mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-09-20 04:57:34 +03:00

Support partial application and closure passing in C backend (#190)

* Add support for parital application eval/apply

* include string.h in libc runtime

* Add wasm SimpleFungibleTokenImplicit to tests

* Update VP example to new syntax

* propagate types from all reachable modules

* Change prelude import ordering to workaround minic issue

* Pre-declare inductive typedefs in C backend

This generates the typedefs corresponding to each inductive type.


inductive Bool { .. }

is translated to:

typedef struct Bool_3_s Bool_3_t;

This means that C code can reference these typedefs before they have
been fully defined. (all references to inductive types go through these typedefs

This fixes an issue with the ordering of delcarations when modules are included.

* Use common Lib for MiniC tests

* libc runtime: flush stdout after writing to it

* Adds MiniTicTacToe example using common example lib

In MonoJuvixToMiniC we emit the inductive type typedefs before anything
else to support includes ordering

* Adds tests for mutually recrusive functions

* Add golden tests for milestone examples

* Example: Remove commented out code

* Test error handling behaviour in MiniTicTacToe

* Fail clang compilation on warnings

* Add test for Nested list types

* Add PrettyCode instances for NonEmpty and ConcreteType

* Ignore IsImplicit field in Eq and Hashable of TypeApplication

This is to workaround a crash in Micro->Mono translation when looking up
a concrete type

* Fix formatting

* hlint fixes

* Formatting fixes not reported by local pre-commit

* Refactor MonoJuvixToMiniC

* Fix shelltest

NB: We cannot check the order of the 'Writing' lines because this
depends on the order of files returned by the FS which is
non-deterministic between systems

* Refactor Base to CBuilder

* Refactor using applyOnFunStatement

Co-authored-by: Jan Mas Rovira <janmasrovira@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Paul Cadman 2022-06-28 09:25:43 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent a78847843b
commit 40287efabb
No known key found for this signature in database
76 changed files with 2319 additions and 681 deletions

View File

@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ infixr 3 &&;
&& false _ ≔ false;
&& true a ≔ a;
not : Bool → Bool;
not true ≔ false;
not false ≔ true;
if : {A : Type} → Bool → A → A → A;
if true a _ ≔ a;
if false _ b ≔ b;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ module Data.Int;
import Data.Bool;
open Data.Bool;
import Data.String;
open Data.String;
axiom Int : Type;
compile Int {
c ↦ "int";
@ -62,4 +65,10 @@ compile + {
ghc ↦ "(+)";
axiom intToStr : Int → String;
compile intToStr {
c ↦ "intToStr";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
module Data.List;
import Data.Bool;
open Data.Bool;
infixr 5 ∷;
inductive List (A : Type) {
nil : List A;
∷ : A → List A → List A;
elem : {A : Type} → (A → A → Bool) → A → List A → Bool;
elem _ _ nil ≔ false;
elem eq s (x ∷ xs) ≔ eq s x || elem eq s xs;
foldl : {A : Type} → {B : Type} → (B → A → B) → B → List A → B;
foldl f z nil ≔ z;
foldl f z (h ∷ hs) ≔ foldl f (f z h) hs;
map : {A : Type} → {B : Type} → (A → B) → List A → List B;
map f nil ≔ nil;
map f (h ∷ hs) ≔ f h ∷ map f hs;
null : {A : Type} → List A → Bool;
null nil ≔ true;
null _ ≔ false;
head : {A : Type} → List A → A;
head (x ∷ _) ≔ x;
tail : {A : Type} → List A → List A;
tail (_ ∷ xs) ≔ xs;
transpose : {A : Type} → List (List A) → List (List A);
transpose (nil ∷ _) ≔ nil;
transpose xss ≔ (map head xss) ∷ (transpose (map tail xss));
concatList : {A : Type} → List A → List A → List A;
concatList nil xss ≔ xss;
concatList (x ∷ xs) xss ≔ x ∷ (concatList xs xss);
flatten : {A : Type} → List (List A) → List A;
flatten ≔ foldl concatList nil;
prependToAll : {A : Type} → A → List A → List A;
prependToAll _ nil ≔ nil;
prependToAll sep (x ∷ xs) ≔ sep ∷ x ∷ prependToAll sep xs;
intersperse : {A : Type} → A → List A → List A;
intersperse _ nil ≔ nil;
intersperse sep (x ∷ xs) ≔ x ∷ prependToAll sep xs;
any : {A : Type} → (A → Bool) → List A → Bool;
any f xs ≔ foldl (||) false (map f xs);

View File

@ -11,11 +11,16 @@ inductive Maybe (A : Type) {
just : A → Maybe A;
-- from-int : Int → Maybe Int;
-- from-int i ≔ if (i < 0) nothing (just i);
maybe : {A : Type} → {B : Type} → B → (A → B) → Maybe A → B;
maybe b _ nothing ≔ b;
maybe _ f (just x) ≔ f x;
fmapMaybe : {A : Type} → {B : Type} → (A → B) → Maybe A → Maybe B;
fmapMaybe _ nothing ≔ nothing;
fmapMaybe f (just a) ≔ just (f a);
bindMaybe : {A : Type} → {B : Type} → (A → Maybe B) → Maybe A → Maybe B;
bindMaybe _ nothing ≔ nothing;
bindMaybe f (just a) ≔ f a;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
module Data.Nat;
import Data.Bool;
open Data.Bool;
import Data.Int;
open Data.Int;
import Data.String;
open Data.String;
inductive Nat {
zero : Nat;
suc : Nat → Nat;
==Nat : Nat → Nat → Bool;
==Nat zero zero ≔ true;
==Nat (suc m) (suc n) ≔ ==Nat m n;
==Nat _ _ ≔ false;
one : Nat;
one ≔ suc zero;
two : Nat;
two ≔ suc one;
three : Nat;
three ≔ suc two;
four : Nat;
four ≔ suc three;
five : Nat;
five ≔ suc four;
six : Nat;
six ≔ suc five;
seven : Nat;
seven ≔ suc six;
eight : Nat;
eight ≔ suc seven;
nine : Nat;
nine ≔ suc eight;
ten : Nat;
ten ≔ suc nine;
plusNat : Nat → Nat → Nat;
plusNat zero n ≔ n;
plusNat (suc m) n ≔ suc (plusNat m n);
natToInt : Nat → Int;
natToInt zero ≔ 0;
natToInt (suc n) ≔ 1 + (natToInt n);
natToStr : Nat → String;
natToStr n ≔ intToStr (natToInt n);
infix 4 <Nat;
<Nat : Nat → Nat → Bool;
<Nat zero _ ≔ true;
<Nat _ zero ≔ false;
<Nat (suc m) (suc n) ≔ m <Nat n;
infix 4 >Nat;
>Nat : Nat → Nat → Bool;
>Nat _ zero ≔ true;
>Nat zero _ ≔ false;
>Nat (suc m) (suc n) ≔ m >Nat n;
infix 4 <=Nat;
<=Nat : Nat → Nat → Bool;
<=Nat l r ≔ (l <Nat r) || (==Nat l r);
infix 4 >=Nat;
>=Nat : Nat → Nat → Bool;
>=Nat l r ≔ (l >Nat r) || (==Nat l r);
foreign c {
void* natInd(int n, void* a1, minijuvix_function_t* a2) {
if (n <= 0) return a1;
return ((void* (*) (minijuvix_function_t*, void*))a2->fun)(a2, natInd(n - 1, a1, a2));
axiom natInd : Int → Nat → (Nat → Nat) → Nat;
compile natInd {
c ↦ "natInd";
from-backendNat : Int → Nat;
from-backendNat bb ≔ natInd bb zero suc;

View File

@ -6,4 +6,7 @@ inductive × (A : Type) (B : Type) {
, : A → B → A × B;
fst : {A : Type} → {B : Type} → A × B → A;
fst (a , _) ≔ a;

View File

@ -25,4 +25,16 @@ infix 4 ==String;
==String : String → String → Bool;
==String s1 s2 ≔ from-backend-bool (eqString s1 s2);
boolToStr : Bool → String;
boolToStr true ≔ "true";
boolToStr false ≔ "false";
infixr 5 ++;
axiom ++ : String → String → String;
compile ++ {
c ↦ "concat";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
module Prelude;
import Data.Bool;
import Data.Int;
import Data.Nat;
import Data.String;
import Data.List;
import Data.Maybe;
import Data.Pair;
import System.IO;
open Data.Bool public;
open Data.Int public;
open Data.Nat public;
open Data.String public;
open Data.List public;
open Data.Maybe public;
open Data.Pair public;
open System.IO public;
-- Functions
axiom int-to-str : Int → String;
compile int-to-str {
c ↦ "intToStr";
const : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → A → B → A;
const _ _ a _ ≔ a;
id : {A : Type} → A → A;
id a ≔ a;

View File

@ -41,4 +41,10 @@ show-result : Bool → String;
show-result true ≔ "OK";
show-result false ≔ "FAIL";
axiom readline : String;
compile readline {
c ↦ "readline()";

