = entryOverName (over S.nameWhyInScope S.BecauseInherited . set S.nameVisibilityAnn VisPrivate)
checkClausesExist :: forall r. (Members '[Error ScoperError, State Scope] r) => [Statement 'Scoped] -> Sem r ()
checkClausesExist ss = whenJust msig (throw . ErrLacksFunctionClause . LacksFunctionClause)
msig =
[ ts | StatementTypeSignature ts <- ss, null
[c | StatementFunctionClause c <- ss, c ^. clauseOwnerFunction == ts ^. sigName]
checkOrphanFixities :: forall r. (Members '[Error ScoperError, State Scope] r) => Sem r ()
checkOrphanFixities = do
path <- gets (^. scopePath)
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ data ScoperError
| ErrMultipleDeclarations MultipleDeclarations
| ErrLacksTypeSig LacksTypeSig
| ErrLacksFunctionClause LacksFunctionClause
| ErrDuplicateFunctionClause DuplicateFunctionClause
| ErrImportCycle ImportCycle
| ErrSymNotInScope NotInScope
| ErrQualSymNotInScope QualSymNotInScope
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ data ScoperError
instance ToGenericError ScoperError where
genericError = \case
ErrDuplicateFunctionClause e -> genericError e
ErrInfixParser e -> genericError e
ErrAppLeftImplicit e -> genericError e
ErrInfixPattern e -> genericError e
@ -722,3 +722,32 @@ instance ToGenericError ConstructorExpectedLeftApplication where
msg =
"Constructor expected on the left of a pattern application:"
<+> ppCode opts' pat
data DuplicateFunctionClause = DuplicateFunctionClause
{ _duplicateFunctionClauseSignature :: TypeSignature 'Scoped,
_duplicateFunctionClauseClause :: FunctionClause 'Scoped
deriving stock (Show)
makeLenses ''DuplicateFunctionClause
instance ToGenericError DuplicateFunctionClause where
genericError e = ask >>= generr
generr opts =
{ _genericErrorLoc = clLoc,
_genericErrorMessage = prettyError msg,
_genericErrorIntervals = [clLoc, sigLoc]
opts' = fromGenericOptions opts
cl :: FunctionClause 'Scoped
cl = e ^. duplicateFunctionClauseClause
name :: S.Symbol
name = e ^. duplicateFunctionClauseSignature . sigName
clLoc = getLoc (cl ^. clauseOwnerFunction)
sigLoc = getLoc name
msg =
"The function" <+> ppCode opts' name <+> "has already been assigned a definition and so it cannot have additional clauses"
@ -447,6 +447,7 @@ typeSignature _sigTerminating _sigName _sigBuiltin = do
kw kwColon
_sigType <- parseExpressionAtoms
_sigDoc <- getJudoc
_sigBody <- optional (kw kwAssign >> parseExpressionAtoms)
return TypeSignature {..}
-- | Used to minimize the amount of required @P.try@s.
@ -254,5 +254,12 @@ scoperErrorTests =
$(mkRelFile "DuplicateInductiveParameterName.juvix")
$ \case
ErrDuplicateInductiveParameterName {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError,
"A function has a duplicate clause"
$(mkRelDir ".")
$(mkRelFile "DuplicateClause.juvix")
$ \case
ErrDuplicateFunctionClause {} -> Nothing
_ -> wrongError
@ -216,5 +216,9 @@ tests =
"Builtin bool"
$(mkRelDir ".")
$(mkRelFile "BuiltinsBool.juvix")
$(mkRelFile "BuiltinsBool.juvix"),
"Type signature with body"
$(mkRelDir ".")
$(mkRelFile "SignatureWithBody.juvix")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
module DuplicateClause;
axiom T : Type;
id : T → T := λ {
t := t
id t := t;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module SignatureWithBody;
open import Stdlib.Prelude;
isNull : {A : Type} → List A → Bool := λ {
| nil := true
| _ := false
isNull' : {A : Type} → List A → Bool := let {
aux : {A : Type} → List A → Bool := λ {
| nil := true
| _ := false
} in aux;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user