View File

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
module MiniTicTacToe;
import Prelude;
open Prelude;
-- Render Utils
concat : List String → String;
concat ≔ foldl (++) "";
surround : String → List String → List String;
surround x xs ≔ concatList (x ∷ intersperse x xs) (x ∷ nil);
intercalate : String → List String → String;
intercalate sep xs ≔ concat (intersperse sep xs);
unlines : List String → String;
unlines ≔ intercalate "\n";
-- Symbol
inductive Symbol {
O : Symbol;
X : Symbol;
==Symbol : Symbol → Symbol → Bool;
==Symbol O O ≔ true;
==Symbol X X ≔ true;
==Symbol _ _ ≔ false;
switch : Symbol → Symbol;
switch O ≔ X;
switch X ≔ O;
showSymbol : Symbol → String;
showSymbol O ≔ "O";
showSymbol X ≔ "X";
-- Square
inductive Square {
empty : Nat → Square;
occupied : Symbol → Square;
==Square : Square → Square → Bool;
==Square (empty m) (empty n) ≔ ==Nat m n;
==Square (occupied s) (occupied t) ≔ ==Symbol s t;
==Square _ _ ≔ false;
showSquare : Square → String;
showSquare (empty n) ≔ " " ++ natToStr n ++ " ";
showSquare (occupied s) ≔ " " ++ showSymbol s ++ " ";
-- Board
inductive Board {
board : List (List Square) → Board;
possibleMoves : List Square → List Nat;
possibleMoves nil ≔ nil;
possibleMoves ((empty n) ∷ xs) ≔ n ∷ possibleMoves xs;
possibleMoves (_ ∷ xs) ≔ possibleMoves xs;
full : List Square → Bool;
full (a ∷ b ∷ c ∷ nil) ≔ (==Square a b) && (==Square b c);
diagonals : List (List Square) → List (List Square);
diagonals ((a1 ∷ _ ∷ b1 ∷ nil) ∷ (_ ∷ c ∷ _ ∷ nil) ∷ (b2 ∷ _ ∷ a2 ∷ nil) ∷ nil) ≔ (a1 ∷ c ∷ a2 ∷ nil) ∷ (b1 ∷ c ∷ b2 ∷ nil) ∷ nil;
columns : List (List Square) → List (List Square);
columns ≔ transpose;
rows : List (List Square) → List (List Square);
rows ≔ id;
showRow : List Square → String;
showRow xs ≔ concat (surround "|" (map showSquare xs));
showBoard : Board → String;
showBoard (board squares) ≔ unlines (surround "+---+---+---+" (map showRow squares));
-- Error
inductive Error {
noError : Error;
continue : String → Error;
terminate : String → Error;
-- GameState
inductive GameState {
state : Board → Symbol → Error → GameState;
showGameState : GameState → String;
showGameState (state b _ _) ≔ showBoard b;
player : GameState → Symbol;
player (state _ p _) ≔ p;
beginState : GameState;
beginState ≔ state
(board (map (map empty) ((one ∷ two ∷ three ∷ nil) ∷ (four ∷ five ∷ six ∷ nil) ∷ (seven ∷ eight ∷ nine ∷ nil) ∷ nil)))
won : GameState → Bool;
won (state (board squares) _ _) ≔ any full (concatList (diagonals squares) (concatList (rows squares) (columns squares)));
draw : GameState → Bool;
draw (state (board squares) _ _) ≔ null (possibleMoves (flatten squares));
-- Move
replace : Symbol → Nat → Square → Square;
replace player k (empty n) ≔ if (==Nat n k) (occupied player) (empty n);
replace _ _ s ≔ s;
checkState : GameState → GameState;
checkState (state b p e) ≔
if (won (state b p e))
(state b p (terminate ("Player " ++ (showSymbol (switch p)) ++ " wins!")))
(if (draw (state b p e))
(state b p (terminate "It's a draw!"))
(state b p e));
playMove : Maybe Nat → GameState → GameState;
playMove nothing (state b p _) ≔
state b p (continue "\nInvalid number, try again\n");
playMove (just k) (state (board s) player e) ≔
if (not (elem ==Nat k (possibleMoves (flatten s))))
(state (board s) player (continue "\nThe square is already occupied, try again\n"))
(checkState (state (board (map (map (replace player k)) s))
(switch player)
-- IO
axiom parsePositiveInt : String → Int;
compile parsePositiveInt {
c ↦ "parsePositiveInt";
positiveInt : Int → Maybe Int;
positiveInt i ≔ if (i < 0) nothing (just i);
validMove : Nat → Maybe Nat;
validMove n ≔ if ((n <=Nat nine) && (n >=Nat one)) (just n) nothing;
getMove : Maybe Nat;
getMove ≔ bindMaybe validMove (fmapMaybe from-backendNat (positiveInt (parsePositiveInt (readline))));
do : Action × GameState -> GameState;
do (_ , s) ≔ playMove getMove s;
prompt : GameState → String;
prompt x ≔ "\n" ++ (showGameState x) ++ "\nPlayer " ++ showSymbol (player x) ++ ": ";
run : (Action × GameState → GameState) → GameState → Action;
run _ (state b p (terminate msg)) ≔ putStrLn ("\n" ++ (showGameState (state b p noError)) ++ "\n" ++ msg);
run f (state b p (continue msg)) ≔ run f (f (putStr (msg ++ prompt (state b p noError)) , state b p noError));
run f x ≔ run f (f (putStr (prompt x) , x));
welcome : String;
welcome ≔ "MiniTicTacToe\n-------------\n\nType a number then ENTER to make a move";
main : Action;
main ≔ putStrLn welcome >> run do beginState;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
module Data.List;
import Data.Bool;
open Data.Bool;
infixr 5 ∷;
inductive List (A : Type) {
nil : List A;
∷ : A → List A → List A;
elem : {A : Type} → (A → A → Bool) → A → List A → Bool;
elem _ _ nil ≔ false;
elem eq s (x ∷ xs) ≔ eq s x || elem eq s xs;
foldl : {A : Type} → {B : Type} → (B → A → B) → B → List A → B;
foldl f z nil ≔ z;
foldl f z (h ∷ hs) ≔ foldl f (f z h) hs;

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
module Prelude;
import Data.Bool;
import Data.Int;
import Data.String;
import Data.List;
import Data.Maybe;
import Data.Pair;
import System.IO;
open Data.Bool public;
open Data.Int public;
open Data.String public;
open Data.List public;
open Data.Maybe public;
open Data.Pair public;
open System.IO public;
-- Functions
const : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → A → B → A;
const _ _ a _ ≔ a;
id : {A : Type} → A → A;
id a ≔ a;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef __UINTPTR_TYPE__ uintptr_t;
@ -17,12 +18,76 @@ char* intToStr(int i) {
return str;
char* concat(const char* s1, const char* s2) {
const size_t len1 = strlen(s1);
const size_t len2 = strlen(s2);
int i,j=0,count=0;
char* result = (char*)malloc(len1 + len2 + 1);
for(i=0; i < len1; i++) {
result[i] = s1[i];
for(i=count; j < len2; i++) {
result[i] = s2[j];
result[len1 + len2] = '\0';
return result;
// Tries to parse str as a positive integer.
// Returns -1 if parsing fails.
int parsePositiveInt(char *str) {
int result = 0;
char* p = str;
size_t len = strlen(str);
while ((*str >= '0') && (*str <= '9'))
result = (result * 10) + ((*str) - '0');
if (str - p != len) return -1;
return result;
char* readline() {
int i = 0, bytesAlloced = 64;
char* buffer = (char*) malloc(bytesAlloced);
int bufferSize = bytesAlloced;
for (;;++i) {
int ch;
if (i == bufferSize - 1) {
bytesAlloced += bytesAlloced;
buffer = (char*) realloc(buffer, bytesAlloced);
bufferSize = bytesAlloced;
ch = getchar();
if (ch == -1) {
return 0;
if (ch == '\n') break;
buffer[i] = ch;
buffer[i] = '\0';
return buffer;
int putStr(const char* str) {
return fputs(str, stdout);
fputs(str, stdout);
return fflush(stdout);
int putStrLn(const char* str) {
return puts(str);
return fflush(stdout);
#endif // MINIC_RUNTIME_H_

View File

@ -18,6 +18,24 @@ typedef struct minijuvix_function {
void *malloc(size_t size);
void free(void *p);
void* memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n) {
char *csrc = (char*) src;
char *cdest = (char*) dest;
for (int i=0; i < n; i++) {
cdest[i] = csrc[i];
return dest;
void* realloc(void *ptr, size_t n) {
void* newptr;
newptr = malloc(n);
memcpy(newptr, ptr, n);
return newptr;
* WASI Definitions
@ -33,6 +51,12 @@ uint16_t fd_write(uint32_t fd, Ciovec_t *iovs_ptr, uint32_t iovs_len, uint32_t *
uint16_t fd_read(uint32_t fd, Ciovec_t *iovs_ptr, uint32_t iovs_len, uint32_t *read)
_Noreturn void proc_exit(uint32_t rval)
@ -127,9 +151,30 @@ char* intToStr(int i) {
return buf;
int strToInt(char *str)
int result;
int puiss;
result = 0;
puiss = 1;
while (('-' == (*str)) || ((*str) == '+'))
if (*str == '-')
puiss = puiss * -1;
while ((*str >= '0') && (*str <= '9'))
result = (result * 10) + ((*str) - '0');
return (result * puiss);
int putStr(const char* str) {
size_t n = strlen(str);
Ciovec_t vec = {.buf = (uint8_t*)str, .buf_len=n};
Ciovec_t vec = {.buf = (uint8_t*)str, .buf_len=(uint32_t)n};
return fd_write(1, &vec, 1, 0);
@ -137,5 +182,74 @@ int putStrLn(const char* str) {
return putStr(str) || putStr("\n");
// Tries to parse str as a positive integer.
// Returns -1 if parsing fails.
int parsePositiveInt(char *str) {
int result = 0;
char* p = str;
size_t len = strlen(str);
while ((*str >= '0') && (*str <= '9'))
result = (result * 10) + ((*str) - '0');
if (str - p != len) return -1;
return result;
char* concat(const char* s1, const char* s2) {
const size_t len1 = strlen(s1);
const size_t len2 = strlen(s2);
int i,j=0,count=0;
char* result = (char*)malloc(len1 + len2 + 1);
for(i=0; i < len1; i++) {
result[i] = s1[i];
for(i=count; j < len2; i++) {
result[i] = s2[j];
result[len1 + len2] = '\0';
return result;
int getchar() {
int ch;
Ciovec_t v = {.buf = (uint8_t*) &ch, .buf_len=1};
if (fd_read(0, &v, 1, 0) != 0) return -1;
return ch;
char* readline() {
int i = 0, bytesAlloced = 64;
char* buffer = (char*) malloc(bytesAlloced);
int bufferSize = bytesAlloced;
for (;;++i) {
int ch;
if (i == bufferSize - 1) {
bytesAlloced += bytesAlloced;
buffer = (char*) realloc(buffer, bytesAlloced);
bufferSize = bytesAlloced;
ch = getchar();
if (ch == -1) {
return 0;
if (ch == '\n') break;
buffer[i] = ch;
buffer[i] = '\0';
return buffer;
#endif // MINIC_RUNTIME_H_

View File

@ -134,9 +134,15 @@ data TypeApplication = TypeApplication
_typeAppRight :: Type,
_typeAppImplicit :: IsImplicit
deriving stock (Generic, Eq)
instance Hashable TypeApplication
-- TODO: Eq and Hashable instances ignore the _typAppImplicit field
-- to workaround a crash in Micro->Mono translation when looking up
-- a concrete type.
instance Eq TypeApplication where
(TypeApplication l r _) == (TypeApplication l' r' _) = (l == l') && (r == r')
instance Hashable TypeApplication where
hashWithSalt salt TypeApplication {..} = hashWithSalt salt (_typeAppLeft, _typeAppRight)
data TypeAbstraction = TypeAbstraction
{ _typeAbsVar :: VarName,

View File

@ -451,3 +451,20 @@ getTypeName = \case
(TypeIden (TypeIdenInductive tyName)) -> Just tyName
(TypeApp (TypeApplication l _ _)) -> getTypeName l
_ -> Nothing
reachableModules :: Module -> [Module]
reachableModules = fst . run . runOutputList . evalState (mempty :: HashSet Name) . go
go :: forall r. Members '[State (HashSet Name), Output Module] r => Module -> Sem r ()
go m = do
s <- get
(HashSet.member (m ^. moduleName) s)
(output m >> goBody (m ^. moduleBody))
goBody :: ModuleBody -> Sem r ()
goBody = mapM_ goStatement . (^. moduleStatements)
goStatement :: Statement -> Sem r ()
goStatement = \case
StatementInclude (Include inc) -> go inc
_ -> return ()

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ann
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Ansi qualified as Ansi
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Base
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Pretty.Options
import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal qualified as Ansi
newtype PPOutput = PPOutput (Doc Ann)
@ -19,6 +20,9 @@ ppOutDefault = AnsiText . PPOutput . doc defaultOptions
ppOut :: PrettyCode c => Options -> c -> AnsiText
ppOut o = AnsiText . PPOutput . doc o
ppSimple :: PrettyCode c => c -> Text
ppSimple = Ansi.renderStrict . reAnnotateS Ansi.stylize . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions . doc defaultOptions
instance HasAnsiBackend PPOutput where
toAnsiStream (PPOutput o) = reAnnotateS Ansi.stylize (layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions o)
toAnsiDoc (PPOutput o) = reAnnotate Ansi.stylize o

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@ -381,3 +381,11 @@ ppCodeAtom :: (HasAtomicity c, PrettyCode c, Members '[Reader Options] r) => c -
ppCodeAtom c = do
p' <- ppCode c
return $ if isAtomic c then p' else parens p'
instance PrettyCode a => PrettyCode (NonEmpty a) where
ppCode x = do
cs <- mapM ppCode (toList x)
return $ encloseSep "(" ")" ", " cs
instance PrettyCode ConcreteType where
ppCode ConcreteType {..} = ppCode _unconcreteType

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@ -122,6 +122,12 @@ data CDeclType = CDeclType
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
data CFunType = CFunType
{ _cFunArgTypes :: [CDeclType],
_cFunReturnType :: CDeclType
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
uIntPtrType :: DeclType
uIntPtrType = DeclTypeDefType "uintptr_t"
@ -161,6 +167,15 @@ castToType cDecl e =
cDeclToNamedDecl :: Text -> CDeclType -> Declaration
cDeclToNamedDecl name CDeclType {..} =
{ _declType = _typeDeclType,
_declIsPtr = _typeIsPtr,
_declName = Just name,
_declInitializer = Nothing
cDeclToDecl :: CDeclType -> Declaration
cDeclToDecl CDeclType {..} =
@ -267,6 +282,15 @@ typeDefType typName declName =
_declInitializer = Nothing
namedDeclType :: Text -> DeclType -> Declaration
namedDeclType name typ =
{ _declType = typ,
_declIsPtr = False,
_declName = Just name,
_declInitializer = Nothing
equals :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
equals e1 e2 =
@ -319,3 +343,4 @@ makeLenses ''Declaration
makeLenses ''CDeclType
makeLenses ''FunctionSig
makeLenses ''Function
makeLenses ''CFunType

View File

@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ data ConstructorInfo = ConstructorInfo
_constructorInfoInductive :: InductiveName
newtype FunctionInfo = FunctionInfo
{ _functionInfoType :: Type
data FunctionInfo = FunctionInfo
{ _functionInfoType :: Type,
_functionInfoPatterns :: Int
newtype AxiomInfo = AxiomInfo
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ buildTable m = InfoTable {..}
_infoFunctions :: HashMap Name FunctionInfo
_infoFunctions =
[ (f ^. funDefName, FunctionInfo (f ^. funDefType))
[ (f ^. funDefName, FunctionInfo (f ^. funDefType) (length (head (f ^. funDefClauses) ^. clausePatterns)))
| StatementFunction f <- ss
_infoAxioms :: HashMap Name AxiomInfo

View File

@ -12,10 +12,15 @@ collectTypeCalls res = run (execState emptyCalls (runReader typesTable (runReade
goTopLevel :: Members '[State TypeCalls, Reader TypeCallsMap, Reader InfoTable] r => Sem r ()
goTopLevel = mapM_ goConcreteFun entries
-- the list of functions defined in the Main module with concrete types.
allModules :: [Module]
allModules = reachableModules main
-- the list of functions defined in any module with concrete types.
entries :: [FunctionDef]
entries =
[ f | StatementFunction f <- main ^. moduleBody . moduleStatements, hasConcreteType f
[ f
| m <- allModules,
StatementFunction f <- m ^. moduleBody . moduleStatements,
hasConcreteType f
hasConcreteType :: FunctionDef -> Bool

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC where
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC
( module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC,
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Types,
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.Text qualified as T
import MiniJuvix.Internal.Strings qualified as Str
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Backends
@ -13,37 +16,9 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniC.Serialization
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language qualified as Mono
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.NameId
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMonoJuvix qualified as Mono
newtype MiniCResult = MiniCResult
{ _resultCCode :: Text
data CFunType = CFunType
{ _cFunArgTypes :: [CDeclType],
_cFunReturnType :: CDeclType
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
data BindingInfo = BindingInfo
{ _bindingInfoExpr :: Expression,
_bindingInfoType :: CFunType
newtype PatternInfoTable = PatternInfoTable
{_patternBindings :: HashMap Text BindingInfo}
data ClosureInfo = ClosureInfo
{ _closureNameId :: Mono.NameId,
_closureRootName :: Text,
_closureFunType :: CFunType
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
makeLenses ''MiniCResult
makeLenses ''CFunType
makeLenses ''PatternInfoTable
makeLenses ''BindingInfo
makeLenses ''ClosureInfo
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Base
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Closure
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Types
entryMiniC :: Mono.MonoJuvixResult -> Sem r MiniCResult
entryMiniC i = return (MiniCResult (serialize cunitResult))
@ -69,53 +44,47 @@ entryMiniC i = return (MiniCResult (serialize cunitResult))
cmodules = do
m <- toList (i ^. Mono.resultModules)
let buildTable = Mono.buildTable m
run (runReader compileInfo (genCTypes m))
genStructDefs m
<> run (runReader compileInfo (genAxioms m))
<> genCTypes m
<> genFunctionSigs m
<> run (runReader buildTable (genClosures m))
<> run (runReader buildTable (genFunctionDefs m))
unsupported :: Text -> a
unsupported msg = error (msg <> " Mono to C: not yet supported")
genStructDefs :: Mono.Module -> [CCode]
genStructDefs Mono.Module {..} =
concatMap go (_moduleBody ^. Mono.moduleStatements)
go :: Mono.Statement -> [CCode]
go = \case
Mono.StatementInductive d -> mkInductiveTypeDef d
_ -> []
genCTypes :: forall r. Members '[Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r => Mono.Module -> Sem r [CCode]
genCTypes Mono.Module {..} =
genAxioms :: forall r. Members '[Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r => Mono.Module -> Sem r [CCode]
genAxioms Mono.Module {..} =
concatMapM go (_moduleBody ^. Mono.moduleStatements)
go :: Mono.Statement -> Sem r [CCode]
go = \case
Mono.StatementInductive d -> return (goInductiveDef d)
Mono.StatementInductive {} -> return []
Mono.StatementAxiom d -> goAxiom d
Mono.StatementForeign d -> return (goForeign d)
Mono.StatementForeign {} -> return []
Mono.StatementFunction {} -> return []
genFunctionSigs :: Mono.Module -> [CCode]
genFunctionSigs Mono.Module {..} =
go =<< _moduleBody ^. Mono.moduleStatements
genCTypes :: Mono.Module -> [CCode]
genCTypes Mono.Module {..} =
concatMap go (_moduleBody ^. Mono.moduleStatements)
go :: Mono.Statement -> [CCode]
go = \case
Mono.StatementFunction d -> genFunctionSig d
Mono.StatementForeign {} -> []
Mono.StatementInductive d -> goInductiveDef d
Mono.StatementAxiom {} -> []
Mono.StatementInductive {} -> []
Mono.StatementForeign d -> goForeign d
Mono.StatementFunction {} -> []
genClosures ::
forall r.
Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r =>
Mono.Module ->
Sem r [CCode]
genClosures Mono.Module {..} = do
closureInfos <- concatMapM go (_moduleBody ^. Mono.moduleStatements)
let cs :: [Function] = genClosure =<< nub closureInfos
ecs :: [CCode] = ExternalFunc <$> cs
return ecs
go :: Mono.Statement -> Sem r [ClosureInfo]
go = \case
Mono.StatementFunction d -> functionDefClosures d
Mono.StatementForeign {} -> return []
Mono.StatementAxiom {} -> return []
Mono.StatementInductive {} -> return []
genFunctionSigs :: Mono.Module -> [CCode]
genFunctionSigs Mono.Module {..} =
applyOnFunStatement genFunctionSig =<< _moduleBody ^. Mono.moduleStatements
genFunctionDefs ::
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
@ -128,124 +97,77 @@ genFunctionDefsBody ::
Mono.ModuleBody ->
Sem r [CCode]
genFunctionDefsBody Mono.ModuleBody {..} =
concatMapM genFunctionDefsStatement _moduleStatements
genFunctionDefsStatement ::
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Mono.Statement ->
Sem r [CCode]
genFunctionDefsStatement = \case
Mono.StatementFunction d -> goFunctionDef d
Mono.StatementForeign {} -> return []
Mono.StatementAxiom {} -> return []
Mono.StatementInductive {} -> return []
asStruct :: Text -> Text
asStruct n = n <> "_s"
asTypeDef :: Text -> Text
asTypeDef n = n <> "_t"
asTag :: Text -> Text
asTag n = n <> "_tag"
asField :: Text -> Text
asField n = n <> "_field"
asNullary :: Text -> Text
asNullary n = n <> "_nullary"
asCast :: Text -> Text
asCast n = "as_" <> n
asIs :: Text -> Text
asIs n = "is_" <> n
asNew :: Text -> Text
asNew n = "new_" <> n
asFun :: Text -> Text
asFun n = n <> "_fun"
asFunArg :: Text -> Text
asFunArg n = "fa" <> n
asCtorArg :: Text -> Text
asCtorArg n = "ca" <> n
mkArgs :: (Text -> Text) -> [Text]
mkArgs f = map (f . show) [0 :: Integer ..]
funArgs :: [Text]
funArgs = mkArgs asFunArg
ctorArgs :: [Text]
ctorArgs = mkArgs asCtorArg
mkName :: Mono.Name -> Text
mkName n =
adaptFirstLetter lexeme <> nameTextSuffix
| T.null lexeme' = "v"
| otherwise = lexeme'
lexeme' = T.filter isValidChar (n ^. Mono.nameText)
isValidChar :: Char -> Bool
isValidChar c = isLetter c && isAscii c
adaptFirstLetter :: Text -> Text
adaptFirstLetter t = case T.uncons t of
Nothing -> impossible
Just (h, r) -> T.cons (capitalize h) r
capitalize :: Char -> Char
| capital = toUpper
| otherwise = toLower
capital = case n ^. Mono.nameKind of
Mono.KNameConstructor -> True
Mono.KNameInductive -> True
Mono.KNameTopModule -> True
Mono.KNameLocalModule -> True
_ -> False
nameTextSuffix :: Text
nameTextSuffix = case n ^. Mono.nameKind of
Mono.KNameTopModule -> mempty
Mono.KNameFunction ->
if n ^. Mono.nameText == Str.main then mempty else idSuffix
_ -> idSuffix
idSuffix :: Text
idSuffix = "_" <> show (n ^. Mono.nameId . unNameId)
concatMapM (applyOnFunStatement goFunctionDef) _moduleStatements
isNullary :: Text -> CFunType -> Bool
isNullary funName funType = null (funType ^. cFunArgTypes) && funName /= Str.main_
cFunTypeToFunSig :: Text -> CFunType -> FunctionSig
cFunTypeToFunSig name CFunType {..} =
{ _funcReturnType = _cFunReturnType ^. typeDeclType,
_funcIsPtr = _cFunReturnType ^. typeIsPtr,
_funcQualifier = None,
_funcName = name,
_funcArgs = namedArgs asFunArg _cFunArgTypes
mkFunctionSig :: Mono.FunctionDef -> FunctionSig
mkFunctionSig Mono.FunctionDef {..} =
cFunTypeToFunSig funName funType
-- Assumption: All clauses have the same number of patterns
nPatterns :: Int
nPatterns = length (head _funDefClauses ^. Mono.clausePatterns)
baseFunType :: CFunType
baseFunType = typeToFunType _funDefType
funType :: CFunType
funType =
| nPatterns == length (baseFunType ^. cFunArgTypes) -> baseFunType
| otherwise ->
{ _cFunArgTypes = take nPatterns (baseFunType ^. cFunArgTypes),
_cFunReturnType = declFunctionPtrType
genFunctionSig :: Mono.FunctionDef -> [CCode]
genFunctionSig Mono.FunctionDef {..} =
[ExternalFuncSig (cFunTypeToFunSig funName funType)]
<> (ExternalMacro . CppDefineParens <$> toList nullaryDefine)
funType :: CFunType
funType = typeToFunType _funDefType
funIsNullary :: Bool
funIsNullary = isNullary funcBasename funType
funcBasename :: Text
funcBasename = mkName _funDefName
funName :: Text
funName =
| funIsNullary -> asNullary funcBasename
| otherwise -> funcBasename
genFunctionSig :: Mono.FunctionDef -> [CCode]
genFunctionSig d@(Mono.FunctionDef {..}) =
[ExternalFuncSig (mkFunctionSig d)]
<> (ExternalMacro . CppDefineParens <$> toList nullaryDefine)
nPatterns :: Int
nPatterns = length (head _funDefClauses ^. Mono.clausePatterns)
baseFunType :: CFunType
baseFunType = typeToFunType _funDefType
funType :: CFunType
funType =
| nPatterns == length (baseFunType ^. cFunArgTypes) -> baseFunType
| otherwise ->
{ _cFunArgTypes = take nPatterns (baseFunType ^. cFunArgTypes),
_cFunReturnType = declFunctionPtrType
funIsNullary :: Bool
funIsNullary = isNullary funcBasename funType
funcBasename :: Text
funcBasename = mkName _funDefName
funName :: Text
funName =
| funIsNullary -> asNullary funcBasename
| otherwise -> funcBasename
nullaryDefine :: Maybe Define
nullaryDefine =
@ -257,18 +179,11 @@ genFunctionSig Mono.FunctionDef {..} =
| otherwise -> Nothing
functionDefClosures ::
Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r =>
Mono.FunctionDef ->
Sem r [ClosureInfo]
functionDefClosures Mono.FunctionDef {..} =
concatMapM (clauseClosures (fst (unfoldFunType _funDefType))) (toList _funDefClauses)
goFunctionDef ::
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Mono.FunctionDef ->
Sem r [CCode]
goFunctionDef Mono.FunctionDef {..} = do
goFunctionDef d@(Mono.FunctionDef {..}) = do
fc <- mapM (goFunctionClause (fst (unfoldFunType _funDefType))) (toList _funDefClauses)
let bodySpec = fst <$> fc
let preDecls :: [Function] = snd =<< fc
@ -276,7 +191,7 @@ goFunctionDef Mono.FunctionDef {..} = do
(ExternalFunc <$> preDecls)
<> [ ExternalFunc $
{ _funcSig = cFunTypeToFunSig funName funType,
{ _funcSig = mkFunctionSig d,
_funcBody = maybeToList (BodyStatement <$> mkBody bodySpec)
@ -300,21 +215,6 @@ goFunctionDef Mono.FunctionDef {..} = do
funIsNullary :: Bool
funIsNullary = isNullary funcBasename funType
funcBasename :: Text
funcBasename = mkName _funDefName
funName :: Text
funName =
| funIsNullary -> asNullary funcBasename
| otherwise -> funcBasename
funType :: CFunType
funType = typeToFunType _funDefType
fallback :: Statement
fallback =
@ -337,21 +237,6 @@ goFunctionDef Mono.FunctionDef {..} = do
typeToFunType :: Mono.Type -> CFunType
typeToFunType t =
let (_cFunArgTypes, _cFunReturnType) =
bimap (map goType) goType (unfoldFunType t)
in CFunType {..}
clauseClosures ::
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
[Mono.Type] ->
Mono.FunctionClause ->
Sem r [ClosureInfo]
clauseClosures argTyps clause = do
bindings <- buildPatternInfoTable argTyps clause
runReader bindings (genClosureExpression (clause ^. Mono.clauseBody))
goFunctionClause ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
@ -407,153 +292,23 @@ goFunctionClause argTyps clause = do
(decls :: [Function], clauseResult) <- runOutputList (runReader bindings (goExpression (clause ^. Mono.clauseBody)))
return (StatementReturn (Just clauseResult), decls)
genClosure :: ClosureInfo -> [Function]
genClosure ClosureInfo {..} =
let returnType :: CDeclType
returnType = _closureFunType ^. cFunReturnType
argTypes :: [CDeclType]
argTypes = _closureFunType ^. cFunArgTypes
localName :: Text
localName = "f"
funName :: Text
funName = asFun _closureRootName
in [ Function
{ _funcSig =
{ _funcReturnType = returnType ^. typeDeclType,
_funcIsPtr = returnType ^. typeIsPtr,
_funcQualifier = None,
_funcName = funName,
_funcArgs = namedArgs asFunArg (declFunctionPtrType : argTypes)
_funcBody =
[ returnStatement
( functionCall
(ExpressionVar _closureRootName)
(ExpressionVar <$> take (length argTypes) (drop 1 funArgs))
{ _funcSig =
{ _funcReturnType = declFunctionType,
_funcIsPtr = True,
_funcQualifier = None,
_funcName = asNew funName,
_funcArgs = []
_funcBody =
[ BodyDecl
( Declaration
{ _declType = declFunctionType,
_declIsPtr = True,
_declName = Just localName,
_declInitializer = Just $ ExprInitializer (mallocSizeOf Str.minijuvixFunctionT)
( StatementExpr
( ExpressionAssign
( Assign
{ _assignLeft = memberAccess Pointer (ExpressionVar localName) "fun",
_assignRight =
( CDeclType
{ _typeDeclType = uIntPtrType,
_typeIsPtr = False
(ExpressionVar funName)
returnStatement (ExpressionVar localName)
genClosureExpression ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable, Reader PatternInfoTable] r =>
Mono.Expression ->
Sem r [ClosureInfo]
genClosureExpression = \case
Mono.ExpressionIden i -> do
let rootFunMonoName = Mono.getName i
rootFunNameId = rootFunMonoName ^. Mono.nameId
rootFunName = mkName rootFunMonoName
case i of
Mono.IdenVar {} -> return []
_ -> do
t <- getType i
let argTyps = t ^. cFunArgTypes
| null argTyps -> return []
| otherwise ->
[ ClosureInfo
{ _closureNameId = rootFunNameId,
_closureRootName = rootFunName,
_closureFunType = t
Mono.ExpressionApplication a -> exprApplication a
Mono.ExpressionLiteral {} -> return []
exprApplication :: Mono.Application -> Sem r [ClosureInfo]
exprApplication Mono.Application {..} = case _appLeft of
Mono.ExpressionApplication x -> do
rightClosures <- genClosureExpression _appRight
uf <- exprApplication x
return (rightClosures <> uf)
Mono.ExpressionIden {} -> genClosureExpression _appRight
Mono.ExpressionLiteral {} -> impossible
goExpression :: Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable, Reader PatternInfoTable] r => Mono.Expression -> Sem r Expression
goExpression = \case
Mono.ExpressionIden i -> do
let rootFunMonoName = Mono.getName i
rootFunName = mkName rootFunMonoName
funName = asFun rootFunName
newFunName = asNew funName
evalFunName = asEval (rootFunName <> "_0")
case i of
Mono.IdenVar {} -> goIden i
_ -> do
t <- getType i
(t, _) <- getType i
let argTyps = t ^. cFunArgTypes
| null argTyps -> goIden i
| otherwise -> return $ functionCall (ExpressionVar newFunName) []
| otherwise -> return $ functionCall (ExpressionVar evalFunName) []
Mono.ExpressionApplication a -> goApplication a
Mono.ExpressionLiteral l -> return (ExpressionLiteral (goLiteral l))
getType ::
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable, Reader PatternInfoTable] r =>
Mono.Iden ->
Sem r CFunType
getType = \case
Mono.IdenFunction n -> do
fInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoFunctions)
return $ typeToFunType (fInfo ^. Mono.functionInfoType)
Mono.IdenConstructor n -> do
fInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoConstructors)
( CFunType
{ _cFunArgTypes = goType <$> (fInfo ^. Mono.constructorInfoArgs),
_cFunReturnType =
(Mono.TypeIden (Mono.TypeIdenInductive (fInfo ^. Mono.constructorInfoInductive)))
Mono.IdenAxiom n -> do
fInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoAxioms)
return $ typeToFunType (fInfo ^. Mono.axiomInfoType)
Mono.IdenVar n ->
(^. bindingInfoType) . HashMap.lookupDefault impossible (n ^. Mono.nameText) <$> asks (^. patternBindings)
goIden :: Members '[Reader PatternInfoTable, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Iden -> Sem r Expression
goIden = \case
Mono.IdenFunction n -> return (ExpressionVar (mkName n))
@ -570,7 +325,36 @@ goApplication a = do
Mono.IdenVar n -> do
BindingInfo {..} <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible (n ^. Mono.nameText) <$> asks (^. patternBindings)
return $ juvixFunctionCall _bindingInfoType _bindingInfoExpr (reverse fArgs)
Mono.IdenFunction n -> do
nPatterns <- (^. Mono.functionInfoPatterns) . HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoFunctions)
(idenType, _) <- getType iden
let nArgTyps = length (idenType ^. cFunArgTypes)
| length fArgs < nArgTyps -> do
let name = mkName (Mono.getName iden)
evalName = asEval (name <> "_" <> show (length fArgs))
return $ functionCall (ExpressionVar evalName) (reverse fArgs)
| nPatterns < nArgTyps -> do
idenExp <- goIden iden
let callTyp = idenType {_cFunArgTypes = drop nPatterns (idenType ^. cFunArgTypes)}
args = reverse fArgs
patternArgs = take nPatterns args
funCall =
| null patternArgs -> idenExp
| otherwise -> functionCall idenExp patternArgs
return $ juvixFunctionCall callTyp funCall (drop nPatterns args)
| otherwise -> do
idenExp <- goIden iden
return $ functionCall idenExp (reverse fArgs)
_ -> do
(idenType, _) <- getType iden
| (length fArgs < length (idenType ^. cFunArgTypes)) -> do
let name = mkName (Mono.getName iden)
evalName = asEval (name <> "_" <> show (length fArgs))
return $ functionCall (ExpressionVar evalName) (reverse fArgs)
| otherwise -> do
idenExp <- goIden iden
return $ functionCall idenExp (reverse fArgs)
@ -620,7 +404,8 @@ goAxiom a = do
getCode :: BackendItem -> Maybe Text
getCode b =
guard (BackendC == b ^. backendItemBackend)
$> b ^. backendItemCode
$> b
^. backendItemCode
lookupBackends ::
Member (Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable) r =>
NameId ->
@ -638,23 +423,10 @@ mkInductiveName i = mkName (i ^. Mono.inductiveName)
mkInductiveConstructorNames :: Mono.InductiveDef -> [Text]
mkInductiveConstructorNames i = mkName . view Mono.constructorName <$> i ^. Mono.inductiveConstructors
goInductiveDef :: Mono.InductiveDef -> [CCode]
goInductiveDef i =
[ ExternalDecl structTypeDef,
ExternalDecl tagsType
<> (i ^. Mono.inductiveConstructors >>= goInductiveConstructorDef)
<> [ExternalDecl inductiveDecl]
<> (i ^. Mono.inductiveConstructors >>= goInductiveConstructorNew i)
<> (ExternalFunc . isFunction <$> constructorNames)
<> (ExternalFunc . asFunction <$> constructorNames)
mkInductiveTypeDef :: Mono.InductiveDef -> [CCode]
mkInductiveTypeDef i =
[ExternalDecl structTypeDef]
baseName :: Text
baseName = mkName (i ^. Mono.inductiveName)
constructorNames :: [Text]
constructorNames = mkInductiveConstructorNames i
structTypeDef :: Declaration
structTypeDef =
@ -668,6 +440,25 @@ goInductiveDef i =
baseName :: Text
baseName = mkName (i ^. Mono.inductiveName)
goInductiveDef :: Mono.InductiveDef -> [CCode]
goInductiveDef i =
[ ExternalDecl tagsType
<> (i ^. Mono.inductiveConstructors >>= goInductiveConstructorDef)
<> [ExternalDecl inductiveDecl]
<> (i ^. Mono.inductiveConstructors >>= goInductiveConstructorNew i)
<> (ExternalFunc . isFunction <$> constructorNames)
<> (ExternalFunc . asFunction <$> constructorNames)
baseName :: Text
baseName = mkName (i ^. Mono.inductiveName)
constructorNames :: [Text]
constructorNames = mkInductiveConstructorNames i
tagsType :: Declaration
tagsType =
@ -918,12 +709,6 @@ goInductiveConstructorNew i ctor = ctorNewFun
namedArgs :: (Text -> Text) -> [CDeclType] -> [Declaration]
namedArgs prefix = zipWith goTypeDecl argLabels
argLabels :: [Text]
argLabels = prefix . show <$> [0 :: Integer ..]
inductiveCtorArgs :: Mono.InductiveConstructorDef -> [Declaration]
inductiveCtorArgs ctor = namedArgs asCtorArg (goType <$> ctorParams)
@ -960,120 +745,3 @@ goInductiveConstructorDef ctor =
_structMembers = Just (inductiveCtorArgs ctor)
-- | a -> (b -> c) ==> ([a, b], c)
unfoldFunType :: Mono.Type -> ([Mono.Type], Mono.Type)
unfoldFunType t = case t of
Mono.TypeFunction (Mono.Function l r) -> first (l :) (unfoldFunType r)
_ -> ([], t)
goType :: Mono.Type -> CDeclType
goType t = case t of
Mono.TypeIden ti -> getMonoType ti
Mono.TypeFunction {} -> declFunctionPtrType
Mono.TypeUniverse {} -> unsupported "TypeUniverse"
getMonoType :: Mono.TypeIden -> CDeclType
getMonoType = \case
Mono.TypeIdenInductive mn ->
{ _typeDeclType = DeclTypeDefType (asTypeDef (mkName mn)),
_typeIsPtr = True
Mono.TypeIdenAxiom mn ->
{ _typeDeclType = DeclTypeDefType (mkName mn),
_typeIsPtr = False
buildPatternInfoTable :: forall r. Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r => [Mono.Type] -> Mono.FunctionClause -> Sem r PatternInfoTable
buildPatternInfoTable argTyps Mono.FunctionClause {..} =
PatternInfoTable . HashMap.fromList <$> patBindings
funArgBindings :: [(Expression, CFunType)]
funArgBindings = bimap ExpressionVar typeToFunType <$> zip funArgs argTyps
patArgBindings :: [(Mono.Pattern, (Expression, CFunType))]
patArgBindings = zip _clausePatterns funArgBindings
patBindings :: Sem r [(Text, BindingInfo)]
patBindings = concatMapM go patArgBindings
go :: (Mono.Pattern, (Expression, CFunType)) -> Sem r [(Text, BindingInfo)]
go (p, (exp, typ)) = case p of
Mono.PatternVariable v ->
[(v ^. Mono.nameText, BindingInfo {_bindingInfoExpr = exp, _bindingInfoType = typ})]
Mono.PatternConstructorApp Mono.ConstructorApp {..} ->
goConstructorApp exp _constrAppConstructor _constrAppParameters
Mono.PatternWildcard {} -> return []
goConstructorApp :: Expression -> Mono.Name -> [Mono.Pattern] -> Sem r [(Text, BindingInfo)]
goConstructorApp exp constructorName ps = do
ctorInfo' <- ctorInfo
let ctorArgBindings :: [(Expression, CFunType)] =
bimap (memberAccess Object asConstructor) typeToFunType <$> zip ctorArgs ctorInfo'
patternCtorArgBindings :: [(Mono.Pattern, (Expression, CFunType))] = zip ps ctorArgBindings
concatMapM go patternCtorArgBindings
ctorInfo :: Sem r [Mono.Type]
ctorInfo = do
p' :: HashMap Mono.Name Mono.ConstructorInfo <- asks (^. Mono.infoConstructors)
let fInfo = HashMap.lookupDefault impossible constructorName p'
return $ fInfo ^. Mono.constructorInfoArgs
asConstructor :: Expression
asConstructor = functionCall (ExpressionVar (asCast (mkName constructorName))) [exp]
goTypeDecl :: Text -> CDeclType -> Declaration
goTypeDecl n CDeclType {..} =
{ _declType = _typeDeclType,
_declIsPtr = _typeIsPtr,
_declName = Just n,
_declInitializer = Nothing
goTypeDecl'' :: CDeclType -> Declaration
goTypeDecl'' CDeclType {..} =
{ _declType = _typeDeclType,
_declIsPtr = _typeIsPtr,
_declName = Nothing,
_declInitializer = Nothing
mallocSizeOf :: Text -> Expression
mallocSizeOf typeName =
functionCall (ExpressionVar Str.malloc) [functionCall (ExpressionVar Str.sizeof) [ExpressionVar typeName]]
declFunctionType :: DeclType
declFunctionType = DeclTypeDefType Str.minijuvixFunctionT
declFunctionPtrType :: CDeclType
declFunctionPtrType =
{ _typeDeclType = declFunctionType,
_typeIsPtr = True
funPtrType :: CFunType -> CDeclType
funPtrType CFunType {..} =
{ _typeDeclType =
( FunPtr
{ _funPtrReturnType = _cFunReturnType ^. typeDeclType,
_funPtrIsPtr = _cFunReturnType ^. typeIsPtr,
_funPtrArgs = _cFunArgTypes
_typeIsPtr = False
juvixFunctionCall :: CFunType -> Expression -> [Expression] -> Expression
juvixFunctionCall funType funParam args =
functionCall (castToType (funPtrType fTyp) (memberAccess Pointer funParam "fun")) (funParam : args)
fTyp :: CFunType
fTyp = funType {_cFunArgTypes = declFunctionPtrType : (funType ^. cFunArgTypes)}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Base
( module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Base,
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Types,
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CNames,
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CBuilder,
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.Text qualified as T
import MiniJuvix.Internal.Strings qualified as Str
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.Language qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniC.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language qualified as Mono
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMonoJuvix qualified as Mono
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CBuilder
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CNames
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Types
unsupported :: Text -> a
unsupported msg = error (msg <> " Mono to C: not yet supported")
unfoldFunType :: Mono.Type -> ([Mono.Type], Mono.Type)
unfoldFunType t = case t of
Mono.TypeFunction (Mono.Function l r) -> first (l :) (unfoldFunType r)
_ -> ([], t)
mkName :: Mono.Name -> Text
mkName n =
adaptFirstLetter lexeme <> nameTextSuffix
| T.null lexeme' = "v"
| otherwise = lexeme'
lexeme' = T.filter isValidChar (n ^. Mono.nameText)
isValidChar :: Char -> Bool
isValidChar c = isLetter c && isAscii c
adaptFirstLetter :: Text -> Text
adaptFirstLetter t = case T.uncons t of
Nothing -> impossible
Just (h, r) -> T.cons (capitalize h) r
capitalize :: Char -> Char
| capital = toUpper
| otherwise = toLower
capital = case n ^. Mono.nameKind of
Mono.KNameConstructor -> True
Mono.KNameInductive -> True
Mono.KNameTopModule -> True
Mono.KNameLocalModule -> True
_ -> False
nameTextSuffix :: Text
nameTextSuffix = case n ^. Mono.nameKind of
Mono.KNameTopModule -> mempty
Mono.KNameFunction ->
if n ^. Mono.nameText == Str.main then mempty else idSuffix
_ -> idSuffix
idSuffix :: Text
idSuffix = "_" <> show (n ^. Mono.nameId . Micro.unNameId)
goType :: Mono.Type -> CDeclType
goType t = case t of
Mono.TypeIden ti -> getMonoType ti
Mono.TypeFunction {} -> declFunctionPtrType
Mono.TypeUniverse {} -> unsupported "TypeUniverse"
getMonoType :: Mono.TypeIden -> CDeclType
getMonoType = \case
Mono.TypeIdenInductive mn ->
{ _typeDeclType = DeclTypeDefType (asTypeDef (mkName mn)),
_typeIsPtr = True
Mono.TypeIdenAxiom mn ->
{ _typeDeclType = DeclTypeDefType (mkName mn),
_typeIsPtr = False
typeToFunType :: Mono.Type -> CFunType
typeToFunType t =
let (_cFunArgTypes, _cFunReturnType) =
bimap (map goType) goType (unfoldFunType t)
in CFunType {..}
applyOnFunStatement ::
forall a. Monoid a => (Mono.FunctionDef -> a) -> Mono.Statement -> a
applyOnFunStatement f = \case
Mono.StatementFunction x -> f x
Mono.StatementForeign {} -> mempty
Mono.StatementAxiom {} -> mempty
Mono.StatementInductive {} -> mempty
buildPatternInfoTable :: forall r. Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r => [Mono.Type] -> Mono.FunctionClause -> Sem r PatternInfoTable
buildPatternInfoTable argTyps Mono.FunctionClause {..} =
PatternInfoTable . HashMap.fromList <$> patBindings
funArgBindings :: [(Expression, CFunType)]
funArgBindings = bimap ExpressionVar typeToFunType <$> zip funArgs argTyps
patArgBindings :: [(Mono.Pattern, (Expression, CFunType))]
patArgBindings = zip _clausePatterns funArgBindings
patBindings :: Sem r [(Text, BindingInfo)]
patBindings = concatMapM go patArgBindings
go :: (Mono.Pattern, (Expression, CFunType)) -> Sem r [(Text, BindingInfo)]
go (p, (exp, typ)) = case p of
Mono.PatternVariable v ->
[(v ^. Mono.nameText, BindingInfo {_bindingInfoExpr = exp, _bindingInfoType = typ})]
Mono.PatternConstructorApp Mono.ConstructorApp {..} ->
goConstructorApp exp _constrAppConstructor _constrAppParameters
Mono.PatternWildcard {} -> return []
goConstructorApp :: Expression -> Mono.Name -> [Mono.Pattern] -> Sem r [(Text, BindingInfo)]
goConstructorApp exp constructorName ps = do
ctorInfo' <- ctorInfo
let ctorArgBindings :: [(Expression, CFunType)] =
bimap (memberAccess Object asConstructor) typeToFunType <$> zip ctorArgs ctorInfo'
patternCtorArgBindings :: [(Mono.Pattern, (Expression, CFunType))] = zip ps ctorArgBindings
concatMapM go patternCtorArgBindings
ctorInfo :: Sem r [Mono.Type]
ctorInfo = do
p' :: HashMap Mono.Name Mono.ConstructorInfo <- asks (^. Mono.infoConstructors)
let fInfo = HashMap.lookupDefault impossible constructorName p'
return $ fInfo ^. Mono.constructorInfoArgs
asConstructor :: Expression
asConstructor = functionCall (ExpressionVar (asCast (mkName constructorName))) [exp]
getType ::
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable, Reader PatternInfoTable] r =>
Mono.Iden ->
Sem r (CFunType, CArity)
getType = \case
Mono.IdenFunction n -> do
fInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoFunctions)
return (typeToFunType (fInfo ^. Mono.functionInfoType), fInfo ^. Mono.functionInfoPatterns)
Mono.IdenConstructor n -> do
fInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoConstructors)
let argTypes = goType <$> (fInfo ^. Mono.constructorInfoArgs)
( CFunType
{ _cFunArgTypes = argTypes,
_cFunReturnType =
(Mono.TypeIden (Mono.TypeIdenInductive (fInfo ^. Mono.constructorInfoInductive)))
length argTypes
Mono.IdenAxiom n -> do
fInfo <- HashMap.lookupDefault impossible n <$> asks (^. Mono.infoAxioms)
let t = typeToFunType (fInfo ^. Mono.axiomInfoType)
return (t, length (t ^. cFunArgTypes))
Mono.IdenVar n -> do
t <- (^. bindingInfoType) . HashMap.lookupDefault impossible (n ^. Mono.nameText) <$> asks (^. patternBindings)
return (t, length (t ^. cFunArgTypes))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CBuilder where
import MiniJuvix.Internal.Strings qualified as Str
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniC.Language
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CNames
namedArgs :: (Text -> Text) -> [CDeclType] -> [Declaration]
namedArgs prefix = zipWith goTypeDecl argLabels
argLabels :: [Text]
argLabels = prefix . show <$> [0 :: Integer ..]
goTypeDecl :: Text -> CDeclType -> Declaration
goTypeDecl n CDeclType {..} =
{ _declType = _typeDeclType,
_declIsPtr = _typeIsPtr,
_declName = Just n,
_declInitializer = Nothing
declFunctionType :: DeclType
declFunctionType = DeclTypeDefType Str.minijuvixFunctionT
declFunctionPtrType :: CDeclType
declFunctionPtrType =
{ _typeDeclType = declFunctionType,
_typeIsPtr = True
funPtrType :: CFunType -> CDeclType
funPtrType CFunType {..} =
{ _typeDeclType =
( FunPtr
{ _funPtrReturnType = _cFunReturnType ^. typeDeclType,
_funPtrIsPtr = _cFunReturnType ^. typeIsPtr,
_funPtrArgs = _cFunArgTypes
_typeIsPtr = False
mallocSizeOf :: Text -> Expression
mallocSizeOf typeName =
functionCall (ExpressionVar Str.malloc) [functionCall (ExpressionVar Str.sizeof) [ExpressionVar typeName]]
juvixFunctionCall :: CFunType -> Expression -> [Expression] -> Expression
juvixFunctionCall funType funParam args =
functionCall (castToType (funPtrType fTyp) (memberAccess Pointer funParam "fun")) (funParam : args)
fTyp :: CFunType
fTyp = funType {_cFunArgTypes = declFunctionPtrType : (funType ^. cFunArgTypes)}
cFunTypeToFunSig :: Text -> CFunType -> FunctionSig
cFunTypeToFunSig name CFunType {..} =
{ _funcReturnType = _cFunReturnType ^. typeDeclType,
_funcIsPtr = _cFunReturnType ^. typeIsPtr,
_funcQualifier = None,
_funcName = name,
_funcArgs = namedArgs asFunArg _cFunArgTypes

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.CNames where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
funField :: Text
funField = "fun"
asStruct :: Text -> Text
asStruct n = n <> "_s"
asTypeDef :: Text -> Text
asTypeDef n = n <> "_t"
asTag :: Text -> Text
asTag n = n <> "_tag"
asField :: Text -> Text
asField n = n <> "_field"
asNullary :: Text -> Text
asNullary n = n <> "_nullary"
asCast :: Text -> Text
asCast n = "as_" <> n
asIs :: Text -> Text
asIs n = "is_" <> n
asNew :: Text -> Text
asNew n = "new_" <> n
asFun :: Text -> Text
asFun n = n <> "_fun"
asEval :: Text -> Text
asEval n = n <> "_eval"
asApply :: Text -> Text
asApply n = n <> "_apply"
asEnv :: Text -> Text
asEnv n = n <> "_env"
asFunArg :: Text -> Text
asFunArg n = "fa" <> n
asCtorArg :: Text -> Text
asCtorArg n = "ca" <> n
asEnvArg :: Text -> Text
asEnvArg n = "ea" <> n
mkArgs :: (Text -> Text) -> [Text]
mkArgs f = map (f . show) [0 :: Integer ..]
funArgs :: [Text]
funArgs = mkArgs asFunArg
ctorArgs :: [Text]
ctorArgs = mkArgs asCtorArg
envArgs :: [Text]
envArgs = mkArgs asEnvArg

View File

@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Closure where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniC.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language qualified as Mono
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMonoJuvix qualified as Mono
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Base
genClosures ::
forall r.
Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r =>
Mono.Module ->
Sem r [CCode]
genClosures Mono.Module {..} = do
closureInfos <- concatMapM (applyOnFunStatement functionDefClosures) (_moduleBody ^. Mono.moduleStatements)
return (genCClosure =<< nub closureInfos)
genCClosure :: ClosureInfo -> [CCode]
genCClosure c =
[ ExternalDecl (genClosureEnv c),
ExternalFunc (genClosureApply c),
ExternalFunc (genClosureEval c)
functionDefClosures ::
Member (Reader Mono.InfoTable) r =>
Mono.FunctionDef ->
Sem r [ClosureInfo]
functionDefClosures Mono.FunctionDef {..} =
concatMapM (clauseClosures (fst (unfoldFunType _funDefType))) (toList _funDefClauses)
genClosureExpression ::
forall r.
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable, Reader PatternInfoTable] r =>
[Mono.Type] ->
Mono.Expression ->
Sem r [ClosureInfo]
genClosureExpression funArgTyps = \case
Mono.ExpressionIden i -> do
let rootFunMonoName = Mono.getName i
rootFunNameId = rootFunMonoName ^. Mono.nameId
rootFunName = mkName rootFunMonoName
case i of
Mono.IdenVar {} -> return []
_ -> do
(t, patterns) <- getType i
let argTyps = t ^. cFunArgTypes
| null argTyps -> return []
| otherwise ->
[ ClosureInfo
{ _closureNameId = rootFunNameId,
_closureRootName = rootFunName,
_closureMembers = [],
_closureFunType = t,
_closureCArity = patterns
Mono.ExpressionApplication a -> exprApplication a
Mono.ExpressionLiteral {} -> return []
exprApplication :: Mono.Application -> Sem r [ClosureInfo]
exprApplication a = do
(f, appArgs) <- unfoldApp a
let rootFunMonoName = Mono.getName f
rootFunNameId = rootFunMonoName ^. Mono.nameId
rootFunName = mkName rootFunMonoName
(fType, patterns) <- getType f
closureArgs <- concatMapM (genClosureExpression funArgTyps) appArgs
| length appArgs < length (fType ^. cFunArgTypes) ->
( [ ClosureInfo
{ _closureNameId = rootFunNameId,
_closureRootName = rootFunName,
_closureMembers = take (length appArgs) (fType ^. cFunArgTypes),
_closureFunType = fType,
_closureCArity = patterns
<> closureArgs
| otherwise -> return closureArgs
unfoldApp :: Mono.Application -> Sem r (Mono.Iden, [Mono.Expression])
unfoldApp Mono.Application {..} = case _appLeft of
Mono.ExpressionApplication x -> do
uf <- unfoldApp x
return (second (_appRight :) uf)
Mono.ExpressionIden i -> do
return (i, [_appRight])
Mono.ExpressionLiteral {} -> impossible
genClosureEnv :: ClosureInfo -> Declaration
genClosureEnv c =
(asTypeDef name)
( DeclStructUnion
( StructUnion
{ _structUnionTag = StructTag,
_structUnionName = Just name,
_structMembers = Just (funDecl : members)
name :: Text
name = asEnv (closureNamedId c)
funDecl :: Declaration
funDecl = namedDeclType funField uIntPtrType
members :: [Declaration]
members = uncurry cDeclToNamedDecl <$> zip envArgs (c ^. closureMembers)
genClosureApplySig :: ClosureInfo -> FunctionSig
genClosureApplySig c = cFunTypeToFunSig (asApply (closureNamedId c)) applyFunType
nonEnvTyps :: [CDeclType]
nonEnvTyps = drop (length (c ^. closureMembers)) (c ^. closureFunType . cFunArgTypes)
allFunTyps :: [CDeclType]
allFunTyps = declFunctionPtrType : nonEnvTyps
applyFunType :: CFunType
applyFunType = (c ^. closureFunType) {_cFunArgTypes = allFunTyps}
genClosureApply :: ClosureInfo -> Function
genClosureApply c =
let localName :: Text
localName = "env"
localFunName :: Text
localFunName = "f"
name :: Text
name = closureNamedId c
envName :: Text
envName = asTypeDef (asEnv name)
closureEnvArgs :: [Text]
closureEnvArgs = take (length (c ^. closureMembers)) envArgs
closureEnvAccess :: [Expression]
closureEnvAccess = memberAccess Pointer (ExpressionVar localName) <$> closureEnvArgs
args :: [Expression]
args = take (length (c ^. closureFunType . cFunArgTypes)) (closureEnvAccess <> drop 1 (ExpressionVar <$> funArgs))
nPatterns :: Int
nPatterns = c ^. closureCArity
patternArgs :: [Expression]
patternArgs = take nPatterns args
funType :: CFunType
funType =
(c ^. closureFunType)
{ _cFunArgTypes = drop nPatterns (c ^. closureFunType . cFunArgTypes)
funName :: Expression
funName = ExpressionVar (c ^. closureRootName)
funCall :: Expression
funCall =
| null patternArgs -> funName
| otherwise -> functionCall funName patternArgs
juvixFunCall :: [BodyItem]
juvixFunCall =
| nPatterns < length args ->
[ BodyDecl
( Declaration
{ _declType = declFunctionType,
_declIsPtr = True,
_declName = Just localFunName,
_declInitializer = Just (ExprInitializer funCall)
BodyStatement . StatementReturn . Just $ juvixFunctionCall funType (ExpressionVar localFunName) (drop nPatterns args)
| otherwise -> [BodyStatement . StatementReturn . Just $ functionCall (ExpressionVar (c ^. closureRootName)) args]
envArg :: BodyItem
envArg =
( Declaration
{ _declType = DeclTypeDefType envName,
_declIsPtr = True,
_declName = Just localName,
_declInitializer =
Just $
( castToType
( CDeclType
{ _typeDeclType = DeclTypeDefType envName,
_typeIsPtr = True
(ExpressionVar "fa0")
in Function
{ _funcSig = genClosureApplySig c,
_funcBody = envArg : juvixFunCall
genClosureEval :: ClosureInfo -> Function
genClosureEval c =
let localName :: Text
localName = "f"
name :: Text
name = closureNamedId c
envName :: Text
envName = asTypeDef (asEnv name)
envArgToFunArg :: [(Text, Text)]
envArgToFunArg = take (length (c ^. closureMembers)) (zip envArgs funArgs)
assignments :: [Assign]
assignments = mkAssign <$> envArgToFunArg
mkAssign :: (Text, Text) -> Assign
mkAssign (envArg, funArg) =
{ _assignLeft = memberAccess Pointer (ExpressionVar localName) envArg,
_assignRight = ExpressionVar funArg
in Function
{ _funcSig =
{ _funcReturnType = declFunctionType,
_funcIsPtr = True,
_funcQualifier = None,
_funcName = asEval name,
_funcArgs = namedArgs asFunArg (c ^. closureMembers)
_funcBody =
[ BodyDecl
( Declaration
{ _declType = DeclTypeDefType envName,
_declIsPtr = True,
_declName = Just localName,
_declInitializer = Just $ ExprInitializer (mallocSizeOf envName)
( StatementExpr
( ExpressionAssign
( Assign
{ _assignLeft = memberAccess Pointer (ExpressionVar localName) funField,
_assignRight =
( CDeclType
{ _typeDeclType = uIntPtrType,
_typeIsPtr = False
(ExpressionVar (asApply name))
<> (BodyStatement . StatementExpr . ExpressionAssign <$> assignments)
<> [ returnStatement (castToType declFunctionPtrType (ExpressionVar localName))
clauseClosures ::
Members '[Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
[Mono.Type] ->
Mono.FunctionClause ->
Sem r [ClosureInfo]
clauseClosures argTyps clause = do
bindings <- buildPatternInfoTable argTyps clause
runReader bindings (genClosureExpression argTyps (clause ^. Mono.clauseBody))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Types where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniC.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language qualified as Mono
newtype MiniCResult = MiniCResult
{ _resultCCode :: Text
data BindingInfo = BindingInfo
{ _bindingInfoExpr :: Expression,
_bindingInfoType :: CFunType
newtype PatternInfoTable = PatternInfoTable
{_patternBindings :: HashMap Text BindingInfo}
type CArity = Int
data ClosureInfo = ClosureInfo
{ _closureNameId :: Mono.NameId,
_closureRootName :: Text,
_closureMembers :: [CDeclType],
_closureFunType :: CFunType,
_closureCArity :: CArity
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
closureNamedId :: ClosureInfo -> Text
closureNamedId ClosureInfo {..} = _closureRootName <> "_" <> show (length _closureMembers)
makeLenses ''ClosureInfo
makeLenses ''MiniCResult
makeLenses ''PatternInfoTable
makeLenses ''BindingInfo

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module BackendC where
import BackendC.Examples qualified as E
import BackendC.Positive qualified as P
import Base
allTests :: TestTree
allTests = testGroup "Backend C tests" [P.allTests]
allTests = testGroup "Backend C tests" [P.allTests, E.allTests]

test/BackendC/Base.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
module BackendC.Base where
import Base
import Data.FileEmbed
import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO
import MiniJuvix.Pipeline
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC as MiniC
import System.IO.Extra (withTempDir)
import System.Process qualified as P
clangCompile ::
(FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]) ->
MiniC.MiniCResult ->
Text ->
(String -> IO ()) ->
IO Text
clangCompile mkClangArgs cResult stdinText step =
( \dirPath -> do
let cOutputFile = dirPath </> "out.c"
wasmOutputFile = dirPath </> "out.wasm"
TIO.writeFile cOutputFile (cResult ^. MiniC.resultCCode)
step "WASM generation"
(mkClangArgs wasmOutputFile cOutputFile)
step "WASM execution"
pack <$> P.readProcess "wasmer" [wasmOutputFile] (unpack stdinText)
clangAssertion :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Text -> ((String -> IO ()) -> Assertion)
clangAssertion mainFile expectedFile stdinText step = do
step "Check clang and wasmer are on path"
assertCmdExists "clang"
assertCmdExists "wasmer"
sysrootPath <-
"Env var WASI_SYSROOT_PATH missing. Set to the location of the wasi-clib sysroot"
step "C Generation"
let entryPoint = defaultEntryPoint mainFile
p :: MiniC.MiniCResult <- runIO (upToMiniC entryPoint)
expected <- TIO.readFile expectedFile
step "Compile C with standalone runtime"
actualStandalone <- clangCompile (standaloneArgs sysrootPath) p stdinText step
step "Compare expected and actual program output"
assertEqDiff ("check: WASM output = " <> expectedFile) actualStandalone expected
step "Compile C with libc runtime"
actualLibc <- clangCompile (libcArgs sysrootPath) p stdinText step
step "Compare expected and actual program output"
assertEqDiff ("check: WASM output = " <> expectedFile) actualLibc expected
standaloneArgs :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]
standaloneArgs sysrootPath wasmOutputFile cOutputFile =
[ "-nodefaultlibs",
takeDirectory minicRuntime,
minicRuntime :: FilePath
minicRuntime = $(makeRelativeToProject "minic-runtime/standalone/minic-runtime.h" >>= strToExp)
wallocPath :: FilePath
wallocPath = $(makeRelativeToProject "minic-runtime/standalone/walloc.c" >>= strToExp)
libcArgs :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]
libcArgs sysrootPath wasmOutputFile cOutputFile =
[ "-nodefaultlibs",
takeDirectory minicRuntime,
minicRuntime :: FilePath
minicRuntime = $(makeRelativeToProject "minic-runtime/libc/minic-runtime.h" >>= strToExp)

test/BackendC/Examples.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
module BackendC.Examples where
import BackendC.Base
import Base
import Data.FileEmbed
data ExampleTest = ExampleTest
{ _name :: String,
_relDir :: FilePath,
_mainFile :: FilePath,
_expectedDir :: FilePath,
_stdinText :: Text
makeLenses ''ExampleTest
exampleRoot :: FilePath
exampleRoot = "examples/milestone"
testDescr :: ExampleTest -> TestDescr
testDescr ExampleTest {..} =
let mainRoot = exampleRoot </> _relDir
expectedFile = $(makeRelativeToProject "tests/examplesExpected" >>= strToExp) </> _expectedDir </> "expected.golden"
in TestDescr
{ _testName = _name,
_testRoot = mainRoot,
_testAssertion = Steps $ clangAssertion _mainFile expectedFile _stdinText
allTests :: TestTree
allTests =
"Backend C milestone example tests"
(map (mkTest . testDescr) tests)
tests :: [ExampleTest]
tests =
[ ExampleTest "Validity Predicate example" "ValidityPredicates" "Tests.mjuvix" "ValidityPredicates" "",
ExampleTest "MiniTicTacToe example" "MiniTicTacToe" "MiniTicTacToe.mjuvix" "MiniTicTacToe" "aaa\n0\n10\n1\n2\n3\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n"

View File

@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
module BackendC.Positive where
import BackendC.Base
import Base
import Data.FileEmbed
import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO
import MiniJuvix.Pipeline
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC as MiniC
import System.IO.Extra (withTempDir)
import System.Process qualified as P
data PosTest = PosTest
{ _name :: String,
@ -30,89 +25,9 @@ testDescr PosTest {..} =
in TestDescr
{ _testName = _name,
_testRoot = tRoot,
_testAssertion = Steps $ \step -> do
step "Check clang and wasmer are on path"
assertCmdExists "clang"
assertCmdExists "wasmer"
sysrootPath <-
"Env var WASI_SYSROOT_PATH missing. Set to the location of the wasi-clib sysroot"
step "C Generation"
let entryPoint = defaultEntryPoint mainFile
p :: MiniC.MiniCResult <- runIO (upToMiniC entryPoint)
expected <- TIO.readFile expectedFile
step "Compile C with standalone runtime"
actualStandalone <- clangCompile (standaloneArgs sysrootPath) p step
step "Compare expected and actual program output"
assertEqDiff ("check: WASM output = " <> expectedFile) actualStandalone expected
step "Compile C with libc runtime"
actualLibc <- clangCompile (libcArgs sysrootPath) p step
step "Compare expected and actual program output"
assertEqDiff ("check: WASM output = " <> expectedFile) actualLibc expected
_testAssertion = Steps $ clangAssertion mainFile expectedFile ""
clangCompile ::
(FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]) ->
MiniC.MiniCResult ->
(String -> IO ()) ->
IO Text
clangCompile mkClangArgs cResult step =
( \dirPath -> do
let cOutputFile = dirPath </> "out.c"
wasmOutputFile = dirPath </> "out.wasm"
TIO.writeFile cOutputFile (cResult ^. MiniC.resultCCode)
step "WASM generation"
(mkClangArgs wasmOutputFile cOutputFile)
step "WASM execution"
pack <$> P.readProcess "wasmer" [wasmOutputFile] ""
standaloneArgs :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]
standaloneArgs sysrootPath wasmOutputFile cOutputFile =
[ "-nodefaultlibs",
takeDirectory minicRuntime,
minicRuntime :: FilePath
minicRuntime = $(makeRelativeToProject "minic-runtime/standalone/minic-runtime.h" >>= strToExp)
wallocPath :: FilePath
wallocPath = $(makeRelativeToProject "minic-runtime/standalone/walloc.c" >>= strToExp)
libcArgs :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]
libcArgs sysrootPath wasmOutputFile cOutputFile =
[ "-nodefaultlibs",
takeDirectory minicRuntime,
minicRuntime :: FilePath
minicRuntime = $(makeRelativeToProject "minic-runtime/libc/minic-runtime.h" >>= strToExp)
allTests :: TestTree
allTests =
@ -127,5 +42,9 @@ tests =
PosTest "Multiple modules" "MultiModules",
PosTest "Higher Order Functions" "HigherOrder",
PosTest "Higher Order Functions and explicit holes" "PolymorphismHoles",
PosTest "Closures with no environment" "ClosureNoEnv"
PosTest "Closures with no environment" "ClosureNoEnv",
PosTest "Closures with environment" "ClosureEnv",
PosTest "SimpleFungibleTokenImplicit" "SimpleFungibleTokenImplicit",
PosTest "Mutually recursive function" "MutuallyRecursive",
PosTest "Nested List type" "NestedList"

View File

@ -2,24 +2,15 @@ $ minijuvix html
> /Provide.*/
>= 1
$ cd examples/milestone/ValidityPredicates/ && minijuvix html Prelude.mjuvix && cat html/Prelude.html
$ cd examples/milestone/Lib/ && minijuvix html Prelude.mjuvix && cat html/Prelude.html
>= 0
$ rm -rf examples/html && minijuvix html examples/milestone/ValidityPredicates/Prelude.mjuvix --output-dir=./../../html && [ -d examples/html/assets ] && [ -f examples/html/Prelude.html ]
$ rm -rf examples/html && minijuvix html examples/milestone/Lib/Prelude.mjuvix --output-dir=./../../html && [ -d examples/html/assets ] && [ -f examples/html/Prelude.html ]
Writing Prelude.html
>= 0
$ rm -rf examples/html && minijuvix html examples/milestone/ValidityPredicates/Prelude.mjuvix --recursive --output-dir=./../../html && (ls examples/html | wc -l) && cd examples/html && [ -f Data.String.html ] && [ -f Data.Maybe.html ] && [ -f Data.Int.html ] && [ -f System.IO.html ] && [ -f Data.List.html ] && [ -f Data.Pair.html ] && [ -f Data.Bool.html ] && [ -f Prelude.html ] && [ -f assets/highlight.js ] && [ -f assets/source-ayu-light.css ] && [ -f assets/source-nord.css ]
Writing Data.String.html
Writing Data.Maybe.html
Writing Data.Int.html
Writing System.IO.html
Writing Data.List.html
Writing Data.Pair.html
Writing Data.Bool.html
Writing Prelude.html
$ rm -rf examples/html && minijuvix html examples/milestone/Lib/Prelude.mjuvix --recursive --output-dir=./../../html && (ls examples/html | wc -l) && cd examples/html && [ -f Data.String.html ] && [ -f Data.Maybe.html ] && [ -f Data.Int.html ] && [ -f System.IO.html ] && [ -f Data.List.html ] && [ -f Data.Pair.html ] && [ -f Data.Bool.html ] && [ -f Prelude.html ] && [ -f assets/highlight.js ] && [ -f assets/source-ayu-light.css ] && [ -f assets/source-nord.css ]
> /Writing.*/
>= 0

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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
Type a number then ENTER to make a move
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Player X:
Invalid number, try again
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Player X:
Invalid number, try again
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Player X:
Invalid number, try again
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Player X:
| X | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Player O:
| X | O | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Player X:
| X | O | X |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Player O:
The square is already occupied, try again
| X | O | X |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Player O:
| X | O | X |
| O | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Player X:
| X | O | X |
| O | X | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Player O:
| X | O | X |
| O | X | O |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
Player X:
| X | O | X |
| O | X | O |
| X | 8 | 9 |
Player X wins!

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
VP Status: OK

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
module Input;
open import Data.IO;
open import Data.String;
axiom Int : Type;
compile Int {
c ↦ "int";
axiom to-str : Int → String;
compile to-str {
c ↦ "intToStr";
foreign c {
int cplus(int l, int r) {
return l + r;
axiom plus : Int → Int → Int;
compile plus {
c ↦ "cplus";
inductive Nat {
zero : Nat;
suc : Nat → Nat;
nplus : Nat → Nat → Nat;
nplus zero n ≔ n;
nplus (suc m) n ≔ suc (nplus m n);
nplus-to-int : Nat → Int;
nplus-to-int zero ≔ 0;
nplus-to-int (suc n) ≔ plus 1 (nplus-to-int n);
nOne : Nat;
nOne ≔ suc zero;
nplusOne : Nat → Nat → Nat;
nplusOne n ≔ nplus nOne;
one : Int;
one ≔ 1;
two : Int;
two ≔ 2;
three : Int;
three ≔ 3;
plusXIgnore2 : Int → Int → Int → Int → Int;
plusXIgnore2 _ _ ≔ plus;
plusXIgnore : Int → Int → Int → Int;
plusXIgnore _ ≔ plus;
plusXIgnore22 : Int → Int → Int → Int → Int;
plusXIgnore22 _ ≔ plusXIgnore;
plusX : Int → Int → Int;
plusX ≔ plus;
plusXThree : Int → Int;
plusXThree ≔ plusX three;
plusOne : Int → Int;
plusOne ≔ plus one;
plusOneThenTwo : Int;
plusOneThenTwo ≔ plusOne two;
plusOneThenX : Int → Int;
plusOneThenX x ≔ plusOne x;
plusOneTwo : Int;
plusOneTwo ≔ plus one two;
main : Action;
main ≔ put-str "plusOne one: " >> put-str-ln (to-str (plusOne one))
>> put-str "plusOneThenTwo: " >> put-str-ln (to-str (plusOneThenTwo))
>> put-str "plusOneThenX three: " >> put-str-ln (to-str (plusOneThenX three))
>> put-str "plusOneTwo: " >> put-str-ln (to-str (plusOneTwo))
>> put-str "plusX three three: " >> put-str-ln (to-str (plusX three three))
>> put-str "plusXIgnore one three three: " >> put-str-ln (to-str (plusXIgnore one three three))
>> put-str "plusXIgnore2 one one three three: " >> put-str-ln (to-str (plusXIgnore2 one one three three))
>> put-str "plusXIgnore22 one one three two: " >> put-str-ln (to-str (plusXIgnore22 one one three two))

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
plusOne one: 2
plusOneThenTwo: 3
plusOneThenX three: 4
plusOneTwo: 3
plusX three three: 6
plusXIgnore one three three: 6
plusXIgnore2 one one three three: 6
plusXIgnore22 one one three two: 5

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
module Input;
import IO;
open IO;
import String;
open String;
open import Data.IO;
open import Data.String;
axiom Int : Type;

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
module Data.Bool;
open import Data.String;
inductive Bool {
true : Bool;
false : Bool;
not : Bool → Bool;
not true ≔ false;
not false ≔ true;
boolToStr : Bool → String;
boolToStr true ≔ "true";
boolToStr false ≔ "false";

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module IO;
module Data.IO;
import String;
open String;
import Data.String;
open Data.String;
axiom Action : Type;

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
module Data.Int;
open import Data.String;
axiom Int : Type;
compile Int {
c ↦ "int";
axiom intToStr : Int → String;
compile intToStr {
c ↦ "intToStr";
foreign c {
int plus(int l, int r) {
return l + r;
infixl 6 +;
axiom + : Int -> Int -> Int;
compile + {
c ↦ "plus";

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module Data.Nat;
open import Data.String;
open import Data.Int;
inductive Nat {
zero : Nat;
suc : Nat → Nat;
foreign c {
void* natInd(int n, void* zero, minijuvix_function_t* suc) {
if (n <= 0) return zero;
return ((void* (*) (minijuvix_function_t*, void*))suc->fun)(suc, natInd(n - 1, zero, suc));
axiom natInd : Int → Nat → (Nat → Nat) → Nat;
compile natInd {
c ↦ "natInd";
natToInt : Nat → Int;
natToInt zero ≔ 0;
natToInt (suc n) ≔ 1 + (natToInt n);
natToStr : Nat → String;
natToStr n ≔ intToStr (natToInt n);
intToNat : Int → Nat;
intToNat x ≔ natInd x zero suc;

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Pair;
module Data.Pair;
inductive Pair (A : Type) (B : Type) {
mkPair : A → B → Pair A B;

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module String;
module Data.String;
axiom String : Type;

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module Prelude;
open import Data.String public;
open import Data.Bool public;
open import Data.Int public;
open import Data.Pair public;
open import Data.IO public;
open import Data.Nat public;

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
module Bool;
inductive Bool {
true : Bool;
false : Bool;

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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
module Input;
open import String;
open import Data.String;
open import Bool;
open import Data.Bool;
open import Pair;
open import Data.Pair;
open import IO;
open import Data.IO;
-- Not needed but useful for testing
open import Prelude;

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
module Prelude;
open import String public;
open import Bool public;
open import Pair public;
open import IO public;

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
module Input;
open import Prelude;
odd : Nat → Bool;
even : Nat → Bool;
odd zero ≔ false;
odd (suc n) ≔ even n;
even zero ≔ true;
even (suc n) ≔ odd n;
check : (Nat → Bool) → Int → String;
check f x ≔ (boolToStr (f (intToNat x)));
checkEven : Int → String;
checkEven ≔ check even;
checkOdd : Int → String;
checkOdd ≔ check odd;
main : Action;
main ≔ put-str "even 1: " >> put-str-ln (checkEven 1)
>> put-str "even 4: " >> put-str-ln (checkEven 4)
>> put-str "even 9: " >> put-str-ln (checkEven 9)
>> put-str "odd 1: " >> put-str-ln (checkOdd 1)
>> put-str "odd 4: " >> put-str-ln (checkOdd 4)
>> put-str "odd 9: " >> put-str-ln (checkOdd 9)

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
even 1: false
even 4: true
even 9: false
odd 1: true
odd 4: false
odd 9: true

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module Input;
open import Data.IO;
infixr 5 ∷;
inductive List (A : Type) {
nil : List A;
∷ : A → List A → List A;
inductive Foo {
a : Foo;
l : List (List Foo) → List (List Foo);
l ((_ ∷ nil) ∷ nil) ≔ nil ∷ nil;
main : Action;
main ≔ put-str-ln "no errors";

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
no errors

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@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
module Input;
foreign c {
int readPre(const char *key) {
if (strcmp("change1-key", key)) {
return 100;
\} else if (strcmp("change2-key", key)) {
return 90;
\} else {
return -1;
int readPost(const char *key) {
if (strcmp("change1-key", key)) {
return 90;
\} else if (strcmp("change2-key", key)) {
return 100;
\} else {
return -1;
char* isBalanceKey(const char* s1, const char* s2) {
return "owner-address";
-- Booleans
inductive Bool {
true : Bool;
false : Bool;
infixr 2 ||;
|| : Bool → Bool → Bool;
|| false a ≔ a;
|| true _ ≔ true;
infixr 3 &&;
&& : Bool → Bool → Bool;
&& false _ ≔ false;
&& true a ≔ a;
if : {A : Type} → Bool → A → A → A;
if true a _ ≔ a;
if false _ b ≔ b;
-- Backend Booleans
axiom BackendBool : Type;
compile BackendBool {
c ↦ "bool";
axiom backend-true : BackendBool;
compile backend-true {
c ↦ "true";
axiom backend-false : BackendBool;
compile backend-false {
c ↦ "false";
-- Backend Bridge
foreign c {
void* boolInd(bool b, void* a1, void* a2) {
return b ? a1 : a2;
axiom bool : BackendBool → Bool → Bool → Bool;
compile bool {
c ↦ "boolInd";
from-backend-bool : BackendBool → Bool;
from-backend-bool bb ≔ bool bb true false;
-- Functions
id : {A : Type} → A → A;
id a ≔ a;
-- Integers
axiom Int : Type;
compile Int {
c ↦ "int";
foreign c {
bool lessThan(int l, int r) {
return l < r;
bool eqInt(int l, int r) {
return l == r;
int plus(int l, int r) {
return l + r;
int minus(int l, int r) {
return l - r;
infix 4 <';
axiom <' : Int → Int → BackendBool;
compile <' {
c ↦ "lessThan";
infix 4 <;
< : Int → Int → Bool;
< i1 i2 ≔ from-backend-bool (i1 <' i2);
axiom eqInt : Int → Int → BackendBool;
compile eqInt {
c ↦ "eqInt";
infix 4 ==Int;
==Int : Int → Int → Bool;
==Int i1 i2 ≔ from-backend-bool (eqInt i1 i2);
infixl 6 -;
axiom - : Int -> Int -> Int;
compile - {
c ↦ "minus";
infixl 6 +;
axiom + : Int -> Int -> Int;
compile + {
c ↦ "plus";
-- Strings
axiom String : Type;
compile String {
c ↦ "char*";
foreign c {
bool eqString(char* l, char* r) {
return strcmp(l, r) == 0;
axiom eqString : String → String → BackendBool;
compile eqString {
c ↦ "eqString";
infix 4 ==String;
==String : String → String → Bool;
==String s1 s2 ≔ from-backend-bool (eqString s1 s2);
-- Lists
infixr 5 ∷;
inductive List (A : Type) {
nil : List A;
∷ : A → List A → List A;
elem : {A : Type} → (A → A → Bool) → A → List A → Bool;
elem _ _ nil ≔ false;
elem eq s (x ∷ xs) ≔ eq s x || elem eq s xs;
foldl : {A : Type} → {B : Type} → (B → A → B) → B → List A → B;
foldl f z nil ≔ z;
foldl f z (h ∷ hs) ≔ foldl f (f z h) hs;
-- Pair
infixr 4 ,;
infixr 2 ×;
inductive × (A : Type) (B : Type) {
, : A → B → A × B;
-- Maybe
inductive Maybe (A : Type) {
nothing : Maybe A;
just : A → Maybe A;
from-int : Int → Maybe Int;
from-int i ≔ if (i < 0) nothing (just i);
maybe : {A : Type} → {B : Type} → B → (A → B) → Maybe A → B;
maybe b _ nothing ≔ b;
maybe _ f (just x) ≔ f x;
from-string : String → Maybe String;
from-string s ≔ if (s ==String "") nothing (just s);
pair-from-optionString : (String → Int × Bool) → Maybe String → Int × Bool;
pair-from-optionString ≔ maybe (0 , false);
-- Anoma
axiom readPre : String → Int;
compile readPre {
c ↦ "readPre";
axiom readPost : String → Int;
compile readPost {
c ↦ "readPost";
axiom isBalanceKey : String → String → String;
compile isBalanceKey {
c ↦ "isBalanceKey";
read-pre : String → Maybe Int;
read-pre s ≔ from-int (readPre s);
read-post : String → Maybe Int;
read-post s ≔ from-int (readPost s);
is-balance-key : String → String → Maybe String;
is-balance-key token key ≔ from-string (isBalanceKey token key);
unwrap-default : Maybe Int → Int;
unwrap-default ≔ maybe 0 id;
-- Validity Predicate
change-from-key : String → Int;
change-from-key key ≔ unwrap-default (read-post key) - unwrap-default (read-pre key);
check-vp : List String → String → Int → String → Int × Bool;
check-vp verifiers key change owner ≔
(change-from-key key < 0)
-- make sure the spender approved the transaction
(change + (change-from-key key), elem (==String) owner verifiers)
(change + (change-from-key key), true);
check-keys : String → List String → Int × Bool → String → Int × Bool;
check-keys token verifiers (change , is-success) key ≔
(pair-from-optionString (check-vp verifiers key change) (is-balance-key token key))
(0 , false);
check-result : Int × Bool → Bool;
check-result (change , all-checked) ≔ (change ==Int 0) && all-checked;
vp : String → List String → List String → Bool;
vp token keys-changed verifiers ≔
(check-keys token verifiers)
(0 , true)
-- IO
axiom Action : Type;
compile Action {
c ↦ "int";
axiom putStr : String → Action;
compile putStr {
c ↦ "putStr";
axiom putStrLn : String → Action;
compile putStrLn {
c ↦ "putStrLn";
foreign c {
int sequence(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
infixl 1 >>;
axiom >> : Action → Action → Action;
compile >> {
c ↦ "sequence";
show-result : Bool → String;
show-result true ≔ "OK";
show-result false ≔ "FAIL";
-- Testing VP
token : String;
token ≔ "owner-token";
owner-address : String;
owner-address ≔ "owner-address";
change1-key : String;
change1-key ≔ "change1-key";
change2-key : String;
change2-key ≔ "change2-key";
verifiers : List String;
verifiers ≔ owner-address ∷ nil;
keys-changed : List String;
keys-changed ≔ change1-key ∷ change2-key ∷ nil;
main : Action;
main ≔
(putStr "VP Status: ")
>> (putStrLn (show-result (vp token keys-changed verifiers)));

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
VP Status: OK